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胡裕栋 宋丽军 王晨曦 张沛 周静 李刚 张鹏飞 张天才



胡裕栋, 宋丽军, 王晨曦, 张沛, 周静, 李刚, 张鹏飞, 张天才

Characterization of mode field distribution in optical Fabry-Perot cavity based on nanofiber

Hu Yu-Dong, Song Li-Jun, Wang Chen-Xi, Zhang Pei, Zhou Jing, Li Gang, Zhang Peng-Fei, Zhang Tian-Cai
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 光学法布里-珀罗(F-P)谐振腔、粒子、微纳机械振子三者结合的复合腔光力学系统在基本物理问题、量子信息、精密测量等方面的研究和应用中越来越引起大家的重视. 本文将纳米光纤置于光学F-P谐振腔的腔模中, 探究了纳米光纤对光学F-P谐振腔精细度的影响, 并通过测量纳米光纤引起的光学F-P谐振腔内腔损耗随纳米光纤位置的关系直接获得光学F-P谐振腔的腰斑半径, 从而进一步实现了对光学F-P谐振腔腔内模场分布的无损表征. 此方法可以用于在纳米光纤表面装载的发光粒子与光学F-P谐振腔耦合的精确控制, 也为集合光子、粒子、声子的复合腔光力学研究提供了良好的平台.
    The composite cavity optomechanical system combining optical Fabry-Perot (F-P) cavities, particles, and micro/nano mechanical oscillators is becoming more significant in the researches and applications of the fundamental physics, quantum information processing, and precision measurement. Characterizing the mode field distribution of optical F-P cavity is significant prior to the application of optical F-P cavity. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a method to measure the waist of an optical F-P cavity and to characterize the mode field distribution of the optical F-P cavity by using a nanofiber nondestructively. In experiment, a nanofiber is placed in the mode of the optical F-P cavity with a fineness of around 1500. The optical F-P cavity is composed of two mirrors each with high reflectivity of 99.8%. The radius of curvature of the each mirror is 50 mm. The cavity length is ($ 80 \pm 4 $) mm. The nanofiber is fabricated from a single-mode fiber by the flame-brush method. The nanofiber diameter is around 440 nm. The transmission spectra of the optical F-P cavity are measured by scanning the cavity length. The free spectrum ranges and the inner cavity losses can be obtained from the transmission spectra. First, the influence of the nanofiber on the optical F-P cavity fineness is investigated. The fineness as a function of nanofiber position along the radial direction of the optical F-P cavity is measured. The fineness caused by the nanofiber decreases to a minimum value of about 240. Second, it is investigated that the optical F-P cavity inner loss caused by the nanofiber as a function of the nanofiber position along the radial direction of the optical F-P cavity when the nanofiber is placed at the waist of the optical F-P cavity. The inner loss of the optical F-P cavity caused by the nanofiber is related to the intensity distribution of the optical F-P cavity mode field, which is predicted theoretically. Thus, by making the Gaussian fitting of the optical F-P cavity inner loss as a function of the nanofiber position, we can obtain a waist radius of the optical F-P cavity to be ($ 72 \pm 1 $) μm. This is in good agreement with the theoretical calculation. Finally, the mode field distribution of the optical F-P cavity along the cavity axis is characterized. This method can be used for precisely controlling the coupling between the particles on the surface of nanofiber and optical F-P cavity. Besides, this method provides a good platform for studying the hybrid optomechanical system combining cavities, photons and quantum emitters.
      通信作者: 张鹏飞, zhangpengfei@sxu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: U21A6006, U21A20433, 11974223, 11974225, 12104277, 12104278)和山西省“1331工程”重点学科建设基金资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Peng-Fei, zhangpengfei@sxu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U21A6006, U21A20433, 11974223, 11974225, 12104277, 12104278) and the Fund for Shanxi “1331 Project” Key Subjects Construction, China.

    张智明 2015 量子光学 (北京: 科学出版社) 第184—193页

    Zhang Z M 2015 Quantum Optics (Beijing: Science Press) pp184–193 (in Chinese)


    李刚, 张鹏飞, 杨鹏飞, 王志辉, 张天才 2022 光学学报 42 76

    Li G, Zhang P F, Yang P F, Wang Z H, Zhang T C 2022 Acta Opt. Sin. 42 76


    Walther H, Varcoe B T H, Englert B-G, Becker T 2006 Rep. Prog. Phys. 69 1325Google Scholar


    张天才, 毋伟, 杨鹏飞, 李刚, 张鹏飞 2021 光学学报 41 392

    Zhang T C, Wu W, Yang P F, Li G, Zhang P F 2021 Acta Opt. Sin. 41 392


    Vahala K J 2003 Nature 424 839Google Scholar


    宋丽军, 张鹏飞, 王鑫, 王晨曦, 李刚, 张天才 2019 68 074204Google Scholar

    Song L J, Zhang P F, Wang X, Wang C X, Li G, Zhang T C 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 074204Google Scholar


    McCall S L, Levi A F J, Slusher R E, Pearton S J, Logan R A 1992 Appl. Phys. Lett. 60 289Google Scholar


    Kahl M, Thomay T, Kohnle V, Beha K, Merlein J, Hagner M, Halm A, Ziegler J, Nann T, Fedutik Y, Woggon U, Artemyev M, Pérez-Willard F, Leitenstorfer A, Bratschitsch R 2007 Nano Lett. 7 2897Google Scholar


    Ruddell S K, Webb K E, Herrera I, Parkins A S, Hoogerland M D 2017 Optica 4 576Google Scholar


    Hunger D, Steinmetz T, Colombe Y, Deutsch C, Hänsch T W, Reichel J 2010 New J. Phys. 12 065038Google Scholar


    Zhang Q Q, Fan Z Y, Zhang J P, Zhang F B, Zhang Q, Li Y M 2020 Appl. Opt. 59 8959Google Scholar


    成凡, 张鹏飞, 王鑫, 张天才 2017 量子光学学报 23 74

    Cheng F, Zhang P F, Wang X, Zhang T C 2017 J. Quantum Opt. 23 74


    Vučković J, Lončar M, Mabuchi H, Scherer A 2001 Phys. Rev. E 65 016608Google Scholar


    Chen Y T, Szurek M, Hu B L, Hond J D, Braverman B, Vuletic V 2022 Opt. Express 30 37426


    Kuhn A, Hennrich M, Rempe G 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 067901Google Scholar


    Yang P F, Xia X W, He H, Li S K, Han X, Zhang P, Li G, Zhang P F, Xu J P, Yang Y P, Zhang T C 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 233604


    Yang P F, Li M, Han X, He H, Li G, Zou C L, Zhang P F, Zhang T C 2019 arXiv 1911.10300


    Chen W L, Beck K M, Bücker R, Gullans M, Lukin M D, Tanji-Suzuki H, Vuletic V 2013 Science 341 768Google Scholar


    Colombe Y, Steinmetz T, Dubois G, Linke F, Hunger D, Reichel J 2007 Nature 450 272Google Scholar


    Haas F, Volz J, Gehr R, Reichel J, Estève J 2014 Science 344 180Google Scholar


    Albrecht R, Bommer A, Deutsch C, Reichel J, Becher C 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 243602Google Scholar


    Takahashi H, Kassa E, Christoforou C, Keller M 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 013602Google Scholar


    Kobel P, Breyer M, Köhl M 2021 npj Quantum Inf. 7 6Google Scholar


    Kiraz A, Michler P, Becher C, Gayral B, Imamoğlu A, Zhang L D, Hu E 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 78 3932Google Scholar


    Lodahl P, Mahmoodian S, Stobbe S 2015 Rev. Mod. Phys. 87 347Google Scholar


    Metcalf H J, Van der Straten P 2003 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: Opt. Phys. 20 887Google Scholar


    Ye J, Vernooy D W, Kimble H J 1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 4987Google Scholar


    Münstermann P, Fischer T, Pinkse P W H, Rempe G 1999 Opt. Commun. 159 63Google Scholar


    Fortier K M, Kim S Y, Gibbons M J, Ahmadi P, Chapman M S 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 233601Google Scholar


    Kuhr S, Alt W, Schrader D, Dotsenko I, Miroshnychenko Y, Rosenfeld W, Khudaverdyan M, Gomer V, Rauschenbeutel A, Meschede D 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 213002Google Scholar


    Zhang Y C, Li G, Zhang P F, Wang J M, Zhang T C 2009 Front. Phys. Chin. 4 190Google Scholar


    Zhu J G, Ozdemir S K, Xiao Y F, Li L, He L, Chen D R, Yang L 2010 Nat. Photonics 4 46Google Scholar


    Wang X, Song L J, Wang C X, Zhang P F, Li G, Zhang T C 2019 Chin. Phys. B 28 073701


    Nayak K P, Sadgrove M, Yalla R, Kien F L, Hakuta K 2018 J. Opt. 20 073001Google Scholar


    Vetsch E, Reitz D, Sague’ G, Schmidt R, Dawkins S T, Rauschenbeutel A 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 203603Google Scholar


    Davanco M I, Srinivasan K A 2009 Opt. Express 17 10542Google Scholar


    Tong L M, Gattass R R, Ashcom J B, He S, Lou J Y, Shen M Y, Maxwell I, Mazur E 2003 Nature 426 816Google Scholar


    Zhang P F, Wang X, Song L J, Wang C X, Li G, Zhang T C 2020 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: Opt. Phys. 37 1401Google Scholar


    Kien F L, Gupta S D, Balykin V I, Hakuta K 2005 Phys. Rev. A 72 032509Google Scholar


    Fenton E F, Khan A, Solano P, Orozco L A, Fatemi F K 2018 Opt. Lett. 43 1534Google Scholar


    Wuttke C, Cole G D, Rauschenbeutel A 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 061801Google Scholar


    Fogliano F, Besga B, Reigue A, Heringlake P, Lépinay M de L, Vaneph C, Reichel J, Pigeau B, Arcizet O 2021 Phys. Rev. X 11 021009


    Pennetta R, Xie S, Russel P S 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 273901Google Scholar


    Bernd W, Thorsten O, Sebastian S, Thomas H, Arno R 2021 Phys. Rev. Appl. 16 064021Google Scholar


    Sakai H, Honda Y, Sasao N, Araki S, Higashi Y, Okugi T, Taniguchi T, Urakawa J, Takano M 2002 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41 6398Google Scholar


    You Y, Urakawa J J, Rawankar A, Aryshev A, Shimizu H, Honda Y, Yan L X, Huang W H, Tang C X 2012 Nucl. Instrum. Methods. Phys. Res. Sect. A 694 6Google Scholar


    Sakaue K, Washio M, Araki S, Fukuda M, Higashi Y, Honda Y, Omori T, Taniguchi T, Terunuma N, Urakawa J, Sasao N 2009 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80 123304Google Scholar


    Zhang P F, Cheng F, Wang X, Song L J, Zou C L, Li G, Zhang T C 2018 Opt. Express 26 31500Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a) 理论模型结构示意图, 灰色阴影表示高斯光束, 红色阴影表示高斯光束在径向光功率密度分布, 蓝色长棒表示纳米光纤; (b) 光学F-P谐振腔的精细度随纳米光纤在y轴位置的变化关系的模拟结果, 红色三角块为纳米光纤造成光学F-P谐振腔的内腔损耗, 蓝色实线为光学F-P谐振腔腔内高斯光束的强度分布, 橙色圆点为光学F-P谐振腔精细度

    Fig. 1.  (a) Schematic of the model for numerical simulations. Gray shaded areas represent the Gaussian beams, red shaded areas represent the intensity distribution of Gaussian beams and long blue bars represent the nanofiber. (b) F-P cavity finesse as a function of the nanofiber position along y-axis. The orange circles are the finesse of F-P cavity. The red triangular blocks are the F-P cavity losses and the blue solid line is the intensity distribution of the Gaussian beam in the F-P cavity.

    图 2  (a) 实验装置示意图; (b) 纳米光纤的电镜照片

    Fig. 2.  (a) Schematic of experimental setup; (b) SEM image of the nanofiber.

    图 3  光学F-P谐振腔的精细度随纳米光纤在y轴位置的变化关系

    Fig. 3.  Finesse of the F-P cavity as a function of nanofiber position along y-axis.

    图 5  光学F-P谐振腔中轴向(z轴)的腔内模场分布

    Fig. 5.  Mode distribution in the F-P cavity along z-axis.

    图 4  纳米光纤处于光学F-P谐振腔腔模腰斑处, 光学F-P谐振腔内腔损耗随纳米光纤在y轴位置的变化关系

    Fig. 4.  F-P cavity loss as a function of the position of the nanofiber in the y-axis when the nanofiber is at the waist of the cavity.

  • [1]

    张智明 2015 量子光学 (北京: 科学出版社) 第184—193页

    Zhang Z M 2015 Quantum Optics (Beijing: Science Press) pp184–193 (in Chinese)


    李刚, 张鹏飞, 杨鹏飞, 王志辉, 张天才 2022 光学学报 42 76

    Li G, Zhang P F, Yang P F, Wang Z H, Zhang T C 2022 Acta Opt. Sin. 42 76


    Walther H, Varcoe B T H, Englert B-G, Becker T 2006 Rep. Prog. Phys. 69 1325Google Scholar


    张天才, 毋伟, 杨鹏飞, 李刚, 张鹏飞 2021 光学学报 41 392

    Zhang T C, Wu W, Yang P F, Li G, Zhang P F 2021 Acta Opt. Sin. 41 392


    Vahala K J 2003 Nature 424 839Google Scholar


    宋丽军, 张鹏飞, 王鑫, 王晨曦, 李刚, 张天才 2019 68 074204Google Scholar

    Song L J, Zhang P F, Wang X, Wang C X, Li G, Zhang T C 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 074204Google Scholar


    McCall S L, Levi A F J, Slusher R E, Pearton S J, Logan R A 1992 Appl. Phys. Lett. 60 289Google Scholar


    Kahl M, Thomay T, Kohnle V, Beha K, Merlein J, Hagner M, Halm A, Ziegler J, Nann T, Fedutik Y, Woggon U, Artemyev M, Pérez-Willard F, Leitenstorfer A, Bratschitsch R 2007 Nano Lett. 7 2897Google Scholar


    Ruddell S K, Webb K E, Herrera I, Parkins A S, Hoogerland M D 2017 Optica 4 576Google Scholar


    Hunger D, Steinmetz T, Colombe Y, Deutsch C, Hänsch T W, Reichel J 2010 New J. Phys. 12 065038Google Scholar


    Zhang Q Q, Fan Z Y, Zhang J P, Zhang F B, Zhang Q, Li Y M 2020 Appl. Opt. 59 8959Google Scholar


    成凡, 张鹏飞, 王鑫, 张天才 2017 量子光学学报 23 74

    Cheng F, Zhang P F, Wang X, Zhang T C 2017 J. Quantum Opt. 23 74


    Vučković J, Lončar M, Mabuchi H, Scherer A 2001 Phys. Rev. E 65 016608Google Scholar


    Chen Y T, Szurek M, Hu B L, Hond J D, Braverman B, Vuletic V 2022 Opt. Express 30 37426


    Kuhn A, Hennrich M, Rempe G 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 067901Google Scholar


    Yang P F, Xia X W, He H, Li S K, Han X, Zhang P, Li G, Zhang P F, Xu J P, Yang Y P, Zhang T C 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 233604


    Yang P F, Li M, Han X, He H, Li G, Zou C L, Zhang P F, Zhang T C 2019 arXiv 1911.10300


    Chen W L, Beck K M, Bücker R, Gullans M, Lukin M D, Tanji-Suzuki H, Vuletic V 2013 Science 341 768Google Scholar


    Colombe Y, Steinmetz T, Dubois G, Linke F, Hunger D, Reichel J 2007 Nature 450 272Google Scholar


    Haas F, Volz J, Gehr R, Reichel J, Estève J 2014 Science 344 180Google Scholar


    Albrecht R, Bommer A, Deutsch C, Reichel J, Becher C 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 243602Google Scholar


    Takahashi H, Kassa E, Christoforou C, Keller M 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 013602Google Scholar


    Kobel P, Breyer M, Köhl M 2021 npj Quantum Inf. 7 6Google Scholar


    Kiraz A, Michler P, Becher C, Gayral B, Imamoğlu A, Zhang L D, Hu E 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 78 3932Google Scholar


    Lodahl P, Mahmoodian S, Stobbe S 2015 Rev. Mod. Phys. 87 347Google Scholar


    Metcalf H J, Van der Straten P 2003 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: Opt. Phys. 20 887Google Scholar


    Ye J, Vernooy D W, Kimble H J 1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 4987Google Scholar


    Münstermann P, Fischer T, Pinkse P W H, Rempe G 1999 Opt. Commun. 159 63Google Scholar


    Fortier K M, Kim S Y, Gibbons M J, Ahmadi P, Chapman M S 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 233601Google Scholar


    Kuhr S, Alt W, Schrader D, Dotsenko I, Miroshnychenko Y, Rosenfeld W, Khudaverdyan M, Gomer V, Rauschenbeutel A, Meschede D 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 213002Google Scholar


    Zhang Y C, Li G, Zhang P F, Wang J M, Zhang T C 2009 Front. Phys. Chin. 4 190Google Scholar


    Zhu J G, Ozdemir S K, Xiao Y F, Li L, He L, Chen D R, Yang L 2010 Nat. Photonics 4 46Google Scholar


    Wang X, Song L J, Wang C X, Zhang P F, Li G, Zhang T C 2019 Chin. Phys. B 28 073701


    Nayak K P, Sadgrove M, Yalla R, Kien F L, Hakuta K 2018 J. Opt. 20 073001Google Scholar


    Vetsch E, Reitz D, Sague’ G, Schmidt R, Dawkins S T, Rauschenbeutel A 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 203603Google Scholar


    Davanco M I, Srinivasan K A 2009 Opt. Express 17 10542Google Scholar


    Tong L M, Gattass R R, Ashcom J B, He S, Lou J Y, Shen M Y, Maxwell I, Mazur E 2003 Nature 426 816Google Scholar


    Zhang P F, Wang X, Song L J, Wang C X, Li G, Zhang T C 2020 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: Opt. Phys. 37 1401Google Scholar


    Kien F L, Gupta S D, Balykin V I, Hakuta K 2005 Phys. Rev. A 72 032509Google Scholar


    Fenton E F, Khan A, Solano P, Orozco L A, Fatemi F K 2018 Opt. Lett. 43 1534Google Scholar


    Wuttke C, Cole G D, Rauschenbeutel A 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 061801Google Scholar


    Fogliano F, Besga B, Reigue A, Heringlake P, Lépinay M de L, Vaneph C, Reichel J, Pigeau B, Arcizet O 2021 Phys. Rev. X 11 021009


    Pennetta R, Xie S, Russel P S 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 273901Google Scholar


    Bernd W, Thorsten O, Sebastian S, Thomas H, Arno R 2021 Phys. Rev. Appl. 16 064021Google Scholar


    Sakai H, Honda Y, Sasao N, Araki S, Higashi Y, Okugi T, Taniguchi T, Urakawa J, Takano M 2002 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 41 6398Google Scholar


    You Y, Urakawa J J, Rawankar A, Aryshev A, Shimizu H, Honda Y, Yan L X, Huang W H, Tang C X 2012 Nucl. Instrum. Methods. Phys. Res. Sect. A 694 6Google Scholar


    Sakaue K, Washio M, Araki S, Fukuda M, Higashi Y, Honda Y, Omori T, Taniguchi T, Terunuma N, Urakawa J, Sasao N 2009 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80 123304Google Scholar


    Zhang P F, Cheng F, Wang X, Song L J, Zou C L, Li G, Zhang T C 2018 Opt. Express 26 31500Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2022-07-29
  • 修回日期:  2022-08-24
  • 上网日期:  2022-11-28
  • 刊出日期:  2022-12-05

