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Prospect for attosecond laser spectra of highly charged ions

Zhang Da-Cheng Ge Han-Xing Ba Yu-Lu Wen Wei-Qiang Zhang Yi Chen Dong-Yang Wang Han-Bing Ma Xin-Wen


Prospect for attosecond laser spectra of highly charged ions

Zhang Da-Cheng, Ge Han-Xing, Ba Yu-Lu, Wen Wei-Qiang, Zhang Yi, Chen Dong-Yang, Wang Han-Bing, Ma Xin-Wen
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The spectra of highly charged ions (HCIs) are of great significance for astronomical observation, astrophysical model establishment, and test of quantum electrodynamics (QED) theory. However, the transitions of HCI are mostly in the extreme ultraviolet or even X-ray range, the excitation spectra of HCI measured by laser spectroscopy in laboratory are very limited due to lack of the suitable light source. Up to now, only few experiments on the spectra of HCIs performed on synchrotron radiation, free electron laser or heavy-ions storage ring have been reported, which are summarized in this work. With the development of attosecond technology, several attosecond light source facilities have been built, such as extreme light infrastructure attosecond light pulse source (ELI-ALPS) and synergetic extreme condition user facility (SECUF), which have high photon energy and ultra-short pulse duration in the extreme ultraviolet and even soft X-ray range, providing new opportunities for laboratory research on HCI spectra and ultra short energy level lifetimes. Electron beam ion trap (EBIT), electron cyclotron resonance (ECR), and heavy-ion storage ring are usually used to generate ion target. But it is difficult to combine the attosecond laser source with large scale facility of HCI, for none of laboratories has both these two facilities now. Thus, two possible experimental schemes for attosecond spectrum of HCIs are proposed in this work. One scheme is that an EBIT can be designed as a terminal of attosecond laser facility, such as ELI-ALPS and SECUF, which can output different laser beams with high photon energy, ultra-short pulse duration or high flux. Another scheme is that a table-top HHG system pumped by an all-solid-state femtosecond laser or fiber femtosecond laser with high power can be combined with heavy-ion storage ring, such as ESR, CSRe, HIAF, and FAIR. Owing to high energy of ions in storage ring, the measurable energy levels of HCIs can even be extended to keV by the Doppler shift. Three different measurement methods: fluorescence detection, ion detection and attosecond absorption spectroscopy, can be used to obtain the HCI spectrum. Finally, a preliminary experimental setup for attosecond laser spectrum of HCI is proposed. The proposal on combining extreme ultraviolet attosecond light source with HCI target is discussed, and the feasibility of attosecond time-resolved precision spectrum for HCI is analyzed according to the typical parameters of attosecond light source and the known excitation cross-section and detection efficiency, which can provide a new platform for implementing ion level structure calculation, QED theory high-precision test and astronomical spectroscopic observation. It can be used to measure the ultra-short lifetime, low excitation cross-section ionic energy level, and even some transitions with large energy interval. We hope that this work can provide a reference for the experimental measuring of HCI spectrum and ion energy level lifetime in future.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Da-Cheng,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U2032136, U2241288).

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  • 图 1  FLASH和XFEL光子能量范围与可研究的2S1/22P1/2跃迁离子种类[36]

    Figure 1.  Photon energy range covered by FLASH and XFEL and transition energy 2S1/22P1/2 for some systems[36].

    图 2  (a) 德国储存环ESR上开展XUV波段激光光谱的实验装置示意图; (b) 类锂离子2S1/22P1/2跃迁能级间隔与Z的关系图[38]

    Figure 2.  (a) Schematic of an XUV laser spectroscopy experiment at the storage ring ESR in Germany; (b) 2S1/22P1/2 transition energies for Li-like ions plotted as a function of the nuclear charge Z[38].

    图 3  类铍C离子1s22snp 1P1 (n = 2—5)能级寿命的荧光测量方法示意图[16]

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of lifetime measurement for the 1s22snp 1P1 (n = 2—5) states in Be-like carbon ion by fluorescence method[16].

    图 4  在FLASH-EBIT上开展HCI光谱测量的实验装置示意图[80]

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for HCI spectral measurement on FLASH-EBIT[80].

    图 5  类Ne的Fe16+离子泵浦-探测实验示意图[5]

    Figure 5.  Schematics of a pump-probe experiment on Ne-like iron ions (Fe16+)[5].

    图 6  ASTRID和ECR离子源结合装置示意图[29]

    Figure 6.  Schematic diagram of the ASTRID and ECR ion source combining device[29].

    图 7  阿秒瞬态吸收实验装置示意图[84]

    Figure 7.  Schematic diagram of experimental setup for attosecond transient absorption[84].

    图 8  基于EBIT的HCI离子阿秒光谱测量装置示意图

    Figure 8.  Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for attosecond spectroscopy of HCI on EBIT.

    图 9  储存环上开展HCI离子XUV-泵浦XUV-探测的示意图[16]

    Figure 9.  Schematic diagram of a XUV-pump XUV-probe experiment on HCI at storage rings[16].

    图 10  HCI离子阿秒光谱测量装置示意图

    Figure 10.  Schematic diagram of the setup for attosecond spectroscopy of HCI.

    表 1  ALS (SECUF)与HHG, seeded FEL和SASE FEL 等XUV光源的主要参数比较

    Table 1.  Comparison of ALS (SECUF) and other XUV light sources based on HHG, seeded FEL, and SASE FEL.

    光源 产生方式 脉宽 光子通量/(光子·s–1) 调谐范围/eV 重复频率
    ELI-ALPS HHG < 100 as 1.25×1012 10—120 1—100 kHz
    ALS (SECUF) Beamline 1 HHG < 100 as ~109—1010 30—100 1—3 kHz
    ALS (SECUF) Beamline 2 HHG < 200 fs 1011 20—80 1 MHz
    ALS (SECUF) Beamline 3 HHG < 200 as 1010 50—100 10 kHz
    ALS (SECUF) Beamline 4 HHG < 200 as 1011 60—96 100 kHz
    Artemis (RAL) HHG 10—50 fs (APT) 1.8×10@30 eV 10—100 1 kHz
    LCLS (SLAC) SASE FEL 10—1000 fs 1014 500—800 120 Hz
    Dreamline (SSRF) SASE FEL 3.5×1011@800 eV 20—2000 2 Hz
    FLASH (DESY) SASE FEL 50–200 fs 1012—1014 24—310 10 Hz
    FERMI (Elettra ST) seeded FEL 150 fs 3.7×1013 15.5—62.0 10 Hz
    DCLS (Dalian) seeded FEL 30/130/1000 fs > 2.5×1013 8.3—25
    DownLoad: CSV
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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  14 June 2023
  • Accepted Date:  08 August 2023
  • Available Online:  09 August 2023
  • Published Online:  05 October 2023

