High-purity gases are widely used in semiconductor device manufacturing and fuel cell industries. However, the impurities have a significant influence on the processing accuracy directly. Thus, it is particularly necessary to carry out the concentration diagnosis of key trace impurity gases. In this work, an integrated system for the simultaneous detection of trace NO/NOx is designed based on the chemiluminescence spectrum theory and the catalytic conversion mechanism of nitrogen oxides. The test experiments reveal that the measurement system has the advantages of high linearity (R2 = 0.99967), high sensitivity, low detection limit (~25 ppt), and easy operation. Subsequently, the measurement method for NOx with different high-purity gases are established considering the quenching effects of different background gases on fluorescence and phosphorescent. The detection system is then used to measure the ppb-level NOx impurities in four commonly used high-purity gases (Ar, O2, CO2, N2) in the laboratory. The results show that the NO impurity in CO2 gas is the highest, approximately 9 ppb,but relatively low, 0–4 ppb, in the other high-purity gases. The NO2 impurities in all four high-purity gases are very low (< 6 ppb). Finally, the NOx impurity content values in high-purity gases are evaluated and analyzed based on the gas preparation and purification approach. The aim of the work is to provide a reliable diagnostic approach and data basis of the impurity composition for the fuel cell, semiconductor and other cutting-edge technological fields.
- chemiluminescence /
- high-purity gas /
- trace gas /
- quenching
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图 2 化学发光测量系统装置示意图. V为可调节脉冲型高压电源; MFC为流量控制计; CL为化学发光; PMT为光电倍增管; T0为NO测量模式通道; T1为NO2测量模式通道
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of chemiluminescence measurement system. V is adjustable pulse high voltage power supply; MFC is flow control meter; CL is chemiluminescence; PMT is photomultiplier tube, T0 is NO measurement mode channel; T1 is NO2 measurement mode channel.
图 4 不同NO2标气浓度测量结果 (a)不同NO2浓度下对应5个周期的原始测量信号; (b)不同NO2标气浓度的电压信号及其线性拟合曲线
Figure 4. Different NO2 standard gas concentration measurement: (a) Original measurement signals corresponding to 5 cycles at different NO2 concentrations; (b) voltage signals of different NO2 gas concentrations and their linear fitting curves.
表 1 不同组分高纯气体的NOx转换系数及其测量结果修正值
Table 1. NOx conversion coefficient of different high-purity gas components and modification of measurement results.
系数(m)$I_{\rm N_2}/I_{\rm M}$ 浓度修正值
(ppb, 高纯气体)NO NO2 O2 0.115 1.115 ~1.4 ~2.9 CO2 1.047 2.047 ~ 8.9 ~2.3 Ar –0.48 0.73 ~0.5 ~5.2 N2 0 1 ~3.9 ~4.4 注: 相对淬灭系数Rm可以用公式Rm = 1+ m*d{M}描述, 式中m为线性拟合系数, {M}为M的物质的量的比. 具体公式推导见文献[31]. -
[1] Funke H H, Grissom B L, McGrew C E, Raynor M W 2003 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74 3909
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[2] 单静, 王莹, 王杰, 靳鹏杰, 吉雪霞 2020 低温与特气 38 32
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Shan J, Wang Y, Wang J, Jin P J, Ji X X 2020 Low Temper. Speci. Gas. 38 32
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[3] Z 2021 Nat. Gas Ind. 41 115 (in Chinese) [潘义, 邓凡锋, 王维康, 杨嘉伟, 张婷, 林俊杰, 龙舟, 姚伟民, 方正 2021 天然气工业 41 115]
Pan Y, Deng F F, Wang W K, Yang J W, Zhang T, Lin J J, Long Z, Yao W M, Fang
[4] Sethuraman V A, Weidner J W 2010 Electrochim. Acta 55 5683
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[5] Myrberg T, Jacob A P, Nur O, Friesel M, Willander M, Patel C J, Campidelli Y, Hernandez C, Kermarrec O, Bensahel D 2004 J. Mater Sci. Mater. Electron. 15 411
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Sun X Y 1988 Chin. J. Chromatogr. 6 334
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[20] McClenny W A, Williams E J, Cohen R C, Stutz J 2002 J. Air. Waste Manag. Assoc. 52 542
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[21] Putluru S S R, Schill L, Jensen A D, Fehrmann R S N 2015 Appl Catal. B 165 628
[22] Bollinger M J, Sievers R E, Fahey D W, Fehsenfeld F C 1983 Anal. Chem. 55 1980
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