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肖宏宇 李尚升 秦玉琨 梁中翥 张永胜 张东梅 张义顺



肖宏宇, 李尚升, 秦玉琨, 梁中翥, 张永胜, 张东梅, 张义顺

Studies on synthesis of boron-doped Gem-diamond single crystals under high temperature and high presure

Xiao Hong-Yu, Li Shang-Sheng, Qin Yu-Kun, Liang Zhong-Zhu, Zhang Yong-Sheng, Zhang Dong-Mei, Zhang Yi-Shun
  • 本文在5.1–5.6 GPa,1230–1600℃的压力、温度条件下,以FeNiMnCo作为触媒,进行单质硼添加宝石级金刚石单晶的生长研究. 借助于有限元法,对触媒内的温度场进行模拟. 研究得到了FeNiMnCo-C-B体系下,金刚石单晶生长的P-T相图. 该体系下合成金刚石单晶的最低压力、温度条件分别为5.1 GPa,1230℃左右. 研究发现,在单晶同一{111}扇区内部,硼元素呈内多外少的分布规律. 有限元模拟结果给出,该分布规律是由在晶体生长过程中,{111}扇区的增长速度逐渐减小所致. {111}晶向的晶体生长实验结果表明,硼元素优先从{111}次扇区进入晶体. 研究发现,这是该扇区增长速度相对较快,硼元素扩散逃离可用时间短导致的. 另外,同磨料级掺硼金刚石单晶生长相比,对于温度梯度法生长掺硼宝石级金刚石单晶,由于晶体的增厚速度较慢,即使硼添加量相对较高,也可以实现表面无凹坑缺陷的优质金刚石单晶的生长.
    In this paper, by choosing catalyst of FeNiMnCo alloy, boron-doped diamond single crystals are synthesized under 5.1–5.6 GPa and 1230–1600℃; the temperature field is studied by finite element method (FEM). First, the P-T phase diagram for diamond single crystal growth, in the synthesis system of FeNiMnCo-C-B, is obtained, and the lowest synthesis conditions of 5.1 GPa and 1230℃ is found in the studies. By simulation with FEM, it is found that the content of boron element should be less and less in the growth of diamond single crystal in the {111} sector, and the reason is that the growth speed is reduced in the sectors. By growing diamond crystals with {111} faces, it is also found that the content of boron element in {111} secondary sector is greater than that in {111} primary sector, which is duo to the rapid growth of {111} secondary sector. Compared with the synthesis of diamond single crystal by film growth method, the diamond crystals thus obtained has no pits, the doping content of boron can be greater, and the diamond can be synthesized by temperature gradient method.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(批准号:61007023)和河南省教育厅项目(批准号:13A140792,12A430010,13B140140)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61007023), and the Education Department of Henan Province, China (Grant Nos. 13A140792, 12A430010, 13B140140).

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  • [1]

    Sumiya H, Toda N, Nishibayashi Y, Satoh S 1997 Journal of Crystal Growth 178 485


    Schein J, Campbell K M, Prasad R R, Prasad R R, Binder R, Krishnan M 2002 Review of Scientific Instruments 73 18


    Yamamoto M, Kumasaka T, Ishikawa T 2000 Review of High Pressure Science and Technology 10 56


    Sumiya H, Toda N, Satoh S 2002 Journal of Crystal Growth 237-239 1281


    Kanda H 2001 Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 156 163


    El-Hajj H, Denisenko A, Kaiser A, Balmer R S, Kohn E 2008 Diamond and Related Materials 17 1259


    Guy O J, Doneddu D, Lodzinski M, Igic P, Albery R, Wilks S, Twitchen D 2007 IDR. Industrial Diamond Review 3 65


    Bundy F P, Bassett W A, Weathers M S, Hemley R J, Mao H U, Goncharov A F 1996 Carbon 34 14


    Bormashov V S, Tarelkin S A, Buga S G, Kuznetsov M S, Terentiev S A, Semenov A N, Blank V D 2013 Diamond & Related Materials 35 19


    Sun S S, Jia X P, Zhang Z F, Li Y, Yan B M, Liu X B, Ma H A 2013 Journal of Crystal Growth 377 22


    Li S S, Ma H A, Li X L, Su T C, Huang G F, Li Y, Jia X P 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 028103


    Zhang N, Li M S, Zhang Y P, Tian B 2010 Journal of Synthetic Crystals 39 295(in Chinese) [张娜, 李木森, 张元培, 田斌 2010 人工晶体学报 39 295]


    Bundy F P 1980 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 85 6930


    Naka S, Horii K, Takeda Y, Hanawa T 1976 Nature 259 38


    Sumiya H, Toda N, Satoh S 2005 Sei Technical Review-English Edition 60 10


    Chen K, Zhang L, Zang C Y, Zheng X G, Zhu Y G 2013 Journal of Synthetic Crystals 39 324(in Chinese) [陈奎, 张莉, 臧传义, 郑喜贵, 朱永刚 2013 人工晶体学报 39 324]


    Xu R W, Guo L X, Fan T Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 170301(in Chinese) [徐润汶, 郭立新, 范天奇 2013 62 170301]


    Yu G, Han Q G, Li M Z, Jia X P, Ma H A, Li Y F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 040702(in Chinese) [于歌, 韩奇钢, 李明哲, 贾晓鹏, 马红安, 李月芬 2012 61 040702]


    Li Z C, Jia X P, Huang G F, Hu M H, Li Y, Yan B M, Ma H A 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 014701


    Ding Z D, Peng L M, Shi C H 2011 Rock and Soil Mechanics 32 3387(in Chinese) [丁祖德, 彭立敏, 施成华 2011 岩土力学 32 3387]


    Xiao H Y, Su J F, Zhang Y S, Bao Z G 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 248101(in Chinese) [肖宏宇, 苏剑峰, 张永胜, 鲍志刚 2012 61 248101]


    Nazare M H, Neves A J 2001 Properties, Growth, and Applications of Diamond (EMIS Datareview series No. 26) (INSPEC: Institution of Electrical Engineers)


    Nishi T, Shibata H, Ohta H, Waseda Y 2003 Met. Mat. Trans. A34A 2801


    Taylor R E, Davis F E, Powell R W 1969 High Temperatures-High Pressures 1 663


    Zang J Q 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changchun: Jilin University) (in Chinese) [张健琼2008博士学位论文(长春: 吉林大学)]

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-05-06
  • 修回日期:  2014-05-22
  • 刊出日期:  2014-10-05

