磁场对圆管内磁气体动力学流动和传热特性的调控作用在诸多领域具有重要的应用价值, 但目前尚缺乏相关的基础性研究. 本文考虑圆管壁面的导电性以及入口处湍流不充分发展的影响, 构建了圆管内磁气体动力学流在横向磁场作用下的物理模型和数学模型, 基于计算流体力学理论完成了数值求解, 得到了哈特曼数Ha及壁面电导率比C等因素对圆管内流动和传热特性的影响规律, 进而通过分析感应电流、电磁力和焦耳热的空间分布, 阐明了磁场对流动和传热特性的调控机理. 研究结果表明, 横向磁场作用下圆管内的湍流流动呈现各向异性分布, Hartmann边界层附近的湍流动能明显低于Roberts边界层附近, 且流速和湍流动能的各向异性随Ha的增加及流动的延伸越来越显著; 绝缘管道内, Hartmann边界层附近的速度梯度增大, 但具有大C值的导电圆管内, Roberts边界层内的速度梯度反而大于Hartmann边界层附近; 横向磁场对圆管内的传热具有抑制作用, 对于不同的C值, 平均努塞尔数都随Ha的增加呈现先减小后增大的趋势, 即传热抑制存在“饱和效应”; 圆管内流动特性的转变源于磁场与流体耦合作用下电磁力的变化, 而传热特性的转变源于磁场对湍流的抑制以及焦耳热效应的耦合作用.The regulating effect of magnetic field on magnetogasdynamic flow and heat transfer characteristics in circular tubes has important applications in many fields, but there is still a lack of relevant basic research. Considering the conductivity of the tube wall and the insufficient development of turbulence, the physical model and mathematical model of magnetogasdynamic flow in a circular tube under a given transverse magnetic field are constructed, and the numerical algorithm is designed within a theoretical framework of the finite volume method. The effect of factors including Hartman number (Ha) and wall conductivity ratio (C) on the flow and heat transfer characteristics are obtained through analyzing the distributions of velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, and temperature. Furthermore, the regulation mechanism of the transverse magnetic field is discussed by analyzing the spatial distribution of induced current, electromagnetic force and Joule heat. The results show that the distribution of velocity and the distribution of turbulent kinetic energy in the circular tube under a given transverse magnetic field are both anisotropic. The turbulent kinetic energy near the Hartmann boundary layer is much lower than that near the Roberts boundary layer, and the anisotropic distribution of velocity and turbulent kinetic energy become more and more evident with the increase of Ha and the extension of the flow. The transverse magnetic field has a suppression effect on the heat transfer in the tube. For different values of C, the average Nusselt number (
$ \overline {Nu} $ ) shows a first-decreasing-and-then-increasing trend with Ha increasing, that is, there is a “saturation effect” in heat transfer suppression. When the wall conductivity is small (C$\leqslant $ 0.67), the change of$ \overline {Nu} $ under the condition of conductive wall is basically consistent with that of an insulating wall. However, when C exceeds a certain value (C$\geqslant $ 66.67), the$ \overline {Nu} $ under the condition of small Ha increases in comparison with that of the insulating wall, while the$ \overline {Nu} $ decreases under the condition of large Ha . The change of flow characteristics in the circular tube results from the variation of electromagnetic force under the coupling of magnetic field and fluid, while the change of heat transfer characteristics originates from the coupling effect of the suppression of turbulence and the Joule heating. When Ha is small, the suppression effect of the magnetic field on turbulence is dominant, and the$ \overline {Nu} $ decreases with the increase of Ha. When Ha exceeds a certain value (Ha$\geqslant $ 222), the large accumulation of Joule heat in the circular tube enhances the heat transfer, resulting in the increase of the$ \overline {Nu} $ with the continuous increase of Ha.-
- magnetogasdynamic flow /
- transverse magnetic field /
- wall conductivity /
- flow and heat transfer characteristics
[1] Bedick C R, Woodside C R, Baylor R, Paul-Irudayaraj M 2020 Combust. Flame 213 140
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[29] Afrand M, Karimipour A, Nadooshan A A, Akbari M 2016 Physica. E 84 474
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[31] Malekan M, Khosravi A 2018 Powder Techno. 333 364
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[32] Hussam W K, Hamid A H A, Ng Z Y, Sheard G J 2018 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 134 453
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[33] 李开, 刘伟强 2016 65 064701
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Li K, Liu W Q 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 064701
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[34] Liu Z, Li Y, Su Y 2018 Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Tech. 98 2015
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[35] Tsilingiris P T 2008 Energ. Convers. Manage. 49 1098
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[36] Stephan K, Laesecke A 1985 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 14 227
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[37] Menter F R 1994 AIAA J. 32 1598
Google Scholar
[38] Widlund O, Zahrai S, Bark F H 1998 Phys. Fluids 10 1987
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[39] Walker J S 1981 Journal de Mécanique 20 79
[40] Takeuchi J, Satake S, Morley N B, Kunugi T, Yokomine T, Abdou, M A 2008 Fusion Eng. Des. 83 1082
Google Scholar
[41] Gnielinski V 1976 Int. Chem. Eng 16 359
[42] Bradshaw P 1974 Nature 249 135
图 3 Re = 21375, Ha = 320, C = 0.0457时, 圆管yz截面上沿z = 0方向的流速数值解与文献[22]中实验数据的对比
Fig. 3. Comparison between the numerical solution of flow velocities along z = 0 direction on the yz cross-section of the circular tube and the experimental results in Ref. [22] under the condition of Re = 21375, Ha = 320, C = 0.0457.
图 6 圆管x = 200 mm和x = 300 mm截面上y = 0沿线和z = 0沿线的无量纲速度分布曲线: (a) x = 200 mm截面, y = 0; (b) x = 200 mm截面, z = 0; (c) x = 300 mm, y = 0; (d) x = 300 mm截面, z = 0
Fig. 6. The profiles of the dimensionless velocity distribution on the x = 200 mm and x = 300 mm cross-sections of the circular tube: (a) x = 200 mm cross-section, y = 0; (b) x = 200 mm cross-section, z = 0; (c) x = 300 mm cross-section, y = 0; (d) x = 300 mm cross-section, z = 0.
图 8 圆管x = 200 mm和x = 300 mm截面上y = 0沿线和z = 0沿线上的湍流动能分布曲线: (a) x = 200 mm截面, y = 0 z; (b) x = 200 mm截面, z = 0; (c) x = 300 mm, y = 0; (d) x = 300 mm截面, z = 0
Fig. 8. The profiles of the turbulent kinetic energy distribution on the x = 200 mm and x = 300 mm cross-sections of the circular tube: (a) x = 200 mm cross-section, y = 0; (b) x = 200 mm cross-section, z = 0; (c) x = 300 mm cross-section, y = 0; (b) x = 300 mm cross-section, z = 0.
图 10 不同Ha下圆管y = 0, z = r0壁面和z = 0, y = r0壁面处沿x方向的局部努塞尔数分布曲线: (a) y = 0, z = r0, (b) z = 0, y = r0
Fig. 10. The profiles of the local Nusselt number along the x direction at the wall of y = 0, z = r0 and the wall of z = 0, y = r0 of the circular tube under different Ha: (a) y = 0, z = r0, (b) z = 0, y = r0.
图 14 Ha为74时不同C下圆管y = 0截面和z = 0截面上的焦耳热分布: (a) C = 0, y = 0截面; (b) C = 0, z = 0截面; (c) C = 66.67, y = 0截面; (d) C = 66.67, z = 0截面; (e) C = 6667, y = 0截面; (f) C = 6667, z = 0截面
Fig. 14. Joule heat distributions on the y = 0 mm cross-sections and the z = 0 mm cross-sections at different C when Ha is 74: (a) C = 0, y = 0 mm cross-section; (b) C = 0, z = 0 mm cross-section; (c) C = 66.67, y = 0 mm cross-section; (d) C = 66.67, z = 0 mm cross-section; (e) C = 6667, y = 0 mm cross-section; (f) C = 6667, z = 0 mm cross-section.
表 1 不同网格尺寸设置及与之对应的努塞尔数计算结果和误差
Table 1. Different mesh size settings and the corresponding Nusselt number calculation results and errors.
网格编号 网格单元
$ \overline {Nu} $努塞尔数误差
$\varepsilon {}_{\overline {Nu} }{\text{ = } }\left| {1 - \overline {Nu} ({M_i})/\overline {Nu} ({M_6})} \right|$M1 1021557 45.4185 4.65% M2 1740325 46.3474 2.70% M3 2883249 46.7952 1.76% M4 4202281 47.4477 0.39% M5 5613165 47.5001 0.28% M6 7484076 47.6335 — -
[1] Bedick C R, Woodside C R, Baylor R, Paul-Irudayaraj M 2020 Combust. Flame 213 140
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[2] Zhao K, Lu Y, Li F, Hu J, Ming M, Wang X, Li S 2020 Acta Astronaut. 171 257
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[3] Kim K S, Lee S H, Yun Y, Kwon S 2020 Acta Astronaut. 173 31
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[4] Veefkind A 2004 IEEE T. Plasma Sci. 32 2197
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[5] Wang Y, Ma T, Pei D, Chen C, Zhang D, Li C 2020 IEEE T. Plasma Sci. 48 1008
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[6] 李程, 毛保全, 白向华, 李晓刚 2018 兵工学报 39 851
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Li C, Mao B Q, Bai X H, Li X G 2018 Acta Armam. 39 851
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[7] 成玉国, 夏广庆 2017 66 075204
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Cheng Y G, Xia Y G 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 075204
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[8] Hedlund B, Houpt A, Gordeyev S, Leonov S 2018 AIAA J. 56 2699
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[9] 丁明松, 傅杨奥骁, 高铁锁, 董维中, 江涛, 刘庆宗 2020 69 214703
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Ding M S, Fu Y A X, Gao T S, Dong W Z, Jiang T, Liu Q Z 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 214703
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[10] Mistrangelo C, Bühler L, Smolentsev S, Klüber V, Maione I, Aubert J 2021 Fusion Eng. Des. 173 112795
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[11] Maurya A, Kumar R, Jha P K 2020 J. Manuf. Process. 60 596
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[12] Yang R J, Hou H H, Wang Y N, Fu L M 2016 Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem. 224 1
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[13] Moitoi A J, Shaw S 2022 Microvasc. Res. 139 104262
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[14] Erdem M, Varol Y 2020 J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 139 3897
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[15] Krasnov D, Zikanov O, Boeck T 2012 J. Fluid Mech. 704 421
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[16] Zikanov O, Krasnov D, Boeck T, Sukoriansky S 2019 J. Fluid Mech. 867 661
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[17] Chatterjee D, Gupta S K J 2016 Appl. Fluid Mech. 9 2167
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[18] Belyaev I, Sardov P, Melnikov I, Frick P 2021 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 161 106773
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[19] Chaudhary R, Vanka S P, Thomas B G 2010 Phys. Fluids 22 075102
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[20] Hunt J C R 1965 J. Fluid Mech. 21 577
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[21] Tao Z, Ni M J 2015 Sci. China Phys. Mech. 58 024701
[22] Zhang X, Pan C, Xu Z 2017 Fusion Eng. Des. 125 647
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[23] Artemov V I, Makarov M V, Minko K B, Minko K B, Yankov G G 2020 Int. J. Heat Mass Tran. 146 118822
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[24] Singh R J, Gohil T B 2019 Comput. Fluids 179 476
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[25] Yarahmadi M, Goudarzi H M, Shafii M B 2015 Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 68 601
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[26] Sha L, Ju Y, Zhang H, Wang J 2017 Appl. Therm. Eng 113 566
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[27] Abadeh A, Sardarabadi M, Abedi M, Pourramezan M, Passandideh-Fard M, Maghrebi M 2020 J. Mol. Liq. 299 112206
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[28] Shahsavar A, Saghafian M, Salimpour M R, Shafii M B 2016 Exp Therm. Fluid Sci. 76 1
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[29] Afrand M, Karimipour A, Nadooshan A A, Akbari M 2016 Physica. E 84 474
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[30] Khosravi A, Malekan M 2019 Eur. Phys. J. Plus 134 1
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[31] Malekan M, Khosravi A 2018 Powder Techno. 333 364
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[32] Hussam W K, Hamid A H A, Ng Z Y, Sheard G J 2018 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 134 453
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[33] 李开, 刘伟强 2016 65 064701
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Li K, Liu W Q 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 064701
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[34] Liu Z, Li Y, Su Y 2018 Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Tech. 98 2015
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[35] Tsilingiris P T 2008 Energ. Convers. Manage. 49 1098
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[36] Stephan K, Laesecke A 1985 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 14 227
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[37] Menter F R 1994 AIAA J. 32 1598
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[38] Widlund O, Zahrai S, Bark F H 1998 Phys. Fluids 10 1987
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[39] Walker J S 1981 Journal de Mécanique 20 79
[40] Takeuchi J, Satake S, Morley N B, Kunugi T, Yokomine T, Abdou, M A 2008 Fusion Eng. Des. 83 1082
Google Scholar
[41] Gnielinski V 1976 Int. Chem. Eng 16 359
[42] Bradshaw P 1974 Nature 249 135
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