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马少卿 龚士香 张微 路承彪 李小俚 李英伟



马少卿, 龚士香, 张微, 路承彪, 李小俚, 李英伟

Neuronal growth and development promoted by low-intensity roadband terahertz radiation

Ma Shao-Qing, Gong Shi-Xiang, Zhang Wei, Lu Cheng-Biao, Li Xiao-Li, Li Ying-Wei
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 太赫兹波位于氢键和范德瓦耳斯力作用能级范围内, 可以直接与蛋白质耦合激发蛋白质的非线性共振效应, 从而影响蛋白质的构象、神经元的结构和功能. 基于此机制, 体外培养SD大鼠原代皮层神经元, 利用宽带微量太赫兹(0.3—3.0 THz, 最大辐射功率100 μW)短时间累计辐射(3 min/d, 共3 d)皮层神经元; 记录皮层神经元的动态发育参数(胞体面积和突起总长度); 并分析辐射结束后神经元受体相关蛋白(GluA1和GluN1)、突触素(SY-38)和突触后致密蛋白-95(PSD-95)的表达变化. 太赫兹辐射1 d后, 神经元胞体面积增长值提高了144.9% (P< 0.05); 太赫兹辐射的2 d和3 d后, 神经元突起总长度增长值分别提高了65.1% (P <0.05)和109.4% (P < 0.05); 太赫兹辐射3 d后, GluA1和SY-38蛋白表达分别提高了38.1% (P < 0.05)和19.2% (P < 0.05). 结果表明, 宽带微量太赫兹短时累计辐射可以促进皮层神经元胞体和突起的生长, 并且对神经元突起的促进作用存在累计效应; 太赫兹辐射对神经元生长发育的促进作用可能与GluA1和SY-38蛋白表达相关. 这些结果预示着特定频率和能量的太赫兹波可以发展为一种治疗或干预神经发育障碍等疾病的新型神经调控技术.
    Terahertz waves are located in the energy level range of hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces, and can directly couple with proteins to excite the nonlinear resonance effect of proteins. Therefore, terahertz wave can affect the conformation of proteins, the structure and function of neurons. Primary cerebral cortex neurons of SD rats are cultured in vitro. Neurons are radiated 3 days by THz wave with 0.3–3.0 THz in frequency and 100 μW in power; the growth and development indicators of neurons (Cell body area, total length of process) are recorded. At the end of a radiation programme, Western blotting is used to detect the protein expressions of GluA1, GluN1, postsynaptic density protein-95 (PSD-95) and synaptophysin 38 (SYP-38). After the first day of terahertz wave radiation, the cell area is increased by 144.9% (P < 0.05); on the second day and third day of terahertz wave radiation, the growth value of the total length of neuronal neurites are increased by 65.1% (P < 0.05) and 109.4% (P < 0.05), respectively. After the three-day terahertz wave irradiation, the protein expressions of GluA1 and SY-38 are increased by 38.1% (P < 0.05) and 19.2% (P < 0.05), respectively. In addition,some results show below. 1) The use of low-intensity broadband terahertz wave in this study will not cause the cortical neurons to die, and will not affect their regular growth. 2) Low-intensity broadband terahertz radiation can promote the growth of cortical neuron cell bodies and processes, but the effects on cortical neuron cell bodies and processes are different. This may be related to the developmental cycle of cultured cortical neurons in vitro, and there is a cumulative effect on the promotion of neuronal processes by low-intensity broadband terahertz. 3) The promotion of neuronal growth and development by low-intensity broadband terahertz wave radiation may be related to the proportion of AMPA receptor subtypes and the expression of presynaptic specific protein SY-38. These results herald a specific-frequency and specific-energy terahertz radiation can be developed into a novel neuromodulation technology for the treatment or intervention of diseases such as neurodevelopmental disorders.
      通信作者: 李小俚, xiaoli@bnu.edu.cn ; 李英伟, lyw@ysu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61827811)、河北省自然科学基金(批准号: F2020203099)、河北省重点实验室项目(批准号: 202250701010046)和河北省引进留学人员项目(批准号: C20200364)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Li Xiao-Li, xiaoli@bnu.edu.cn ; Li Ying-Wei, lyw@ysu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61827811), the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. F2020203099), the Hebei Key Laboratory Project, China (Grant No. 202250701010046), and the Hebei Province Introduced Personnel Studying Abroad Project, China (Grant No. C20200364)

    Giovanni A, Capone F, di Biase L, Ferreri F, Florio L, Guerra A, Marano M, Paolucci M, Ranieri F, Salomone G, Tombini M, Thut G, Di Lazzaro V 2017 Front. Aging Neurosci. 9 189Google Scholar


    Lui JH, Hansen DV, Kriegstein AR 2011 Cell 146 18Google Scholar


    Jones S R, Kerr C E, Wan Q, Pritchett D L, Hämäläinen Moore C I 2010 J. Neurosci. 30 13760Google Scholar


    Kanaan N M, Pigino G F, Brady S T, Lazarov O, Binder L I, Morfini G A 2013 Exp. Neurol 246 44Google Scholar


    Van Battum E Y, Brignani S, Pasterkamp R J 2015 Lancet Neurol. 14 532Google Scholar


    MacLeod D, Dowman J, Hammond R, Leete T, Inoue K, Abeliovich A 2006 Neuron 52 587Google Scholar


    Tang F R, Yu P P, Wang L, Guo S, Yang Q 2017 Acta. Anat. Sin. 48 1Google Scholar


    郁盛雪, 屈文慧, 隋海娟, 金迎新, 金向楠, 金英 2013 中国药理学通报 29 126Google Scholar

    Yu S X, Qu W H, Sui H J, Jin Y X, Jin X N, Jin Y 2013 Chin. Pharmacol. Bull. 29 126Google Scholar


    Zorkina Y, Abramova O, Ushakova V, Morozova A, Zubkov E, Valikhov M, Melnikov P, Majouga A, Chekhonin V 2020 Molecules 25 5294Google Scholar


    Cullen CL, Young KM 2016 Front. Neural. Circuits 10 26Google Scholar


    Zhang N, Xing M, Wang Y, Tao H, Cheng Y 2015 Neuroscience 311 284Google Scholar


    Bashir S, Uzair M, Abualait T, Arshad M, Khallaf RA, Niaz A, Thani Z, Yoo WK, Túnez I, Demirtas-Tatlidede A, Meo SA 2022 Mol. Med. Rep. 25 109Google Scholar


    Hu Y, Zhong W, Wan J M, Yu A C 2013 Ultrasound. Med. Biol. 39 915Google Scholar


    Peng X Y, Zhou H 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 240701Google Scholar


    Tan S Z, Tan P C, Luo L Q, Chi Y L, Yang Z L, Zhao X L, Zhao L, Dong J, Zhang J, Yao B W, Xu X P, Tian G, Chen J K, Wang H, Peng R Y 2019 Biomed. Environ. Sci. 32 739Google Scholar


    Andrey S, Sergey V P 2013 Bioelectromagnetics 34 133Google Scholar


    Olshevskaya J S, Kozlov A S, Petrov A K, Zapara T A, Ratushnyak A S 2010 Phys. Sci. 5 177


    Olshevskaya J S, Kozlov A S, Petrov A K, Zapara T A, Ratushnyak A S 2009 J. Higher Nervous Activ. 59 353


    Guo Z Y, Li C Z, Li X J, Wang Y L, Mattson M P, Lu C B 2013 NeuroReport 24 492Google Scholar


    Wang J G, Wang Y L, Xu F, Zhao J X, Zhou S Y, Yu Y, Chazot P L, Wang X F, Lu C B 2016 Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 37 303Google Scholar


    Tiziana M, Rosanna M, Augusto M, Massimo P, Stefano L, Annalisa D 2022 Radiation 2 100Google Scholar


    He Y F, Chen J Y, Knab, Zheng W J, Markelz A G 2010 IEEE Trans. Terahertz. Sci. Technol. 3 149Google Scholar


    Sun L, Zhao L, Peng R Y 2021 Mil. Med. Res. 8 28


    Cherkasova O P, Fedorov V I, Nemova E F, Pogodin A S 2009 Opt. Spectrosc. 107 534Google Scholar


    Kummer E, Ban N 2021 Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell. Biol. 22 307Google Scholar


    Masayoshi T 2007 Nat. Photonics 1 97Google Scholar


    Zhao X, Zhang M, Liu Y, Liu H, Ren K, Xue Q, Zhang H, Zhi N, Wang W, Wu S 2021 iScience 24 103485Google Scholar


    Stuart C C, Leah K, Mark F 2006 Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 16 288Google Scholar


    Jonas P, Racca C, Sakmann B, Seeburg P H, Monyer H 1994 Neuron 12 1281Google Scholar


    Kater S B, Mills L R 1991 J. Neurosci. 14 891Google Scholar


    Greger I H, Watson J F, Cull-Candy S G 2017 Neuron 94 713Google Scholar


    Sun S, Igor T, Jeffrey V, Michael C 2012 J. Radiat. Res. 53 159Google Scholar


    Titushkin I A, Rao V S, Pickard W F, Moros G, Shafirstein G, Cho M R 2009 Radiat. Res. 172 725Google Scholar


    张欣欣, 何明霞, 赵晋武, 陈勰宇, 刘立媛, 卢晓云, 田甜, 陈孟秋, 王璞 2020 中国激光 47 0207023Google Scholar

    Zhang X X, He M X, Zhao J W, Chen X Y, Liu L Y, Lu X Y, Tian T, Chen M Q, Wang P 2020 Chin. J. Lasers 47 0207023Google Scholar


    Kao H T, Ryoo K, Lin A, Janoschka S R, Augustine G J, Porton B 2017 Eur. J. Neurosci. 45 1085Google Scholar


    Fornasiero E F, Bonanomi D, Benfenati F, Valtorta F 2010 Cell. Mol. Life. Sci. 67 1383Google Scholar


    Bottauscio O, Chiampi M, Zilberti L 2015 IEEE Trans. Magn. 51 7400504Google Scholar


    Anush D, Armenuhi H, Anna N, Erna D, Sinerik A 2012 Electromagn. Biol. Med. 31 132Google Scholar


    Sulatsky M I, Duka M V, Smolyanskaya O A 2014 Phys. Wave Phenom. 22 197Google Scholar


    查彩慧 2016 博士学位论文(广州: 暨南大学)

    Cha C H 2016 Ph. D. Dissertation (Guangzhou: Jinan University) (in Chinese)


    Melinda K K, Christopher G L, Vincent L, Hersh L, Bonnie L F 2010 J. Vis. Exp. 45 e2354Google Scholar

  • 图 1  实验平台、实验协议和太赫兹波衰减测试 (a)太赫兹辐射神经元实验平台; (b)太赫兹辐射神经元实验协议; (c)太赫兹波穿透培养液后的时域图; (d)太赫兹波穿透培养液后的频域图

    Fig. 1.  Experimental platform, protocol and terahertz wave attenuation test: (a) Terahertz radiation neuron experimental platform; (b) experimental protocol for terahertz radiation neurons; (c) time domain diagram of terahertz wave after penetrating culture medium; (d) frequency domain map of terahertz wave after penetrating culture medium.

    图 2  太赫兹辐射前后神经元的胞体面积和突起总长度变化 (a)太赫兹辐射1 d后对照组和太赫兹组神经元生长发育状态; (b)太赫兹辐射2 d后对照组和太赫兹组神经元生长发育状态; (c)太赫兹辐射3 d后对照组和太赫兹组神经元生长发育状态(t检验显著性差异: $ p < 0.05 $, *; $ p < 0.01 $, **)

    Fig. 2.  Changes in cell body area and total neurite length of neurons before and after terahertz radiation: (a) The growth and development status of neurons in the control group and the terahertz group after 1 d of terahertz radiation; (b) the growth and development status of neurons in the control group and the terahertz group after 2 d of terahertz radiation; (c) the growth and development status of neurons in the control group and the terahertz group after 3 d of terahertz radiation(significance of t-test:$ p < 0.05 $, *; $ p < 0.01 $, **).

    图 3  太赫兹辐射时间与神经元胞体面积和突起总长度的相关性 (a)对照组和太赫兹组神经元胞体面积增长均值误差曲线; (b)对照组和太赫兹组神经元突起总长度增长均值误差曲线

    Fig. 3.  Correlation between terahertz radiation time and neuronal cell body area and total neurite length: (a) The mean error curve of neuronal cell body area growth in the control group and the terahertz group; (b) the mean error curve of the total length of neurites in the control group and the terahertz group.

    图 4  太赫兹辐射前后神经元相关蛋白表达变化 (a) GluA1蛋白表达变化; (b) GluN1蛋白表达变化; (c) SY38蛋白表达变化; (d) PSD-95蛋白表达变化 (t检验显著性差异: $ p < 0.05 $, *; $ p < 0.01 $, **)

    Fig. 4.  Changes of neuron-related protein expression before and after terahertz radiation: (a) Changes of GluA1 protein expression; (b) changes of GluN1 protein expression; (c) expression changes of SY38 protein; (d) changes of PSD-95 protein expression (significance of t-test:$ p < 0.05 $, *; $ p < 0.01 $, **).

  • [1]

    Giovanni A, Capone F, di Biase L, Ferreri F, Florio L, Guerra A, Marano M, Paolucci M, Ranieri F, Salomone G, Tombini M, Thut G, Di Lazzaro V 2017 Front. Aging Neurosci. 9 189Google Scholar


    Lui JH, Hansen DV, Kriegstein AR 2011 Cell 146 18Google Scholar


    Jones S R, Kerr C E, Wan Q, Pritchett D L, Hämäläinen Moore C I 2010 J. Neurosci. 30 13760Google Scholar


    Kanaan N M, Pigino G F, Brady S T, Lazarov O, Binder L I, Morfini G A 2013 Exp. Neurol 246 44Google Scholar


    Van Battum E Y, Brignani S, Pasterkamp R J 2015 Lancet Neurol. 14 532Google Scholar


    MacLeod D, Dowman J, Hammond R, Leete T, Inoue K, Abeliovich A 2006 Neuron 52 587Google Scholar


    Tang F R, Yu P P, Wang L, Guo S, Yang Q 2017 Acta. Anat. Sin. 48 1Google Scholar


    郁盛雪, 屈文慧, 隋海娟, 金迎新, 金向楠, 金英 2013 中国药理学通报 29 126Google Scholar

    Yu S X, Qu W H, Sui H J, Jin Y X, Jin X N, Jin Y 2013 Chin. Pharmacol. Bull. 29 126Google Scholar


    Zorkina Y, Abramova O, Ushakova V, Morozova A, Zubkov E, Valikhov M, Melnikov P, Majouga A, Chekhonin V 2020 Molecules 25 5294Google Scholar


    Cullen CL, Young KM 2016 Front. Neural. Circuits 10 26Google Scholar


    Zhang N, Xing M, Wang Y, Tao H, Cheng Y 2015 Neuroscience 311 284Google Scholar


    Bashir S, Uzair M, Abualait T, Arshad M, Khallaf RA, Niaz A, Thani Z, Yoo WK, Túnez I, Demirtas-Tatlidede A, Meo SA 2022 Mol. Med. Rep. 25 109Google Scholar


    Hu Y, Zhong W, Wan J M, Yu A C 2013 Ultrasound. Med. Biol. 39 915Google Scholar


    Peng X Y, Zhou H 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 240701Google Scholar


    Tan S Z, Tan P C, Luo L Q, Chi Y L, Yang Z L, Zhao X L, Zhao L, Dong J, Zhang J, Yao B W, Xu X P, Tian G, Chen J K, Wang H, Peng R Y 2019 Biomed. Environ. Sci. 32 739Google Scholar


    Andrey S, Sergey V P 2013 Bioelectromagnetics 34 133Google Scholar


    Olshevskaya J S, Kozlov A S, Petrov A K, Zapara T A, Ratushnyak A S 2010 Phys. Sci. 5 177


    Olshevskaya J S, Kozlov A S, Petrov A K, Zapara T A, Ratushnyak A S 2009 J. Higher Nervous Activ. 59 353


    Guo Z Y, Li C Z, Li X J, Wang Y L, Mattson M P, Lu C B 2013 NeuroReport 24 492Google Scholar


    Wang J G, Wang Y L, Xu F, Zhao J X, Zhou S Y, Yu Y, Chazot P L, Wang X F, Lu C B 2016 Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 37 303Google Scholar


    Tiziana M, Rosanna M, Augusto M, Massimo P, Stefano L, Annalisa D 2022 Radiation 2 100Google Scholar


    He Y F, Chen J Y, Knab, Zheng W J, Markelz A G 2010 IEEE Trans. Terahertz. Sci. Technol. 3 149Google Scholar


    Sun L, Zhao L, Peng R Y 2021 Mil. Med. Res. 8 28


    Cherkasova O P, Fedorov V I, Nemova E F, Pogodin A S 2009 Opt. Spectrosc. 107 534Google Scholar


    Kummer E, Ban N 2021 Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell. Biol. 22 307Google Scholar


    Masayoshi T 2007 Nat. Photonics 1 97Google Scholar


    Zhao X, Zhang M, Liu Y, Liu H, Ren K, Xue Q, Zhang H, Zhi N, Wang W, Wu S 2021 iScience 24 103485Google Scholar


    Stuart C C, Leah K, Mark F 2006 Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 16 288Google Scholar


    Jonas P, Racca C, Sakmann B, Seeburg P H, Monyer H 1994 Neuron 12 1281Google Scholar


    Kater S B, Mills L R 1991 J. Neurosci. 14 891Google Scholar


    Greger I H, Watson J F, Cull-Candy S G 2017 Neuron 94 713Google Scholar


    Sun S, Igor T, Jeffrey V, Michael C 2012 J. Radiat. Res. 53 159Google Scholar


    Titushkin I A, Rao V S, Pickard W F, Moros G, Shafirstein G, Cho M R 2009 Radiat. Res. 172 725Google Scholar


    张欣欣, 何明霞, 赵晋武, 陈勰宇, 刘立媛, 卢晓云, 田甜, 陈孟秋, 王璞 2020 中国激光 47 0207023Google Scholar

    Zhang X X, He M X, Zhao J W, Chen X Y, Liu L Y, Lu X Y, Tian T, Chen M Q, Wang P 2020 Chin. J. Lasers 47 0207023Google Scholar


    Kao H T, Ryoo K, Lin A, Janoschka S R, Augustine G J, Porton B 2017 Eur. J. Neurosci. 45 1085Google Scholar


    Fornasiero E F, Bonanomi D, Benfenati F, Valtorta F 2010 Cell. Mol. Life. Sci. 67 1383Google Scholar


    Bottauscio O, Chiampi M, Zilberti L 2015 IEEE Trans. Magn. 51 7400504Google Scholar


    Anush D, Armenuhi H, Anna N, Erna D, Sinerik A 2012 Electromagn. Biol. Med. 31 132Google Scholar


    Sulatsky M I, Duka M V, Smolyanskaya O A 2014 Phys. Wave Phenom. 22 197Google Scholar


    查彩慧 2016 博士学位论文(广州: 暨南大学)

    Cha C H 2016 Ph. D. Dissertation (Guangzhou: Jinan University) (in Chinese)


    Melinda K K, Christopher G L, Vincent L, Hersh L, Bonnie L F 2010 J. Vis. Exp. 45 e2354Google Scholar

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  • 被引次数: 0
  • 收稿日期:  2022-04-07
  • 修回日期:  2022-06-22
  • 上网日期:  2022-10-07
  • 刊出日期:  2022-10-20

