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陈晓虎 王晓方 张巍巍 汪文慧



陈晓虎, 王晓方, 张巍巍, 汪文慧

Analysis of imaging an extended X-ray source by using a Fresnel phase zone plate

Chen Xiao-Hu, Wang Xiao-Fang, Zhang Wei-Wei, Wang Wen-Hui
  • 针对大尺度物体的keV-X射线高分辨成像, 分析了相位型菲涅耳波带板(FPZP)对物平面1 mm区域内点源的成像, 确定像的空间分布具有不变性, 提出了一种FPZP对扩展光源成像的计算方法. 使用这一方法, 模拟了放大倍数为10的典型实验条件下最外环宽0.35 μm的FPZP对扩展单色光源的成像. 结果表明, 随着扩展光源尺度的增加, 像的对比度降低. FPZP的负1级和0级衍射是导致像的背景增强和对比度降低的主要因素, 并相应导致成像对物方的空间分辨能力下降. 对于强度空间分布为正弦调制、对比度为1的1 mm尺度方形光源, 像的对比度低于0.4, 物方分辨能力为0.75 μm.
    To image a large-size object with a high spatial resolution in a kiloelectronvolt (keV) X-ray range, a method is proposed to analyze and simulate the imaging of an extended X-ray source by a Fresnel phase zone plate (FPZP), based on the translational invariance of the point spread function in a 1 mm square area on the objective plane. Using this method, the imaging of an extended source of a different size is simulated under a typical experimental condition of image-to-source magnification of 10 for an FPZP of an outmost zone width of 0.35 μm. The results show that the image contrast decreases with the increase of the source size, and the zeroth-order and the minus first-order diffractions of the FPZP contribute mainly to the image background enhancement and the contrast decrease. The spatial resolution to the objective plane is also found to be reduced. For a 1-mm-square-shape source with a sinusoidal-distribution intensity modulation of contrast 1, the image modulation contrast is below 0.4, and the spatial resolution is 0.75 μm.
    • 基金项目: 国家重大专项计划和中国科学院基金(批准号: KJCX2-YW-N36)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the China National Science and Technology Major Project and the Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Grant No. KJCX2-YW-N36).

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    Lindl J D, Amendt P, Berger R L, Glendinning S G, Glenzer S H, Haan S W, Kauffman R L, Landen O L, Sute L J 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 339


    Fujioka S, Shiraga H, Nishikino M, Shigemori K, Sunahara A, Nakai M, Azechi H, Nishihara K, Yamanaka K 2003 Phys. Plasmas 10 4784


    Xiang Z L, Yu C X 1982 High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (vol.2) (Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Press) pp206-207 (in Chinese) [项志遴, 俞昌旋 1982 高温等离子体诊断技术(下册) (上海:上海科学技术出版社) 第206–207页]


    Marshall F J, Bennett G R 1999 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70 617


    Wang X F, Wang J Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 025212 (in Chinese) [王晓方, 王晶宇 2011 60 025212]


    Chao W, Harteneck B D, Liddle J A, Anderson E H, Attwood D T 2005 Nature 435 1210


    Tian Y C, Li W, Chen J, Liu L, Liu G, Tkachuk A, Tian J, Xiong Y, Gelb J, Hsu G, Yun W 2008 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 103708


    Cauchon G, P-Thomasset M, Sauneuf R, Dhez P, Idir M, Ollivier M, Troussel P, Boutin J Y, Le Breton J P 1998 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69 3186


    Azechi H, Tamari Y 2003 J. Plasma Fusion Res. 79 398


    Dong J J, Cao L F, Chen M, Xie C Q, Du H B 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3044 (in Chinese) [董建军, 曹磊峰, 陈 铭, 谢常青, 杜华冰 2008 57 3044]


    Kirz J 1974 J. Opt. Soc. Am. 64 301


    Born M, Wolf E 2001 Principles of Optics (7th Ed.) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp421-491


    Attwood D (Translated by Zhang J) 2003 Soft X-rays and Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation: Principles and Applications (Beijing: Science Press) pp349-359 (in Chinese) [阿特伍德 D. 著, 张 杰译 2003 软X射线与极紫外辐射的原理和应用 (北京:科学出版社) 第349–359页]


    Azechi H, Tamari Y, Shiraga H 2003 Institute of Laser Engineering Annual Reports (Osaka: Osaka University) p100


    Da Silva L B, Trebes J E, Mrowka S, Barbee T W, Brase J J, Koch J A, London R A, MacGowan B J, Matthews D L, Minyard D, Stone G, Yorkey T, Anderson E, Attwood D T, Kern D 1992 Opt. Lett. 17 754

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