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Study on H plasma treatment enhanced p-GaN gate AlGaN/GaN HEMT with block layer

Huang Xing-Jie Xing Yan-Hui Yu Guo-Hao Song Liang Huang Rong Huang Zeng-Li Han Jun Zhang Bao-Shun Fan Ya-Ming


Study on H plasma treatment enhanced p-GaN gate AlGaN/GaN HEMT with block layer

Huang Xing-Jie, Xing Yan-Hui, Yu Guo-Hao, Song Liang, Huang Rong, Huang Zeng-Li, Han Jun, Zhang Bao-Shun, Fan Ya-Ming
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • High electron mobility transistors(HEMTs)show tremendous potentials for high mobility, high breakdown voltage, low conduction, low power consumption, and occupy an important piece of the microelectronics field. The high-resistivity-cap-layer high electron mobility transistor (HRCL-HEMT) is a novel device structure. Based on the hole compensation mechanism, the p-GaN is converted into high resistance semiconductor material by hydrogen plasma implantation. Thus, the surface of the p-GaN layer will have a serious bombardment damage under the hydrogen plasma implantation. In practical work, it is also very challenging in the accurate controlling of the hydrogen injection rate, injection depth and injection uniformity. To achieve the required depth of injection, the injected hydrogen plasma is often more than the required dose or multiple injections times. The energy of hydrogen plasma plays a huge influence on the surface of the p-GaN layer.The leakage current will be generated on the device surface, which deteriorates the electrical performance of the device.In this work, to protect the surface of p-GaN layer, a 2-nm Al2O3 film is deposited on the surface of the p-GaN cap layer to reduce the implantation damage caused by hydrogen plasma treatment. The research shows that after the device deposited Al2O3 film prior to the hydrogen plasma treatment, the gate reverse leakage current is reduced by an order of magnitude, the ratio of ION to IOFF is increased by about 3 times. Meanwhile, the OFF-state breakdown voltage is increased from 410 V to 780 V. In addition, when the bias voltage is 400 V, the values of dynamic RON of devices A and B are 1.49 and 1.45 respectively, the device B shows a more stable dynamic performance. To analyze the gate leakage mechanism, a temperature-dependent current IG-VG testing is carried out, and it is found that the dominant mechanism of gate leakage current is two-dimensional variable range hopping (2D-VRH) at reverse gate voltage. The reason for reducing the gate reverse current is analyzed, and the Al2O3 film increases the activation energy of trap level and changes the surface states of HR-GaN; furthermore, the Al2O3 film blocks the injection of too much H plasma, thereby reducing the density of AlGaN barrier and channel trap states, and weakening the current collapse.
      Corresponding author: Xing Yan-Hui, ; Zhang Bao-Shun,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS (Grant No. 2020321), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61904192, 61731019, 61575008, 61775007); Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grant No.4202010, 4172011).

    Chen K J, Haberlen O, Lidow A, Tsai C L, Ueda T, Uemoto Y, Wu Y F 2017 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 64 779Google Scholar


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    Hu X, Simin G, Yang J, Khan M A, Gaska R, Shur M S 2000 Electron. Lett. 36 753Google Scholar


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    Hao R H, Li W Y, Fu K, et al. 2017 IEEE Electr. Device L. 38 1567Google Scholar


    Mi M H, Ma X H, Yang L, Bin-Hou, Zhu J J, He Y L, Zhang M, Wu S, Hao Y 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 111


    Hao R H, Xu N, Yu G H, Song L, Chen F, Zhao J, Deng X G, Li X, Cheng K, Fu K, Cai Y, Zhang X P, Zhang B S 2018 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 65 1314Google Scholar


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    Zhao S L, Hou B, Chen W W, Mi M H, Zheng J X, Zhang J C, Ma X H, Hao Y 2016 IEEE T. Power Electr. 31 1517


    Zhang Z L, Yu G H, Zhang X D, et al. 2016 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 63 731Google Scholar


    Binari S C, Ikossi K, Roussos J A, et al. 2001 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 48 465Google Scholar


    Vetury R, Zhang N Q Q, Keller S, Mishra U K 2001 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 48 560Google Scholar


    Jiang H X, Lyu Q F, Zhu R Q, Xiang P, Cheng K, Lau K M 2021 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 68 653Google Scholar


    Zhu M H, Ma J, Nela L, Erine C, Matioli E 2019 IEEE Electr. Device L. 40 1289Google Scholar


    Wei X, Zhang X D, Sun C, et al. 2021 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 68 5041Google Scholar


    Yang S, Tang Z K, Wong K Y, Lin Y S, Liu C, Lu Y Y, Huang S, Chen K J 2013 IEEE Electr. Device L 34 1497Google Scholar

  • 图 1  器件横截面示意图 (a)器件A; (b)器件B

    Figure 1.  Diagram of depicts schematic cross-sections of the devices: (a) Device A; (b) device B.

    图 2  器件的I-V特性 (a)器件的转移特性; (b) 器件的输出特征

    Figure 2.  I-V characteristics of all devices: (a) Transfer characteristics; (b) output characteristics.

    图 3  变温IG-VG特性 (a)器件A; (b)器件B

    Figure 3.  Temperature dependent IG-VG characteristics : (a) Device A; (b) device B.

    图 4  (a)从–1— –10 V器件A的$ \mathrm{l}\mathrm{n}\sigma $$ {(1000/T)}^{1/3} $的函数关系; (b)从–1 V— –10 V器件B的$ \mathrm{l}\mathrm{n}\sigma $$ {(1000/T)}^{1/3} $的函数关系; (c)从–1— –10 V器件A的$ \mathrm{l}\mathrm{n}\sigma $$ 1000/T $的函数关系; (d)从–1— –10 V器件B的$ \mathrm{l}\mathrm{n}\sigma $$ 1000/T $的函数关系; 点是实验值, 直线是拟合值

    Figure 4.  (a) $ \mathrm{l}\mathrm{n}\sigma $ of device A at VG from –1 V to –10 V as a function of $ {(1/T)}^{1/3} $; (b) $ \mathrm{l}\mathrm{n}\sigma $ of device B at VG from –1 V to –10 V as a function of $ {(1/T)}^{1/3} $; (c) $ \mathrm{l}\mathrm{n}\sigma $ of device A at VG from –1 V to –10 V as a function of $ 1000/T $; (d) $ \mathrm{l}\mathrm{n}\sigma $ of device B at VG from –1 V to –10 V as a function of $ 1000/T $; the point is experimental value and the fitted value is a straight line.

    图 5  (a)器件A和器件B的关态击穿电压对比; (b)器件A和器件B的电流崩塌对比; (c)纵向元素分布SIMS测试结果

    Figure 5.  (a) OFF-state breakdown characteristics of device A and device B with substrate grounded; (b) normalized dynamic RON with various values of OFF-state VDS stress from 1 V to 400 V of device A and device B; (c) vertical anatomy of H distribution.

    图 6  器件2D-VRH泄漏电流机制示意图和H等离子注入示意图 (a)器件A; (b)器件B

    Figure 6.  Schematic of the Two-dimensional variable range hopping (2D-VRH) model for devices, and Hydrogen plasma treatment for (a) device A and (b) device B.

    表 1  在不同栅极电压下表面缺陷能级Ea

    Table 1.  Surface defect level Ea at different gate voltages.

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    Chen K J, Haberlen O, Lidow A, Tsai C L, Ueda T, Uemoto Y, Wu Y F 2017 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 64 779Google Scholar


    Efthymiou L, Longobardi G, Camuso G, Chien T, Chen M, Udrea F 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 110


    Ambacher O, Foutz B, Smart J, et al. 2000 J. Appl. Phys. 87 334Google Scholar


    Jones E A, Wang F, Costinett D 2016 IEEE J. Em. Sel. Top. P. 4 707


    Hu X, Simin G, Yang J, Khan M A, Gaska R, Shur M S 2000 Electron. Lett. 36 753Google Scholar


    Uemoto Y, Hikita M, Ueno H, et al. 2007 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 54 3393Google Scholar


    Cai Y, Zhou Y G, Chen K J, Lau K M 2005 IEEE Electr. Device L. 26 435Google Scholar


    Tang Z K, Jiang Q M, Lu Y Y, Huang S, Yang S, Tang X, Chen K J 2013 IEEE Electr. Device L. 34 1373Google Scholar


    Saito W, Takada Y, Kuraguchi M, Tsuda K, Omura I 2006 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 53 356Google Scholar


    Fujii T, Tsuyukuchi N, Iwaya M, Kamiyama S, Amano H, Akasaki I 2006 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 2 45 L1048Google Scholar


    Hwang I, Kim J, Choi H S, et al. 2013 IEEE Electr. Device L. 34 202Google Scholar


    Tapajna M, Hilt O, Bahat-Treidel E, Wurfl J, Kuzmik J 2016 IEEE Electr. Device L. 37 385Google Scholar


    Greco G, Iucolano F, Roccaforte F 2018 Mat. Sci. Semicon. Proc. 78 96Google Scholar


    Hao R H, Fu K, Yu G H, et al. 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109


    Nakamura S, Iwasa N, Senoh M, Mukai T 1992 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 31 1258Google Scholar


    Hao R H, Li W Y, Fu K, et al. 2017 IEEE Electr. Device L. 38 1567Google Scholar


    Mi M H, Ma X H, Yang L, Bin-Hou, Zhu J J, He Y L, Zhang M, Wu S, Hao Y 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 111


    Hao R H, Xu N, Yu G H, Song L, Chen F, Zhao J, Deng X G, Li X, Cheng K, Fu K, Cai Y, Zhang X P, Zhang B S 2018 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 65 1314Google Scholar


    Xu N, Hao R H, Chen F, et al. 2018 Appl. Phys. Lett. 113


    Chen Y H, Zhang K, Cao M Y, Zhao S L, Zhang J C, Ma X H, Hao Y 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104


    Chen X, Zhong Y Z, Zhou Y, et al. 2020 Appl. Phys. Lett. 117


    Zhao S L, Hou B, Chen W W, Mi M H, Zheng J X, Zhang J C, Ma X H, Hao Y 2016 IEEE T. Power Electr. 31 1517


    Zhang Z L, Yu G H, Zhang X D, et al. 2016 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 63 731Google Scholar


    Binari S C, Ikossi K, Roussos J A, et al. 2001 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 48 465Google Scholar


    Vetury R, Zhang N Q Q, Keller S, Mishra U K 2001 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 48 560Google Scholar


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    Zhu M H, Ma J, Nela L, Erine C, Matioli E 2019 IEEE Electr. Device L. 40 1289Google Scholar


    Wei X, Zhang X D, Sun C, et al. 2021 IEEE T. Electron. Dev. 68 5041Google Scholar


    Yang S, Tang Z K, Wong K Y, Lin Y S, Liu C, Lu Y Y, Huang S, Chen K J 2013 IEEE Electr. Device L 34 1497Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  28 November 2021
  • Accepted Date:  21 January 2022
  • Available Online:  10 February 2022
  • Published Online:  20 May 2022

