本文利用252Cf快裂变室和多参数数据采集系统,逐事例的同时记录了自发裂变中子和瞬发伽马的飞行时间(TOF),脉冲形状甄别(PSD)和反冲能量(RE,裂变中子是通过测量反冲质子;瞬发伽马是通过测量康普顿反冲电子)三维信息.详细介绍了通过离线数据分析完全扣除三维信息中的伽马事例贡献,以获得Φ50.8 mm×50.8 mm的BC501A液闪探测器的相对探测效率和响应函数的方法.在不通过探测器响应函数进行数据转换的条件下,利用中子的能量直接确定了中子的有效测量阈值.得到的中子
- 252Cf快裂变室 /
- BC501A液闪探测器 /
- 相对探测效率 /
- 响应函数
The response function and relative efficiency of a Φ50.8 mm×50.8 mm BC501A scintillator has been measured by using a252Cf fast fission chamber. In this method,a multi-parameter data acquisition system is employed to take the time-of-flight (TOF),pulse shape discrimination (PSD) and recoil energy (RE. note: fission neutron induces recoil proton while the prompt gamma ray induces Compton recoil electron) of the fission neutron and prompt gamma ray in an event-by-event mode with a TOF gate. The off-line data analysis method for separating the prompt gamma ray from the fission neutron as well as its contribution to the TOF spectrum and RE spectrum to obtain the relative efficiency and response function is discussed in detail. An accurate calibration of the effective neutron detection threshold is carried out by a linear extrapolation of the section around the point of inflexion in the relative efficiency plots using neutron energy directly. The relative efficiency with 0.51 MeV effective neutron detection threshold agrees with the Monte Carlo calculation result of NEFF. The response function from 0.5 MeV to 5 MeV generally agrees with the published experimental result of the NE213 scintillator of the same size.-
- 252Cf fast fission chamber /
- BC501A scintillator /
- relative efficiency /
- response function
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[16] Klein H 2003 Radiat Prot Dosim 107 95
[17] Yan J, Liu R, Li C Sci. China G (in press)
[18] Dietze G, Klein H 1982 Nucl. Instr. Meth. 193 549
[19] Yan J, Liu R, Li C Chin. Phys. C (in press)
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[1] Dietze G, Klein H 1982 Report PTB-ND-22, Braunschweig
[2] Textor R E, Verbinski V V 1968 ORNL-4160, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN
[3] Verbinski V V, Burus W R, Love T A, Zobel W N, Hill W, Textor R 1968 Nucl.Instr. and Meth. 65 8
[4] Uwamino Y, Shin K, Fujii M, Nakamura T 1982 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 204 179
[5] Fowler J L, Cookson J A, Hussain M, Schwartz R B, Swinhoe M T, Wise C, Uttley C A 1980 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 175 449
[6] Aksoy A, Coban A, Naqvi A A, Khiari F Z, Hanly J M, Howell C R, Tornow W, Felsher P D, Al-Ohali M A, Walter R L 1994 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 337 486
[7] Boldeman J W, Clancy B E, Culey D 1986 Nucl. Sci. Eng. 93 181
[8] Boldeman J W 1987 IAEA-TECDOC-410 125
[9] Cub J, Finckh E, Gebhardt K, Geissdrfer K, Lin R, Strate J, Klein H 1989 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 274 217
[10] Chen J X, Shi Z M, Tang G Y 1993 Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology 13 323 (in Chinese) [陈金象、施兆民、唐国有 1993 核电子学与探测技术 13 323]
[11] Gul K, Naqvi A A, Al-Juwair H A 1989 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 278 470
[12] Akimoto T, Suzuki T, Murai I, Narita M, Ogama Y 1991 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-38 1040
[13] Lee J H, Lee C S 1998 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 402 147
[14] Bttger R, Klein H, Chalupka A, Strohmaier B 1990 Nucl. Sci. Eng. 106 377
[15] Li J S, Zhang Y, Jin Y, Li, R L 2001 Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology 21 264 (in Chinese) [李建胜、张 翼、金 宇、李润良 2001 核电子学与探测技术 21 262]
[16] Klein H 2003 Radiat Prot Dosim 107 95
[17] Yan J, Liu R, Li C Sci. China G (in press)
[18] Dietze G, Klein H 1982 Nucl. Instr. Meth. 193 549
[19] Yan J, Liu R, Li C Chin. Phys. C (in press)
[20] Adams J M, White G 1978 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 156 459
[21] Smith D L, Polk R G, Miller T G 1968 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 64 157
[22] Franke R, Steinheuer B, Von Witsch W 1982 Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 198 311
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