Viscoelastic fluids widely exist in nature and industrial production, and the study of their complex rheological properties has important academic value and application significance. In this work, an improved smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is proposed to numerically simulate the viscoelastic flow based on the eXtended Pom-Pom (XPP) model. In order to improve the accuracy of the calculation, a kernel gradient correction discrete format without kernel derivative calculation is adopted. In order to prevent fluid particles from penetrating the solid wall, an enhanced boundary processing technology is proposed. To eliminate the tensile instability, an artificial stress is coupled into the momentum equation of conservation. Based on the XPP model, the viscoelastic Poiseuille flow and the viscoelastic droplet impacting solid wall problem are simulated by using the improved SPH method. The effectiveness and advantages of the improved SPH method are verified by comparing the SPH solutions with the solutions from the analytical method or finite difference method. The convergence of the improved SPH method is further evaluated by using several different particle sizes. On this basis, the influences of rheological parameters such as Reyonlds number Re, Weissenberg number Wi, solvent viscosity ratio β, anisotropy parameter α, relaxation time ratio γ and molecular chain arm number Q on the flow process are analyzed in depth. For the viscoelastic Poiseuille flow, the bigger the value of Re, Wi, and α, the larger the steady-state velocity is; the larger the value of γ and Q, the smaller the steady-state velocity is; the larger the value of β, the weaker the velocity overshoot is, but it does not affect the steady-state velocity. For the viscoelastic droplet problem, the larger the value of Re and Wi, the faster the droplet spreads; the larger the value of β, the weaker the droplet shrinkage behavior is, but it does not affect the final spreading width of droplet; the larger the value of α, the larger the droplet’s spreading width is; the larger the value of γ is, the stronger the droplet shrinkage behavior is; the larger the value of Q, the weaker its influence on the droplet’s spread width is. The improved SPH method in this paper can effectively describe the complex rheological properties and the free surface variation characteristics of viscoelastic fluid based on XPP model.
- smoothed particle hydrodynamics /
- eXtended Pom-Pom model /
- Poiseuille flow /
- droplet
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图 2 基于XPP模型的黏弹性Poiseuille流的SPH模拟 (Re = 2, Wi = 1, β = 0.1, α = 0.01, γ = 0.9, Q = 4) (a) 速度分布图; (b) 空间点1—3速度u随时间的变化; (c) 空间点1—3弹性剪切应力τxy随时间的变化
Figure 2. SPH simulation of viscoelastic Poiseuille flow based on XPP model (Re = 2, Wi = 1, β = 0.1, α = 0.01, γ = 0.9, Q = 4): (a) Velocity profile; (b) time change of velocity u at points 1 to 3; (c) time change of elastic shear stress τxy at points 1 to 3.
图 10 基于XPP模型的液滴撞击固壁问题的SPH模拟(Re = 5, Wi = 1, β = 0.1, α = 0.01, γ = 0.9, Q = 4) (a) T = 1.55; (b) T = 1.85; (c) T = 2.35; (d) T = 2.85; (e) T = 3.45; (f) T = 5.00
Figure 10. SPH simulation of droplet impacting solid wall problem based on XPP model (Re = 5, Wi = 1, β = 0.1, α = 0.01, γ = 0.9, Q = 4): (a) T = 1.55; (b) T = 1.85; (c) T = 2.35; (d) T = 2.85; (e) T = 3.45; (f) T = 5.00.
[1] Viezel C, Tomé M F, Pinho F T, McKee S 2020 J. Non-newton Fluid Mech. 285 104338
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[2] Li B, Chen L, Joo S 2021 Case Stud. Therm. Eng. 26 101109
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[3] Li S, Liu W K 2007 Meshfree Particle Methods (Springer Science & Business Media) p68
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[6] 马理强, 刘谋斌, 常建忠, 苏铁熊, 刘汉涛 2012 61 244701
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Ma L Q, Liu M B, Chang J Z, Su T X, Liu H T 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 244701
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[7] 邵绪强, 梅鹏, 陈文新 2021 70 234701
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Shao X Q, Mei P, Chen W X 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 234701
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[8] Macià F, Merino-Alonso P E, Souto-Iglesias A 2022 Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 397 115045
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[26] King J R C, Lind S J 2021 J. Non-newton Fluid Mech. 293 104556
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[27] Verbeeten W M H, Peters G W M, Baaijens F P T 2001 J. Rheol. 45 823
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[28] O'connor J, Domínguez J M, Rogers B D, Lind S J, Stansby P K 2022 Comput. Phys. Commun. 273 108263
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[29] Jiang T, Ouyang J, Ren J L, Yang B, Xu X 2012 Comput. Phys. Commun. 183 50
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[34] Oishi C M, Martins F P, Tomé M F, Alves M A 2012 J. Non-newton Fluid Mech. 169 91
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