利用有限元分析软件COMSOL模拟包层管内壁涂敷有二氧化钒的太赫兹反谐振光纤, 研究二氧化钒的相变对反谐振光纤传输特性的影响. 研究表明, 在太赫兹波段, 二氧化钒的相变会促使反谐振光纤的反谐振周期发生极大的改变, 在此过程中, 光纤包层管对入射光束的作用效果由反谐振状态变为谐振状态, 在不改变反谐振光纤结构的情况下, 仅通过控制二氧化钒的相变即可实现对反谐振光纤纤芯中太赫兹波的有效调控. 二氧化钒相变对反谐振光纤的这种调控效果在太赫兹调控器件领域有很广泛的应用前景, 基于涂敷二氧化钒的反谐振光纤, 本文提出一种太赫兹光开关及一种偏振调控器. 其中, 在波长为120 μm处, 光开关处于不同状态时对应的光纤损耗分别为0.5 dB/m与110 dB/m, 并且通过激励光源诱导二氧化钒发生快速相变, 有望实现快速光开关. 在偏振调控器中, 可以对反谐振光纤纤芯中太赫兹波的偏振状态以及偏振方向进行控制, 偏振状态下光纤的双折射系数大于1.4 × 10–4.Terahertz (THz) wave is an electromagnetic wave with frequency in a range of 0.1–10 THz, which possesses excellent photonic and electronic properties. THz wave has higher penetration and lower photon energy to non-polar materials, which makes it possess great academic value in medical, non-destructive testing and other related fields. In addition, the features such as wide bandwidth and large communication capacity of THz wave allow it to be widely used in communication, radar detection and other applications. Despite its rapid development in recent years, THz technology is used still mainly in free space currently and it is difficult to control the transmission direction of THz wave over a long distance in free space. What is more, the transmission of THz waves in free space is affected usually by the dust and water vapor. For achieving the efficient transmission of THz waves, researchers have proposed a variety of THz waveguides, including plastic fiber, Bragg fiber, photonic crystal fiber and anti-resonant fiber (ARF). The ARF confines the incident beam within the air hole of fiber center by the anti-resonance effect, which has aroused great interest because of its simple structure, low transmission loss, high damage threshold, low dispersion, and high transmission bandwidth. At present, adjustable THz fiber devices based on ARF are still reported rarely. In the near-infrared band, researchers have combined ARF with vanadium dioxide (VO2) to realize the exceptional modulation effects. The VO2 is a metal oxide with insulator-metal phase transition when the ambient temperature is near 68 ℃, in which its electrical conductivity, dielectric constant and other properties will change drastically. In this paper, the VO2 is coated on the inner wall of the THz ARF cladding tubes, and the effect of the phase transition of VO2 on the propagation characteristics of the ARF is studied. Simulation results indicate that in the THz band, the phase transition of VO2 will cause the anti-resonance period of the ARF to change greatly, in which the confinement effect of the ARF cladding tubes on the incident beam is converted from anti-resonant state to resonant state. Without changing the structure of the ARF, the effective modulation on the THz wave in the core of the ARF can be achieved only by controlling the phase transition of VO2, which has a wide application prospect in the field of THz adjustable devices. In this paper, a THz optical switch and a polarization controller based on VO2-coated ARF are proposed. With the optical switch being on and off, the corresponding losses are 0.5 dB/m and 110 dB/m respectively at 120 μm. If phase transition of VO2 is induced by the excitation laser, it is expected to realize a fast-optical switch. Regarding the polarization controller, the polarization state and polarization direction of the THz wave in the core of the ARF can be controlled, and the birefringence coefficient of the ARF in the polarization state is more than 1.4 × 10–4.
- vanadium dioxide /
- terahertz /
- anti-resonant fiber /
- fiber devices
[1] Zhong K, Shi W, Xu D G, Liu P X, Wang Y Y, Mei J L, Yan C, Fu S J, Yao J Q 2017 Sci. China Ser. E: Technol. Sci. 60 1801
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[18] Jepsen P U, Fischer B M, Thoman A, Helm H, Suh J Y, Lopez R, Haglund R F 2006 Phys. Rev. B 74 205103
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[19] Liu X, Chen X, Parrott E P J, Han C, Humbert G, Crunteanu A, MacPherson P 2018 APL Photonics 3 051604
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[20] Wang S, Cai C, You M, Liu F, Wu M, Li S, Bao H, Kang L, Werner D H 2019 Opt. Express 27 19436
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[21] 李佳辉, 张雅婷, 李吉宁, 李杰, 李继涛, 郑程龙, 杨悦, 黄进, 马珍珍, 马承启, 郝璇若, 姚建铨 2020 69 228101
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[22] Park D J, Shin J H, Park K H, Ryu H C 2018 Opt. Express 26 17397
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[23] Chang T, Zhang X, Yang C, Sun Z, Cui H L 2017 Meas. Sci. Technol. 28 045002
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[24] Liang J, Ren L, Chen N, Zhou C 2013 Opt. Commun. 295 257
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图 3 (a) VO2-ARF的损耗随包层管壁厚t以及VO2电导率σ的变化; (b) VO2-ARF损耗随包层管壁厚t以及VO2厚度t0的变化
Fig. 3. Confinement loss (CL) of VO2-ARF as a function of cladding tube wall thickness (t) and the conductivity of VO2 (σ); (b) confinement loss (CL) of VO2-ARF as a function of cladding tube wall thickness (t) and the thickness of VO2 (t0).
图 4 (a) 光开关结构示意图; (b) 光开关处于“开”、“关”状态时, 光纤损耗随波长λ的变化曲线; (c) 光开关为开状态和(d)关状态时的电场分布图
Fig. 4. (a) Cross-section diagram of optical switch; (b) when the optical switch is on and off, confinement loss (CL) of ARF as a function of incident light wavelength (λ); electric field distribution diagram when optical switch is (c) on and (d) off.
图 5 (a) 偏振调控器结构示意图; (b) 光纤实现偏振光传输时, 光纤不同偏振方向的有效折射率随激励光源光通量的变化曲线; (c) 光纤实现偏振光传输时, 光纤不同偏振方向的损耗随激励光源光通量的变化曲线
Fig. 5. (a) Cross-section diagram of polarization controller; (b) effective refractive index (neff) and (c) confinement loss (CL) of ARF in orthogonal polarization directions as a function of excitation fluences of the excitation laser when ARF realizes the polarized transmission.
[1] Zhong K, Shi W, Xu D G, Liu P X, Wang Y Y, Mei J L, Yan C, Fu S J, Yao J Q 2017 Sci. China Ser. E: Technol. Sci. 60 1801
Google Scholar
[2] Cassar Q, Al-Ibadi A, Mavarani L, Hillger P, Grzyb J, Grogan G M, Zimmer T, Pfeiffer U R, Guillet J P, Mounaix P 2018 Biomed. Opt. Express 9 2930
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[3] Zhang X, Guo Q, Chang T, Cui H L 2019 Polym. Test. 76 455
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[4] Chen Z, Ma X Y, Zhang B, Zhang Y X, Niu Z Q, Kuang N Y, Chen W J, Li L X, Li S Q 2019 China Commun. 16 1
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[5] Iwaszczuk K, Heiselberg H, Jepsen P U 2010 Opt. Express 18 26399
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[6] Hasan M R, Akter S 2017 Electron. Lett. 53 741
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[7] Barh A, Varshney R K, Agrawal G P, Rahman B M A, Pal B P 2015 Opt. Lett. 40 2107
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[8] Yao H Y, Jiang J Y, Cheng Y S, Chen Z Y, Her T H, Chang T H 2015 Opt. Express 23 27266
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[9] 王家璐, 杜木清, 张伶莉, 刘永军, 孙伟民 2015 64 120702
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Wang J L, Du M Q, Zhang L L, Liu Y J, Sun W M 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 120702
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[10] Yu F, Knight J C 2016 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 22 146
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[11] Kakiuchida H, Jin P, Nakao S, Tazawa M 2007 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 46 113
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[12] Liu H W, Wong L M, Wang S J, Tang S H, Zhang X H 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 151908
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[13] Shibuya K, Atsumi Y, Yoshida T, Sakakibara Y, Mori M, Sawa A 2019 Opt. Express 27 4147
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[14] Sánchez L, Lechago S, Sanchis P 2015 Opt. Lett. 40 1452
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[15] Lei D Y, Appavoo K, Ligmajer F, Sonnefraud Y, Haglund R F, Maier S A 2015 ACS Photonics 2 1306
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[16] Kim J T 2014 Opt. Lett. 39 3997
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[17] Huang Q, Ghimire I, Yang J, Fleer N, Chiang K S, Wang Y, Gao S, Wang P, Banerjee S, Lee H W H 2020 Opt. Lett. 45 4240
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[18] Jepsen P U, Fischer B M, Thoman A, Helm H, Suh J Y, Lopez R, Haglund R F 2006 Phys. Rev. B 74 205103
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[19] Liu X, Chen X, Parrott E P J, Han C, Humbert G, Crunteanu A, MacPherson P 2018 APL Photonics 3 051604
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[20] Wang S, Cai C, You M, Liu F, Wu M, Li S, Bao H, Kang L, Werner D H 2019 Opt. Express 27 19436
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[21] 李佳辉, 张雅婷, 李吉宁, 李杰, 李继涛, 郑程龙, 杨悦, 黄进, 马珍珍, 马承启, 郝璇若, 姚建铨 2020 69 228101
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Li J H, Zhang Y T, Li J N, Li J, Li J T, Zheng C L, Yang Y, Huang J, Ma Z Z, Ma C Q, Hao X R, Yao J Q 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 228101
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[22] Park D J, Shin J H, Park K H, Ryu H C 2018 Opt. Express 26 17397
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[23] Chang T, Zhang X, Yang C, Sun Z, Cui H L 2017 Meas. Sci. Technol. 28 045002
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[24] Liang J, Ren L, Chen N, Zhou C 2013 Opt. Commun. 295 257
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