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Microscopic study on low-energy quadrupole states in Ni isotope chain atomic nuclei

SUN Shuai AN Rong QI Miao CAO Ligang ZHANG Fengshou


Microscopic study on low-energy quadrupole states in Ni isotope chain atomic nuclei

SUN Shuai, AN Rong, QI Miao, CAO Ligang, ZHANG Fengshou
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20240991
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • This work mainly investigates the properties of the low-energy quadrupole strength in Ni isotopes, especially the evolution of the pygmy quadrupole states with the increase of neutron number. And the effect of shell evolution on the pygmy resonance is also discussed in detail. Based on the Skyrme Hartree-Fock+Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (HF+BCS) theory and the self-consistent quasiparticle random phase approximation (RPA) method, the evolution in the nickel isotope chain with the increase of neutron number is studied. And in the calculations, three effective Skyrme interactions, namely SGII, SLy5 and SKM*, and a density-dependent zero-range type force are adopted. The properties of the first 2+ state in Ni isotopes are studied. A good description on the experimental excited energies of the first 2+ states are achieved, and the SGII and SLy5 can well describe the reduced electric transition probabilities for $^{58-68}{\rm{Ni}}$. It is found that the energy value of the first 2+ state for $^{68}{\rm{Ni}}$ and $^{78}{\rm{Ni}}$ are obviously high than those of other nuclei, reflecting the obvious shell effect. In addition to the first 2+ states, pygmy quadrupole states between 3 MeV and 5 MeV with relatively large electric transition probabilities are evidently found for $^{70-76}{\rm{Ni}}$ in the isoscalar quadruple strength distribution. The pygmy quadrupole states have the energy values decreasing with the number of neutrons increasing, but their strengths increase gradually. Therefore, they are more sensitive to the change in the shell structure. This is due to the fact that the gradual filling of the neutron level $1{{\mathrm{g}}}_{9/2}$ has a significant effect on the pygmy quadrupole states of $^{70-76}{\rm{Ni}}$, and it leads to switching from proton-dominated excitations to neutron-dominated ones. The pygmy quadrupole states for $^{70-76}{\rm{Ni}}$ are sensitive to the proton and neutron shell gaps, so they can provide the information about the shell evolution in neutron-rich nuclei.
      Corresponding author: CAO Ligang, ; ZHANG Fengshou,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12275025, 11975096, 12135004, 11961141004) and the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. 2020NTST06).

    Paar N, Vretenar D, Khan E, Colò G 2007 Rep. Prog. Phys. 70 691Google Scholar


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    Chen L W, Ko C M, Li B A 2005 Phys. Rev. C 72 064309Google Scholar


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    Zhong S Y, Zhang S S, Sun X X, Smith M S 2022 Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 65 262011Google Scholar


    Tian Y J, Liu Q, Heng T H, Guo J Y 2017 Phys. Rev. C 95 064329Google Scholar


    Piekarewicz J 2006 Phys. Rev. C 73 044325Google Scholar


    Vretenar D, Paar N, Ring P, Lalazissis G A 2001 Phys. Rev. C 63 047301Google Scholar


    Yang D, Cao L G, Tian Y, Ma Z Y 2010 Phys. Rev. C 82 054305Google Scholar


    Sun S, Yu R Q, Cao L G, Zhang C L, Zhang F S 2024 Eur. Phys. J. A 60 61Google Scholar


    Cao L G, Ma Z Y 2004 Mod. Phys. Lett. A 19 2845Google Scholar


    Pei J C, Kortelainen M, Zhang Y N, Xu F R 2014 Phys. Rev. C 90 051304Google Scholar


    Khan E, Paar N, Vretenar D, Cao L G, Sagawa H, Colò G 2013 Phys. Rev. C 87 064311Google Scholar


    Tao C, Ma Y G, Zhang G Q, Cao X G, Fang D Q, Wang H W 2013 Nucl. Sci. Tech. 24 030502Google Scholar


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    Yüksel E, Colò G, Khan E, Niu Y F 2018 Phys. Rev. C 97 064308Google Scholar


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    Langanke K, Terasaki J, Nowacki F, Dean D J, Nazarewicz W 2003 Phys. Rev. C 67 044314Google Scholar


    Ansari A, Ring P 2006 Phys. Rev. C 74 054313Google Scholar


    Colò G, Cao L G, Giai N V, Capelli L 2013 Comput. Phys. Commun. 184 142Google Scholar


    Liu L, Liu S, Zhang S S, Cao L G 2021 Chin. Phys. C 45 044105Google Scholar


    Shang X L, Zuo W 2013 Phys. Rev. C 88 025806Google Scholar


    Yan Y J, Shang X L, Dong J M, Zuo W 2021 Chin. Phys. C 45 074105Google Scholar


    Zhang S S, Cao L G, Lombardo U, Schuck P 2016 Phys. Rev. C 93 044329Google Scholar


    Zhang S S, Cao L G, Lombardo U, Zhao E G, Zhou S G 2010 Phys. Rev. C 81 044313Google Scholar


    Wang M, Audi G, Kondev F G, Huang W J, Naimi S, Xu X 2017 Chin. Phys. C 41 030003Google Scholar


    Giai N V, Sagawa H 1981 Phys. Lett. B 106 379Google Scholar


    Chabanat E, Bonche P, Haensel P, Meyer J, Schaeffer R 1998 Nucl. Phys. A 635 231Google Scholar


    Bartel J, Quentin P, Brack M, Guet C, Håkansson H B 1982 Nucl. Phys. A 386 79Google Scholar


    Colò G, Roca-Maza X 2021 arXiv: 2102.06562 [nucl-th]


    Sun S, Zhang S S, Zhang Z H, Cao L G 2021 Chin. Phys. C 45 094101Google Scholar


    Pritychenko B, Birch M, Singh B, Horoi M 2016 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 107 1Google Scholar


    Severyukhin A P, Voronov V V, Giai N V 2008 Phys. Rev. C 77 024322Google Scholar

  • 图 1  利用SGII, SLy5和SkM*相互作用计算的镍同位素链原子核的中子对能隙与实验值[40]的对比

    Figure 1.  Neutron pairing gaps in Ni isotopes calculated by using SGII, SLy5, and SkM* interactions, and compared with the experimental values[40].

    图 2  (a)利用SGII, SLy5和SkM*相互作用计算的镍同位素链原子核的第一个2+态激发能与实验值的对比; (b)对应的电磁跃迁强度与实验值的对比. 实验数据取自文献[46]

    Figure 2.  (a) Energies of the first 2+ state in Ni isotopes obtained by using SGII, SLy5, and SkM* interactions, and compared with the experimental data; (b) corresponding electromagnetic transition strengths. The experimental data is taken from Ref. [46].

    图 3  镍同位素链原子核的同位旋标量四极强度分布(计算采用了SGII相互作用) (a) $^{60—68}{\rm{Ni}}$; (b) $^{70—78}{\rm{Ni}}$

    Figure 3.  Isoscalar quadrupole strength distributions in Ni isotopes: (a) $^{60-68}{\rm{Ni}}$; (b) $^{70-78}{\rm{Ni}}$. The SGII interaction is employed in the calculations.

    图 4  镍同位素链原子核低能区跃迁强度(计算采用了SGII相互作用)

    Figure 4.  Transition strength for the low-energy region in Ni isotopes. The SGII interaction is employed in the calculations.

    图 5  组态$\nu 1\text{g}_{9/2} \to \nu 1\text{g}_{9/2}$和$\nu 1\text{g}_{9/2} \to \nu 2\text{d}_{5/2}$对$^{64—76}{\rm{Ni}}$矮四极共振态的(a)贡献百分比与(b)跃迁概率幅, 其中计算采用了SGII相互作用

    Figure 5.  (a) Contribution percentage and (b) reduced transition amplitudes ${b}_{ cd}$ of configurations $\nu 1\text{g}_{9/2}\to \nu 1\text{g}_{9/2}$ and $\nu 1\text{g}_{9/2}\to \nu 2\text{d}_{5/2}$ contributed to the pygmy quadrupole states in $^{64-76}{\rm{Ni}}$. The SGII interaction is employed in the calculations.

    表 1  利用SGII相互作用计算的$^{64, 68, 72, 76}{\rm{Ni}}$费米面附近中子态的准粒子能$E_{{\mathrm{q.p}}.}$ (MeV)、占据概率$\upsilon^{2}$以及中子费米面$\lambda_n$ (MeV)

    Table 1.  Quasi-particle energies ($E_{{\mathrm{q.p}}.}$ in MeV), occupation probabilities ($\upsilon^{2}$) of neutron states around the Fermi level and neutron Fermi energies ($\lambda_n$ in MeV) in $^{64, 68, 72, 76}{\rm{Ni}}$, which are calculated by using SGII interaction.

    States $^{64}{\rm{Ni}}$ $^{68}{\rm{Ni}}$ $^{72}{\rm{Ni}}$ $^{76}{\rm{Ni}}$
    $E_{{\mathrm{q.p}}.}$ $\upsilon^{2}$ $E_{{\mathrm{q.p}}.}$ $\upsilon^{2}$ $E_{{\mathrm{q.p}}.}$ $\upsilon^{2}$ $E_{{\mathrm{q.p.}}}$ $\upsilon^{2}$
    $1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}$ 7.43 0.98 8.89 0.99 10.47 0.99 11.47 1.00
    $2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 2.51 0.86 3.60 0.96 5.17 0.98 6.20 0.99
    $1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 1.95 0.55 2.66 0.89 4.34 0.95 5.48 0.98
    $2{\rm{p}}_{1/2}$ 1.70 0.47 2.04 0.86 3.53 0.95 4.57 0.99
    $1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}$ 4.30 0.05 2.59 0.12 1.84 0.44 1.68 0.80
    $2{\rm{d}}_{5/2}$ 8.45 0.00 6.65 0.01 4.91 0.01 3.61 0.01
    $\lambda_{n}$ –9.34 –7.98 –6.66 –5.84
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    表 2  对$^{64, 70, 76}{\rm{Ni}}$的第一个2+态以及矮四极共振态作出主要贡献的准粒子组态的组态能量${{E}}_{{\rm{conf}}.}$ (MeV)、贡献百分比以及对应的跃迁概率幅${{b}}_{{{cd}}}$ (fm2), 其中计算采用了SGII相互作用; π和ν分别代表质子态和中子态.

    Table 2.  Quasiparticle configurations giving the major contribution to the first 2+ and pygmy quadrupole states in Ni isotopes. For each transition, configuration energies (${{E}}_{{\rm{conf}}.}$ in MeV), their contribution to the norm of the state (in percentage) and the corresponding reduced transition amplitudes (${{b}}_{{{cd}}}$ in fm2) are given for $^{64}{\rm{Ni}}$, $^{70}{\rm{Ni}}$, and $^{76}{\rm{Ni}}$, respectively. The SGII interaction is employed in the calculations. Herein, the superscripts π and ν refer to the proton and neutron states, respectively.

    $^{64}{\rm{Ni}}$ $^{70}{\rm{Ni}}$ $^{76}{\rm{Ni}}$
    Configurations ${{E}}_{\rm{conf.}}$ Percentage/% ${{b}}_{{{cd}}}$ Configurations ${{E}}_{\rm{conf.}}$ Percentage/% ${{b}}_{{{cd}}}$ Configurations ${{E}}_{\rm{conf.}}$ Percentage/% ${{b}}_{{{cd}}}$
    第一个2+ 1.46 MeV 2.52 MeV 2.08 MeV
    $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}-\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{1/2}$ 3.65 27.85 –7.45 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}$ 4.07 68.71 17.43 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}$ 3.37 71.34 –16.45
    $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}-\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 3.89 24.67 –9.02 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 5.12 15.53 7.55 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 2{\rm{d}}_{5/2}$ 5.30 11.88 –8.64
    $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 4.83 18.58 –10.52 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 2{\rm{d}}_{5/2}$ 7.68 4.39 3.00 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 5.54 8.92 –6.30
    $\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}-\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{1/2}$ 4.22 12.75 –5.10 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 6.15 2.40 1.49 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 5.79 2.21 –1.49
    $\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}-\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 4.46 3.27 –1.27 $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}-\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 7.22 1.42 0.84 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{7/2}$ 8.75 0.70 –0.83
    $\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}-\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 5.03 2.35 –1.50 $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}-\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{1/2}$ 6.48 1.13 0.53
    矮四极共振态 5.16 MeV 4.98 MeV 4.11 MeV
    $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 4.83 61.35 –10.38 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 5.12 57.89 10.52 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 2{\rm{d}}_{5/2}$ 5.30 45.03 –13.35
    $\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}-\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 5.03 22.68 3.22 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}$ 4.07 28.57 –8.98 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}$ 3.37 26.99 7.85
    $\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}-\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{1/2}$ 4.22 6.20 1.97 $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}-\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{1/2}$ 6.48 3.85 1.23 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 5.54 20.62 –6.82
    $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}-\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 3.89 4.72 2.14 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 2{\rm{d}}_{5/2}$ 7.68 3.77 2.46 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 5.79 3.27 –1.29
    $\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}-\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 4.46 2.78 0.70 $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}-\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 7.22 1.75 1.18 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{7/2}$ 8.75 0.64 –0.71
    $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}-\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{1/2}$ 3.65 1.62 0.93 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 6.15 1.15 0.80
    矮四极共振态 6.89 MeV 6.46 MeV 6.31 MeV
    $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 6.59 90.06 –5.54 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 6.15 75.16 –5.15 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 5.79 51.09 –4.34
    $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}$ 8.60 2.14 –1.48 $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}-\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{1/2}$ 6.48 12.00 1.83 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 2{\rm{d}}_{5/2}$ 5.29 30.23 9.29
    $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 4.83 2.06 1.49 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 5.12 4.39 2.44 $\pi 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\pi 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}$ 5.54 16.37 –5.49
    $\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{3/2}-\nu 2{\rm{p}}_{1/2}$ 4.22 1.07 0.82 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 2{\rm{d}}_{5/2}$ 7.68 3.47 –2.21 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{7/2}$ 8.75 1.04 –0.63
    $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}-\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 3.89 0.9 1.02 $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}-\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 7.22 1.42 –0.88
    $\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{7/2}-\nu 1{\rm{f}}_{5/2}$ 9.37 0.9 –0.45 $\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}-\nu 1{\rm{g}}_{9/2}$ 4.07 1.38 1.69
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    Sun S, Zhang S S, Zhang Z H, Cao L G 2021 Chin. Phys. C 45 094101Google Scholar


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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  16 July 2024
  • Accepted Date:  05 December 2024
  • Available Online:  19 December 2024
  • Published Online:  05 February 2025

