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Simulation of effect of thermionic emission on magnetized sheath near target plate of tungsten divertor

Li Han-Xi Wang De-Zhen


Simulation of effect of thermionic emission on magnetized sheath near target plate of tungsten divertor

Li Han-Xi, Wang De-Zhen
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The high confinement mode (H-mode) is a preferred operation mode of tokamak devices in the future, but the burst of edge localized mode (ELM) will sharply increase the heat load deposited on the divertor target, raising the target temperature rapidly and strengthening surface thermionic emission. In this paper, a one-dimensional fluid model is used to simulate the influence of thermionic emission on the characteristics of the magnetized sheath. The results show that the amplitude of float potential and the electric field strength both decrease under the action of thermionic emission. Plenty of thermionic emission electrons leave the target, resulting in a region with negative charge density near the target plate, and the magnetized sheath is divided into two parts: ion sheath and electron sheath. In the electron sheath, with the rise of the target surface temperature, electrons accumulated in front of the target also increase, the potential distribution is non-monotonic, and a “virtual cathode” structure appears. The reverse electric field formed near the target will confine the thermionic emission electrons leaving the target and slow down the ion movement, leading to a decrease of the ion energy deposited on the target. With the increase of the angle between the magnetic field and the target normal, the potential of the magnetized sheath and the proportion of the thickness of the electron sheath in the magnetized sheath both increase. The virtual cathode potential decreases, the temperature of the target required to form the virtual cathode rises.
      Corresponding author: Wang De-Zhen,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12235002)

    Burkart W 2005 Nucl. Fusion. 45 E01Google Scholar


    Wagner F, Becker G, Behringer K, Campbell D, Eberhagen A, Engelhardt W, Fussmann G, Gehre O, Gernhardt J, Gierke G, Haas G, Huang M, Karger F, Keilhacker M, Klüber O, Kornherr M, Lackner K, Lisitano G, Lister G G, Mayer H M, Meisel D, MIiller E R, Murmann H, Niedermeyer H, Poschenrieder W, Rapp H, Röhr H, Schneider F, Siller G, Speth E, Stäbler A, Steuer K H, Venus G, Vollmer O, Yü Z 1982 Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 1408Google Scholar


    ASDEX team 1989 Nucl. Fusion 29 1959Google Scholar


    Hobbs G D, Wesson J A 1967 Plasma Phys. 9 85Google Scholar


    Takamura S, Ohno N, Ye M Y, Kuwabara T 2004 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 44 126Google Scholar


    Gyergyek T, Kovačič J 2013 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 53 189Google Scholar


    Tierno S P, Donoso J M, Domenech-Garret J L, Conde L 2016 Phys. Plasmas 23 013503Google Scholar


    Li S H, Li J Q 2021 Vacuum 192 110496Google Scholar


    Snipes J A, Hubbard A E, Garnier D T, Golovato S N, Granetz R S, Greenwald M, Hutchinson I H, Irby J, LaBombard B, Marmar E S, Niemczewski A, O’Shea P J, Porkolab M, Stek P, Takase Y, Terry J L, Watterson R, Wolfe S M 1996 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 38 1127Google Scholar


    Campbell D J, the JET team 1997 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 39 A285Google Scholar


    Maingi R, Bell M G, Bell R E, Bush C E, Fredrickson E D, Gates D A, Kaye S M, Kugel H W, LeBlanc B P, Menard J E, Mueller D, Sabbagh S A, Stutman D, Taylor G, Johnson D W, Kaita R, Maqueda R J, Ono M, Paoletti F, Paul S F, Peng Y K M, Roquemore A L, Skinner C H, Soukhanovskii V A, Synakowski E J 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 035003Google Scholar


    Burrell K H, Austin M E, Brennan D P, DeBoo J C, Doyle E J, Gohil P, Greenfield C M, Groebner R J, Lao L L, Luce T C, Makowski M A, McKee G R, Moyer R A, Osborne T H, Porkolab M, Rhodes T L, Rost J C, Schaffer M J, Stallard B W, Strait E J, Wade M R, Wang G, Watkins J G, West W P, Zeng L 2002 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44 A253Google Scholar


    Duan X R, Dong J Q, Yan L W, Ding X T, Yang Q W, Rao J, Liu D Q, Xuan W M, Chen L Y, Li X D, Lei G J, Cao J Y, Cao Z, Song X M, Huang Y, Liu Y, Mao W C, Wang Q M, Cui Z Y, Ji X Q, Li B, Li G S, Li H J, Luo C W, Wang Y Q, Yao L H, Yao L Y, Zhang J H, Zhou J, Zhou Y, Liu Y, HL-2 A team 2010 Nucl. Fusion 50 095011Google Scholar


    Komm M, Ratynskaia S, Tolias P, Cavalier J, Dejarnac R, Gunn J P, Podolnik A 2017 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59 094002Google Scholar


    邹秀, 刘惠平, 谷秀娥 2008 57 5111Google Scholar

    Zou X, Liu H P, Gu X E 2008 Acta. Phys. Sin. 57 5111Google Scholar


    邹秀, 籍延坤, 邹滨雁 2010 59 1902Google Scholar

    Zou X, Ji Y K, Zou B Y 2010 Acta. Phys. Sin. 59 1902Google Scholar


    邱明辉, 刘惠平, 邹秀 2012 61 155204Google Scholar

    Qiu M H, Liu H P, Zou X 2012 Acta. Phys. Sin. 61 155204Google Scholar


    Gyergyek T, Kovačič J 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 093511Google Scholar


    Sharma G, Adhikari S, Moulick R, Kausik S S, Saikia B K 2020 Phys. Scr. 95 035605Google Scholar


    陈龙, 孙少娟, 姜博瑞, 段萍, 安宇豪, 杨叶慧 2021 70 245201Google Scholar

    Chen L, Sun S J, Jiang B R, Duan P, An Y H, Yang Y H 2021 Acta. Phys. Sin. 70 245201Google Scholar


    Liu J Y, Wang F, Sun J Z 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 013506Google Scholar


    Herring C, Nichols M H 1949 Rev. Mod. Phys. 21 185Google Scholar


    赵晓云, 刘金远, 段萍, 李世刚 2012 真空科学与技术学报 32 279Google Scholar

    Zhao X Y, Liu J Y, Duan P, Li S G 2012 Chin. J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. 32 279Google Scholar


    Michaelson H B 1977 J. Appl. Phys. 48 4729Google Scholar


    Sternberg N, Poggie J 2004 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 32 2217Google Scholar


    Bohdansky J 1983 Nucl. Instruments Methods Phys. Res. 2 587


    Hu W P, Sang C F, Sun Z Y, Wang D Z 2016 Fusion Eng. Des. 109 330Google Scholar

  • 图 1  模拟区域示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of the simulation region.

    图 2  离子速度$ V $、离子密度$ {N_{\text{i}}} $及电子密度$ {N_{\text{e}}} $的空间分布

    Figure 2.  Spatial distribution of ion velocity V, ion density$ {N_{\text{i}}} $ and electron density$ {N_{\text{e}}} $.

    图 3  电势$ \phi $、电场 $ E $的空间分布

    Figure 3.  Spatial distribution of electric potential $ \phi $ and electric field E.

    图 4  不同靶板温度时靶板处的电势$ {\phi _{{\text{sw}}}} $和热电子发射流Js

    Figure 4.  Electric potential at the wall $ {\phi _{{\text{sw}}}} $ and thermionic emission flux $ {J_{\text{s}}} $ at different target temperatures.

    图 5  不同靶板温度$ {T_{\text{s}}} $下 (a)电势$ \phi $和(b)电场 ${{E}}$分布

    Figure 5.  Distribution of (a) electric potential $ \phi $ and (b) electric field $ {{E}} $ in the full region at different target temperatures.

    图 6  不同靶板温度$ {T_{\text{s}}} $下 (a)净电荷密度$ \rho $和(b)热发射电子密度$ {N_{\text{s}}} $分布

    Figure 6.  Distribution of (a) net charge density $ \rho $ and (b) thermionic emission electron density $ {N_{\text{s}}} $ in the full region at different target temperatures.

    图 7  靶板温度$ {T_{\text{s}}} $ = 2950 K时, 磁化鞘层(a)电势$ \phi $和(b)电场$ E $分布

    Figure 7.  When target temperature $ {T_{\text{s}}} $ = 2950 K, distribution of (a) electric potential$ \phi $and (b) electric field E in the magnetized sheath .

    图 8  靶板温度$ {T_{\text{s}}} $ = 2950 K时, 磁化鞘层(a)净电荷密度$ \rho $和(b)热发射电子密度$ {N_{\text{s}}} $分布

    Figure 8.  When target temperature $ {T_{\text{s}}} $ = 2950 K, distribution of (a) net charge density $ \rho $ and (b) thermionic emission electron density $ {N_{\text{s}}} $ in the magnetized sheath.

    图 9  不同磁场角度$ \theta $下, 电子鞘中电势$ \phi $分布

    Figure 9.  Distribution of electric potential $ \phi $ in electron sheath at different magnetic field angles $ \theta $.

    图 10  磁场角度$ \theta $ = 80°时, 不同靶板温度下磁化鞘层(a)电势$ \phi $和(b)电场$ E $分布

    Figure 10.  When the magnetic field angle $ \theta $ = 80°, distribution of (a) electric potential $ \phi $ and (b) electric field $ E $ in the magnetized sheath at different target temperatures.

  • [1]

    Burkart W 2005 Nucl. Fusion. 45 E01Google Scholar


    Wagner F, Becker G, Behringer K, Campbell D, Eberhagen A, Engelhardt W, Fussmann G, Gehre O, Gernhardt J, Gierke G, Haas G, Huang M, Karger F, Keilhacker M, Klüber O, Kornherr M, Lackner K, Lisitano G, Lister G G, Mayer H M, Meisel D, MIiller E R, Murmann H, Niedermeyer H, Poschenrieder W, Rapp H, Röhr H, Schneider F, Siller G, Speth E, Stäbler A, Steuer K H, Venus G, Vollmer O, Yü Z 1982 Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 1408Google Scholar


    ASDEX team 1989 Nucl. Fusion 29 1959Google Scholar


    Hobbs G D, Wesson J A 1967 Plasma Phys. 9 85Google Scholar


    Takamura S, Ohno N, Ye M Y, Kuwabara T 2004 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 44 126Google Scholar


    Gyergyek T, Kovačič J 2013 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 53 189Google Scholar


    Tierno S P, Donoso J M, Domenech-Garret J L, Conde L 2016 Phys. Plasmas 23 013503Google Scholar


    Li S H, Li J Q 2021 Vacuum 192 110496Google Scholar


    Snipes J A, Hubbard A E, Garnier D T, Golovato S N, Granetz R S, Greenwald M, Hutchinson I H, Irby J, LaBombard B, Marmar E S, Niemczewski A, O’Shea P J, Porkolab M, Stek P, Takase Y, Terry J L, Watterson R, Wolfe S M 1996 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 38 1127Google Scholar


    Campbell D J, the JET team 1997 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 39 A285Google Scholar


    Maingi R, Bell M G, Bell R E, Bush C E, Fredrickson E D, Gates D A, Kaye S M, Kugel H W, LeBlanc B P, Menard J E, Mueller D, Sabbagh S A, Stutman D, Taylor G, Johnson D W, Kaita R, Maqueda R J, Ono M, Paoletti F, Paul S F, Peng Y K M, Roquemore A L, Skinner C H, Soukhanovskii V A, Synakowski E J 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 035003Google Scholar


    Burrell K H, Austin M E, Brennan D P, DeBoo J C, Doyle E J, Gohil P, Greenfield C M, Groebner R J, Lao L L, Luce T C, Makowski M A, McKee G R, Moyer R A, Osborne T H, Porkolab M, Rhodes T L, Rost J C, Schaffer M J, Stallard B W, Strait E J, Wade M R, Wang G, Watkins J G, West W P, Zeng L 2002 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 44 A253Google Scholar


    Duan X R, Dong J Q, Yan L W, Ding X T, Yang Q W, Rao J, Liu D Q, Xuan W M, Chen L Y, Li X D, Lei G J, Cao J Y, Cao Z, Song X M, Huang Y, Liu Y, Mao W C, Wang Q M, Cui Z Y, Ji X Q, Li B, Li G S, Li H J, Luo C W, Wang Y Q, Yao L H, Yao L Y, Zhang J H, Zhou J, Zhou Y, Liu Y, HL-2 A team 2010 Nucl. Fusion 50 095011Google Scholar


    Komm M, Ratynskaia S, Tolias P, Cavalier J, Dejarnac R, Gunn J P, Podolnik A 2017 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59 094002Google Scholar


    邹秀, 刘惠平, 谷秀娥 2008 57 5111Google Scholar

    Zou X, Liu H P, Gu X E 2008 Acta. Phys. Sin. 57 5111Google Scholar


    邹秀, 籍延坤, 邹滨雁 2010 59 1902Google Scholar

    Zou X, Ji Y K, Zou B Y 2010 Acta. Phys. Sin. 59 1902Google Scholar


    邱明辉, 刘惠平, 邹秀 2012 61 155204Google Scholar

    Qiu M H, Liu H P, Zou X 2012 Acta. Phys. Sin. 61 155204Google Scholar


    Gyergyek T, Kovačič J 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 093511Google Scholar


    Sharma G, Adhikari S, Moulick R, Kausik S S, Saikia B K 2020 Phys. Scr. 95 035605Google Scholar


    陈龙, 孙少娟, 姜博瑞, 段萍, 安宇豪, 杨叶慧 2021 70 245201Google Scholar

    Chen L, Sun S J, Jiang B R, Duan P, An Y H, Yang Y H 2021 Acta. Phys. Sin. 70 245201Google Scholar


    Liu J Y, Wang F, Sun J Z 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 013506Google Scholar


    Herring C, Nichols M H 1949 Rev. Mod. Phys. 21 185Google Scholar


    赵晓云, 刘金远, 段萍, 李世刚 2012 真空科学与技术学报 32 279Google Scholar

    Zhao X Y, Liu J Y, Duan P, Li S G 2012 Chin. J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. 32 279Google Scholar


    Michaelson H B 1977 J. Appl. Phys. 48 4729Google Scholar


    Sternberg N, Poggie J 2004 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 32 2217Google Scholar


    Bohdansky J 1983 Nucl. Instruments Methods Phys. Res. 2 587


    Hu W P, Sang C F, Sun Z Y, Wang D Z 2016 Fusion Eng. Des. 109 330Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  24 February 2023
  • Accepted Date:  15 May 2023
  • Available Online:  02 June 2023
  • Published Online:  05 August 2023

