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Millimeter-wave frequency-reconfigurable filtering antenna with high frequency turning ratio

YANG Guo SHI Hongqiang LI Xiaocong XIAO Ruqi QI Shishan WU Wen


Millimeter-wave frequency-reconfigurable filtering antenna with high frequency turning ratio

YANG Guo, SHI Hongqiang, LI Xiaocong, XIAO Ruqi, QI Shishan, WU Wen
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241494
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • To solve the problem of small frequency turning ratio of the frequency-reconfigurable antenna operating in the millimeter-wave band, a millimeter-wave dual-band frequency-reconfigurable filtering antenna is proposed in this work. The proposed filtering antenna consists of a reconfigurable bandpass filter and an ultra-wideband double layer Vivaldi antenna. The reconfigurable bandpass filter is comprised of several components, including parallel coupled lines, stepped impedance resonator (SIR), PIN diodes, U-shaped branches, and bias network. The reconfigurable filter is integrated in the feedline of the Vivaldi antenna, which provides a simple structure and possesses flexibility for further expansion. The reconfigurable characteristic is realized by controlling the electrical length of the open circuit stepped impedance resonator through two PIN diodes, which not only acts as a switch but also affects the impedance matching within the millimeter wave band. Firstly, the equivalent circuit model of the SIR loaded with PIN diode and bias network is analyzed and simulated to achieve dual-band reconfigurability in the Ka-band. The bias network consists of fan-shaped branches and high-impedance microstrip lines, which suppresses the flow of RF signals. Two notches are introduced by the two U-shaped branches, which are arranged beside the parallel coupling line without affecting the performance of the reconfigurable filter. The realized two notches are located in the non-operating frequency band between the two reconfigurable bands, which enhances the out-of band performances of the reconfigurable filter. Then, to suppress the unnecessary coupling effect and concentrate the energy on the feedline of the Vivaldi antenna, some metallized vias are loaded on the two sides of the feedline. Finally, a metal cavity is introduced to isolate the radiation from filtering components, and some metal columns are loaded inside the cavity for improving the self-resonance of the metal cavity, which effectively improves the cross-polarization level of the filtering antenna. The measured results show that the proposed antenna operates in a range from 25.9 to 28.6 GHz with a maximum gain of 8.83 dBi when the PIN diodes are in the on state, and in a range from 32.6 to 35.9 GHz with a maximum gain of 9.97 dBi when the PIN diodes are in the off state. The center frequency ratio between two reconfigurable frequency bands reaches 1∶1.26, and the cross-polarization levels are all less than –20 dB in both operating bands.
      Corresponding author: XIAO Ruqi,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62271257).

    Yang X J, Ge L, Ji Y, Zeng X R, Luk K M 2019 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 67 6639Google Scholar


    袁子东, 高军, 曹祥玉, 杨欢欢, 杨群, 李文强, 商楷 2014 63 014102Google Scholar

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    Feng L Y, Leung K W 2016 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 64 340Google Scholar


    Xiang B J, Zheng S Y, Wong H, Pan Y M, Wang K X, Xia M H 2018 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 66 657Google Scholar


    Deng Q J, Pan Y M, Liu X Y, Leung K W 2023 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 71 1971Google Scholar


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    Chen Q G, Ala-Laurinaho J, Khripkov A, Ilvonen J, Moreno R M, Viikari V 2023 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 71 6628Google Scholar


    Patriotis M, Ayoub F N, Tawk Y, Costantine J, Christodoulou C G 2021 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 20 2095Google Scholar


    Kumar Naik K, Sailaja B V S 2024 IEEE Open J. Antennas Propag. 5 673Google Scholar


    Yang W C, Zhou C Y, Xue Q, Wen Q Y, Che W Q 2021 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 69 4359Google Scholar


    李靖豪, 杨琬琛, 周晨昱, 薛泉, 文岐业, 车文荃 2022 无线电工程 52 317Google Scholar

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    Kim J, Oh J 2020 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 19 1958Google Scholar


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    Karthika K, Kavitha K, Darsani S, Preethi B, Pavithra P S 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) Coimbatore, India, March 25–26, 2022pp907Google Scholar


    Choi J, Park J, Youn Y, Hwang W, Seong H, Whang Y N, Hong W 2020 Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 68 1872Google Scholar


    Sun W, Liu S X, Zhu X, Zhang X L, Chi P L, Yang T 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 156Google Scholar


    Shi Y R, Ni X Y, Qian Z Y, He S J, Feng W J 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 3097Google Scholar


    Liu Q D, Dong Q, Wen J X, Ye L H, Wu D L, Zhang X Y 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 2310Google Scholar


    Kuosmanen M, Holopainen J, Ala-Laurinaho J, Kiuru T, Viikari V 2023 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 71 6546Google Scholar


    Guo C G, Zhang Z, Fu X N, Wang J H 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 1793Google Scholar


    Ma T C, Dang Q H, Fumeaux C, Nguyen-Trong N 2024 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 72 2998Google Scholar


    Tewari N, Dadel M, Srivastava S 2023 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON). Ahmedabad, India, December 11–14, 2023 p1Google Scholar


    Patriotis M, Ayoub F N, Tawk Y, Costantine J, Christodoulou C G 2021 IEEE Open J. Antennas Propag. 2 759Google Scholar


    邹晓鋆, 许旭光, 康国钦, 朱航, 谭铭, 宋伟 2023 电子与信息学报 45 3973Google Scholar

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    Mandal M K, Sanyal S 2006 IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 16 597Google Scholar


    Lu J C, Liao C K, Chang C Y 2008 Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 56 2101Google Scholar


    Tu W H 2010 IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 20 208Google Scholar


    冯丽君 2022 硕士学位论文 (四川: 电子科技大学)

    Feng L J 2022 M. S. Thesis (Chengdu: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


    March S L 1985 Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 3 269Google Scholar


    Xu J, Wu W, Kang W, Miao C 2012 IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 22 351Google Scholar


    Wan F Y, Wu L L, Ravelo B, Ge J X 2020 IEEE Trans. Electromagn Compat. 62 1813Google Scholar


    Jiang W, Che W Q 2012 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 11 293Google Scholar

  • 图 1  可重构滤波器结构

    Figure 1.  Reconfigurable filter structure.

    图 2  SIR结构加载直流偏置网络的等效电路模型 (a) PIN二极管导通; (b) PIN二极管断开

    Figure 2.  Equivalent circuit model of SIR structure loaded DC bias networks: (a) PIN diodes are on state; (b) PIN diodes are off state.

    图 3  可重构滤波器S参数曲线图

    Figure 3.  S-parameters curve of reconfigurable filter structure.

    图 4  毫米波频率可重构天线三维视图 (a)顶面; (b)侧面; (c)底面; (d)三维爆炸图

    Figure 4.  Millimetre wave frequency reconfigurable antenna three dimensional (3D) view: (a) Top view; (b) side view; (c) bottom view; (d) 3D exploded view

    图 5  Vivaldi双面天线及其加载金属化过孔前后电场分布 (a)天线结构; (b)未加载金属化过孔; (c)加载金属化过孔

    Figure 5.  Double-layer Vivaldi antenna and its electric field distribution before and after loaded the metallised via: (a) Antenna structure; (b) unloaded metallised via; (c) loaded metallised via.

    图 6  加载金属腔后天线的三维视图 (a)顶面; (b)侧面; (c)三维爆炸图

    Figure 6.  3D view of antenna loaded metal cavity: (a) Top view; (b) side view; (c) 3D exploded view.

    图 7  加载金属腔和金属柱对天线反射系数的影响 (a) PIN二极管导通; (b) PIN二极管断开

    Figure 7.  Effect of loaded metal cavity and metal column on antenna reflection coefficient: (a) PIN diodes are on state; (b) PIN diodes are off state.

    图 8  加载金属腔对天线辐射方向图的影响. PIN二极管导通, 27 GHz时(a) E面辐射方向图, (b) H面辐射方向图; PIN二极管断开, 35 GHz时(c) E面方向图, (d) H面方向图

    Figure 8.  Effect of loaded metal cavity on antenna radiation pattern: (a) PIN diodes are on state, E-plane pattern at 27 GHz; (b) PIN diodes are on state, H-plane pattern at 27 GHz; (c) PIN diodes are off state, E-plane pattern at 35 GHz; (d) PIN diodes are off state, H-plane pattern at 35 GHz.

    图 9  制作的天线实物图 (a) Vivaldi天线和可重构滤波器; (b)加载金属腔的天线

    Figure 9.  Photographs of the fabricated antenna: (a) Vivaldi antenna and the reconfigurable filter; (b) the antenna loaded metal cavity.

    图 10  频率可重构天线仿真与实测反射系数$ S_{11} $曲线 (a) PIN二极管导通; (b) PIN二极管断开

    Figure 10.  Frequency reconfigurable antenna simulated and measured reflection coefficient $ S_{11} $ curves: (a) PIN diodes are on state; (b) PIN diodes are off state.

    图 11  频率可重构天线仿真与实测增益曲线 (a) PIN二极管导通; (b) PIN二极管断开

    Figure 11.  Frequency reconfigurable antenna simulated and measured Gain curves: (a) PIN diodes are on state; (b) PIN diodes are off state.

    图 12  PIN二极管的寄生参数对天线反射系数$ S_{11} $的影响 (a)$ C_{\rm {p}} $的频率响应; (b)$ L_{\rm {so}} $的频率响应

    Figure 12.  Effect of parasitic parameters of the PIN diode on the antenna reflection coefficient $ S_{11} $: (a) Frequency response of $ C_{\rm {p}} $; (b) frequency response of $ L_{\rm {so}} $

    图 13  频率可重构天线27 GHz仿真与实测辐射方向图 (a) E面方向图; (b) H面方向图

    Figure 13.  Frequency reconfigurable antenna at 27 GHz simulated and measured radiation pattern: (a) E-plane pattern; (b) H-plane pattern.

    图 14  频率可重构天线35 GHz仿真与实测辐射方向图 (a) E面方向图; (b) H面方向图

    Figure 14.  Frequency reconfigurable antenna at 35 GHz simulated and measured radiation pattern: (a) E-plane pattern; (b) H-plane pattern.

    表 1  可重构滤波器的结构参数(单位: mm)

    Table 1.  Structural parameters of the reconfigurable filter (unit: mm).

    $ w_0 $ $ w_1 $ $ w_2 $ $ w_3 $ $ w_4 $ $ w_5 $ $ l_1 $ $ l_2 $ $ l_3 $ $ l_4 $ $ l_5 $ $ l_6 $
    $ n_1 $$ n_2 $$ n_3 $$ n_4 $$ s_0 $$ s_1 $$ w_{\rm i} $$ g_{\rm i} $$ g_{\rm p} $$ l_{\rm g} $$ r $
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  Vivaldi天线结构参数(单位: mm)

    Table 2.  Structural parameters of the Vivaldi antenna (unit: mm).

    $ w_0 $ $ w_1 $ $ w_2 $ $ w_3 $ $ w_4 $ $ l_0 $ $ l_1 $ $ l_2 $ $ l_3 $ $ l_4 $ $ l_5 $ $ l_{\rm S} $ $ d $ $ r $ $ c $ $ h $
    22.00 14.60 0.34 0.24 0.12 33.00 15.00 1.50 1.70 2.15 1.20 3.00 2.00 1.70 0.30 0.254
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  与其他Ka波段频率可重构天线的比较

    Table 3.  Comparison with other frequency reconfigurable antennas in the Ka-band range.

    天线 天线类型 可重构频带/GHz 频率调谐比 可重构方式 开关数量 最大增益/dBi
    [12] 微带贴片 27.30—30.10 1∶1.10 液晶 N/A 6.5
    [15] 孔径缝隙 27.95/28.65 1∶1.02 PIN 1 6.4/6.1
    [23] 微带贴片 25.00/26.00 1∶1.16 PIN 2 13
    本文 Vivaldi 27.25/34.25 1∶1.26 PIN 2 8.83/9.97
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Yang X J, Ge L, Ji Y, Zeng X R, Luk K M 2019 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 67 6639Google Scholar


    袁子东, 高军, 曹祥玉, 杨欢欢, 杨群, 李文强, 商楷 2014 63 014102Google Scholar

    Yuan Z D, Gao J, Cao X Y, Yang H H, Yang Q, Li W Q, Shang K 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 014102Google Scholar


    Feng L Y, Leung K W 2016 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 64 340Google Scholar


    Xiang B J, Zheng S Y, Wong H, Pan Y M, Wang K X, Xia M H 2018 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 66 657Google Scholar


    Deng Q J, Pan Y M, Liu X Y, Leung K W 2023 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 71 1971Google Scholar


    Zou J J, Zhao Y, Yang X J, Ge L, Sun Y X 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 1513Google Scholar


    Chen Q G, Ala-Laurinaho J, Khripkov A, Ilvonen J, Moreno R M, Viikari V 2023 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 71 6628Google Scholar


    Patriotis M, Ayoub F N, Tawk Y, Costantine J, Christodoulou C G 2021 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 20 2095Google Scholar


    Kumar Naik K, Sailaja B V S 2024 IEEE Open J. Antennas Propag. 5 673Google Scholar


    Yang W C, Zhou C Y, Xue Q, Wen Q Y, Che W Q 2021 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 69 4359Google Scholar


    李靖豪, 杨琬琛, 周晨昱, 薛泉, 文岐业, 车文荃 2022 无线电工程 52 317Google Scholar

    Li J H, Yang W C, Zhou C Y, Xue Q, Wen Q Y, Che W Q 2022 Radio Engineering 52 317Google Scholar


    Kim J, Oh J 2020 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 19 1958Google Scholar


    Jilani S F, Rahimian A, Alfadhl Y, Alomainy A 2018 Flexible and Printed Electronics 3 1Google Scholar


    Karthika K, Kavitha K, Darsani S, Preethi B, Pavithra P S 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) Coimbatore, India, March 25–26, 2022pp907Google Scholar


    Choi J, Park J, Youn Y, Hwang W, Seong H, Whang Y N, Hong W 2020 Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 68 1872Google Scholar


    Sun W, Liu S X, Zhu X, Zhang X L, Chi P L, Yang T 2022 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 70 156Google Scholar


    Shi Y R, Ni X Y, Qian Z Y, He S J, Feng W J 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 3097Google Scholar


    Liu Q D, Dong Q, Wen J X, Ye L H, Wu D L, Zhang X Y 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 2310Google Scholar


    Kuosmanen M, Holopainen J, Ala-Laurinaho J, Kiuru T, Viikari V 2023 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 71 6546Google Scholar


    Guo C G, Zhang Z, Fu X N, Wang J H 2023 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 22 1793Google Scholar


    Ma T C, Dang Q H, Fumeaux C, Nguyen-Trong N 2024 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 72 2998Google Scholar


    Tewari N, Dadel M, Srivastava S 2023 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference (MAPCON). Ahmedabad, India, December 11–14, 2023 p1Google Scholar


    Patriotis M, Ayoub F N, Tawk Y, Costantine J, Christodoulou C G 2021 IEEE Open J. Antennas Propag. 2 759Google Scholar


    邹晓鋆, 许旭光, 康国钦, 朱航, 谭铭, 宋伟 2023 电子与信息学报 45 3973Google Scholar

    Zou X J, Xu X G, Kang G Q, Zhu H, Tan M, Song W 2023 J Electron. Inf. Techn. 45 3973Google Scholar


    Mandal M K, Sanyal S 2006 IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 16 597Google Scholar


    Lu J C, Liao C K, Chang C Y 2008 Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 56 2101Google Scholar


    Tu W H 2010 IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 20 208Google Scholar


    冯丽君 2022 硕士学位论文 (四川: 电子科技大学)

    Feng L J 2022 M. S. Thesis (Chengdu: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


    March S L 1985 Trans. Microw. Theory Tech. 3 269Google Scholar


    Xu J, Wu W, Kang W, Miao C 2012 IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett. 22 351Google Scholar


    Wan F Y, Wu L L, Ravelo B, Ge J X 2020 IEEE Trans. Electromagn Compat. 62 1813Google Scholar


    Jiang W, Che W Q 2012 IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 11 293Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  25 October 2024
  • Accepted Date:  15 November 2024
  • Available Online:  27 November 2024
  • Published Online:  05 January 2025

