本文利用RegCM3中的BATS陆面模型对青藏高原地区的土壤湿度进行了模拟.结果表明: 模式对土壤湿度年循环的模拟与观测较一致,但不同下垫面的土壤湿度模拟结果不同;对植被稀疏地区的土壤湿度模拟夏季偏大冬季较一致,对植被较好地区的土壤湿度模拟冬季偏大夏季较一致;土壤湿度模拟偏差较大的时期对应着降水和温度模拟偏差大的时期.利用后验订正对土壤湿度的订正表明,订正后土壤湿度与观测值的变化比较一致,尤其是对模拟偏差较大时段的订正效果比较明显;订正后的温度和降水基本消除了系统性的偏差.本文认为,订正后的土壤湿度和温度可以为青藏高原地区提供较准确的资料,并在青藏高原多年冻土分布的计算中得到了应用.In this paper, the soil moisture is simulated by RegCM3 over the Tibetan Plateau. The obtained results are as follows:(1) The simulated annual cycle of soil moisture is consistent with the observation, but the simulations of soil moisture with different land surface conditions are different. (2) In the area with sparse vegetation , the simulated soil moisture is larger than observation in summer and consistent with that in winter, while in the area with lush vegetation, simulated soil moisture is consistent with observation in summer and larger than that in winter. (3) The larger deviation of simulated soil moisture is corresponding to a large deviation of simulated precipitation and temperature.The soil moisture is revised with revised method, and the results show that the debiations of soil moisture and temperature are reduced. The systematic errors of temperature and precipitation are eliminated after revision. We believe that the revised soil moisture and temperature can provide more accurate data over Tibetan Plateau, and be used to calculate the permafrost distribution.
- Tibet Plateau /
- RegCM3 /
- soil moisture /
- posterior revision
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[24] Zeng X, Zhao M, Dickinson R E 1998 J. Climate 11 2628
[25] Niu G Y, Hong Z X, Song S F 1997 Advances in Earth Science 12 20(in Chinese)[牛国跃, 洪钟祥, 孙淑芬 1997 地球科学进展 12 20]
[26] Bailey D A, Lynch A H 2000 Journal of Climate 13 1351
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[28] Kopken C, Kelly G, Thepaut J N 2004 Quartery Journal of Royal Meteorological Society 130 2277
[29] Evensen G 2006 Data assimilation, the ensemble Kalman filter (USA New York: Springer Verlag)
[30] Pu Z X 2007 Advances in Earth Science 22 1177
[31] Qiu C J, Chou J F 1989 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 13 20 (邱崇践, 丑纪范 1989 大气科学 13 20]
[32] Miyakoda K, Sirutis J, Ploshay J 1986 Monthly Weather Review 114 2363
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[34] HeckleyWA 1985 Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 111 709
[35] Arpe K, Klinker E 1986 Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 112 181
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[37] Sausen R, Barthel K, Hasselmann K 1988 Climate Dyn. 2 145
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[40] Smith T M, Livezey R E 1999 J. Climate 12 273
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[42] Mo K C, ThiawWM2002 Geophysical Research Letters 29 1570
[43] Feddersen H, Navarra A, Ward A N 1999 Journal of Climate 12 1974
[44] Kang I S, Lee J Y, Park C K 2004 J. Climate 17 834
[45] Lin H, Derome J 2005 Res. Lett. 32 L14804
[46] Tippett M K, Barnston A G, Dewitt D G 2005 J. Climate 18 5141
[47] Wilby R L, Charles S P, Zorita E, Timbal B, Whetton P, Mearns L O 2004 Available from the DDC of IPCC TGCIA, p27
[48] Fowler H J, Blenkinsop S, Tebaldi C 2007 International Journal of Climatology 27 1547
[49] Cui Y, Wang C H 2009 Progress in Natural Science 19 2267
[50] Yu L, Wang C H 2009 Highlights of Sciencepaper Online 2 2267(in Chinese)[余莲, 王澄海 2009 中国科技论文在线精品论文 2 2267]
[51] Wen X Y, Wang S W, Zhu J H 2006 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 30 894(in Chinese)[闻新宇, 王绍武, 朱锦红 2006 大气科学 30 894]
[52] Kudryavtsev V A, Garagula L S 1974 Foundation of Geocryology (in Russian) (Moscow State University Press) p431
[53] Wang C H, Jin S L, Wu Z Y, Cui Y 2009 Advances in Earth Science 24 132 (in Chinese)[王澄海, 靳双龙, 吴忠元, 崔洋 2009 地球科学进展 24 132]
[1] Vinnikov K Y, Robock A, Speranskaya N A 1996 J. Geophys. Res. 101 7163
[2] Li H B, Robock A, Liu S X, Mo X G, Viterbo P 2005 J. Hydrometeorol. 6 180
[3] Ma Z G, Fu C B 2005 Chinese Journal Geophysics 48 519 (in Chinese)[马柱国, 符淙斌 2005 地球 48 519]
[4] Zuo Z Y, Zhang R H 2007 Chinese Science Bulletin 14 1722(in Chinese)[左志燕, 张人禾 2007 科学通报 14 1722]
[5] Zhang W J, Zhou T J, Yu R C 2008 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 32 581 (in Chinese)[张文君, 周天军, 宇如聪 2008 大气科学 32 581]
[6] Robock A, Vinnikov K Y, Srinivasan G, Entin J K, Hollinger S E, Speranskaya N A, Liu S X, Namkhai A 2000 Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 81 1281
[7] Zhang W J, Zhou T J, Yu R C 2008 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 32 1128(in Chinese)[张文君, 宇如聪, 周天军 2008 大气科学 32 1128]
[8] Li M X, Ma Z G, Du J W 2010 Scientia Sinica Terrae 40 363(in Chinese)[李明星, 马柱国, 杜继稳 2010 中国科学D辑 40 363]
[9] Zhao Y Z, Ma Y M, Ma W Q, Li M S, Sun F L, Wang L, Xiang M L 2007 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology 29 578(in Chinese) [赵逸舟, 马耀明, 马伟强, 李茂善, 孙方林, 王磊, 向鸣 2007 冰川冻土 29 578]
[10] Wu W R, Geller M A, Dickinson R E 2002 J. Hydrometeor 3 604
[11] Hollinger S E, Isard S A 1994 J. Climate 7 822
[12] Zhang X Z, Wu X Y, He J H 2004 Acta Meteorologica Sinica 62 51 (in Chinese)[张秀芝, 吴迅英, 何金海 2004 气象学报 62 51]
[13] Du C L, Liu X D, Wu W L 2008 Plateau Meteorology 27 463(in Chinese) [杜川利, 刘晓东, Wu W L 2008 高原气象 27 463]
[14] Ding Y H, Zhang J, Zhao Z C 1998 Acta Meteorologica Sinice 56 385(in Chinese) [丁一汇, 张晶, 赵宗慈 1998 气象学报 56 385]
[15] Wei H L, Fu C B, Wang W Q 1998 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 22 780(in Chinese) [魏和林 ,符淙斌, 王维强 1998 大气科学 22 780]
[16] Gao X J, Xu Y, Zhao Z C, Jeremy S P, Filippo G 2006 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 30 185 (in Chinese) [高学杰, 徐影, 赵宗慈,Jeremy S P, Filippo G 2006 大气科学 30 185]
[17] Bao Y, Lü S H, Zuo H C, Hou R Q 2006 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology 28 175(in Chinese) [鲍艳, 吕世华, 左洪超, 侯瑞卿 2006 冰川冻土 28 175]
[18] Giorgi F 1989 J. Geophys. Res. 94 1127
[19] Holtslag A A M, de Bruijn E I F, Pan H L 1990 Mon. Wea. Rev. 118 1561
[20] Emanuel K A 1991 J. Atmos. Sci. 48 2313
[21] Giorgi F, Marinucci M R, Bates G T 1993 Mon. Wea. Rev. 1993 121 2794
[22] Dickinson R E, Henderson S A, Kennedy P J 1993 Biosphereatmosphere transfer scheme (bats) version 1e as coupled to the NCAR community climate model (Tech. Rep., National Center for Atmospheric Research)
[23] Grell G A, Dudhia J, Stauffer D R 1994 Description of the fifth generation Penn State/NCAR mesoscale model (MM5) (Tech. Rep., TN-398+STR, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado)p121
[24] Zeng X, Zhao M, Dickinson R E 1998 J. Climate 11 2628
[25] Niu G Y, Hong Z X, Song S F 1997 Advances in Earth Science 12 20(in Chinese)[牛国跃, 洪钟祥, 孙淑芬 1997 地球科学进展 12 20]
[26] Bailey D A, Lynch A H 2000 Journal of Climate 13 1351
[27] Kalnay E 2003 Atmospheric Modeling, Data Assimilation and Predictability (Cambridge University Press)
[28] Kopken C, Kelly G, Thepaut J N 2004 Quartery Journal of Royal Meteorological Society 130 2277
[29] Evensen G 2006 Data assimilation, the ensemble Kalman filter (USA New York: Springer Verlag)
[30] Pu Z X 2007 Advances in Earth Science 22 1177
[31] Qiu C J, Chou J F 1989 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 13 20 (邱崇践, 丑纪范 1989 大气科学 13 20]
[32] Miyakoda K, Sirutis J, Ploshay J 1986 Monthly Weather Review 114 2363
[33] Klein W H, Glahn H R1974 Bull. Amer. Meteor. Sog. 55 1217
[34] HeckleyWA 1985 Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 111 709
[35] Arpe K, Klinker E 1986 Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 112 181
[36] Klinker E, Capaldo M 1986 Tellus A 38 215
[37] Sausen R, Barthel K, Hasselmann K 1988 Climate Dyn. 2 145
[38] Huang J P, Yi Y H, Wang S W 1993 Q. J. Meteorol. Soc. 119 547
[39] Renwick J, Wallace J 1995 Mon. Wea. Rev. 123 2114
[40] Smith T M, Livezey R E 1999 J. Climate 12 273
[41] Murphy J 1999 J. Climate 12 2256
[42] Mo K C, ThiawWM2002 Geophysical Research Letters 29 1570
[43] Feddersen H, Navarra A, Ward A N 1999 Journal of Climate 12 1974
[44] Kang I S, Lee J Y, Park C K 2004 J. Climate 17 834
[45] Lin H, Derome J 2005 Res. Lett. 32 L14804
[46] Tippett M K, Barnston A G, Dewitt D G 2005 J. Climate 18 5141
[47] Wilby R L, Charles S P, Zorita E, Timbal B, Whetton P, Mearns L O 2004 Available from the DDC of IPCC TGCIA, p27
[48] Fowler H J, Blenkinsop S, Tebaldi C 2007 International Journal of Climatology 27 1547
[49] Cui Y, Wang C H 2009 Progress in Natural Science 19 2267
[50] Yu L, Wang C H 2009 Highlights of Sciencepaper Online 2 2267(in Chinese)[余莲, 王澄海 2009 中国科技论文在线精品论文 2 2267]
[51] Wen X Y, Wang S W, Zhu J H 2006 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 30 894(in Chinese)[闻新宇, 王绍武, 朱锦红 2006 大气科学 30 894]
[52] Kudryavtsev V A, Garagula L S 1974 Foundation of Geocryology (in Russian) (Moscow State University Press) p431
[53] Wang C H, Jin S L, Wu Z Y, Cui Y 2009 Advances in Earth Science 24 132 (in Chinese)[王澄海, 靳双龙, 吴忠元, 崔洋 2009 地球科学进展 24 132]
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