水中工作固体火箭发动机处于重浮力同时作用环境下, 与工作于大气环境下的固体火箭发动机具有不同的工作特性. 为进一步掌握水下固体火箭发动机的工作特性, 对具有重浮力特征的水下射流进行研究, 重点分析重浮力作用下水平喷射射流结构及推力振荡情况, 采用VOF模型对水平喷射且具有重浮力特征的三维发动机模型进行仿真模拟, 对比有/无重浮力下射流气泡的上浮特征, 并采用动量原理对发动机工作初期的射流扰动进行分析, 获得了重浮力下水下固体火箭发动机的推力振荡特征. 研究结果表明: 由于重浮力逐渐占据主导地位, 射流气泡具有明显的上浮特征, 推力与重浮力耦合后在竖直方向产生的翻转力矩更大, 通过与文献中实验对比可见, 采用VOF模型并考虑重浮力后仿真所得射流结构与实验结果更吻合.Compared with the conventional solid rocket motor which works in atmosphere, the underwater solid rocket motor has different performance characteristics, because the buoyancy of water cannot be neglected, while in the atmosphere only gravity is present. In order to get a deep understanding of the mechanism of thrust oscillation characteristics and of the jet structure of underwater solid rocket motor, a 3-D numerical simulation using the volume of fluid (VOF) model is given in this paper to investigate the horizontal jet structure and the oscillating flow field induced by the gravity and buoyance. The principle of momentum is carried out to analyze the oscillating flow field in the initial working period. Result of analysis indicates that the behavior of rising gas bubbles is remarkably influenced by gravity and buoyancy. Compared to the conventional solid rocket motor in the atmosphere environment, the phenomenon shows that the rising gas bubbles are more obvious in the water. It is concluded that thrust-gravity and buoyancy coupling can generate bigger roll moment in the vertical direction than the conventional solid rocket motor. Numerical calculations in conjunction with experiment in the references proves that the model contains gravity, buoyancy and the VOF model can be used to describe the jet structure and thrust oscillation of underwater solid rocket motor; gravity and buoyancy cannot be ignored in the research of underwater solid rocket motor performance characteristics.
- underwater solid rocket motor /
- horizontal jet /
- gravity and buoyancy /
- oscillation characteristics
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[1] Qian B S, Yang B 2004 Torpedo Technology 12 21 (in Chinese) [钱柏顺, 杨飚 2004 鱼雷技术 12 21]
[2] Tang J N, Wang N F, Wei S 2010 Acta Mechanica Sinica 27 461
[3] Cao J Y, LU C J, Li J, Chen X 2009 Journal of Hydrodinamics 24 575 (in Chinese) [曹嘉怡, 鲁传敬, 李杰, 陈鑫 2009 水动力学研究与进展 24 575]
[4] Wang L Q, Hao Z R, Wu D Z 2009 JounalL of engineeing thermophysics 30 1131 (in Chinese) [王乐勤, 郝宗睿, 吴大转 2009 工程热 30 1131]
[5] Zhu W B, Chen H 200 9 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology 32 486 (in Chinese) [朱卫兵, 陈宏 2009 固体火箭技术 32 486]
[6] Zhu W B, Chen H, Huang S 2010 Journal of Propulsion Technology 31 496 (in Chinese) [朱卫兵, 陈宏, 黄舜 2010 推进技术 31 496]
[7] Wang C H a, Cheng J C 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 014304
[8] Mahdi D, Mohammad T R, Hamidreza M 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 024302
[9] Ni M J 2009 journal of engineeing thermophysics 30 76 (in Chinese) [倪明玖 2009 工程热 30 76]
[10] Feng Z C, Leal L G 1997 Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 29 201
[11] Dewsbury K H, Karamanev D G, Margaritis A 2002 Chemical Engineering Journal 87 129
[12] Gan X S, Jia Y J, Lu C J, Cao J Y 2009 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology 32 23 (in Chinese) [ 甘晓松, 贾有军, 鲁传敬, 曹嘉怡 2009 固体火箭技术 32 23]
[13] Liu J T, Qin S J, Miao T C, Wu D Z 2014 International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow 72 042038
[14] Chen Shuai 2012 Ph. M. Dissertation (ZheJiang: Zhejiang Sci-Tech University) (in Chinese) [陈帅 2012 硕士学位论文 (浙江:浙江理工大学)]
[15] Guo Q 2009 Ph. M. Dissertation (ZheJiang: Zhejiang Sci-Tech University) (in Chinese) [陈帅 2009 硕士学位论文 (浙江:浙江理工大学)]
[16] Wang C, Wang J F, Shi H H 2014 CIESC Journal 65 4293 (in Chinese) [王超, 汪剑锋, 施红辉 2014 化工学报 65 4293]
[17] Shi H H, Wang J F, Chen S, Dong R L Journal of University of Science, Technology of China 44 233
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