The natural hyperbolic phonon polariton material-orthorhombic molybdenum trioxide (α-MoO3) has recently attracted much interest , due to the associated ultra-confinement of light and enhanced light-matter interactions. We theoretically propose and study the in-plane anisotropic phonon polaritons (APhPs) in the Kretschmann structure with monolayer and dual layers α-MoO3. The excitation of phonon polaritons and the corresponding dispersion properties in this multilayer system are studied by using a generalized 4×4 transfer matrix method (TMM). The frequency dispersions with geometrical parameters are also discussed in detail. The results confirm that the interlayer coupling can be modulated by stacking the multilayer films and regulating the thickness of each layer. More interestingly, when the distance between double α-MoO3 layers is much smaller than the propagation length of PhPs, a strong coupling phenomenon occurs, and the photon tunneling probability and intensity can be greatly improved. When the incident angle is greater than the total internal reflection angle, the phase matching condition for SPhP excitation can be satisfied. Within the 40° incident angle, the SPhP blue-shifts rapidly with the increase of incident angle. But then the dispersion curve no longer changes with increase of incidence angle. The enlargement of the interstitial layer can also lead the Fabry-Perot (FP) resonance mode to be excited. The APhP in layered heterostructure is an important part of today's nanophotonic technology, our study can help optimize and design tunable optoelectronic devices based on hyperbolic materials.
[1] 管福鑫, 董少华, 何琼, 肖诗逸, 孙树林, 周磊 2020 69 157804
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[8] Feng K, Streyer W, Zhong Y, Hoffman A J, Wasserman D 2015 Opt. Express 23 A1418
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[9] Passler N C, Ni X, Hu G, Matson J R, Carini G, Wolf M, Schubert M, Alu A, Caldwell J D, Thomas G Folland T G, Paarmann A 2022 Nature 602 595
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[10] Dai S, Quan J, Hu G, Qiu C, Tao T, Li X, Alu A 2019 Nano Lett. 19 1009
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[11] Zhao B, Zhang Z M 2017 Opt. Express 25 7791
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[12] Zheng Z, Xu N, Oscurato S L, Tamagnone M, Sun F, Jiang Y, Ke Y, Chen J, Huang W, Wilson W L, Ambrosio A, Deng S, Chen H 2019 Sci. Adv. 24 eaav8690
[13] Larciprete M C, Dereshgi S A, Centini M, Aydin K 2022 Opt. Express 30 12788
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[14] Ni G, McLeod A S, Sun Z, Matson J R, Lo C F B, Rhodes D A, Ruta F L, Moore S L, Vitalone R A, Cusco R, Artús L, Xiong L, Dean C R, Hone A J, Millis J C, Fogler M M, Edgar J H, Caldwell J D, Basov D N 2021 Nano Lett. 21 5767
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[15] Ma W, Hu G, Hu D, Chen R, Sun T, Zhang X, Dai Q, Zeng Y, Alù A, Qiu C W, Li P 2021 Nature 596 362
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[16] Pavlidis G, Schwartz J J, Matson J, Folland T, Liu S, Edgar J H, Caldwell J D, Centrone A 2021 APL Mater. 9 091109
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[17] Chen M, Sanders S, Shen J, Li J, Harris E, Chen C, Ma Q, Edgar J H, Manjavacas A, Dai S 2022 Adv Opt. Mater. 10 2102723
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[18] Toyin O R, Ge W X, Gao L 2021 Chin. Phys. Lett. 38 016801
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[20] Chen M, Lin X, Dinh T, Zheng Z, Shen J, Ma Q, Chen H, Jarillo-Herrero P, Dai S 2020 Nat. Mater. 19 1372
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[21] Gong Y, Zhao Y, Zhou Z, Li D, Mao H, Bao Q, Zhang Y, Wang G 2022 Adv. Opt. Mater. 10 2200038
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[22] Hajian H, Rukhlenko I D, Ercaglar V, Hanson G, Ozbay E 2022 Appl. Phys. Lett. 120 112204
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[23] Zhang Q, Ou Q, Hu G, Liu J, Dai Z, Fuhrer M S, Bao Q, Qiu C W 2021 Nano Lett. 21 3112
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[24] Passler N C, Paarmann A 2017 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B:Opt. Phys. 34 2128
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[25] Wu X H, Fu C J, Zhang Z M 2020 J. Heat Transfer 142 072802
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[26] Passler N C, Jeannin M, Paarmann A 2020 Phys. Rev. B 101 165425
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[27] Li H H 1980 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 9 161
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[28] Xia S, Zhai X, Wang L, Xiang Y, Wen S 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 075401
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图 2 (a) 单一α-MoO3层色散曲线的研究模型; (b)—(d) 计算得到的面内波矢量和光子能量函数的反射光谱. 亮线代表不同方向上SPhP的色散曲线
Figure 2. (a) Model of the dispersion curve of a single α-MoO3 layer; (b)–(d) the calculated reflectance spectra as a function of in-plane wave vector and photon energy. Bright lines represent the dispersion curves of SPhP in different directions.
图 6 (a)—(c) 频率为820 cm–1处t = 100 nm, t = 500 nm和t = 1000 nm时数值计算得到的等频曲线; (d)—(f) 频率为900 cm–1处t = 100 nm, t = 500 nm和t = 1000 nm时数值计算得到的等频曲线; (g)—(i) 频率为1000 cm–1处t = 100 nm, t = 500 nm和t = 1000 nm时数值计算得到的等频曲线
Figure 6. (a)–(c) The iso-frequency curves obtained by numerical calculation with t = 100 nm, t = 500 nm and t = 1000 nm at a frequency of 820 cm–1; (d)–(f) the iso-frequency curves obtained by numerical calculation at t = 100 nm, t = 500 nm and t = 1000 nm at a frequency of 900 cm–1; (g)–(i) the iso-frequency curves obtained by numerical calculation at 1000 cm–1 with t = 100 nm, t = 500 nm and t = 1000 nm.
表 1 α-MoO3的介电函数的洛伦兹模型对应的参数
Table 1. The parameters corresponding to the Lorentzian model of the dielectric function of α-MoO3.
主轴 模式序数 ${{\varepsilon _x^\infty }} $ ωTO/cm–1 ωLO/cm–1 γ/cm–1 x 1 5.86 506.7 534.3 49.1 x 2 824.1 963 6 x 3 998.7 999.2 0.35 ${{\varepsilon _y^\infty }} $ ωTO/cm–1 ωLO/cm–1 γ/cm–1 y 1 6.59 544.6 850.1 9.5 ${{\varepsilon _z^\infty }}$ ωTO/cm–1 ωLO/cm–1 γ/cm–1 z 1 4.47 444 508 1.5 z 2 956.7 1006.9 1.5 -
[1] 管福鑫, 董少华, 何琼, 肖诗逸, 孙树林, 周磊 2020 69 157804
Google Scholar
Guan F X, Dong S H, He Q, Xiao S Y, Sun S L, Zhou L 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 157804
Google Scholar
[2] 朱旭鹏, 张轼, 石惠民, 陈智全, 全军, 薛书文, 张军, 段辉高 2019 68 247301
Google Scholar
Zhu X P, Zhang S, Shi H M, Chen Z Q, Quan J, Xue S W, Zhang J, Duan H G 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 247301
Google Scholar
[3] 束方洲, 范仁浩, 王嘉楠, 彭茹雯, 王牧 2019 68 147303
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Shu F Z, Fan R H, Wang J N, Peng R W, Wang M 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 147303
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[4] 马赛群, 邓奥林, 吕博赛, 胡成, 史志文 2022 71 127104
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Ma S Q, Deng A L, Lü B S, Hu C, Shi Z W 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 127104
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[5] Jacob Z 2014 Nat. Mater. 13 1081
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[6] Chen M, Lin X, Dinh T H, Zheng Z, Shen J, Ma Q, Chen H, Jarillo-Herrero P, Dai S 2020 Nat. Mater. 19 1307
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[7] Wu X, Fu C J 2021 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 168 120908
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[8] Feng K, Streyer W, Zhong Y, Hoffman A J, Wasserman D 2015 Opt. Express 23 A1418
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[9] Passler N C, Ni X, Hu G, Matson J R, Carini G, Wolf M, Schubert M, Alu A, Caldwell J D, Thomas G Folland T G, Paarmann A 2022 Nature 602 595
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[10] Dai S, Quan J, Hu G, Qiu C, Tao T, Li X, Alu A 2019 Nano Lett. 19 1009
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[11] Zhao B, Zhang Z M 2017 Opt. Express 25 7791
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[12] Zheng Z, Xu N, Oscurato S L, Tamagnone M, Sun F, Jiang Y, Ke Y, Chen J, Huang W, Wilson W L, Ambrosio A, Deng S, Chen H 2019 Sci. Adv. 24 eaav8690
[13] Larciprete M C, Dereshgi S A, Centini M, Aydin K 2022 Opt. Express 30 12788
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[14] Ni G, McLeod A S, Sun Z, Matson J R, Lo C F B, Rhodes D A, Ruta F L, Moore S L, Vitalone R A, Cusco R, Artús L, Xiong L, Dean C R, Hone A J, Millis J C, Fogler M M, Edgar J H, Caldwell J D, Basov D N 2021 Nano Lett. 21 5767
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[15] Ma W, Hu G, Hu D, Chen R, Sun T, Zhang X, Dai Q, Zeng Y, Alù A, Qiu C W, Li P 2021 Nature 596 362
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[16] Pavlidis G, Schwartz J J, Matson J, Folland T, Liu S, Edgar J H, Caldwell J D, Centrone A 2021 APL Mater. 9 091109
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[17] Chen M, Sanders S, Shen J, Li J, Harris E, Chen C, Ma Q, Edgar J H, Manjavacas A, Dai S 2022 Adv Opt. Mater. 10 2102723
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[18] Toyin O R, Ge W X, Gao L 2021 Chin. Phys. Lett. 38 016801
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[19] 魏晨崴, 曹暾 2021 70 048701
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Wei C W, Cao T 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 048701
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[20] Chen M, Lin X, Dinh T, Zheng Z, Shen J, Ma Q, Chen H, Jarillo-Herrero P, Dai S 2020 Nat. Mater. 19 1372
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[21] Gong Y, Zhao Y, Zhou Z, Li D, Mao H, Bao Q, Zhang Y, Wang G 2022 Adv. Opt. Mater. 10 2200038
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[22] Hajian H, Rukhlenko I D, Ercaglar V, Hanson G, Ozbay E 2022 Appl. Phys. Lett. 120 112204
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[23] Zhang Q, Ou Q, Hu G, Liu J, Dai Z, Fuhrer M S, Bao Q, Qiu C W 2021 Nano Lett. 21 3112
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[24] Passler N C, Paarmann A 2017 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B:Opt. Phys. 34 2128
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[25] Wu X H, Fu C J, Zhang Z M 2020 J. Heat Transfer 142 072802
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[26] Passler N C, Jeannin M, Paarmann A 2020 Phys. Rev. B 101 165425
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[27] Li H H 1980 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 9 161
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[28] Xia S, Zhai X, Wang L, Xiang Y, Wen S 2022 Phys. Rev. B 106 075401
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