Ultrafast spin dynamics is the study of the evolution of spin degrees of freedom on a time scale from picoseconds to attoseconds after being excited by an external field. With the development of laser technology, ultrafast spin dynamics has presented new opportunities for realizing ultrafast spintronic devices since 1996. However, despite decades of development, many aspects of femtosecond magnetism remain unclear. Understanding the parameters of these ultrafast spin dynamics processes requires experiments on an even faster timescale. Attosecond magnetism and the interaction of attosecond laser pulses with magnetic materials can reveal spin dynamics on a sub-femtosecond to attosecond time scale. In this review, we first introduce the significant research progress, including the mechanisms of ultrafast demagnetization, all-optical switching, ultrafast spin currents, and terahertz waves. Secondly, we analyze the problems in ultrafast spin dynamics, such as the unclear physical mechanisms of ultrafast demagnetization, the uncertain relationship between magnetic damping and ultrafast demagnetization time, and the unexplored anisotropic ultrafast demagnetization. Thirdly, we discuss the opportunities and challenges in attosecond magnetism. Finally, we analyze and discuss the future development and prospects of ultrafast spin dynamics.
- ultrafast spin dynamics /
- femtosecond magnetism /
- attosecond laser pulse /
- attosecond magnetism
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图 1 超快自旋动力学不同时间区域 (a) Ni薄膜的超快退磁现象[5]; (b) 超快自旋动力学3个过程, I为超快退磁, II为磁矩恢复, III为磁矩进动[32]; (c) 激光与铁磁性金属相互作用的热力学库; (d) Ni的三温度模型得到的电子、晶格、自旋的温度变化[5]
Figure 1. Different time regimes of the ultrafast spin dynamics: (a) The ultrafast demagnetization of Ni thin film[5]; (b) the three-time regimes of Fe/MgO, I represents ultrafast demagnetization, II represents magnetic moment recovery, and III represents magnetic moment precession[32]; (c) the interaction between the laser pulse and the three thermalized reservoirs of electrons, lattice, and spin; (d) the temperature changes of electrons, lattice, and spin with time[5].
图 2 拓扑表面态增强的Fe/Bi2Se3的超快自旋动力学行为 (a), (b)分别为9 QL和3 QL的Bi2Se3能带结构; (c) 异质结阻尼因子随温度的变化; (d) Fe/Bi2Se3 (9 QL 和3 QL)表面态对超快退磁的影响[57]
Figure 2. Topological surface state enhanced ultrafast spin dynamics of Fe/Bi2Se3 heterostructures: (a), (b) The band structures of Bi2Se3 with the thickness of 9 QL and 3 QL; (c) temperature dependence of damping; (d) ultrafast demagnetization curves of different samples[57].
图 3 可产生Skyrmions的FeGe材料中Type I-Type II超快退磁的转变 (a), (b) 分别为温度、磁场相关的FeGe薄膜的超快退磁行为; (c), (d)分别为第1步退磁与第2步退磁的退磁时间、退磁量的比值, 其中(c)插图为50 ps内的示例曲线; (e), (f)分别为磁性测量的FeGe磁相图, 灰色线为磁相转变区, 椭圆形区域为Skyrmions出现区域, 不同的颜色代表(c)和(d)的数值, 白色虚线为Type I到Type II转变的边界, 黑色点为测量TR-MOKE的条件, 红色点为(a)和(b)的测量条件[59]
Figure 3. Transition of Type I-Type II ultrafast demagnetization in FeGe materials capable of generating Skyrmions. (a), (b) The dependence of the ultrafast demagnetization of FeGe film on the ambient temperature scenario and field scenario. (c), (d) The demagnetization times and amplitude ratios between the second and first step obtained by bi-exponential function. Inset in (c) is an example curve shown up to 50 ps. (e), (f) The magnetic phase diagrams of FeGe obtained by magnetization measurements. Gray solid lines are the boundaries of magnetic phases. Elliptic shadow is a reference skyrmion region. Color map in (e), (f) represents the data in (c), (d), respectively. The white dashed line is the boundary between Type-I and Type-II demagnetization. Black dots are all the TR-MOKE measurement points; red dots are the data points shown in (a), (b)[59].
图 7 超快退磁时间与阻尼因子的关系 (a) Co/Ni双层膜的超快退磁时间与阻尼因子的正比关系[79]; (b) FeGa/IrMn双层膜的超快退磁时间与阻尼因子的反比关系[80]
Figure 7. Relationship between the ultrafast demagnetization time and damping: (a) The ultrafast demagnetization time is in direct proportion to the damping in the Co/Ni bilayer[79]; (b) the ultrafast demagnetization time is inversely proportional to the damping in the FeGa/IrMn bilayer[80].
图 8 (a) Co薄膜中的各向异性超快自旋动力学[81]; (b), (c) Fe/GeTe (30 nm)的各向异性阻尼因子与各向异性能带结构; (d), (e) Fe/GeTe (5 nm)的各向同性阻尼因子以及各向同性的能带劈裂[82]
Figure 8. (a) Anisotropic ultrafast spin dynamics in Co thin film[81]; (b), (c) the anisotropic damping and splitting band structures of Fe/GeTe (30 nm); (d), (e) the isotropic damping and band structure of Fe/GeTe (5 nm)[82].
图 10 RABBITT方法实现阿秒时间分辨的电子动力学 (a)利用RABBITT实现阿秒时间分辨的光电子能谱装置[98]; (b) RABBITT的过程示意图[98]
Figure 10. Attosecond time resolution electrons dynamics by RABBITT method: (a) Schematic illustration of the photoemission spectrum with attosecond time resolution by RABBITT method[98]; (b) schematic representation of the three steps of RABBITT[98].
表 1 常见的3d过度族元素的M2, 3边的能量
Table 1. The M2, 3 energies for 3d elements.
元素 M2, 3 边能量/eV 元素 M2, 3 边能量/eV Sc 32 Fe 54 Ti 35 Co 60 V 38 Ni 68 Cr 42 Cu 74 Mn 49 Zn 87 -
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