Marangoni效应是一种液体在界面张力梯度作用下的自发流动行为. 液体界面上液体的Marangoni效应在工程技术领域具有重要作用. 本文使用硅油作为驱动液体, 正十六烷作为被驱动液体, 十二烷基硫酸钠溶液作为液体基底, 通过高速相机捕捉正十六烷受驱动铺展的整个过程, 研究了三相液体系统中液滴的Marangoni效应. 实验发现, 正十六烷在硅油的驱动下从内向外铺展, 形成液体圆环. 本文根据正十六烷圆环内、外边界铺展行为, 分析了正十六烷内边界和外边界的铺展原理, 并研究了滴入硅油体积对于铺展过程的影响. 研究发现, 正十六烷内边界铺展与单一液滴的铺展规律相同, 正十六烷内边界前期铺展由重力主导, 内边界铺展标度律在
$ R \sim {t}^{1/4} $ 到$R \sim {t}^{1/2} $ 范围. 随后铺展由界面张力梯度主导, 内边界铺展标度律为$ R \sim {t}^{3/4} $ . 因内边界铺展受重力影响, 内边界的铺展速度与硅油体积成正相关. 而正十六烷外边界在硅油驱动下, 因接触角改变而产生界面张力梯度, 在界面张力梯度作用下外边界铺展标度律为$ R \sim {t}^{3/4} $ .-
- 三相液体系统 /
- 液滴 /
- Marangoni效应 /
- 界面张力梯度
Surface tension gradient due to concentration difference and temperature difference induces liquid convection, known as Marangoni effect. The Marangoni effect has been extensively studied to understand its fundamental physics and its industrial applications. In this paper we study Marangoni effect of droplet in a three-phase liquid system. In this system, silicone oil is chosen as a driving liquid, and n-hexadecane is used as a driven liquid. A high-speed camera is used to capture the spreading process of n-hexadecane driven by silicon oil on the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution. The experiment shows that n-hexadecane driven by silicone oil spreads from inside out, forming a ring structure. According to spreading dynamic behavior of internal boundary and external boundary of n-hexadecane ring, we study the spreading pattern of internal boundary and external boundary of n-hexadecane ring, and the influence of silicone oil volume on the spreading process. Analysis shows that the spreading law of internal silicone oil conforms to single droplet spreading at the liquid interface. In the initial spreading stage, the spreading of four-phase contact line (internal boundary) among silicone oil, air, n-hexadecane and water are dominated by gravity, The scale law of spreading distance R of four-phase contact line and t is in a range of$ R \sim {t}^{1/4} $ -$ R \sim {t}^{1/2} $ . Owing to the gravity influence, the larger the volume of silicone oil, the faster the four-phase contact line spreads. The volume of silicone oil has no effect on the scaling law of the whole spreading process. The next spreading stage, the spreading of the contact line is dominated by the interfacial tension gradient. The scale law of spreading distance R and t conforms to$ R \sim {t}^{3/4} $ . Under silicone oil driven, the liquid thickness of n-hexadecane at the four-phase contact line (internal boundary) among air, silicone oil, N-hexadecane and water increases, thus changing the contact angle at three-phase contact line (external boundary) among air, n-hexadecane and water. The change of contact angle leads the interfacial tension gradient to produce. The interfacial tension gradient drives external boundary to spread. Because the spreading of the three-phase contact line is dominated by interfacial tension gradient, the scale law of spreading distance R of three-phase contact line and time t conforms to$ \sim {t}^{3/4} $ .-
- three-phase liquid system /
- droplet /
- Marangoni effect /
- interfacial tension gradient
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图 2 2 μL硅油驱动正十六烷实验图像, 其中黄线为正十六烷/SDS基底接触线, 红线为硅油/正十六烷接触线(比例尺为10 mm)
Fig. 2. Schematic of spreading process of n-hexadecane driven by 2 μL silicon oil, where the yellow line is the contact line between n-hexadecane and SDS solution, the red line is the contact line between n-hexadecane and silicon oil (scale bar: 10 mm).
图 3 实验原理图, 其中液体1, 2, 3分别为硅油、正十六烷、SDS溶液; L123 为四相接触线, L23三相接触线,
${\nabla \sigma }_{123}{\rm{和}} $ $ {\nabla \sigma }_{23}{\rm{分}}{\rm{别}}{\rm{为}}$ 接触线处L123和L23处的界面张力梯度; σi 为第i相液体表面张力, σij为第i, j相之间的界面张力Fig. 3. Experimental schematic diagram, where liquids 1, 2 and 3 are silicone oil, n-hexadecane and SDS solution respectively, L123 is four phase contact line and L23 is three phase contact line.
${\nabla \sigma }_{123},\; {\nabla \sigma }_{23}$ are Interfacial tension gradient in L123, L23 respectively. σi is the tension of i liquid, σij is the tension of the i, j interface.图 5 正十六烷外边界直径R随时间变化图 (a)线性坐标轴; (b)双对数坐标轴, 其中红线斜率为3/4, T0为初始时刻, T1是斜率向3/4靠近的拐点
Fig. 5. Diagram of the diameter of n-hexadecane outer boundary over time: (a) Linear axis; (b) dual logarithmic axis, where the slope of the red line is 3/4, T0 is the initial moment, T1 is the inflection point where the slope approaches 3/4.
[1] Gennes P D, Brochard-Wyart F, Quéré D 2004 Capillarity and Wetting Phenomena-Drops, Bubbles, Pearls, Waves (New York: Springer-Verlag)
[2] Sanatkaran N, Kulichikhin V G, Malkin A Y, Foudazi R 2018 Langmuir 34 10974
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[3] Wodlei F, Sebilleau J, Magnaudet J, Pimienta V 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 820
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[24] Hernández-Sánchez J F, Eddi A, Snoeijer J H 2015 Phys. Fluids 27 032003
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[25] 赵文景, 王进, 秦威广, 纪文杰, 蓝鼎, 王育人 2021 70 184701
Google Scholar
Zhao W J, Wang J, Qin W G, Ji W J, Lan D, Wang Y R 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 184701
Google Scholar
[26] Joos P, Pintens J 1977 J. Colloid Interface Sci. 60 507
Google Scholar
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