Laser-plasma instability (LPI) is one of the key problems in the ignition process of inertial confinement fusion (ICF), and has been extensively studied in theory, simulation, and experiment for many years. Broadband laser, due to its low temporal coherence, can reduce the effective electric field strength when interacting with plasma and disrupt the phase-matching conditions of LPI, thus an effective approach to solving LPI issues is considered. Current extensive simulation studies indicate that broadband laser can suppress the generation of phenomena such as stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), and two-plasmon decay (TPD) to some extent. There are also a few backward scattering experimental studies, but more experimental researches, such as side-scattering, are still needed. Therefore, based on the broadband second harmonic laser facility “Kunwu”, the experiments are designed for studying the lateral scattering of critical density plasma driven by broadband laser and traditional narrowband laser, and the production of hot electrons as well in this work. The experimental results show that the side SBS spectra and side SRS spectra and portions at different angles excited by broadband lasers with a power density of 1×1015 W/cm2 are significantly different from those by narrowband lasers. Further analysis reveals that the overall portion of transverse hot electrons in broadband laser cases is higher than that in narrowband laser case. However, for broadband laser, the portion of SRS at small forward angle and backward angle are significantly lower than that for narrowband laser. Preliminary qualitative analysis suggests that SRS may not be the main mechanism for hot electron generation in this case, and that PDI might play a dominant role in generating hot electrons.
- laser plasma instability /
- broadband laser /
- hot electron
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Yang D, Li Z C, Li S W, Hao L, Li X, Guo L, Zou S Y, Jiang X H, Peng X S, Xu T, Li Y L, Zheng C Y, Cai H B, Liu Z J, Zheng J, Long T, Wang Z B, Li H, Kuang L Y, Li Q, Wang F, Liu S Y, Yang J M, Jiang S E, Zhang B H, Ding Y K 2018 Sci. Sin-Phys. Mech. Astron. 48 065203
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[17] Thomson J J, Karush J I 1974 Phys. Fluids 17 1608
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[18] Gao Y Q, Cui Y, Ji L L, Rao D X, Zhao X H, Li F J, Liu D, Feng W, Xia L, Liu J N, Shi H T, Du P Y, Liu J, Li X L, Wang T, Zhang T X, Shan C, Hua Y L, Ma W X, Sun X, Chen X F, Huang X G, Zhu J A, Pei W B, Sui Z, Fu S Z 2020 Matter Radiat. Extrem. 5 065201
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[19] Lei A L, Kang N, Zhao Y, Liu H Y, An H H, Xiong J, Wang R R, Xie Z Y, Tu Y C, Xu G X, Zhou X C, Fang Z H, Wang W, Xia L, Feng W, Zhao X H, Ji L L, Cui Y, Zhou S L, Liu Z J, Zheng C Y, Wang L F, Gao Y Q, Huang X G, Fu S Z 2024 Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 035102
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[20] Wang P P, An H H, Fang Z H, Xiong J, Xie Z Y, Wang C, He Z Y, Jia G, Wang R R, Zheng S, Xia L, Feng W, Shi H T, Wang W, Sun J R, Gao Y Q, Fu S Z 2024 Matter Radiat. Extrem. 9 015602
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[21] Moody J, MacGowan B, Glenzer S, Kirkwood R, Kruer W, Montgomery D, Schmitt A, Williams E, Stone G 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 2114
Google Scholar
[22] Yao C, Li J, Hao L, Yan R, Wang C, Lei A L, Ding Y K, Zheng J 2024 Nucl. Fusion 64 106013
Google Scholar
[1] Lindl J D, Amendt P, Berger R L, Glendinning S G, Glenzer S H, Haan S W, Kauffman R L, Landen O L, Suter L J 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 339
Google Scholar
[2] 杨冬, 李志超, 李三伟, 郝亮, 李欣, 郭亮, 邹士阳, 蒋小华, 彭晓世, 徐涛, 理玉龙, 郑春阳, 蔡洪波, 刘占军, 郑坚, 龚韬, 王哲斌, 黎航, 况龙钰, 李琦, 王峰, 刘慎业, 杨家敏, 江少恩, 张保汉, 丁永坤 2018 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 48 065203
Google Scholar
Yang D, Li Z C, Li S W, Hao L, Li X, Guo L, Zou S Y, Jiang X H, Peng X S, Xu T, Li Y L, Zheng C Y, Cai H B, Liu Z J, Zheng J, Long T, Wang Z B, Li H, Kuang L Y, Li Q, Wang F, Liu S Y, Yang J M, Jiang S E, Zhang B H, Ding Y K 2018 Sci. Sin-Phys. Mech. Astron. 48 065203
Google Scholar
[3] MacGowan B J, Afeyan B B, Back C A, Berger R L, Bonnaud G, Casanova M, Cohen B I, Desenne D E, DuBois D F, Dulieu A G, Estabrook K G, Fernandez J C, Glenzer S H, Hinkel D E, Kaiser T B, Kalantar D H, Kauffman R L, Kirkwood R K, Kruer W L, Langdon A B, Lasinski B F, Montgomery D S, Moody J D, Munro D H, Powers L V, Rose H A, Rousseaux C, Turner R E, Wilde B H, Wilks S C, Williams E A 1996 Phys. Plasmas 3 2029
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[4] Montgomery D S, Afeyan B B, Cobble J A, Fernandez J C, Wilke M D, Glenzer S H, Kirkwood R K, MacGowan B J, Moody J D, Lindman E L, Munro D H, Wilde B H, Rose H A, Dubois D F, Bezzerides B, Vu H X 1998 Phys. Plasmas 5 1973
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[5] Li C X, Dong L F, Feng J Y, Huang Y P, Sun H Y 2020 Rev. Sci Instrum. 91 026105
Google Scholar
[6] Niemann C, Berger R, Divol L, Kirkwood R, Moody J, Sorce C, Glenzer S 2011 J. Instrum. 6 P10008
Google Scholar
[7] Froula D, Divol L, London R, Berger R, Döppner T, Meezan N, Ross J, Suter L, Sorce C, Glenzer S 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 045006
Google Scholar
[8] Follett R K, Shaw J G, Myatt J F, Palastro J P, Short R W, Froula D H 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 135005
Google Scholar
[9] Bibeau C, Speck D R, Ehrlich R B, Laumann C W, Kyrazis D T, Henesian M A, Lawson J K, Perry M D, Wegner P J, Weiland T L 1992 Appl. Opt 31 5799
Google Scholar
[10] Dixit S N, Feit M D, Perry M D, Powell H T 1996 Opt. Lett 21 1715
Google Scholar
[11] Grun J, Emery M E, Manka C K, Lee T N, McLean E A, Mostovych A, Stamper J, Bodner S, Obenschain S P, Ripin B H 1987 Phys. Rev. Lett. 58 2672
Google Scholar
[12] Duluc M, Penninckx D, Loiseau P, Riazuelo G, Bourgeade A, Chatagnier A, D’Humières E 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 42707
Google Scholar
[13] Albright B, Yin L, Afeyan B 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 045002
Google Scholar
[14] Feng Q S, Liu Z J, Cao L H, Xiao C Z, Hao L, Zheng C Y, Ning C, He X T 2020 Nucl. Fusion 60 066012
Google Scholar
[15] Zhong Z Q, Li B, Xiong H, Li J W, Qiu J, Hao L, Zhang B 2021 Opt. Express 29 1304
Google Scholar
[16] Follett R K, Shaw J G, Myatt J F, Dorrer C, Froula D H, Palastro J P 2019 Phys. Plasmas 26 062111
Google Scholar
[17] Thomson J J, Karush J I 1974 Phys. Fluids 17 1608
Google Scholar
[18] Gao Y Q, Cui Y, Ji L L, Rao D X, Zhao X H, Li F J, Liu D, Feng W, Xia L, Liu J N, Shi H T, Du P Y, Liu J, Li X L, Wang T, Zhang T X, Shan C, Hua Y L, Ma W X, Sun X, Chen X F, Huang X G, Zhu J A, Pei W B, Sui Z, Fu S Z 2020 Matter Radiat. Extrem. 5 065201
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[19] Lei A L, Kang N, Zhao Y, Liu H Y, An H H, Xiong J, Wang R R, Xie Z Y, Tu Y C, Xu G X, Zhou X C, Fang Z H, Wang W, Xia L, Feng W, Zhao X H, Ji L L, Cui Y, Zhou S L, Liu Z J, Zheng C Y, Wang L F, Gao Y Q, Huang X G, Fu S Z 2024 Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 035102
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[20] Wang P P, An H H, Fang Z H, Xiong J, Xie Z Y, Wang C, He Z Y, Jia G, Wang R R, Zheng S, Xia L, Feng W, Shi H T, Wang W, Sun J R, Gao Y Q, Fu S Z 2024 Matter Radiat. Extrem. 9 015602
Google Scholar
[21] Moody J, MacGowan B, Glenzer S, Kirkwood R, Kruer W, Montgomery D, Schmitt A, Williams E, Stone G 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 2114
Google Scholar
[22] Yao C, Li J, Hao L, Yan R, Wang C, Lei A L, Ding Y K, Zheng J 2024 Nucl. Fusion 64 106013
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