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李宏宇 张强 王春玲 阳伏林 赵建华



李宏宇, 张强, 王春玲, 阳伏林, 赵建华

The influences of air heat storage, plant photosynthesis and soil water movement on surface energy balance over the loess plateau

Li Hong-Yu, Zhang Qiang, Wang Chun-Ling, Yang Fu-Lin, Zhao Jian-Hua
  • 地表能量不平衡问题一直是陆面过程研究的一个重要科学难题. 本文利用黄土高原陆面过程试验(LOPEX)资料, 在将垂直感热平流项引入地表能量平衡方程的基础上, 估算了空气热储存和光合作用储存的大小, 并分别用水分守恒关系和两层土壤温度方法计算了浅层土壤水分垂直通量, 考察了空气热储存、光合作用储存和水分垂直运动热量输送对地表能量平衡的影响.结果表明: 黄土高原区自然植被下垫面的空气热储存、光合作用储存和土壤水分垂直运动热量输送平均日变化峰值分别达到1.5, 2.0和7.9 Wm-2; 在能量平衡方程中引入这三项后, 地表能量闭合度由88.1%提高到89.6%. 空气热储存、光合作用储存和水分垂直运动热量输送对于改善黄土高原地表能量不平衡状况有一定作用, 研究区域的半干旱气候背景和植被状况是导致各热储存量与其他试验区存在差异的根本原因.
    The surface energy imbalance problem has become a challenge in the study of surface land process since it was found in the late 1980s. By using data provided by the program the Loess Plateau Land-surface Process Experiment (LOPEX) and introducing the vertical sensible heat flux into the surface energy balance equation, in the paper, we estimate the heat storage associated with change of air temperature and humidity as well as the energy stored in plants due to the photosynthesis, determine the water vertical flux in the shadow soil layer both by water conservation principle and two-level soil temperature, and investigate the influences of air and plant photosynthesis energy storages and heat transferred by the soil water movement on the surface energy budget. It is found that the diurnal variation peaks of averaged energy storages of air and plant photosynthesis reach 1.5 and 2.0 Wm-2 respectively. Additionally, the diurnal variation peak of mean heat transferred by vertical water movement is close to 8.0 Wm-2. The closure of energy balance is improved from 88.1% to 89.6% by adding the three additional energy terms to the energy balance equation. As a whole, the energy storage related to air and the plant photosynthesis, and the heat transferred by the soil water movement both promote the surface energy balance to some extent. Furthermore, the semi-arid climate and the vegetation condition of Loess Plateau essentially lead to significant differences of energy storage be tween this area and other climatic districts.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号: 40830957), 国家公益性行业科研专项(GYHY20080621)和中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所科研项目(批准号: KYS2011BSKY02)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40830957), the Public Welfare Research Project of China (Grant No. GYHY200806021), and the Research Program of Lanzhou Institute of Arid Meteorology, CMA (Grant No. KYS2011BSKY02).

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    Zhang Q, Li H Y, Zhao J H 2011 Sci. Chin. Ser. D DOI:10.1007 /s11430 -011 -4220-3


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    Wang G Y, Huang J P, Guo W D, Zuo J Q, Wang J M, Bi J R, Huang Z W, Shi J S 2010 J. Geophys. Res. 115 D00K17


    Huang J P, Zhang W, Zuo J Q, Bi J R 2008 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 25 906


    Li H Y, Zhang Q, Wang S 2010 Adv. Earth Sci. 25 1070 (in Chinese) [李宏宇, 张强, 王胜 2010 地球科学进展 25 1070]


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    Bi X Y, Gao Z, Deng X J, Wu D, Liang J Y, Zhang H S, Sparrow M, Du J L, Li F, Tan H B 2007 J. Geophys. Res. 112 D10106


    Jacobs A F G, Heusinkveld B G, Holtslag A A M 2008 Bound.-Layer Meteor. 126 125


    Meyers T P, Hollinger S E 2004 Agric. For. Meteor. 125 105


    Wang R Y, Zhang Q 2011 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 28 691


    Gao Z, Chen G T J, Hu Y B 2007 Int. J. Biometeor. 51 565


    Li Z K, Wu B Y, Zhu W J, Xin Y F 2011 Clim. Environ. Res. 16 137 (in Chinese) [李震坤, 武炳义, 朱伟军, 辛羽飞 2011 气候与环境研究 16 137]


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    Feng G L, Gong Z Q, Zhi Rong, Zhang D Q 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 2745


    Yang P, Hou W, Feng G L 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 019201


    Michiles A A S, Gielow R 2008 Agric. For. Meteor. 148 917


    Zhang G X, Zhao R F, Zhang Y C, Zhao P T 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7390 (in Chinese) [张改霞, 赵日峰, 张寅超, 赵培涛 2008 57 7390]


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    Cui X P, Li X F 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 109201

  • [1]

    Li Z Q, Yu G R, Wen X F, Zhang L M, Ren C Y, Fu Y L 2004 Sci. Chin. Ser. D 34 46(in Chinese) [李正泉, 于贵瑞, 温学发, 张雷明, 任传友, 伏玉玲 2004 中国科学(D) 34 46]


    Wilson K, Goldstein A, Falge E, Aubinet M 2002 Agric. For. Meteorol. 113 223


    Li H Q, Guo W D, Sun G D, Zhang Y C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 019201 (in Chinese) [李红祺, 郭维栋, 孙国栋, 张耀存 2011 60 019201]


    Wang S, Zhang Qiang 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 059203 (in Chinese) [王胜, 张强 2011 60 059203]


    Ma J Y, Liang H, Luo Y, Li S K 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 069601 (in Chinese) [马金玉, 梁宏, 罗勇, 李世奎 2011 60 069601]


    Halldin S, Gottschalk L, Griend A A, Gryning S E 1998 J. Hydrol 212 172


    Kanemasu E T, Verma S B, Smith E A, Fritschen L Y, Wesely M, Fild R T, Kustas W P, Weaver H, Steawart Y B, Geney R, Panin G N, Moncrieff J B 1992 J. Geophys. Res. 97 18547


    Oncley S P 2007 Bound.-Layer Meteor. 123 1


    Foken T, Wimmer F, Mauder M, Thomas C, Liebethal C 2006 Atmos. Chem. Phys. 6 4395


    Bai J, Liu S M, Ding X P 2010 Adv. Earth Sci. 25 1187 (in Chinese) [白洁, 刘绍民, 丁晓萍 2010 地球科学进展 25 1187]


    Mauder M, Jegede O O, Okogbue E C, Wimmer F, Foken T 2007 Theor. Appl. Clim. 89 171


    Mauder M, Desjardins R L, Pattey E, Gao Z, Haarlem R 2008 Bound.-Layer Meteor. 128 151


    Lee X H 1998 Agric. For. Meteor. 91 39


    Hu Y Q, Zuo H C 2004 Plateau Meteor. 23 132 (in Chinese) [胡隐樵, 左洪超 2004 高原气象 23 132]


    Zhang Q, Li H Y, Zhao J H 2011 Sci. Chin. Ser. D DOI:10.1007 /s11430 -011 -4220-3


    Gao Z 2005 Bound.-Layer Meteor. 114 165


    Wang G Y, Huang J P, Guo W D, Zuo J Q, Wang J M, Bi J R, Huang Z W, Shi J S 2010 J. Geophys. Res. 115 D00K17


    Huang J P, Zhang W, Zuo J Q, Bi J R 2008 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 25 906


    Li H Y, Zhang Q, Wang S 2010 Adv. Earth Sci. 25 1070 (in Chinese) [李宏宇, 张强, 王胜 2010 地球科学进展 25 1070]


    Zhang Q, Li H Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 716 (in Chinese) [张强, 李宏宇 2010 59 716]


    Stull R B (Translated by Xu J Q, Yang D R) 1991 Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology (Qingdao: Ocean University Press) (in Chinese) pp61-62 [Stull R B著 徐静琦, 杨殿荣译 1991 边界层气象导论 (青岛: 海洋大学出版社) 第61—62页]


    Bi X Y, Gao Z, Deng X J, Wu D, Liang J Y, Zhang H S, Sparrow M, Du J L, Li F, Tan H B 2007 J. Geophys. Res. 112 D10106


    Jacobs A F G, Heusinkveld B G, Holtslag A A M 2008 Bound.-Layer Meteor. 126 125


    Meyers T P, Hollinger S E 2004 Agric. For. Meteor. 125 105


    Wang R Y, Zhang Q 2011 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 28 691


    Gao Z, Chen G T J, Hu Y B 2007 Int. J. Biometeor. 51 565


    Li Z K, Wu B Y, Zhu W J, Xin Y F 2011 Clim. Environ. Res. 16 137 (in Chinese) [李震坤, 武炳义, 朱伟军, 辛羽飞 2011 气候与环境研究 16 137]


    Shi G Y, Liu Y Z 2006 Adv. Earth Sci. 21 278 (in Chinese) [石广玉, 刘玉芝 2006 地球科学进展 21 278]


    Cess R D, Zhang M H, Potter G L 1993 Science 262 1252


    Shen Y B, Zhao Z C, Shi G Y 2008 Adv. Earth Sci. 23 915 (in Chinese) [申彦波, 赵宗慈, 石广玉 2008 地球科学进展 23 915]


    Feng G L, Gong Z Q, Zhi Rong, Zhang D Q 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 2745


    Yang P, Hou W, Feng G L 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 019201


    Michiles A A S, Gielow R 2008 Agric. For. Meteor. 148 917


    Zhang G X, Zhao R F, Zhang Y C, Zhao P T 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7390 (in Chinese) [张改霞, 赵日峰, 张寅超, 赵培涛 2008 57 7390]


    Cui X P 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 2304


    Chen J Y, Chen S G, Wang G R 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3123 (in Chinese) [陈京元, 陈式刚, 王光瑞 2005 54 3123]


    Cui X P, Li X F 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 109201

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  • 收稿日期:  2011-09-24
  • 修回日期:  2011-12-28
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