NO+ is one of the most important ions in the atmospheric ionosphere and ionospheric phenomena such as auroras, and is one of the most stable diatomic cations existing in interstellar clouds. It is crucial to understand the thermodynamic properties of NO+ ion for exploring the composition of interstellar gas. To obtain macroscopic thermodynamic properties of diatomic molecules and ions, a practical theoretical method is to determine the partition function associated with a potential model. This approach can be used to calculate various thermodynamic properties of the system based on the microscopic information. In this work, the improved Hulbert-Hirschfelder (IHH) based potential energy model is used to simulate the potential energy curve of NO+ in the ground electronic state. Then, the rovibrational energy levels for the ground electronic state of the NO+ are obtained by numerically solving the radial Schrödinger equation through using the LEVEL program for the IHH potential function. Finally, the total partition function and the thermodynamic properties such as the molar heat capacity, entropy, enthalpy and reduced molar Gibbs free energy of NO+ in a temperature range of 100–6000 K are calculated in the frame of the quantum statistical ensemble theory. The comparison indicates that the potential energy curve calculated based on IHH potential energy function is in better agreement with the experimental data. The root mean square error of IHH potential and experimental Rydberg-Klein-Rees (RKR) potential is 96.9 cm–1, the root mean square error of Hulbert-Hirschfelder (HH) potential is 112.7 cm–1, and the root mean square error of MRCI/aug-cc-pV6Z potential is 133 cm–1. And the macroscopic thermodynamic properties of NO+ predicted by IHH are closer to the experimental values, which shows that the IHH potential model is also applicable to the ion system. A feasible method is presented to obtain the thermodynamic properties of gaseous diatomic ions based on microscopic information by constructing reliable analytical potential energy function associated with quantum statistical ensemble theory. -
- NO+ ion /
- improved Hulburt-Hirschfelder potential /
- partition function /
- thermodynamic properties
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表 1 NO+离子不同势能及其与RKR实验值[36]的误差值
Table 1. Different potential energy of NO+ ion and its absolute error with the experimental value of RKR[36].
r/Å $ {E_{{\text{RKR}}}} $/cm–1[36] $ {E_{{\text{IHH}}}} $/cm–1 $\left| {\Delta {E_{ {\text{RKR–IHH} } } }} \right|$/cm–1 $ {E_{{\text{HH}}}} $/cm–1 $ \left| {\Delta {E_{{\text{RKR–HH}}}}} \right| $/cm–1 $ {E_{{\text{MRCI}}}} $/cm–1[35] $ \left| {\Delta {E_{{\text{RKR–MRCI}}}}} \right| $/cm–1 0.926 16911.0 17037.50 127 16886.09 25 17113.82 203 0.934 14761.9 14825.64 64 14721.53 40 14833.44 72 0.943 12580.2 12561.20 19 12494.49 86 12417.22 163 0.953 10366.1 10382.87 17 10342.77 23 10343.47 23 0.963 8119.40 8115.441 4 8094.606 25 8111.838 8 0.977 5840.20 5839.586 1 5830.842 9 5833.200 7 0.995 3528.50 3522.741 6 3520.407 8 3526.113 2 1.022 1184.30 1161.440 23 1161.306 23 1142.913 41 1.109 1184.30 1187.712 3 1187.826 4 1160.835 23 1.147 3528.50 3505.745 23 3507.331 21 3502.362 26 1.175 5840.20 5886.843 47 5892.355 52 5887.909 48 1.199 8119.40 8269.826 150 8282.220 163 8289.580 170 1.211 10366.1 10285.10 81 10305.88 60 10179.40 187 1.241 12580.2 12581.93 2 12615.36 35 12503.09 77 1.261 14761.9 14905.62 144 14955.40 194 14955.96 194 1.280 16911.0 17187.37 276 17256.83 346 17219.91 309 RMSD 96.9 112.7 133 表 2 HH, IHH势模型计算得到的NO+离子不同热力学性质的RMSD
Table 2. RMSD of HH and IHH potential models for different thermodynamic properties of NO+ ions.
热力学量 HH IHH $ {C_{\text{m}}} $/(J·mol–1·K–1) 0.053912 0.021733 $ {S_{\text{m}}} $/(J·mol–1·K–1) 0.035233 0.022930 $\Delta H$/(kJ·mol–1) 0.082503 0.034329 $ {G_{\text{r}}} $/(J·mol–1·K–1) 0.021079 0.017711 -
[1] Petrou A L 2012 Chem. Geo. 308 50
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[2] Ding Q C, Jia C S, Liu J Z, Li J, Du R F, Liu J Y, Peng X L, Wang C W, Tang H X 2022 Chem. Phys. Lett. 803 139844
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Wang Z C 2013 Thermodynamic Statistical Physics (Vol. 5) (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p1 (in Chinese)
[5] Kjelstrup S, Magnanelli E 2020 Trends Food Sci. Technol. 104 84
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[6] Horton T E 1970 The Computation of Partition Functions and Thermo-chemistry Data for Atomic, Ionic, Diatomic, and Polyatomic Species Technical Report 32-1425, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (N-70 20647, NASA CR108970)
[7] Bartl J, Bartlova M 1989 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 29 285
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[10] Maltsev M A, Kulikov A N, Morozov IV 2016 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 774 012023
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[37] Barklem P S, Collet R 2016 Astron. Astrophys. 588 A96
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