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Prospective study on observations of gamma-ray emission from active galactic nuclei using the HADAR experiment

Qian Xiang-Li Sun Hui-Ying Chen Tian-Lu Danzengluobu Feng You-Liang Gao Qi Gou Quan-Bu Guo Yi-Qing Hu Hong-Bo Kang Ming-Ming Li Hai-Jin Liu Cheng Liu Mao-Yuan Liu Wei Qiao Bing-Qiang Wang Xu Wang Zhen Xin Guang-Guang Yao Yu-Hua Yuan Qiang Zhang Yi


Prospective study on observations of gamma-ray emission from active galactic nuclei using the HADAR experiment

Qian Xiang-Li, Sun Hui-Ying, Chen Tian-Lu, Danzengluobu, Feng You-Liang, Gao Qi, Gou Quan-Bu, Guo Yi-Qing, Hu Hong-Bo, Kang Ming-Ming, Li Hai-Jin, Liu Cheng, Liu Mao-Yuan, Liu Wei, Qiao Bing-Qiang, Wang Xu, Wang Zhen, Xin Guang-Guang, Yao Yu-Hua, Yuan Qiang, Zhang Yi
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The High Altitude Detection of Astronomical Radiation (HADAR) experiment is a refracting terrestrial telescope array based on the atmospheric Cherenkov imaging technique. It is a hybrid array consisting of four water-lens telescopes and a surrounding scintillation detector array for observing Cherenkov light induced by 10 GeV–10 TeV cosmic rays and gamma rays in the atmosphere. The water-lens telescope mainly consists of a hemispherical lens with a diameter of 5 m acting as a Cherenkov light collector, a cylindrical metal tank with a 4 m radius and 7 m height, and an imaging system at the bottom of the tank. The sky region covered by HADAR is much larger than the current generation of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes, and even the CTA. The field-of-view (FOV) of HADAR can reach up to 60 degrees. The HADAR experiment possesses the advantages of a large field-of-view and low energy threshold, so it can continuously scan wide portions of the sky and easily observe extragalactic gamma-ray sources. The majority of the extragalactic gamma-ray sources detected at very high energy (VHE) energies are active galactic nuclei (AGNs). In this study, we present the potential of using the HADAR experiment for detecting AGN. Based on the AGN catalog sources of the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT), the observed energy is extrapolated to the VHE range. The VHE gamma rays propagating over cosmological distances can interact with the low-energy of the extragalactic background light (EBL) and produce electron-positron pairs. Therefore, we consider the absorption effects of different EBL models when calculating the expected gamma ray spectra of the AGN sample. We select the sample with redshift measurements and locations inside the FOV of HADAR from 4LAC catalog. In total, there are 375 BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) and 289 flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) satisfying the selection conditions. The integral gamma ray spectra are derived and compared with the sensitivity curve of HADAR, the number of sources with fluxes above the sensitivity of HADAR is counted. Further, we calculate the statistical significance of HADAR for AGN source observation based on the equi-zenith angle sky scanning analysis method. The simulation results reveal that a total of 31 sources of Fermi-LAT AGN can be detected by HADAR with a significance greater than five standard deviations over a one-year survey period, most of which are BL Lacs.
      Corresponding author: Chen Tian-Lu, ; Guo Yi-Qing,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12263005, 11873005, 11705103, 12005120, 12147218, U1831208, U1632104, 11875264, U2031110) and the Key Laboratory for Cosmic Ray of the Education Ministry of China, Tibet University (Grant No. KLCR-202201)

    Aharonian F, Akhperjanian A G, Bazer-Bachi A R 2007 Astrophys. J. 664 L71Google Scholar


    Albert J, Aliu E, Anderhub H 2007 Astrophys. J. 669 862Google Scholar


    Sikora M, Begelman M C, Rees M J 1994 Astrophys. J. 421 153Google Scholar


    Marscher A P 2016 Galaxies. 4 37Google Scholar


    Aharonian F 2000 New. Astron. 5 377Google Scholar


    Mücke A, Protheroe R J, Engel R, Rachen J P, Stanev T 2003 Astropart. Phys. 18 593Google Scholar


    Fossati G, Maraschi L, Celotti A, Comastri A, Ghisellini G 1998 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 299 433Google Scholar


    Ghisellini G, Righi C, Costamante L, Tavecchio F 2017 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 469 255Google Scholar


    Padovani P, Giommi P 1995 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 277 1477Google Scholar


    Ajello M, Arimoto M, Axelsson M 2019 Astrophys. J. 878 52Google Scholar


    Hinton J A 2004 New. Astron. Rev. 48 331Google Scholar


    Aleksić J, Ansoldi S, Antonelli L A 2016 Astropart. Phys. 72 61Google Scholar


    Weekes T C, Badran H, Biller S D 2002 Astropart. Phys. 17 221Google Scholar


    Abeysekara A U, Alfaro R, Alvarez C 2013 Astropart. Phys. 50 26Google Scholar


    Sciascio G D 2016 Nucl. Part. Phys. P. 279 166Google Scholar


    CTA Consortium 2018 Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array (Singapore: World Scientific) pp11–26


    Punch M, Akerlof C W, Cawley M F 1992 Nature 358 477Google Scholar


    Quinn J, Akerlof C W, Biller S 1996 Astrophys. J. 456 L83Google Scholar


    Albert J, Aliu E, Anderhub H 2008 Science 320 1752Google Scholar


    Aliu E, Archambault S, Arlen T 2012 Astrophys. J. 750 94Google Scholar


    Abramowski A, Acero F, Aharonian F 2012 Astron. Astrophys. 538 A103Google Scholar


    Abramowski A, Acero F, Aharonian F 2013 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 434 1889Google Scholar


    Abdo A A, Ackermann M, Ajello M 2011 Astrophys. J. 736 131Google Scholar


    Ahnen M L, Ansoldi S, Antonelli L A 2017 Astron. Astrophys. 603 A31Google Scholar


    Abdalla H, Adam R, Aharonian F 2021 Astron. Astrophys. 648 A23Google Scholar


    Arlen T, Aune T, Beilicke M 2012 Astrophys. J. 762 92Google Scholar


    Abdo A A, Ackermann M, Ajello M 2011 Astrophys. J. 727 129Google Scholar


    Bartoli B, Bernardini P, Bi X J 2012 Astrophys. J. 758 2Google Scholar


    Albert J, Aliu E, Anderhub H 2007 Astrophys. J. 667 358Google Scholar


    Gilmore R C, Madau P, Primack J R, Somerville R S, Haardt F 2009 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 399 1694Google Scholar


    Inoue S, Salvaterra R, Choudhury T R, Ferrara A, Ciardi B, Schneider R 2010 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 404 1938Google Scholar


    Takahashi K, Inoue S, Ichiki K, Nakamura T 2011 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 410 2741Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Guo Y Q, Cai H 2018 Exp. Astron. 45 363Google Scholar


    Xin G G, Yao Y H, Qian X L 2021 Astrophys. J. 923 112Google Scholar


    Holler M, Balzer A, Chalmé-Calvet R, de Naurois M, and Zaborov D 2015 Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hague, Netherlands, 30 July–6 August 2015 34 980


    Aleksić J, Ansoldi S, Antonelli L A 2016 Astropart. Phys. 72 76Google Scholar


    Ma X H, Bi Y J, Cao Z 2022 Chinese Phys. C 46 030001Google Scholar


    DeYoung T 2012 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 692 72Google Scholar


    Zhao Y, Yuan Q, Bi X J, Zhu F R, Jia H Y 2016 Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 25 1650006Google Scholar


    Cai H, Zhang Y, Liu C 2017 J. Instrum. 12 09023Google Scholar


    Chen T L, Liu C, Gao Q 2019 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 927 46Google Scholar


    Ajello M, Angioni R, Axelsson M 2020 Astrophys. J. 892 105Google Scholar


    Stecker F W, De Jager O C, Salamon M H 1992 Astrophys. J. 390 L49Google Scholar


    Franceschini A, Rodighiero G, Vaccari M 2008 Astron. Astrophys. 487 837Google Scholar


    Finke J D, Razzaque S, Dermer C D 2010 Astrophys. J. 712 238Google Scholar


    Domínguez A, Primack J R, Rosario D J 2011 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 410 2556Google Scholar


    Gilmore R C, Somerville R S, Primack J R, Domínguez A 2012 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 422 3189Google Scholar


    Helgason K, Kashlinsky A 2012 Astrophys. J. Lett. 758 L13Google Scholar


    Inoue Y, Inoue S, Kobayashi M A R, Makiya R, Niino Y, Totani T 2013 Astrophys. J. 768 197Google Scholar


    Stecker F W, Scully S T, Malkan M A 2016 Astrophys. J. 827 6Google Scholar


    Abdollahi S, Acero F, Ackermann M 2020 Astrophys. J. Suppl. S. 247 33Google Scholar


    Amenomori M, Ayabe S, Chen D 2005 Astrophys. J. 633 1005Google Scholar


    Gaisser T K, Stanev T, Tilav S 2013 Front. Phys. 8 748Google Scholar

  • 图 1  HADAR阵列示意图 (a)阵列分布图; (b)单个水透镜详细结构图[34]

    Figure 1.  Schematic of HADAR: (a) Layout of the HADAR experiment; (b) detailed design of a water-lens telescope[34]

    图 2  HADAR实验的角分辨, 入射事例的天顶角分别为10°, 20°和30°[34]

    Figure 2.  Performance of HADAR angular resolution. The incident zenith angles are 10°, 20° and 30°[34]

    图 3  HADAR实验的有效面积 (a)不同天顶角伽马事例入射时的有效面积及与其他实验的比较; (b)实验的有效孔径

    Figure 3.  Performance of HADAR effective area: (a) Effective areas for incident γ-ray events at different zenith angles and comparison with other IACT and EAS experiments; (b) acceptance for HADAR and other experiments

    图 4  HADAR及其他伽马射线实验的灵敏度曲线对比图

    Figure 4.  Comparisons of the sensitivity of HADAR with other γ-ray instruments

    图 5  筛选出的664个AGN源的能谱指数分布图(左)与红移分布图(右)

    Figure 5.  Distribution of photon index (left) and redshift (right) for 664 selected AGN sources

    图 6  预期的经过5种不同EBL模型吸收之后的AGN源的伽马射线能谱图及与HADAR灵敏度曲线的比较. 其中蓝色实线为BL Lacs, 红色虚线为FSRQs, 黑色粗线为HADAR的灵敏度曲线

    Figure 6.  Expected γ-ray spectra of the AGN sample after EBL absorption. Different panels are for the five different EBL models as labeled. The blue solid lines represent BL Lacs and red dashed lines represent FSRQs. The sensitivity of HADAR is shown with the thick black line

    图 7  赤道坐标系(J2000 坐标)下HADAR对河外源的观测显著性预期, 显著性显示范围为–3—15

    Figure 7.  Expected significance of extragalactic sources in the equatorial coordinates (J2000 epoch) in the HADAR FOV. The visualization range is limited between –3 and 15

    表 1  HADAR实验一年观测时间对河外源观测的显著性估计, 列表从左到右依次为: Fermi源名称, 相关联的源, 赤经, 赤纬, 红移, 归一化的流强, $ E_0 $, 谱指数α, 谱指数β, 一年内的有效观测时间, 预期显著性

    Table 1.  Expected significance of extragalactic sources with HADAR between 30 GeV and 10 TeV using a 1 yr observation time. Columns from left to right are as follows: Fermi source name, associations, R.A., Dec., redshift, normalization flux, $ E_0 $, spectral index α, spectral index β, effective livetime, expected significance by HADAR

    Fermi Source Assoc. R.A./(°) Dec./(°) z $N_0/(\rm TeV^{-1}{\cdot}cm^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1})$ $ E_0 $/GeV α β Livetime/hrs S/σ
    4FGL J0112.1+2245 S2 0109+22 18.03 22.75 0.265 1.399× 10–5 0.76 1.99 0.057 277.8 8.9
    4FGL J0222.6+4302 3C66A 35.67 43.04 0.444 1.008×10–5 1.21 1.88 0.045 264.2 21.5
    4FGL J0319.8+1845 1E 0317.0+1835 49.97 18.75 0.190 1.618×10–8 5.98 1.67 0.0 257.8 5.1
    4FGL J0650.7+2503 1ES 0647+250 102.70 25.05 0.203 6.587×10–7 2.06 1.66 0.035 286.0 25.3
    4FGL J0738.1+1742 PKS 0735+17 114.54 17.71 0.424 2.640×10–6 1.54 1.97 0.065 251.3 7.4
    4FGL J0809.8+5218 1ES 0806+524 122.46 52.31 0.138 2.222×10–6 1.30 1.80 0.041 193.9 15.1
    4FGL J0915.9+2933 Ton 0396 138.99 29.55 0.190 1.068×10–6 1.35 1.74 0.083 294.7 7.8
    4FGL J1015.0+4926 1H 1013+498 153.77 49.43 0.212 7.019×10–6 1.01 1.76 0.041 220.0 29.9
    4FGL J1058.6+5627 TXS 1055+567 164.67 56.46 0.143 2.525×10–6 1.06 1.87 0.040 149.4 6.3
    4FGL J1104.4+3812 Mkn 421 166.12 38.21 0.030 1.842×10–5 1.29 1.72 0.023 284.9 529.6
    4FGL J1117.0+2013 RBS 0958 169.27 20.23 0.139 4.167×10–7 1.84 1.95 0.0 266.1 5.7
    4FGL J1150.6+4154 RBS 1040 177.66 41.91 0.320 5.965×10–7 1.73 1.65 0.091 270.0 6.6
    4FGL J1217.9+3007 B2 1215+30 184.48 30.12 0.130 7.113×10–6 1.07 1.88 0.040 295.1 31.6
    4FGL J1221.3+3010 PG 1218+304 185.34 30.17 0.184 1.742×10–7 4.44 1.71 0.0 295.2 31.3
    4FGL J1221.5+2814 W Comae 185.38 28.24 0.102 3.516×10–6 1.06 2.16 0.0 293.1 6.6
    4FGL J1224.4+2436 MS 1221.8+2452 186.12 24.61 0.219 2.417×10–7 2.36 1.89 0.0 284.6 5.5
    4FGL J1224.9+2122 4C +21.35 186.23 21.38 0.434 2.187×10–4 0.39 2.27 0.045 271.8 5.4
    4FGL J1230.2+2517 ON 246 187.56 25.30 0.135 6.100×10–6 0.82 1.99 0.061 286.7 6.0
    4FGL J1231.7+2847 B2 1229+29 187.93 28.79 0.236 7.991×10–7 1.58 1.99 0.0 293.9 5.1
    4FGL J1427.0+2348 PKS 1424+240 216.76 23.80 0.604 6.508×10–6 1.23 1.70 0.060 281.8 23.8
    4FGL J1428.5+4240 H 1426+428 217.13 42.68 0.129 2.772×10–8 5.02 1.66 0.0 266.1 9.7
    4FGL J1555.7+1111 PG 1553+113 238.93 11.19 0.360 3.325×10–6 1.85 1.54 0.070 199.5 58.9
    4FGL J1653.8+3945 Mkn 501 253.47 39.76 0.033 4.439×10–6 1.48 1.71 0.018 279.5 258.4
    4FGL J1725.0+1152 1H 1720+117 261.27 11.87 0.180 7.214×10–7 2.22 1.76 0.056 205.9 13.9
    4FGL J1728.3+5013 I Zw 187 262.08 50.23 0.055 1.950×10–7 3.01 1.78 0.0 213.2 24.1
    4FGL J1838.8+4802 GB6J1838+4802 279.71 48.04 0.300 3.198×10–7 2.55 1.85 0.0 231.3 6.1
    4FGL J2116.2+3339 B2 2114+33 319.06 33.66 0.350 1.068×10–6 1.71 1.74 0.102 294.4 7.2
    4FGL J2202.7+4216 BL Lac 330.69 42.28 0.069 4.498×10–5 0.75 2.18 0.060 268.2 15.0
    4FGL J2250.0+3825 B3 2247+381 342.51 38.42 0.119 2.881×10–8 5.33 1.72 0.060 284.2 9.9
    4FGL J2253.9+1609 3C 454.3 343.50 16.15 0.859 6.408×10–4 0.52 2.39 0.0 240.7 14.7
    4FGL J2323.8+4210 1ES 2321+419 350.97 42.18 0.059 2.926×10–7 2.47 1.90 0.0 268.7 13.4
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    Aharonian F, Akhperjanian A G, Bazer-Bachi A R 2007 Astrophys. J. 664 L71Google Scholar


    Albert J, Aliu E, Anderhub H 2007 Astrophys. J. 669 862Google Scholar


    Sikora M, Begelman M C, Rees M J 1994 Astrophys. J. 421 153Google Scholar


    Marscher A P 2016 Galaxies. 4 37Google Scholar


    Aharonian F 2000 New. Astron. 5 377Google Scholar


    Mücke A, Protheroe R J, Engel R, Rachen J P, Stanev T 2003 Astropart. Phys. 18 593Google Scholar


    Fossati G, Maraschi L, Celotti A, Comastri A, Ghisellini G 1998 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 299 433Google Scholar


    Ghisellini G, Righi C, Costamante L, Tavecchio F 2017 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 469 255Google Scholar


    Padovani P, Giommi P 1995 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 277 1477Google Scholar


    Ajello M, Arimoto M, Axelsson M 2019 Astrophys. J. 878 52Google Scholar


    Hinton J A 2004 New. Astron. Rev. 48 331Google Scholar


    Aleksić J, Ansoldi S, Antonelli L A 2016 Astropart. Phys. 72 61Google Scholar


    Weekes T C, Badran H, Biller S D 2002 Astropart. Phys. 17 221Google Scholar


    Abeysekara A U, Alfaro R, Alvarez C 2013 Astropart. Phys. 50 26Google Scholar


    Sciascio G D 2016 Nucl. Part. Phys. P. 279 166Google Scholar


    CTA Consortium 2018 Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array (Singapore: World Scientific) pp11–26


    Punch M, Akerlof C W, Cawley M F 1992 Nature 358 477Google Scholar


    Quinn J, Akerlof C W, Biller S 1996 Astrophys. J. 456 L83Google Scholar


    Albert J, Aliu E, Anderhub H 2008 Science 320 1752Google Scholar


    Aliu E, Archambault S, Arlen T 2012 Astrophys. J. 750 94Google Scholar


    Abramowski A, Acero F, Aharonian F 2012 Astron. Astrophys. 538 A103Google Scholar


    Abramowski A, Acero F, Aharonian F 2013 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 434 1889Google Scholar


    Abdo A A, Ackermann M, Ajello M 2011 Astrophys. J. 736 131Google Scholar


    Ahnen M L, Ansoldi S, Antonelli L A 2017 Astron. Astrophys. 603 A31Google Scholar


    Abdalla H, Adam R, Aharonian F 2021 Astron. Astrophys. 648 A23Google Scholar


    Arlen T, Aune T, Beilicke M 2012 Astrophys. J. 762 92Google Scholar


    Abdo A A, Ackermann M, Ajello M 2011 Astrophys. J. 727 129Google Scholar


    Bartoli B, Bernardini P, Bi X J 2012 Astrophys. J. 758 2Google Scholar


    Albert J, Aliu E, Anderhub H 2007 Astrophys. J. 667 358Google Scholar


    Gilmore R C, Madau P, Primack J R, Somerville R S, Haardt F 2009 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 399 1694Google Scholar


    Inoue S, Salvaterra R, Choudhury T R, Ferrara A, Ciardi B, Schneider R 2010 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 404 1938Google Scholar


    Takahashi K, Inoue S, Ichiki K, Nakamura T 2011 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 410 2741Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Guo Y Q, Cai H 2018 Exp. Astron. 45 363Google Scholar


    Xin G G, Yao Y H, Qian X L 2021 Astrophys. J. 923 112Google Scholar


    Holler M, Balzer A, Chalmé-Calvet R, de Naurois M, and Zaborov D 2015 Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hague, Netherlands, 30 July–6 August 2015 34 980


    Aleksić J, Ansoldi S, Antonelli L A 2016 Astropart. Phys. 72 76Google Scholar


    Ma X H, Bi Y J, Cao Z 2022 Chinese Phys. C 46 030001Google Scholar


    DeYoung T 2012 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 692 72Google Scholar


    Zhao Y, Yuan Q, Bi X J, Zhu F R, Jia H Y 2016 Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 25 1650006Google Scholar


    Cai H, Zhang Y, Liu C 2017 J. Instrum. 12 09023Google Scholar


    Chen T L, Liu C, Gao Q 2019 Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 927 46Google Scholar


    Ajello M, Angioni R, Axelsson M 2020 Astrophys. J. 892 105Google Scholar


    Stecker F W, De Jager O C, Salamon M H 1992 Astrophys. J. 390 L49Google Scholar


    Franceschini A, Rodighiero G, Vaccari M 2008 Astron. Astrophys. 487 837Google Scholar


    Finke J D, Razzaque S, Dermer C D 2010 Astrophys. J. 712 238Google Scholar


    Domínguez A, Primack J R, Rosario D J 2011 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 410 2556Google Scholar


    Gilmore R C, Somerville R S, Primack J R, Domínguez A 2012 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 422 3189Google Scholar


    Helgason K, Kashlinsky A 2012 Astrophys. J. Lett. 758 L13Google Scholar


    Inoue Y, Inoue S, Kobayashi M A R, Makiya R, Niino Y, Totani T 2013 Astrophys. J. 768 197Google Scholar


    Stecker F W, Scully S T, Malkan M A 2016 Astrophys. J. 827 6Google Scholar


    Abdollahi S, Acero F, Ackermann M 2020 Astrophys. J. Suppl. S. 247 33Google Scholar


    Amenomori M, Ayabe S, Chen D 2005 Astrophys. J. 633 1005Google Scholar


    Gaisser T K, Stanev T, Tilav S 2013 Front. Phys. 8 748Google Scholar

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  16 October 2022
  • Accepted Date:  09 November 2022
  • Available Online:  02 December 2022
  • Published Online:  20 February 2023

