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闫博 陈力 陈爽 李猛 殷一民 周江宁



闫博, 陈力, 陈爽, 李猛, 殷一民, 周江宁

Structured illumination for two-dimensional laser induced fluorescence imaging to eliminate stray light interference

Yan Bo, Chen Li, Chen Shuang, Li Meng, Yin Yi-Min, Zhou Jiang-Ning
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 背景杂散光信号的干扰制约了激光片光成像技术的发展, 本文将结构光照明技术应用到激光片光成像测量中来消除杂散光的干扰. 介绍了基于结构光照明技术的工作原理和实验测量系统, 基于Matlab软件理论分析了相位移动结构光照明技术具有完全消除杂散光的作用, 并针对稳定罗丹明B溶液进行了二维激光诱导荧光成像实验, 进一步验证了相位移动结构光照明技术具有消除杂散光影响、提高二维成像精确度的作用. 最后利用基于锁相放大原理的结构光照明技术实现了非稳态扩散罗丹明B溶液的二维荧光瞬态成像实验, 并分析了罗丹明B溶液扩散的相关规律.
    Laser sheet imaging, also called planar laser imaging, is one of the most versatile optical imaging techniques and has been frequently used in several different areas. However, when applied to the limited operating space and strong light scattering media, the light originating from indirect reflections, multiple scattering and surrounding backgrounds can produce error especially in intensity-ratio based measurements.This work is motivated by these challenges, with the overall aim of making laser sheet imaging technique applicable for the study of eliminating the stray light interference. Therefore a novel two-dimensional imaging technique named structured laser illumination planar imaging (SLIPI) is developed based on planar laser imaging but uses a sophisticated illumination scheme i.e. spatial intensity modulation, to differentiate between the intensity contribution arising from useful signals and that from stray light. By recording and dealing with images, the SLIPI method can suppress the diffuse light and retain the useful signals.In this paper, we first use the MATLAB software to simulate the phase-shift SLIPI method, and the results show that the stray light interference can be eliminated completely. Furthermore, the phase-shift SLIPI is combined with the liquid solution (Rhodamine B solution) laser induced fluorescence (LIF) approach to imagine the concentration distribution. By recording three images, between which this encoding is changed noticeably only for the useful LIF signals, the phase-shift SLIPI method is evidenced to be able to remove the diffuse light contribution, thus improving and enhancing the visualization quality. The instantaneous SLIPI images of rapidly moving samples, a key feature to study dynamic liquid solution diffusion behavior, are also acquired. The lock-in amplifier SLIPI technique is then experimentally studied under Rhodamine B diffused solution, and the phase-shift SLIPI method can remove the unwanted background interferences and achieve the significant improvements in terms of pronounced concentration distribution within the Rhodamine B solution.The SLIPI technique is relatively inexpensive: the cost does not exceed the cost of an ordinary laser sheet arrangement noticeably, and it can combine with several other linear imaging techniques, such as Rayleigh scattering, particle image velocimetry and laser-induced phosphorescence.
      通信作者: 陈爽, chenshuang827@gmail.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 91641118)和中国空气动力研究与发展中心风雷青年创新基金(批准号: FLYIF20160017, PJD20180131)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Chen Shuang, chenshuang827@gmail.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 91641118) and the Fenglei Youth Innovation Fund of CARDC (Grant Nos. FLYIF20160017, PJD20180131)

    Gal P L, Farrugia N, Greenhalg D A 1999 Opt. Laser Technol. 31 75Google Scholar


    Driscoll K D, Sick V, Gray C 2003 Exp. Fluids 35 112Google Scholar


    Schultz C, Sick V 2005 Prog. Energ. Combust. 31 75Google Scholar


    Adrian R J 2005 Exp. Fluids 39 159Google Scholar


    陈爽, 苏铁, 杨富荣, 张龙, 郑尧邦 2013 中国光学快报 11 65

    Chen S, Su T, Yang F R, Zhang L, Zheng Y B 2013 Chin. Opt. Lett. 11 65


    万文博, 华灯鑫, 乐静, 刘美霞, 曹宁 2013 62 190601Google Scholar

    Wan W B, Hua D X, Le J, Liu M X, Cao N 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 190601Google Scholar


    Limbach C M, Miles R B 2017 AIAA J. 55 112Google Scholar


    Fourguette D C, Zurn R M, Long M B 1986 Combust. Sci. Technol. 44 307Google Scholar


    徐春娇, 杨洪远, 杨明伟 2010 红外与激光工程 39 1143Google Scholar

    Xu C J, Yang Y H, Yang M W 2010 Infrared Laser Eng. 39 1143Google Scholar


    Allison S W, Gilles G T 1997 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 2615


    Elliott G S, Glumac N, Carter C D 2001 Meas. Sci. Tech. 12 452Google Scholar


    Barlow R S, Wang G H, Filho P A, Sweeney M S 2009 P. Combust. Inst. 32 945Google Scholar


    Omrane A, Juhlin G, Ossler F 2004 Appl. Optics 43 3523Google Scholar


    Kitzhofer J, Nonn T, Brucker C 2011 Exp. Fluids 51 1471


    Berrocal E, Churmakov D Y, Romanov V P, Jermy M C, Meglinski I V 2005 Appl. Opt. 44 2519Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Richter M, Pettersson S G, Aldén M, Andersson E S 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 3927Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Berrocal E, Richter M, Aldén M 2010 Atomization Sprays 20 337Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Berrocal E, Aldén M 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 1656Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Berrocal E, Richter M, Pettersson S G, Aldén M 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 2752Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Bood J, Alden M, Nordström E, Zhu J, Huldt S, Bengtsson P E, Nilsson H, Berrocal E, Ehn A 2014 Opt. Express 22 7711Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Araneo L, Berrocal E, Manin J, Richter M, Aldén M, Linne M 2011 Opt. Express 19 13647Google Scholar


    Berrocal E, Kristensson E, Richter M, Linne M, Aldén M 2008 Opt. Express 16 17870Google Scholar


    Wellander R, Berrocal E, Kristensson E, Richter M, Aldén M 2011 Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 125303Google Scholar


    Aldén M, Bood J, Li Z S, Richter M 2011 P. Combust. Inst. 33 69Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Ehn A, Bood H, Aldén M 2015 P. Combust. Inst. 35 3689Google Scholar


    Yan B, Su T, Chen S, Chen L, Yang F R, Tu X B, Mu J H 2017 China National Symposium on Combustion Nanjing, China, October 13−15, 2017 p489

  • 图 1  旋转玻璃片改变激光光束位置示意图

    Fig. 1.  Diagram of laser beam transmission changed by rotating glass sheet.

    图 2  基于结构光照明技术的激光诱导发光图像测量装置(A1, 5×扩束镜; RG, Ronchi光栅; AR, 自动旋转台; GS, 玻璃片(5.3 mm); LS, 片光系统; A, 光阑; RB, 罗丹明B溶液; PF, 滤光片)

    Fig. 2.  LIF imaging setup based on the SLIPI technique (A1, 5 × beam expander; RG, Ronchi grating; AR, automatic rotary table; GS, glass sheet (5.3 mm); LS, light system; A, aperture slot; RB, Rhodamine B solution; PF, fliter).

    图 3  PS-SLIPI方法仿真计算全过程 (a) 调制振幅项A的值; (b) 无光栅调制时的强度值SNG = A(R) + B1(R) + B2(R); (c) 光栅调制后的强度值SC; (d) LA-SLIPI计算后的振幅相对误差值dA/A = (A1A)/A, 截止频率fc = 0.005 Hz; (e) PS-SLIPI计算后的振幅误差值dA/A = AAA, n = 3; (f) PS-SLIPI计算后的干扰分量误差值dB = BBB, n = 3

    Fig. 3.  Simulation process of the PS-SLIPI method: (a) The modulated amplitude value, A; (b) the intensity without grating modulation, SNG = A(R) + B1(R) + B2(R); (c) the intensity with grating modulation, SC; (d) the relative error of modulated amplitude value, A, calculated by LA-SLIPI method, dA = (A1A)/A, fc = 0.005 Hz; (e) the error of modulated amplitude value, A, calculated by PS-SLIPI method, dA = AAA, n = 3; (f) the error of interference components calculated by PS-SLIPI method, dB = BBB, n = 3.

    图 4  PS-SLIPI方法的光栅条纹移动图像

    Fig. 4.  Grating fringe changing images based on phase shifting SLIPI method.

    图 5  (a) 三种不同测试环境下的原始LIF图像; (b) 光栅调制LIF图像; (c) PS-SLIPI方法处理后的调制振幅(A)分布图像

    Fig. 5.  (a) Conventional (raw data) LIF images without grating modulation in three different measurement cases; (b) LIF images with grating modulation; (c) images of modulated amplitude value, A, calculated by phase shifting SLIPI method.

    图 6  (a) 不同测量时刻下的光栅调制LIF瞬态图像; (b) LA-SLIPI方法处理后的调制振幅(A)分布的瞬态图像

    Fig. 6.  (a) LIF images with grating modulation; (b) images of modulated amplitude value, A, calculated by LA-SLIPI method.

    表 1  两种SLIPI技术实验参数

    Table 1.  Experimental parameters of two SLIPI technique.

    相位移动SLIPI技术Case 1100 mW0.025 s30稳态溶液:1 × 107 mol/L0.058593
    Case 2100 mW0.025 s30稳态溶液:1 × 107 mol/L0.058593
    Case 3100 mW0.025 s30稳态溶液:1 × 107 mol/L0.058593
    基于锁相放大原理的SLIPI技术Case 4100 mW0.025 s30非稳态扩散溶液: 将1 ×
    106 mol/L溶液注入到1 ×
    107 mol/L溶液.
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    Gal P L, Farrugia N, Greenhalg D A 1999 Opt. Laser Technol. 31 75Google Scholar


    Driscoll K D, Sick V, Gray C 2003 Exp. Fluids 35 112Google Scholar


    Schultz C, Sick V 2005 Prog. Energ. Combust. 31 75Google Scholar


    Adrian R J 2005 Exp. Fluids 39 159Google Scholar


    陈爽, 苏铁, 杨富荣, 张龙, 郑尧邦 2013 中国光学快报 11 65

    Chen S, Su T, Yang F R, Zhang L, Zheng Y B 2013 Chin. Opt. Lett. 11 65


    万文博, 华灯鑫, 乐静, 刘美霞, 曹宁 2013 62 190601Google Scholar

    Wan W B, Hua D X, Le J, Liu M X, Cao N 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 190601Google Scholar


    Limbach C M, Miles R B 2017 AIAA J. 55 112Google Scholar


    Fourguette D C, Zurn R M, Long M B 1986 Combust. Sci. Technol. 44 307Google Scholar


    徐春娇, 杨洪远, 杨明伟 2010 红外与激光工程 39 1143Google Scholar

    Xu C J, Yang Y H, Yang M W 2010 Infrared Laser Eng. 39 1143Google Scholar


    Allison S W, Gilles G T 1997 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 2615


    Elliott G S, Glumac N, Carter C D 2001 Meas. Sci. Tech. 12 452Google Scholar


    Barlow R S, Wang G H, Filho P A, Sweeney M S 2009 P. Combust. Inst. 32 945Google Scholar


    Omrane A, Juhlin G, Ossler F 2004 Appl. Optics 43 3523Google Scholar


    Kitzhofer J, Nonn T, Brucker C 2011 Exp. Fluids 51 1471


    Berrocal E, Churmakov D Y, Romanov V P, Jermy M C, Meglinski I V 2005 Appl. Opt. 44 2519Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Richter M, Pettersson S G, Aldén M, Andersson E S 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 3927Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Berrocal E, Richter M, Aldén M 2010 Atomization Sprays 20 337Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Berrocal E, Aldén M 2011 Opt. Lett. 36 1656Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Berrocal E, Richter M, Pettersson S G, Aldén M 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 2752Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Bood J, Alden M, Nordström E, Zhu J, Huldt S, Bengtsson P E, Nilsson H, Berrocal E, Ehn A 2014 Opt. Express 22 7711Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Araneo L, Berrocal E, Manin J, Richter M, Aldén M, Linne M 2011 Opt. Express 19 13647Google Scholar


    Berrocal E, Kristensson E, Richter M, Linne M, Aldén M 2008 Opt. Express 16 17870Google Scholar


    Wellander R, Berrocal E, Kristensson E, Richter M, Aldén M 2011 Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 125303Google Scholar


    Aldén M, Bood J, Li Z S, Richter M 2011 P. Combust. Inst. 33 69Google Scholar


    Kristensson E, Ehn A, Bood H, Aldén M 2015 P. Combust. Inst. 35 3689Google Scholar


    Yan B, Su T, Chen S, Chen L, Yang F R, Tu X B, Mu J H 2017 China National Symposium on Combustion Nanjing, China, October 13−15, 2017 p489

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