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范雨喆 李海森 徐超 陈宝伟 杜伟东



范雨喆, 李海森, 徐超, 陈宝伟, 杜伟东

Spatial correlation of underwater bubble clouds based on acoustic scattering

Fan Yu-Zhe, Li Hai-Sen, Xu Chao, Chen Bao-Wei, Du Wei-Dong
  • 基于气泡空间位置非独立分布气泡群的线性声散射,从统计观点对气泡间的空间关联性进行了研究,通过对气泡群进行子区域划分,提出了等效空间关联函数这一概念.由于等效空间关联函数随气泡空间位置变化而变化,提出了基于子气泡群散射声波的气泡分布以及聚集趋势的声学反演方法.通过对理论进行建模仿真发现,这一方法不但能准确反演出气泡群的分布及聚集趋势,还具有在被多个含聚集中心气泡群''掩埋''的条件下对目标气泡群聚集趋势的检测能力.为了进一步对理论进行验证,对船舶气泡尾流进行了声学测量,实验获得的等效空间关联函数符合尾流中气泡群的分布和聚集趋势.本文的研究工作可为海洋中不同成因的气泡群识别以及恶劣海况下风浪形成气泡群''掩埋''下的尾流、鱼群等水下气泡群检测提供理论基础.
    With using the effective medium theory to describe acoustic scattering from bubble clouds, one of the underlying assumptions shows that the probability of an individual bubble located at some position in space is independent of the locations of other bubbles. However, bubbles within the clouds that naturally occur are usually influenced by the motion of the fluid, which makes them preferentially concentrated or clustered. According to Weber's method, it is a useful way of introducing the spatial correlation function to describe this phenomenon in bubble cloud. The spatial correlation function is involved in acoustic scattering and it is important to notice that the spatial correlation should be dependent on the position and radius of each bubble due to the “hole correction” or the effect of the dynamics of the fluid. Because of these reasons, it is hard to invert the spatial distribution of bubble clouds by using the spatial correlation function in acoustic scattering. A method is described here in which bubble clouds are separated into many small subareas and the conception, called effective spatial correlation function which is the statistic of spatial correlation function, is used to describe the correlation between subareas of bubble clouds. Since the effective spatial correlation function is independent of bubble radius and positions, the bubble clouddistribution and the trend of clustering can be inverted by using this function. The simulation indicates that the effective spatial correlation function can precisely trace the position of the clustering center, even the clustering center covered by other bubble clouds can be detected. With using the multi-bean sonar for measuring the bubbly ship wake generated by a small trial vessel, the method is used to invert the spatial distribution and clustering centers of bubble field in the ship wake. The results show that the effective spatial correlation function accurately inverts the distribution and clustering centers of bubbles in ship wake. Furthermore, the method presented in this paper could distinguish between the bubble clouds caused by different reasons and detect upper ocean bubble clouds covered by other bubbles generated by wave breaking as well.
      通信作者: 陈宝伟, cbwwin@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:41306038,41576102,41606115)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(批准号:HEUCF160510)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Chen Bao-Wei, cbwwin@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos. 41306038, 41576102, 41606115) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of Ministry of Education of China(Grant No. HEUCF160510).

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    Li H, Li S, Chen B, Xu C, Zhu J, Du W 2014 Oceans'14 MTS/IEEE St. John's, Canada, September 14-19, 2014 pp1-5


    Vagle S, Burch H 2005 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117 1


    Leightion T G, Ginfer D C, Chua G H, White P R, Dix J K 2011 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130 5


    Chen W Z, 2014 Acoustic Cavitation Physics (Beijing:Science Press) p214(in Chinese)[陈伟中2014声空化物理(北京:科学出版社)第341页]

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