The nucleation mechanism of Ti3Al alloy is simulated by the molecular dynamics method in this work. The atomic clusters on different spatial scales are identified in the solidification process by the cluster-type index method (CTIM), and the formation process and the growth process of critical nucleus are studied in depth. It is found that the solidification system contains ten thousands of different types of atomic cluster structures, but only 22 types play a key role in the nucleation process. In the nucleation and growth process of nuclei, the ICO-like cluster, the BCC-like cluster, and the defective FCC cluster and the defective HCP cluster respectively reach their saturation points at the characteristic temperature T1 (1110 K), T2 (1085 K) and T3 (1010 K). And the competition processes of these clusters are revealed according to the changes of their number and spatial distribution with temperature. By tracing the nucleation and growth process of the grain with parallel twin, it is found that the critical crystal nucleus is composed of single-phase FCC structures, and the preferent nucleation of metastable bcc structure is not observed. The twinned structure is formed by the layer-by-layer growth along the close-packed plane. It is also found that the CTIM is more accurate than other methods in revealing the microstructural characteristics during the solidification.
- TiAl alloy /
- nucleation mechanism /
- molecular dynamics simulation /
- atomic cluster
[1] Mayer S, Erdely P, Fischer F D, Holec D, Kastenhuber M, Klein T, Clemens H 2017 Adv. Eng. Mater. 19 1600735
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[2] Chen G, Peng Y, Zheng G, Qi Z, Wand M, Yu H, Dong C, Liu C T 2016 Nat. Mater. 15 876
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[4] Hao Y, Liu J, Li J, Liu X, Feng X 2017 Mater. Sci. Eng., A 705 210
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[8] Pei Q X, Lu C, Fu M W 2004 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 16 4203
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[9] Xie Z C, Gao T H, Guo X T, Qin X M, Xie Q 2014 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 394–395 16
[10] Xie Z C, Gao T H, Guo X T, Xie Q 2014 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 406 95
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[11] Li P T, Yang Y Q, Zhang W, Luo X, Jin N, Liu G 2016 RSC Adv. 6 54763
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[13] 刘永利, 赵星, 张宗宁, 张林, 王绍青, 叶恒强 2009 58 246
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Liu Y L, Zhao X, Zhang Z N, Zhang L, Wang S Q, Ye H Q 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 246
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[14] 宋成粉, 樊沁娜, 李蔚, 刘永利, 张林 2011 60 063104
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Song C F, Fan Q N, Li W, Liu Y L, Zhang L 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 063104
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[15] Honeycutt J D, Andersen H C 1987 J. Phys. Chem. 91 4950
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[16] Finney J L 1970 Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 319 479
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[17] Liu R S, Dong K J, Tian Z A, Liu H R, Peng P, Yu A B 2007 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 19 751
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[18] Hou Z Y, Li C, Liu L X, Gao Q H, Dong K J 2021 Comput. Mater. Sci. 197 110639
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[19] 大东, 彭平, 蒋元祺, 田泽安, 刘让苏 2013 62 196101
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[22] Fu R, Rui Z, Dong Y, Luo D, Yan C 2021 Comput. Mater. Sci. 194 110428
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[23] Bizot Q, Politano O, Nepapushev A A, Vadchenko S G, Baras F 2020 J. Appl. Phys. 127 145304
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[24] Wang J S, Horsfield A, Schwingenschlögl U, Lee P D 2010 Phys. Rev. B 82 184203
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[25] Gasser U, Weeks ER, Schofield A, Pusey P N, Weitz D A 2001 Science 292 258
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[27] E J C, Wang L, Cai Y, Wu H A, Luo S N 2015 J. Chem. Phys. 142 064704
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图 2 CTIM表征基本原子团簇结构方法示意图 (a) FCC基本原子团簇(12, 12/1421); (b)缺陷FCC基本原子团簇(12, 2/1311 1/1411 9/1421)
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of topological structure of basic atomic cluster characterized by CTIM: (a) FCC basic atomic cluster (12, 12/1421); (b) defective FCC basic atomic cluster (12, 2/1311, 1/1411, 9/1421).
图 3 CTIM表征的较大尺寸原子团簇结构 (a)由1个HCP基本原子团簇(12, 6/1421 6/1422)和1个FCC基本原子团簇(12, 12/1421)构成的包含20个原子的团簇结构; (b)由6个FCC基本原子团簇(12, 12/1421)构成的包含38个原子的纳米级团簇结构. 灰色原子为团簇的中心原子
Figure 3. Topological structure of larger atomic clusters characterized by CTIM: (a) Cluster with 220 atoms consisting of one HCP basic atomic cluster (12, 6/1421, 6/1422) and one FCC basic atomic cluster (12, 12/1421); (b) nano-cluster with 38 atoms consisting of six FCC basic atomic clusters (12, 12/1421). The gray atoms are central atoms of basic atomic clusters.
图 5 不同冷却速率下Ti3Al合金的凝固结构(273 K) (a) 2 K/ps; (b) 1 K/ps; (c) 0.5 K/ps; (d) 0.01 K/ps. 其中绿色、红色和蓝色小球分别代表FCC, HCP和BCC晶态结构原子; 其他类型结构原子用灰色小球表示
Figure 5. Microstructures of solidification solids (273 K) under different cooling rates: (a) 2 K/ps; (b) 1 K/ps; (c) 0.5 K/ps; (d) 0.01 K/ps. The crystal atoms with FCC, HCP and BCC structures are shown in green, red and blue, other atoms are shown in gray.
图 8 Ti3Al合金凝固过程体系内22种主要基本原子团簇的数目随温度的变化 (a1)类FCC基本原子团簇; (a2)类HCP基本原子团簇; (a3)类BCC基本原子团簇; (a4)类ICO基本原子团簇. 为了清晰起见, (b1)−(b4)分别给出了图(a1)−(a4)在(1110−814 K)温度区间的局部图. 类ICO、类BCC和缺陷FCC、缺陷HCP基本原子团簇分别在温度T1 = 1110 K, T2 = 1085 K和T3 = 1010 K达到饱和
Figure 8. Relationship of the number of 22 major basic atomic clusters with temperature during the solidification process of Ti3Al alloy: (a1) FCC-like basic atomic cluster; (a2) HCP-like basic atomic cluster; (a3) BCC-like basic atomic cluster; (a4) ICO-like basic atomic cluster. For clarity, (b1)−(b4) show the enlarged views of (a1)−(a4) in the temperature range (1110−814 K), respectively. The numbers of ICO-like, BCC-like and defective FCC, defective HCP basic atomic clusters reach saturation point at T1 = 1110 K, T2 = 1085 K and T3 = 1010 K.
图 9 Ti3Al合金凝固过程中类FCC、类HCP、类BCC和类ICO原子结构空间分布的演化过程 (a) 2073 K; (b) 1110 K; (c) 1085 K; (d) 1010 K; (e) 273 K. 其中, 绿色、红色、蓝色和黄色小球分别代表类FCC、类HCP、类BCC和类ICO原子. 其中G1和G2分别为选定的两个平行孪生晶粒和五重孪生晶粒.
Figure 9. Evolution of spatial distribution of FCC-like, HCP-like, BCC-like and ICO-like atoms during the solidification process of Ti3Al alloy: (a) 2073 K; (b) 1110 K; (c) 1085 K; (d) 1010 K; (e) 273 K. The FCC-like, HCP-like, BCC-like and ICO-like atoms are shown in green, red, blue and yellow color, respectively. The parallel and fivefold twin grains are labelled in G1 and G2, respectively.
图 10 图9(e)中标记为G1的平行孪生晶粒的形成过程 (a) 团簇遗传率和尺寸(包含的中心原子数)与温度的变化关系; (b) 原子团簇结构演变过程. 其中绿色和红色小球分表代表类FCC和类HCP原子
Figure 10. Formation process of parallel twin grains labeled G1 in Fig. 9(e): (a) Relationship of heritability and size (number of central atoms) of tracing clusters with temperature; (b) evolution process of the structure of atomic clusters. The FCC-like and HCP-like atoms are shown in green and red color, respectively.
图 11 图10(b)中临界晶核形成过程不同局域结构的竞争过程 (a)不同结构类型原子数目占比的变化; (b)不同结构原子的空间分布. 类FCC、类HCP、类BCC、类ICO和无序结构(其他)原子分别用绿色、红色、橘黄色和白色表示
Figure 11. Competition process of different local structures in the formation process critical nucleus shown in Fig. 10(b): (a) Change of the proportion of the atoms with different local structures; (b) spatial distribution of the atoms with different local structures. The FCC-like, HCP-like, BCC-like and ICO-like atoms are shown in green, red, blue and yellow color, respectively. Others with disordered structure are shown in white color.
[1] Mayer S, Erdely P, Fischer F D, Holec D, Kastenhuber M, Klein T, Clemens H 2017 Adv. Eng. Mater. 19 1600735
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[2] Chen G, Peng Y, Zheng G, Qi Z, Wand M, Yu H, Dong C, Liu C T 2016 Nat. Mater. 15 876
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[5] Edwards J E T, Gioacchino F D, Clegg W J 2019 Int. J. Plast. 118 291
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[6] Christoph K, Christian L 2015 J. Alloys. Compd. 637 242
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[7] Ilyas M U, Kabir M R 2021 Intermetallics 132 107129
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[8] Pei Q X, Lu C, Fu M W 2004 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 16 4203
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[9] Xie Z C, Gao T H, Guo X T, Qin X M, Xie Q 2014 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 394–395 16
[10] Xie Z C, Gao T H, Guo X T, Xie Q 2014 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 406 95
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[11] Li P T, Yang Y Q, Zhang W, Luo X, Jin N, Liu G 2016 RSC Adv. 6 54763
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[12] Li P T, Yang Y Q, Zhang W, Luo X, Jin N, Liu G 2017 RSC Adv. 7 48315
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[13] 刘永利, 赵星, 张宗宁, 张林, 王绍青, 叶恒强 2009 58 246
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Liu Y L, Zhao X, Zhang Z N, Zhang L, Wang S Q, Ye H Q 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 246
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[14] 宋成粉, 樊沁娜, 李蔚, 刘永利, 张林 2011 60 063104
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Song C F, Fan Q N, Li W, Liu Y L, Zhang L 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 063104
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[15] Honeycutt J D, Andersen H C 1987 J. Phys. Chem. 91 4950
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[16] Finney J L 1970 Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 319 479
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[17] Liu R S, Dong K J, Tian Z A, Liu H R, Peng P, Yu A B 2007 J. Phys. Condens. Matter 19 751
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[18] Hou Z Y, Li C, Liu L X, Gao Q H, Dong K J 2021 Comput. Mater. Sci. 197 110639
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[19] 大东, 彭平, 蒋元祺, 田泽安, 刘让苏 2013 62 196101
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Da D, Peng P, Jiang Y Q, Tian Z A, Liu R S 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 196101
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[20] Plimpton S J 1995 J. Comput. Phys. 117 1
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[21] Zope R R, Mishin Y 2003 Phys. Rev. B 68 366
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[22] Fu R, Rui Z, Dong Y, Luo D, Yan C 2021 Comput. Mater. Sci. 194 110428
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[23] Bizot Q, Politano O, Nepapushev A A, Vadchenko S G, Baras F 2020 J. Appl. Phys. 127 145304
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[24] Wang J S, Horsfield A, Schwingenschlögl U, Lee P D 2010 Phys. Rev. B 82 184203
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[25] Gasser U, Weeks ER, Schofield A, Pusey P N, Weitz D A 2001 Science 292 258
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[26] Wang Z, Wang F, Peng Y, Zheng Z, Han Y 2012 Science 338 87
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[27] E J C, Wang L, Cai Y, Wu H A, Luo S N 2015 J. Chem. Phys. 142 064704
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