本文基于连续相场模型, 对内磁能作用下Fe-Cu-Mn合金中富Cu相析出行为进行了研究, 得到不同温度、不同Mn, Cu含量条件下的内磁能对富Cu相的平均颗粒半径、体积分数、吉布斯自由能的影响. 模拟结果表明, Mn含量越低, 居里温度越高, 内磁能对自由能的贡献越大, 且内磁能的贡献随温度升高而减小; 内磁能降低了相结构转变势垒, 促进了相结构转变. 沉淀相体积分数随Cu含量增加而增加, 通过对比有无内磁能对沉淀相体积分数的影响, 内磁能作用导致沉淀相拥有更大的体积分数. 因此在内磁能作用下, 富Cu相具有较大的平均粒径、体积分数和较小的矫顽力, 同时预测了合金硬度的变化趋势.
- Fe-Cu-Mn合金 /
- 相场法 /
- 内磁能 /
- 沉淀析出 /
- 组织性能
Based on the continuous phase field model, the precipitation behavior of Cu rich phase in Fe-Cu-Mn alloy under the action of internal magnetic energy is studied. The effects of internal magnetic energy on the average particle radius, volume fraction and Gibbs free energy of Cu rich phase at different temperatures and different Mn content and Cu content are investigated. The simulation results show that the lower the Mn content and the higher the Curie temperature, the greater the contribution of internal magnetic energy to free energy is, and the contribution of internal magnetic energy decreases with temperature increasing. The internal magnetic energy reduces the phase structure transition barrier and promotes the phase structure transition. The volume fraction of precipitated phase increases with Cu content increasing. Compared with the effect of internal magnetic energy on the volume fraction of precipitated phase, the effect of internal magnetic energy leads to a large volume fraction of precipitated phase. Therefore, under the action of internal magnetic energy, the Cu rich phase has larger average particle size, volume fraction and smaller coercivity. Finally, the change trend of alloy hardness is predicted.-
- Fe-Cu-Mn alloy /
- phase field method /
- internal magnetic energy /
- precipitation /
- microstructure and properties
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图 2 (a)—(e) 823 K时无IME作用下的演化过程 (a)
$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 7500, (b)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 8500, (c)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 9000, (d)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 9500, (e)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 11000; (f)—(j) 有IME作用下的演化过程 (f)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 7500, (g)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 8500, (h)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 9000, (i)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 9500, (j)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 11000; (k) 有IME与无IME作用下的平均颗粒半径变化Fig. 2. (a)–(e) The evolution process without internal magnetism at 823 K: (a)
$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 7500, (b)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 8500, (c)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 9000, (d)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 9500, (e)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 11000; (f)–(j) the evolution process with internal magnetism: (f)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 7500, (g)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 8500, (h)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 9000, (i)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 9500, (j)$ {t}^{\mathrm{*}} $ = 11000; (k) the change of average particle radius with and without internal magnetism.图 3 温度为823 K时IME作用下Mn与Cu沉淀析出的成分曲线(原子含量) (a) 早期(t * = 2500)时Cu与Mn的成分曲线; (b) 不同时间步数Cu的成分曲线; (c) 不同时间步数Mn的成分曲线; (d) Mn环在不同时间步数的演化过程
Fig. 3. The composition curve of precipitation of Mn and Cu under the action of magnetic energy in 823 K (atomic percent): (a) The composition curve of Cu and Mn in early (t * = 2500); (b) composition curve of Cu with different time steps; (c) composition curve with different time step size of Mn; (d) evolution process of Mn ring with different time steps.
图 7 矫顽力(
$ {H}_{\mathrm{c}} $ )与颗粒半径以及硬度的关系示意图 (a)$ {H}_{\mathrm{c}} $ 与平均颗粒半径的关系示意图; (b)$ {H}_{\mathrm{c}} $ 与硬度关系示意图Fig. 7. The relationship between coercivity (
$ {H}_{\mathrm{c}} $ ) and particle radius and hardness: (a) Schematic diagram of relationship between$ {H}_{\mathrm{c}} $ and average particle radius; (b) schematic diagram of relationship between$ {H}_{\mathrm{c}} $ and hardness. -
[1] Que Z, Heczko M, Kuběna I, Seifert H P, Spaetig P 2020 Mater. Charact. 165 110405
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[64] 高阳 2008 先进材料测试仪器基础教程(上册) (北京: 清华大学出版社)
Gao Y 2008 The Fundamental of Advanced Measuring Instruments for Materials (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) (in Chinese)
[65] Cui S, Jung I H 2017 Calphad 56 241
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