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李冰 马萌晨 雷明珠



李冰, 马萌晨, 雷明珠

Hybrid algorithm for composite electromagnetic scattering from the multi-target on and above rough sea surface

Li Bing, Ma Meng-Chen, Lei Ming-Zhu
  • 针对粗糙海面与其上方多目标复合的情形,常用算法存在计算量过大、计算时间太长等缺点,本文采用基尔霍夫近似法与矩量法结合的混合算法可以大大简化计算量、节省时间.本文首先通过蒙特卡罗的方法模拟一维PM粗糙海面,并与粗糙海面上方多目标建立复合模型;然后对矩量法结合基尔霍夫近似法的混合算法做了详细的公式推导,得到了复合散射系数,并且分析了不同入射角、目标高度、目标间距、目标尺寸、风速等参数对复合电磁散射特性的影响.实验结果表明,针对粗糙海面与其上方多目标复合的情形,采用矩量法结合基尔霍夫近似法的混合算法不但可以保证准确性,而且可以大幅度减少计算所用时间(混合算法用时占矩量法的19%),对大尺寸粗糙面和复杂的复合模型优势尤为明显.
    In the study of electromagnetic scattering of multi-target composite on and above the rough sea surface, the common algorithm such as the method of moment analyzes the relationship between the target and the rough sea surface point by point, so the common algorithm usually requires massive computation and a lot of time. In this paper, the rough sea surface is described by Pierson-Moscowitz (PM) spectrum and Monte Carlo method, and the composite electromagnetic scattering from multiple conductor flying targets above the rough sea surface is investigated by using the hybrid algorithm-the method of moment in the Kirchhoff approximation. The composite scattering region is divided into target region and rough sea surface region. The target region and the rough sea surface region are investigated by using the method of moment, and the Kirchhoff approximation, respectively. The formulas of the hybrid algorithm in different polarizations are derived in detail, and the scattering coefficients in different incident angles, target heights, target sizes, target distances and wind velocities are calculated in detail. The characteristics of the composite scattering coefficient from the multiple conductor flying target above the rough sea surface are also obtained. Results show that the hybrid algorithm, i. e., the combination of method of moment and the Kirchhoff approximation, can obtain higher accuracy, and reduce the computation time efficiently. The computation time used by the hybrid algorithm is 19% of that by using the method of moment. Moreover, the performance becomes more favorable with the increase of size of rough sea surface.
      通信作者: 李冰, libing_paper@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:51307026)、黑龙江省科学基金(批准号:E201347)和哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项基金(批准号:RC2015QN020027)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Bing, libing_paper@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51307026), the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, China (Grant No. E201347), and the Special Research Funds for Innovative Talents of Science and Technology of Harbin City, China (Grant No. RC2015QN020027).

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    Zamani H, Tavakoli A, Dehmollaian M 2016IEEE Trans.Geosci.Remote Sens. 54 3685


    Wei Y W, Guo L X 2016Waves Random Complex Media 26 152


    Xu R W, Guo L X, HE H J, Liu W 2016 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 13314


    Di Martino G, Iodice A, Riccio D, Ruello G 2015Oceans 2015-Genova Genova, Italy, May 18-21, 2015, p4


    Xie T, Perrie W, Shang Z Z, Fang H, Yu W J, He Y J 2016Chin.Phys.B 25 074102


    Kim K, Kim J H, Cho D S 2009Ocean Eng. 36 821


    Perotoni M B, Barbin S E 2007SbmoIeee Mtt-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference(Vols 1 and 2) Salvador, Brazil Oct.29-Nov.01, 2007 p492


    Ren X C, Zhu X M, Liu P 2016Acta Phys.Sin. 65 204101(in Chinese)[任新城, 朱小敏, 刘鹏2016 65 204101]


    Li W L, Guo L X, Meng X, Liu W 2014Acta Phys.Sin. 63 164102(in Chinese)[李文龙, 郭立新, 孟肖, 刘伟2014 63 164102]


    Schroder A, Bruns H D, Schuster C 2012IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag. 60 6058


    Su X, Wu Z S, Zhang X X 2014Conference on High-Performance Computing in Remote Sensing IV Amsterdam, Netherlandsz Sep.22-23, 2014 p9247


    Liu P, Jin YQ 2004IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag. 52 1205


    Brennan C, Dung TX, Mullen M, Bradley P, Condom M 2013IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag. 61 3922


    Xu R W, Guo L X, Wang R 2014Chin.Phys.B 23 114101


    Wang R, Guo L X, Qin S T, Wu Z S 2008Acta Phys.Sin. 57 3473(in Chinese)[王蕊, 郭立新, 秦三团, 吴振森2008 57 3473]


    Tian W, Ren X C, Guo L X 2015Acta Phys.Sin. 64 174101(in Chinese)[田炜, 任新城, 郭立新2015 64 174101]


    Zhu Y J, Xie S G 20152nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer Engineering and Electronics Jinan, China May 29-31, 2015 p917


    Jia C G, Guo L X, Yang P J 2015IEEE Antennas Wirel.Propag.Lett. 14 217


    Chen M S, Wang S W, Ma T, Wu X L 2014Acta Phys.Sin. 63 170301(in Chinese)[陈明生, 王时文, 马韬, 吴先良2014 63 170301]


    Chai S R, Guo L X 2015Acta Phys.Sin. 64 060301(in Chinese)[柴水荣, 郭立新2015 64 060301]


    Guo L X, Wang R, Wu Z S 2010Basic Theory and Method of Electromagnetic Scattering from Random Rough Surface(Beijing:Science Press) p199(in Chinese)[郭立新, 王蕊, 吴振森2010随机粗糙面散射的基本理论和方法(北京:科学出版社)第199页]


    Jakobus U, Landstorfer F M 1995IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag. 43 1123


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  • 收稿日期:  2016-10-16
  • 修回日期:  2016-11-19
  • 刊出日期:  2017-03-05

