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Topological corner states in acoustic honeycomb structure

Hu Jun-Rong Kong Peng Bi Ren-Gui Deng Ke Zhao He-Ping


Topological corner states in acoustic honeycomb structure

Hu Jun-Rong, Kong Peng, Bi Ren-Gui, Deng Ke, Zhao He-Ping
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In recent years, a new type of topological insulator, termed higher-order topological insulator, has attracted tremendous research interest. Such exotic lower-dimensional topological boundary states have been extended and reproduced in classical systems, such as optics and acoustics. In this paper, a two-dimensional acoustic honeycomb structure with a triangle resonant cavity is numerically studied. Topological phase transition is induced by gradually adjusting the intracell and intercell coupling, and then the topological phase is used to construct a second-order topological insulator. The topological properties of second-order topological insulators can be characterized by using the quantized quadrupole moments. When quantized quadrupole $ {Q_{ij}} = 0 $, the system is trivial, while $ {Q_{ij}} = 1/2 $, the system is topologically nontrivial. We investigate the acoustical higher-order states of triangular and hexagonal structures, respectively. The gapped zero-dimensional corner states are observed in both structures, but the robustness properties of the corner states emerge only in the hexagonal structures but not in the triangular-shaped ones. The topological corner modes will offer a new way to robustly confine the sound in a compact acoustic system.
      Corresponding author: Kong Peng, ; Deng Ke,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11964011, 11764016), the Research Foundation of Education Bureau of Hunan Province, China (Grant No. 20C1530), and the Jishou University Foundation, China (Grant No. Jdy20026).

    Zangeneh-Nejad F, Alu A, Fleury R 2020 CR. Phys. 21 467


    Klitzing K v, Dorda G, Pepper M 1980 Phys. Rev. Lett. 45 494Google Scholar


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    El Hassan A, Kunst F K, Moritz A, Andler G, Bergholtz E J, Bourennane M 2019 Nat. Photon. 13 697Google Scholar


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    Benalcazar W A, Bernevig B A, Hughes T L 2017 Science 357 61Google Scholar


    Mittal S, Orre V V, Zhu G, Gorlach M A, Poddubny A, Hafezi M 2019 Nat. Photon. 13 692Google Scholar


    Qi Y, Qiu C, Xiao M, He H, Ke M, Liu Z 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 206601Google Scholar


    Imhof S, Berger C, Bayer F, Brehm J, Molenkamp L W, Kiessling T, Schindler F, Lee C H, Greiter M, Neupert T, Thomale R 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 925Google Scholar


    Ezawa M 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 026801Google Scholar


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    Ni X, Weiner M, Alu A, Khanikaev A B 2019 Nat. Mater. 18 113Google Scholar


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    Liu F, Wakabayashi K 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 076803Google Scholar


    Zhang Z, Rosendo López M, Cheng Y, Liu X, Christensen J 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 195501Google Scholar


    Chen Z-G, Xu C, Al Jahdali R, Mei J, Wu Y 2019 Phys. Rev. B 100 075120Google Scholar


    Fan H, Xia B, Tong L, Zheng S, Yu D 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 204301Google Scholar


    Liu F, Deng H Y, Wakabayashi K 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 086804Google Scholar


    Yang Y, Jia Z, Wu Y, Xiao R-C, Hang Z H, Jiang H, Xie X C 2020 Sci. Bull. 65 531Google Scholar


    Zhang Z, Hu B, Liu F, Cheng Y, Liu X, Christensen J 2020 Phys. Rev. B 101 220102(RGoogle Scholar


    Zhang Z, Wei Q, Cheng Y, Zhang T, Wu D, Liu X 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 084303Google Scholar


    Wu L H, Hu X 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 223901Google Scholar


    Liu F, Yamamoto M, Wakabayashi K 2017 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86 123707Google Scholar


    Yang Z Z, Li X, Peng Y Y, Zou X Y, Cheng J C 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 255502Google Scholar


    Jiho N, Hassan A, Benalcazar W A, Huang S, Collins M J, Chen K P, Hughes T L 2018 Nat. Photon. 12 408Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a)声学蜂窝结构, 蓝色区域表示单胞; (b)单胞三维结构图; (c)单胞二维结构放大图; (d)单胞对应的第一布里渊区, ${{\boldsymbol{b}}_1}$${{\boldsymbol{b}}_2}$为倒格子基矢, 其中${{{{\boldsymbol{b}}}}_1} = {{2{\text{π }}}}/{a}( 0, {{2\sqrt 3 }}/{3} )$, ${{{{\boldsymbol{b}}}}_2} = {{2{\text{π }}}}/{a}( {1, {{\sqrt 3 }}/{3}} )$

    Figure 1.  (a) Acoustic honeycomb structure, theunit cell depicted in blue areas; (b) three-dimensional structure diagram of a unit cell; (c) enlarged image of two-dimensional structure a unit cell; (d) the first Brillouin zone (BZ) of the unit cell, where the reciprocal lattice vectors are ${{\boldsymbol{b}}_1} = {{2{\text{π }}}}/{a}( {0, {{2\sqrt 3 }}/{3}} )$ and ${{{{\boldsymbol{b}}}}_2} = {{2{\text{π }}}}/{a}( {1, {{\sqrt 3 }}/{3}} )$.

    图 2  (a)当${l_{{\text{inter}}}}/{l_{{\text{intra}}}} = 0.4,$ 1.0, 2.0时, 蜂窝结构的体能带, $ + \left( - \right) $号表示偶(奇)宇称; (b) $\varGamma$点的本征模式; $ {{\text{p}}_x} $$ {{\text{p}}_y} $表示赝自旋偶极模式, ${{\text{d}}_{xy}}$${{\text{d}}_{{x^2} - {y^2}}}$表示赝自旋四极模式; (c)拓扑相与能带反转; 蜂窝结构具有平庸相($ {l_{{\text{inter}}}}/{l_{{\text{intra}}}} < 1 $)和拓扑相($ {l_{{\text{inter}}}}/{l_{{\text{intra}}}} > 1 $); 从图中也可以清楚地看出能带反转伴随着拓扑相变

    Figure 2.  (a) The bulk band of the honeycomb lattice when${l_{{\text{inter}}}}/{l_{{\text{intra}}}} = 0.4,$ 1.0, 2.0, ; $ + $and –, for even and odd parities, respectively; (b) the corresponding acoustic eigenmodesat the $\varGamma$point; $ {{\text{p}}_x} $and$ {{\text{p}}_y} $display pseudospin dipole modes, while ${{\text{d}}_{xy}}$and ${{\text{d}}_{{x^2} - {y^2}}}$mark pseudospinquadrupole modes; (c) topological phase and band inversion;The honeycomb structure has trivial phase ($ {l_{{\text{inter}}}}/{l_{{\text{intra}}}} < 1 $) and topological phase ($ {l_{{\text{inter}}}}/{l_{{\text{intra}}}} > 1 $); it can also be clearly seen from the figure that the band inversion is accompanied by a topological phase transition.

    图 3  (a)六边形蜂窝结构; (b)和(c)分别为拓扑和平庸六边形蜂窝结构的本征频谱; 黑色、蓝色和红色的点分别表示体态、边界态和角态. (d)—(f)分别为体态(1327.5 Hz)、边界态(1543.4 Hz)和角态(1566.1 Hz)的本征场分布. 在(f)的插图中给出了角点的顺时针箭头表示赝自旋向下, 符号$ “\pm ” $类似于拓扑荷

    Figure 3.  (a) Hexagonal honeycomb structure; (b) and (c) are the frequency spectrum of the topological and trivial hexagonal honeycomb structure; the black, blue and red dots represent the bulk, edge and corner states, respectively. (d)–(f) The eigen fields distribution of bulk state (1327.5 Hz), edge state (1543.4 Hz) and corner state (1566.1 Hz). The inserted clockwise arrow represents the spin-down pseudospin. The $ “+(–)” $signs are similar to the topological charge on the corners.

    图 4  (a)引入缺陷后的六边形蜂窝结构; (b)频谱; (c)角态(1592.5 Hz)的本征场分布

    Figure 4.  (a) Hexagonal honeycomb structure with defects introduced; (b) frequency spectrum; (c) the eigenfield distribution of corner state (1592.5 Hz).

    图 5  (a)三角形蜂窝结构; (b)三角形蜂窝结构的本征频谱; (c)角态(1604.5 Hz)的本征场分布; (d)—(f)分别为引入缺陷后的三角形蜂窝结构、本征频谱和角态(1660.2 Hz)的本征场分布

    Figure 5.  (a) Triangular honeycomb structure; (b) the frequency spectrumof triangular honeycomb structure; (c) the eigenfield distribution of corner state (1604.5 Hz); (d)–(f) triangular honeycomb structure with defects introduced, frequency spectrum and the eigenfield distribution of corner state (1660.2 Hz).

  • [1]

    Zangeneh-Nejad F, Alu A, Fleury R 2020 CR. Phys. 21 467


    Klitzing K v, Dorda G, Pepper M 1980 Phys. Rev. Lett. 45 494Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Chong Y D, Joannopoulos J D, Soljacic M 2009 Nature 461 772Google Scholar


    He C, Ni X, Ge H, Sun X C, Chen Y B, Lu M H, Liu X P, Chen Y F 2016 Nat. Phys. 12 1124Google Scholar


    Lu J, Qiu C, Ke M, Liu Z 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 093901Google Scholar


    严忠波 2019 68 226101Google Scholar

    Yan Z B 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 226101Google Scholar


    Bao J, Zou D, Zhang W, He W, Sun H, Zhang X 2019 Phys. Rev. B 100 201406(RGoogle Scholar


    Zheng S, Xia B, Man X, Tong L, Jiao J, Duan G, Yu D 2020 Phys. Rev. B 102 104113Google Scholar


    El Hassan A, Kunst F K, Moritz A, Andler G, Bergholtz E J, Bourennane M 2019 Nat. Photon. 13 697Google Scholar


    Xie B Y, Su G X, Wang H F, Su H, Shen X P, Zhan P, Lu M H, Wang Z L, Chen Y F 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 233903Google Scholar


    Benalcazar W A, Bernevig B A, Hughes T L 2017 Science 357 61Google Scholar


    Mittal S, Orre V V, Zhu G, Gorlach M A, Poddubny A, Hafezi M 2019 Nat. Photon. 13 692Google Scholar


    Qi Y, Qiu C, Xiao M, He H, Ke M, Liu Z 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 206601Google Scholar


    Imhof S, Berger C, Bayer F, Brehm J, Molenkamp L W, Kiessling T, Schindler F, Lee C H, Greiter M, Neupert T, Thomale R 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 925Google Scholar


    Ezawa M 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 026801Google Scholar


    Xue H, Yang Y, Gao F, Chong Y, Zhang B 2019 Nat. Mater. 18 108Google Scholar


    Ni X, Weiner M, Alu A, Khanikaev A B 2019 Nat. Mater. 18 113Google Scholar


    Wu J, Huang X, Lu J, Wu Y, Deng W, Li F, Liu Z 2020 Phys. Rev. B 102 104109Google Scholar


    Liu F, Wakabayashi K 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 076803Google Scholar


    Zhang Z, Rosendo López M, Cheng Y, Liu X, Christensen J 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 195501Google Scholar


    Chen Z-G, Xu C, Al Jahdali R, Mei J, Wu Y 2019 Phys. Rev. B 100 075120Google Scholar


    Fan H, Xia B, Tong L, Zheng S, Yu D 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 204301Google Scholar


    Liu F, Deng H Y, Wakabayashi K 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 086804Google Scholar


    Yang Y, Jia Z, Wu Y, Xiao R-C, Hang Z H, Jiang H, Xie X C 2020 Sci. Bull. 65 531Google Scholar


    Zhang Z, Hu B, Liu F, Cheng Y, Liu X, Christensen J 2020 Phys. Rev. B 101 220102(RGoogle Scholar


    Zhang Z, Wei Q, Cheng Y, Zhang T, Wu D, Liu X 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 084303Google Scholar


    Wu L H, Hu X 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 223901Google Scholar


    Liu F, Yamamoto M, Wakabayashi K 2017 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86 123707Google Scholar


    Yang Z Z, Li X, Peng Y Y, Zou X Y, Cheng J C 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 255502Google Scholar


    Jiho N, Hassan A, Benalcazar W A, Huang S, Collins M J, Chen K P, Hughes T L 2018 Nat. Photon. 12 408Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  05 October 2021
  • Accepted Date:  15 November 2021
  • Available Online:  26 January 2022
  • Published Online:  05 March 2022

