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Inelastic neutron scattering spectrometer and its applications

HU Ze YUAN Yuan LI Lisi REN Qingyong FENG Yu SHEN Junying LUO Wei TONG Xin


Inelastic neutron scattering spectrometer and its applications

HU Ze, YUAN Yuan, LI Lisi, REN Qingyong, FENG Yu, SHEN Junying, LUO Wei, TONG Xin
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241412
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Inelastic neutron scattering is a pivotal technique in materials science and physics research, revealing the microscopic dynamic properties of materials by observing the changes in energy and momentum of neutrons interacting with matter. This technique provides important information for quantitatively describing the phonon dispersion and magnetic excitation of materials. Inelastic neutron scattering spectrometers can be divided into triple-axis spectrometers and time-of-flight spectrometers, according to the method of selecting monochromatic neutrons. The former has high signal-to-noise ratio, flexibility, and precise tracking capabilities for specific measurement points, while the latter significantly improves experimental efficiency through various measures. The application of inelastic neutron scattering spectrometers is quite extensive, playing an indispensable role in advancing frontier scientific research in the study of mechanisms in various materials such as magnetism, superconductivity, thermoelectrics, and catalysis. The high-energy inelastic spectrometer at the China Spallation Neutron Source is the first time-of-flight neutron inelastic spectrometer in China, achieving high resolution and multi-energy coexistence with its innovative Fermi chopper design. Additionally, the number of available single neutron beams in the experiment of this facility has reached the international leading level.
      Corresponding author: LUO Wei, ; TONG Xin,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Sun Yat-sen University Technology Development (Commission) Contract, China (Grant No. SYSU-74130-20191017-0001), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2020YFA0406000), and the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (Grant No. 12425512).

    Rutherford E 1920 Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 97 374Google Scholar


    Chadwick J 1932 Nature 129 312Google Scholar


    Von Halban H 1936 Acad. Sci. Paris 203 73


    Elsasser W 1936 CR Acad. Sci 202 1029


    Mitchell D P, Powers P N 1936 Phys. Rev. 50 486Google Scholar


    Bloch F 1936 Phys. Rev. 50 259Google Scholar


    Alvarez L W, Bloch F 1940 Phys. Rev. 57 111Google Scholar


    Shull C G, Smart J S 1949 Phys. Rev. 76 1256Google Scholar


    Brockhouse B, Hurst D 1952 Phys. Rev. 88 542Google Scholar


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    Loong C K, Vashishta P, Kalia R K, Degani M H, Zheng Y 1989 Phys. Rev. Lett. 62 2628Google Scholar


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    Squires G L, Lynn J W 1978 Phys. Today 32 69Google Scholar


    Brockhouse B, Stewart A 1955 Phys. Rev. 100 756Google Scholar


    Rodriguez J A, Adler D M, Brand P C, Broholm C, Cook J C, Brocker C, Hammond R, Huang Z, Hundertmark P, Lynn J W, Maliszewskyj N C, Moyer J, Orndorff J, Pierce D, Pike T D, Scharfstein G, Smee S A, Vilaseca R 2008 Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 034023Google Scholar


    Lynn J, Chen Y, Chang S, Zhao Y, Chi S, Ratcliff II W, Ueland B G, Erwin R W 2012 J. Res. Nat. Inst. Stand. Technol. 117 61Google Scholar


    Boehm M, Hiess A, Kulda J, Roux S, Saroun J 2008 Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 034024Google Scholar


    Jimenez-Ruiz M, Hiess A, Currat R, Kulda J, Bermejo F 2006 Physica B 385 1086Google Scholar


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    Danilkin S A, Yethiraj M, Saerbeck T, Klose F, Ulrich C, Fujioka J, Miyasaka S, Tokura Y, Keimer B 2012 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 340 012003Google Scholar


    Kikuchi H, Asai S, Sato T J, Nakajima T, Harriger L, Zaliznyak I, Masuda T 2024 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 93 091004Google Scholar


    Nawa K, Okuyama D, Wu H C, Murasaki R, Matsuzaka S, Kinjo K, Sato T J 2024 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 93 091001Google Scholar


    Fischer W 1997 Physica B 234 1202Google Scholar


    Stuhr U, Roessli B, Gvasaliya S, Rnnow H, Filges U, Graf D, Bollhalder A, Hohl D, Bürge R, Schild M, Holitzner L, C K, Keller P, Mühlebach T 2017 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 853 16Google Scholar


    Cheng P, Zhang H, Bao W, Schneidewind A, Link P, Grünwald A, Georgii R, Hao L, Liu Y 2016 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 821 17Google Scholar


    李天富, 武梅梅, 焦学胜, 孙凯, 陈东风 2020 原子核物理评论 37 364Google Scholar

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    Song J M, Luo W, Liu B Q, et al. 2020 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 968 163929Google Scholar


    戴鹏程, 李世亮 2011 物理 40 33

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    Kempa M, Janousova B, Saroun J, Flores P, Boehm M, Demmel F, Kulda J 2006 Physica B 385-386 1080Google Scholar


    Groitl F, Toft-Petersen R, Quintero-Castro D L, et al. 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 13637Google Scholar


    Utschick C, Skoulatos M, Schneidewind A, Böni P 2016 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 837 88Google Scholar


    Sobolev O, Hoffmann R, Gibhardt H, Jünke N, Knorr A, Meyer V, Eckold G 2015 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 772 63Google Scholar


    Wang J, Liu J, Xu D, Grünauer F, Hao L, Liu Y, Zhang H, Cheng P, Bao W 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 057801Google Scholar


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    Yu D, Mole R, Noakes T, Kennedy S, Robinson R 2013 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 82 SA027Google Scholar


    Cicognani G, Mutka H, Sacchetti F 2000 Physica B 276 83Google Scholar


    Ollivier J, Mutka H, Didier L 2010 Neutron News 21 22Google Scholar


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    Nakajima K, Ohira-Kawamura S, Kikuchi T, Nakamura M, Kajimoto R, Inamura Y, Takahashi N, Aizawa K, Suzuya K, Shibata K, et al. 2011 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 80 SB028Google Scholar


    Le M D, Guidi T, Bewley R, et al. 2023 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 1056 168646Google Scholar


    Bewley R, Eccleston R, McEwen K, Hayden S, Dove M, Bennington S, Treadgold J, Coleman R 2006 Physica B 385-386 1029Google Scholar


    Bewley R, Taylor J, Bennington S 2011 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 637 128Google Scholar


    Abernathy D L, Stone M B, Loguillo M, Lucas M, Delaire O, Tang X, Lin J, Fultz B 2012 Rev. Sci. Instrum 83 015114Google Scholar


    Ehlers G, Podlesnyak A A, Niedziela J L, Iverson E B, Sokol P E 2011 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82 085108Google Scholar


    Luo W, Feng Y, Liu X, et al. 2023 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 1046 167676Google Scholar


    Lanigan-Atkins T, Yang S, Niedziela J L, Bansal D, Delaire O 2020 Nat. Commun. 11 4430Google Scholar


    Sidis Y, Pailhès S, Hinkov V, Fauquxe B, Ulrich C, Capogna L, Ivanov A, Regnault L P, Keimer B, Bourges P 2007 C. R. Phys. 8 745Google Scholar


    Fujita M, Hiraka H, Matsuda M, Matsuura M, M Tranquada J, Wakimoto S, Xu G, Yamada K 2012 J. Phys. Soc. Japan 81 011007Google Scholar


    Dai P 2015 Rev. Mod. Phys. 87 855Google Scholar


    Xie T, Huo M, Ni X, Shen F, Huang X, Sun H, Walker H C, Adroja D, Yu D, Shen B, He L, Cao K, Wang M 2024 Sci. Bull. 69 3221Google Scholar


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    Si Q, Yu R, Abrahams E 2016 Nat. Rev. Mater. 1 1Google Scholar


    Zhou X, Lee W S, Imada M, Trivedi N, Phillips P, Kee H Y, Törmä P, Eremets M 2021 Nat. Rev. Phys. 3 462Google Scholar


    Wang M, Zhang C, Lu X, et al. 2013 Nat. Commun. 4 2874Google Scholar


    Hong W, Song L, Liu B, Li Z, Zeng Z, Li Y, Wu D, Sui Q, Xie T, Danilkin S, Ghosh H, Ghosh A, Hu J, Zhao L, Zhou X, Qiu X, Li S, Luo H 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 117002Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  (a)三轴谱仪平面图; (b) CMRR的“鲲鹏”冷三轴谱仪[30]; (c) “翠竹”热中子谱仪的构造图[31]; (d) “翠竹”热中子谱仪的照片[29]

    Figure 1.  (a) Triple-axis spectrometer plane diagram; (b) the cold triple-axis spectrometer “Kunpeng” at CMRR[30]; (c) construction diagram of the thermal triple-axis spectrometer IOP-CIAE[31]; (d) photograph of the thermal triple-axis spectrometer IOP-CIAE[29].

    图 2  直接几何飞行时间谱仪的构造图

    Figure 2.  Construction diagram of a direct geometry time-of-flight spectrometer.

    图 3  中国散裂中子源的高能直接几何飞行时间谱仪HD的外观图[49]

    Figure 3.  Photograph of the high-energy direct geometry time-of-flight spectrometer HD at the CSNS[49].

    图 4  费米斩波器的构造 (a) Sloppy斩波器; (b)钆斩波器

    Figure 4.  Construction of the Fermi chopper: (a) Sloppy chopper; (b) Gd chopper.

    图 5  通过费米斩波器的中子飞行时间-距离图. 其中虚线表示相邻两支单色中子的能量分析区间存在重叠. 颜色的透明度代表费米斩波器在该能量的透过率

    Figure 5.  The neutron flight time-distance diagram of the Fermi chopper. The dashed lines indicate that there is an overlap in the energy analysis ranges of two adjacent monochromatic neutrons. Transparency of the colors represents the transmission rate of the Fermi chopper at that energy.

    图 6  费米斩波器不同转速下能量分辨率随波长的变化. 其中红色区域为RRM模式禁区

    Figure 6.  Energy resolution of the Fermi chopper varies with wavelength at different rotation speeds. The red area indicates the forbidden zone for the RRM mode.

    图 7  使用弯通道费米斩波器的中子飞行时间图

    Figure 7.  The neutron time-of-flight diagram with a curved channel Fermi chopper.

    图 8  SnS声子色散和动态磁化率$ (\chi''(Q, E)) $随结构相变的演化 (a)—(d) Pnma相; (e)—(h) Cmcm相. 图(a)和图(e)分别为在Pnma相和Cmcm相中用谐波近似计算的低能色散[50]

    Figure 8.  The SnS phonon dispersion and dynamic magnetic susceptibility $ (\chi''(Q, E)) $ evolve with structural phase transitions: (a)–(d) The Pnma phase; (e)–(h) the Cmcm phase. The low-energy dispersion calculated using harmonic approximation in the Pnma phase and Cmcm phase are shown[50] in panels (a) and (e).

    图 9  (a)通过非弹性中子散射测量$ {\mathrm{La}}_3 {\mathrm{Ni}}_2 {\mathrm{O}}_{7-\delta} $的能谱, 强度为低温减去高温数据; (b)通过自旋波计算得到的自旋激发谱[54]

    Figure 9.  (a) Energy spectrum of ${\mathrm{La}}_3{\mathrm{Ni}} _2{\mathrm{O}} _{7-\delta} $ was measured through inelastic neutron scattering, with intensity being the low-temperature data subtracted from the high-temperature data; (b) spin excitation spectrum obtained through spin wave calculations[54].

    图 10  (a)通过非弹性中子散射测量的$ {\mathrm{PbCuTe}}_2{\mathrm{O}} _6 $粉末的磁激发; (b)$ {\mathrm{PbCuTe}}_2{\mathrm{ O}}_6 $单晶的磁激发谱[72]

    Figure 10.  (a) Magnetic excitations of ${\mathrm{PbCuTe}} _2{\mathrm{O}} _6 $ powder measured by inelastic neutron scattering; (b) magnetic excitation spectrum of $ {\mathrm{PbCuTe}}_2{\mathrm{O}} _6 $ single crystal[72].

    表 1  各个非弹谱仪的参数对比. 其中L1, L2L3分别为慢化器到费米斩波器的距离、样品到费米斩波器的距离和样品到探测器的距离

    Table 1.  Parameter comparison of various non-elastic spectrometers. Among them, L1, L2 and L3 are the distance from the moderator to the Fermi chopper, the distance from the sample to the Fermi chopper and the distance from the sample to the detector respectively.

    Ei/meV 1—2000 5—300 8—2000 10—1500 7—2000 10—1500
    Q–1 0.15—22 0.1—41.5
    水平角度 –31°—62° –35°—130° –30°—60° –28°—135° –45°—135° –30—130°
    垂直角度 20°—20° –25°—27° –18°—18° –27°—26° –30°—30° –30—30°
    分辨率 >2% >5% 1%—5% 3%—5% 4%—7% 3%—10%
    L1/L2/L3 14/1/4 16.3/1.7/2.5 18/2/5.53 11.6/2/3—3.4 10/1.8/2.5 16/2/2.5
    样品尺寸 5 cm×5 cm 4.5 cm×4.5 cm
    or 2 cm×2 cm
    5 cm×5 cm 5 cm×5 cm 5 cm×5 cm 5 cm×5 cm
    or 3 cm×3 cm
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

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    Xie T, Huo M, Ni X, Shen F, Huang X, Sun H, Walker H C, Adroja D, Yu D, Shen B, He L, Cao K, Wang M 2024 Sci. Bull. 69 3221Google Scholar


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    Hong W, Song L, Liu B, Li Z, Zeng Z, Li Y, Wu D, Sui Q, Xie T, Danilkin S, Ghosh H, Ghosh A, Hu J, Zhao L, Zhou X, Qiu X, Li S, Luo H 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 117002Google Scholar


    Gu Q, Wen H H 2022 Innovation 3 100202Google Scholar


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    Paddison J A, Daum M, Dun Z, Ehlers G, Liu Y, Stone M B, Zhou H, Mourigal M 2017 Nat. Phys. 13 117Google Scholar


    Chillal S, Iqbal Y, Jeschke H O, Rodriguez-Rivera J A, Lake B 2020 Nat. Commun. 11 2348Google Scholar


    Bansal D, Niedziela J L, Sinclair R, Garlea V O, Abernathy D L, Chi S, Ren Y, Zhou H, Delaire O 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 15Google Scholar


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    Ren Q, Gupta M K, Jin M, et al. 2023 Nat. Mater. 22 999Google Scholar


    Han S, Dai S, Ma J, et al. 2023 Nat. Phys. 19 1649Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  09 October 2024
  • Accepted Date:  21 November 2024
  • Available Online:  03 December 2024
  • Published Online:  05 January 2025

