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新型二维材料Ti3C2Tx MXene制备及其气敏性能研究

韩丹 刘志华 刘琭琭 韩晓美 刘东明 禚凯 桑胜波


新型二维材料Ti3C2Tx MXene制备及其气敏性能研究

韩丹, 刘志华, 刘琭琭, 韩晓美, 刘东明, 禚凯, 桑胜波

Preparation and gas sensing properties of a novel two-dimensional material Ti3C2Tx MXene

Han Dan, Liu Zhi-Hua, Liu Lu-Lu, Han Xiao-Mei, Liu Dong-Ming, Zhuo Kai, Sang Sheng-Bo
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 随着石墨烯材料的发现, 二维材料被人们广泛认识并逐渐应用, 相比于传统二维材料, 二维过渡金属碳化物(MXene)的力学、磁学和电学性能更加优异. 本文分别利用HF溶液和LiF/HCl溶液刻蚀Ti3AlC2获得了Ti3C2Tx样品, 通过电子扫描显微镜(SEM)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和气敏特性分析, 研究了刻蚀剂对Ti3C2Tx材料结构和气敏性能的影响. 材料结构分析表明: HF和LiF/HCl刻蚀剂均对Ti3C2Tx材料具有良好的刻蚀效果; 气敏性能结果表明: LiF/HCl刻蚀剂制备的Ti3C2Tx的气敏性能优于HF刻蚀剂, 并实现了室温下宽范围、较高灵敏和较高稳定地检测NH3. 分析认为: LiF/HCl溶液刻蚀制备的Ti3C2Tx材料表面具有较高比例的—O和—OH官能团, 是其高传感性能的主要原因. 本实验研究可为Ti3C2Tx基传感器件的气敏研究和实际应用奠定一定的理论基础.
    Since the discovery of graphene materials, two-dimensional materials have been widely recognized and gradually applied. Two-dimensional transition metal carbides (MXenes) have better mechanical, magnetic and electrical properties than traditional two-dimensional materials. In this work, Ti3C2Tx samples are prepared by etching Ti3AlC2 with different etching agents for the solutions of HF and LiF/HCl. The effects of etching agents on the structure and gas sensing properties of Ti3C2Tx materials are studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and gas sensing properties analysis. The material structure analysis shows that both HF and LiF/HCl etching agents have good etching effect on Ti3C2Tx material. The results of gas sensing properties show that the gas sensing properties of Ti3C2Tx prepared by LiF/HCl etching agent is better than by HF etching agent, and the wide range, high sensitivity and high stability of NH3 detection can be achieved at room temperature. The analysis shows that the high sensing performance of Ti3C2Tx prepared by LiF/HCl solution etching is mainly due to the high proportion of —O and —OH functional groups on the surface of Ti3C2Tx. The experimental studies can lay a theoretical foundation for studying the gas sensing and practical application of Ti3C2Tx based sensor.
      通信作者: 禚凯, zhuokai@tyut.edu.cn ; 桑胜波, sunboa-sang@tyut.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号: 62031022)和国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51975400, 61971301)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Zhuo Kai, zhuokai@tyut.edu.cn ; Sang Sheng-Bo, sunboa-sang@tyut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.62031022) and the National NaturalScience Foundationof China (Grant Nos. 51975400, 61971301).

    Naguib M, Kurtoglu M, Presser V, Lu J, Niu J, Heon M, Hultman L, Gogotsi Y, Barsoum M W 2011 Adv. Mater. 23 4248Google Scholar


    Deysher G, Shuck C E, Hantanasirisakul K, Frey N C, Foucher A C, Maleski K, Sarycheva A, Shenoy V B, Stach E A, Anasori B, Gogotsi Y 2020 ACS Nano 14 204Google Scholar


    Sokol M, Natu V, Kota S, Barsoum M W 2019 Trends Environ. Anal. Chem. 1 210Google Scholar


    Tao Q, Lu J, Dahlqvist M, Mockute A, Calder S, Petruhins A, Meshkian R, Rivin O, Potashnikov D, Caspi E a N, Shaked H, Hoser A, Opagiste C, Galera R M, Salikhov R, Wiedwald U, Ritter C, Wildes A R, Johansson B, Hultman L, Farle M, Barsoum M W, Rosen J 2019 Chem. of Mater. 31 2476Google Scholar


    Shein I R, Ivanovskii A L 2013 Micro Nano Lett. 8 59Google Scholar


    Ding L, Wei Y, Li L, Zhang T, Wang H, Xue J, Ding L X, Wang S, Caro J, Gogotsi Y 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 155Google Scholar


    Anasori B, Lukatskaya M R, Gogotsi Y 2017 Nat. Rev. Mater. 2 16098Google Scholar


    Ding L, Wei Y, Wang Y, Chen H, Caro J, Wang H 2017 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 56 1825Google Scholar


    Khazaei M, Ranjbar A, Ghorbani Asl M, Arai M, Sasaki T, Liang Y, Yunoki S 2016 Phys. Rev. B 93 205125Google Scholar


    Yang Z, Jiang L, Wang J, Liu F, He J, Liu A, Lv S, You R, Yan X, Sun P, Wang C, Duan Y, Lu G 2021 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 326 128828Google Scholar


    Tai H, Duan Z, He Z, Li X, Xu J, Liu B, Jiang Y 2019 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 298 126874Google Scholar


    Wu M, He M, Hu Q, Wu Q, Sun G, Xie L, Zhang Z, Zhu Z, Zhou A 2019 ACS Sens. 4 2763Google Scholar


    Feng A, Yu Y, Wang Y, Jiang F, Yu Y, Mi L, Song L 2017 Mater. Des. 114 161Google Scholar


    Halim J, Lukatskaya M R, Cook K M, Lu J, Smith C R, Naslund L A, May S J, Hultman L, Gogotsi Y, Eklund P, Barsoum M W 2014 Chem. Mater. 26 2374Google Scholar


    Yang S, Zhang P, Wang F, Ricciardulli A G, Lohe M R, Blom P W M, Feng X 2018 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 57 15491Google Scholar


    黄大朋 2020 博士学位论文 (济南: 山东大学)

    Huang D P 2020 Ph. D. Dissertation(Jinan: Shandong University) (in Chinese)


    Lee E, VahidMohammadi A, Prorok B C, Yoon Y S, Beidaghi M, Kim D J 2017 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 9 37184Google Scholar


    Alhabeb M, Maleski K, Anasori B, Lelyukh P, Clark L, Sin S, Gogotsi Y 2017 Chem. Mater. 29 7633Google Scholar


    Cheng Y, Ma Y, Li L, Zhu M, Yue Y, Liu W, Wang L, Jia S, Li C, Qi T, Wang J, Gao Y 2020 ACS Nano 14 2145Google Scholar


    Halim J, Cook K M, Naguib M, Eklund P, Gogotsi Y, Rosen J, Barsoum M W 2016 Appl. Surf. Sci. 362 406Google Scholar


    Wu Y, Nie P, Wang J, Dou H, Zhang X 2017 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 39610Google Scholar


    Kim S J, Koh H J, Ren C E, Kwon O, Maleski K, Cho S Y, Anasori B, Kim C K, Choi Y K, Kim J, Gogotsi Y, Jung H T 2018 ACS Nano 12 986Google Scholar


    Ghidiu M, Halim J, Kota S, Bish D, Gogotsi Y, Barsoum M W 2016 Chem. Mater. 28 3507Google Scholar


    Choi Y R, Yoon Y G, Choi K S, Kang J H, Shim Y S, Kim Y H, Chang H J, Lee J H, Park C R, Kim S Y, Jang H W 2015 Carbon 91 178Google Scholar


    Geistlinger H 1993 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 17 47Google Scholar


    Lu G, Ocola L E, Chen J 2009 Nanotechnology 20 445502Google Scholar


    Yu X F, Li Y C, Cheng J B, Liu Z B, Li Q Z, Li W Z, Yang X, Xiao B 2015 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 7 13707Google Scholar


    Tang Q, Zhou Z, Shen P 2012 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 16909Google Scholar


    Anasori B, Lukatskaya M R, Gogotsi Y 2017 Nature Reviews Materials 2 16098


    Xiao B, Li Y C, Yu X F, Cheng J B 2016 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 235 103Google Scholar


    Ghosh R, Singh A, Santra S, Ray S K, Chandra A, Guha P K 2014 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 205 67Google Scholar

  • 图 1  MAX相及其对应的MXene结构

    Fig. 1.  MAX phase and its corresponding MXene structure.

    图 2  (a)和(b) HF溶液刻蚀制备Ti3C2Tx材料SEM图像; (c)和(d) LiF/HCl溶液刻蚀制备Ti3C2Tx材料SEM图像

    Fig. 2.  (a) and (b) SEM images of Ti3C2Tx prepared by HF solution etching; (c) and (d) SEM image of Ti3C2Tx prepared by LiF/HCl solution etching.

    图 3  HF溶液刻蚀制备Ti3C2Tx材料的 (a) XPS光谱图; (b) Ti 2p光谱; (c) C 1s光谱和(d) O 1s光谱; LiF/HCl溶液刻蚀制备Ti3C2Tx材料的(e) XPS光谱图; (f) Ti 2p光谱; (g) C 1s光谱和(h) O 1s光谱

    Fig. 3.  (a) XPS spectra of Ti3C2Tx prepared by HF solution etching; (b) Ti 2p spectrum; (c) C 1s spectrum and (d) O 1s spectrum; (e) XPS spectra of Ti3C2Tx prepared by LiF/HCl solution etching; (f) Ti 2p spectrum; (g) C 1s spectrum; (h) O 1s spectrum.

    图 4  室温下, (a) HF溶液, (b) LiF/HCl溶液刻蚀制备Ti3C2Tx基气体传感器对不同浓度NH3的响应度; (c) HF溶液, (d) LiF/HCl溶液刻蚀制备的Ti3C2Tx基气体传感器的响应度随NH3浓度变化的朗缪尔等温线

    Fig. 4.  Response of Ti3C2Tx based gas sensor prepared by etching: (a) HF solution and (b) LiF/HCl solution to NH3 with different concentrations at room temperature; Langmuir isotherm of the responsivity of Ti3C2Tx based gas sensor prepared by the etching of (c) HF solution and (d) LiF/HCl solution.

    图 5  室温下, (a) HF溶液刻蚀制备和(b) LiF/HCl溶液刻蚀制备的Ti3C2Tx基气体传感器对10 ppm NH3的重复性; (c)室温下, 两种刻蚀剂刻蚀制备的Ti3C2Tx基气体传感器对10 ppm NH3 的稳定性; (d)室温下, 两种刻蚀剂刻蚀制备的Ti3C2Tx基气体传感器对不同气体的响应度

    Fig. 5.  At room temperature, (a) Ti3C2Tx based gas sensor prepared by etching HF solution and (b) Ti3C2Tx based gas sensor prepared by etching LiF/HCl solution was repeatable to 10 ppm NH3. (c) at room temperature, the stability of Ti3C2Tx based gas sensor prepared by two etching agents for 10 ppm NH3; (d) response of Ti3C2Tx based gas sensor etched by two etching agents to different gases at room temperature.

    图 6  气体分子吸附在不同端接官能团Ti3C2Tx上的密度泛函理论模拟结果 (a) Ti3C2(OH)2, (b) Ti3C2O2和(c) Ti3C2F2上NH3最小能量配置的侧面和顶部视图(1 Å = 0.1 nm)

    Fig. 6.  DFT simulation results of gas molecules adsorbed on different terminated functional groups Ti3C2Tx. Side and top views of the minimum energy configuration for NH3 on (a) Ti3C2(OH)2, (b) Ti3C2O2 and (c) Ti3C2F2 (1 Å = 0.1 nm).

    图 7  Ti3C2Tx基气体传感器对NH3的传感机理

    Fig. 7.  Sensing mechanism of NH3 by Ti3C2Tx based gas sensor.

    表 1  两种不同刻蚀剂制备获得的Ti3C2Tx材料比表面积

    Table 1.  Specific surface area of Ti3C2Tx prepared by two different etchers.

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    表 2  图4(c)图4(d)朗缪尔等温线系数

    Table 2.  Figs. 4(c) and 4(d) Langmuir isotherm coefficients.

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    Naguib M, Kurtoglu M, Presser V, Lu J, Niu J, Heon M, Hultman L, Gogotsi Y, Barsoum M W 2011 Adv. Mater. 23 4248Google Scholar


    Deysher G, Shuck C E, Hantanasirisakul K, Frey N C, Foucher A C, Maleski K, Sarycheva A, Shenoy V B, Stach E A, Anasori B, Gogotsi Y 2020 ACS Nano 14 204Google Scholar


    Sokol M, Natu V, Kota S, Barsoum M W 2019 Trends Environ. Anal. Chem. 1 210Google Scholar


    Tao Q, Lu J, Dahlqvist M, Mockute A, Calder S, Petruhins A, Meshkian R, Rivin O, Potashnikov D, Caspi E a N, Shaked H, Hoser A, Opagiste C, Galera R M, Salikhov R, Wiedwald U, Ritter C, Wildes A R, Johansson B, Hultman L, Farle M, Barsoum M W, Rosen J 2019 Chem. of Mater. 31 2476Google Scholar


    Shein I R, Ivanovskii A L 2013 Micro Nano Lett. 8 59Google Scholar


    Ding L, Wei Y, Li L, Zhang T, Wang H, Xue J, Ding L X, Wang S, Caro J, Gogotsi Y 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 155Google Scholar


    Anasori B, Lukatskaya M R, Gogotsi Y 2017 Nat. Rev. Mater. 2 16098Google Scholar


    Ding L, Wei Y, Wang Y, Chen H, Caro J, Wang H 2017 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 56 1825Google Scholar


    Khazaei M, Ranjbar A, Ghorbani Asl M, Arai M, Sasaki T, Liang Y, Yunoki S 2016 Phys. Rev. B 93 205125Google Scholar


    Yang Z, Jiang L, Wang J, Liu F, He J, Liu A, Lv S, You R, Yan X, Sun P, Wang C, Duan Y, Lu G 2021 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 326 128828Google Scholar


    Tai H, Duan Z, He Z, Li X, Xu J, Liu B, Jiang Y 2019 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 298 126874Google Scholar


    Wu M, He M, Hu Q, Wu Q, Sun G, Xie L, Zhang Z, Zhu Z, Zhou A 2019 ACS Sens. 4 2763Google Scholar


    Feng A, Yu Y, Wang Y, Jiang F, Yu Y, Mi L, Song L 2017 Mater. Des. 114 161Google Scholar


    Halim J, Lukatskaya M R, Cook K M, Lu J, Smith C R, Naslund L A, May S J, Hultman L, Gogotsi Y, Eklund P, Barsoum M W 2014 Chem. Mater. 26 2374Google Scholar


    Yang S, Zhang P, Wang F, Ricciardulli A G, Lohe M R, Blom P W M, Feng X 2018 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 57 15491Google Scholar


    黄大朋 2020 博士学位论文 (济南: 山东大学)

    Huang D P 2020 Ph. D. Dissertation(Jinan: Shandong University) (in Chinese)


    Lee E, VahidMohammadi A, Prorok B C, Yoon Y S, Beidaghi M, Kim D J 2017 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 9 37184Google Scholar


    Alhabeb M, Maleski K, Anasori B, Lelyukh P, Clark L, Sin S, Gogotsi Y 2017 Chem. Mater. 29 7633Google Scholar


    Cheng Y, Ma Y, Li L, Zhu M, Yue Y, Liu W, Wang L, Jia S, Li C, Qi T, Wang J, Gao Y 2020 ACS Nano 14 2145Google Scholar


    Halim J, Cook K M, Naguib M, Eklund P, Gogotsi Y, Rosen J, Barsoum M W 2016 Appl. Surf. Sci. 362 406Google Scholar


    Wu Y, Nie P, Wang J, Dou H, Zhang X 2017 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 39610Google Scholar


    Kim S J, Koh H J, Ren C E, Kwon O, Maleski K, Cho S Y, Anasori B, Kim C K, Choi Y K, Kim J, Gogotsi Y, Jung H T 2018 ACS Nano 12 986Google Scholar


    Ghidiu M, Halim J, Kota S, Bish D, Gogotsi Y, Barsoum M W 2016 Chem. Mater. 28 3507Google Scholar


    Choi Y R, Yoon Y G, Choi K S, Kang J H, Shim Y S, Kim Y H, Chang H J, Lee J H, Park C R, Kim S Y, Jang H W 2015 Carbon 91 178Google Scholar


    Geistlinger H 1993 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 17 47Google Scholar


    Lu G, Ocola L E, Chen J 2009 Nanotechnology 20 445502Google Scholar


    Yu X F, Li Y C, Cheng J B, Liu Z B, Li Q Z, Li W Z, Yang X, Xiao B 2015 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 7 13707Google Scholar


    Tang Q, Zhou Z, Shen P 2012 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134 16909Google Scholar


    Anasori B, Lukatskaya M R, Gogotsi Y 2017 Nature Reviews Materials 2 16098


    Xiao B, Li Y C, Yu X F, Cheng J B 2016 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 235 103Google Scholar


    Ghosh R, Singh A, Santra S, Ray S K, Chandra A, Guha P K 2014 Sens. Actuators B Chem. 205 67Google Scholar

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