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Possible triaxial deformation in N = Z nucleus germanium-64

Shen Shui-Fa Wang Hua-Lei Meng Hai-Yan Yan Yu-Peng Shen Jie-Jie Wang Fei-Peng Jiang Hai-Bin Bao Li-Na


Possible triaxial deformation in N = Z nucleus germanium-64

Shen Shui-Fa, Wang Hua-Lei, Meng Hai-Yan, Yan Yu-Peng, Shen Jie-Jie, Wang Fei-Peng, Jiang Hai-Bin, Bao Li-Na
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  • Evidence for nonaxial γ deformations has been widely found in collective rotational states. The γ deformation has led to very interesting characteristics of nuclear motions, such as wobbling, chiral band, and signature inversion in rotational states. There is an interesting question; why the nonaxial γ deformation is not favored in the ground states of even-even (e-e) nuclei. The quest for stable triaxial shapes in the ground states of e-e nuclei, with a maximum triaxial deformation of $ \left| \gamma \right| $ ≈ 30°, is still a major theme in nuclear structure. In the present work, we use the cranked Woods-Saxon (WS) shell model to investigate possible triaxial shapes in ground and collective rotational states. Total-Routhian-surface calculations by means of the pairing-deformation-frequency self-consistent cranked shell model are carried out for even-even germanium and selenium isotopes, in order to search for possible triaxial deformations of nuclear states. Calculations are performed in the lattice of quadrupole (β2, γ) deformations with the hexadecapole β4 variation. In fact, at each grid point of the quadrupole deformation (β2, γ) lattice, the calculated energy is minimized with respect to the hexadecapole deformation β4. The shape phase transition from triaxial shape in 64Ge, oblate shape in 66Ge, again through triaxiality, to prolate deformations is found in germanium isotopes. In general, the Ge and Se isotopes have γ-soft shapes, resulting in significant dynamical triaxial effect. There is no evidence in the calculations pointing toward rigid triaxiality in ground states. The triaxiality of $ \gamma = - 30^\circ $ for the ground and collective rotational states, that is the limit of triaxial shape, is found in 64, 74Ge. One should also note that the depth of the triaxial minimum increases with rotational frequency increasing in these two nuclei. The present work focuses on the possible triaxial deformation of N = Z nucleus 64Ge. Single-particle level diagrams can give a further understanding of the origin of the triaxiality. Based on the information about single-particle levels obtained with the phenomenological Woods-Saxon (WS) potential, the mechanism of triaxial deformation in N = Z nucleus 64Ge is discussed, and caused surely by a deformed γ≈30° shell gap at Z(N) = 32. At N = 34, however, an oblate shell gap appears, which results in an oblate shape in 66Ge (N = 34). With neutron number increasing, the effect from the N = 34 oblate gap decreases, and hence the deformations of heavier Ge isotopes change toward the triaxiality (or prolate).
      Corresponding author: Shen Shui-Fa,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11065001) and the Key Laboratory of High Precision Nuclear Spectroscopy, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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    Schönwaßer G, Hübel H, Hagemann G B, Bednarczyk P, Benzoni G, Bracco A, Bringel P, Chapman R, Curien D, Domscheit J, Herskind B, Jensen D R, Leoni S, Bianco G Lo, Ma W C, Maj A, Neußer A, Ødegård S W, Petrache C M, Roßbach D, Ryde H, Spohr K H, Singh A K 2003 Phys. Lett. B 552 9Google Scholar


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    Bhagwat A, Vinas X, Centelles M, Schuck P, Wyss R 2010 Phys. Rev. C 81 044321Google Scholar


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    Granderath A, Mantica P F, Bengtsson R, Wyss R, Brentano P von, Gelberg A, Seiffert F 1996 Nucl. Phys. A 597 427Google Scholar


    Lecomte R, Irshad M, Landsberger S, Kajrys G, Paradis P, Monaro S 1980 Phys. Rev. C 22 2420Google Scholar


    Ward D, Fallon P 2001 Adv. Nucl. Phys. 26 167


    Xu F R, Walker P M, Wyss R 2002 Phys. Rev. C 65 021303Google Scholar


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    Toh Y, Czosnyka T, Oshima M, Hayakawa T, Kusakari H, Sugawara M, Hatsukawa Y, Katakura J, Shinohara N, Matsuda M 2000 Eur. Phys. J. A 9 353Google Scholar


    Werner V, Scholl C, Brentano P von 2005 Eur. Phys. J. A 25 s01 453Google Scholar

  • 图 1  总转动能面计算得出的偶质量核64-80Ge的基态形变. 误差棒显示对应于能量高出最小值100 keV以内的形变值, 此表示各个核对应于相应形变参数($ {\beta _2} $$ \gamma $)的软度

    Figure 1.  Deformation obtained from total Routhian surfaces for ground states in even-mass 64-80Ge. The error bars display the deformation values within an energy range of less than 100 keV above the minimum, giving an indication of the softness of the nucleus with respect to the corresponding shape parameter($ {\beta _2} $ and $ \gamma $).

    图 2  64Ge的正宇称转晕态在给定转动频率 (a)$ \hbar \omega $ = 0.0 MeV, (b)$ \hbar \omega $ = 0.4 MeV, (c)$ \hbar \omega $ = 0.7 MeV和(d) $ \hbar \omega $ = 0.9 MeV下计算得到的总转动能面, 其对应于自旋$I \sim (0 - $$ 16)\hbar$. 图中黑点表示最小值, 相邻等位线的间隔是200 keV

    Figure 2.  Calculated TRS's for 64Ge positive-parity yrast states at (a)$ \hbar \omega $ = 0.0 MeV, (b) 0.4 MeV, (c) 0.7 MeV, and (d) 0.9 MeV corresponding to $ I \sim (0 - 16)\hbar $. The black dot indicates the lowest minimum, and the energy difference between neighboring contours is 200 keV.

    图 3  对应于三轴形变参数γ的Woods-Saxon势单粒子能级图

    Figure 3.  The calculated Woods-Saxon single-particle levels versus the triaxial deformation γ.

    图 4  对(a) 74Ge和(b) 74Se核由TRS计算得到的运动学转动惯量J(1)与由实验结果提取出的比较

    Figure 4.  The kinematic moment of inertia J(1) calculated by TRS is compared with those extracted from the experimental results for (a) 74Ge and (b) 74Se.

  • [1]

    Tajima N, Suzuki N 2001 Phys. Rev. C 64 037301Google Scholar


    Nazarewicz W 1993 Phys. Lett. B 305 195Google Scholar


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    Guo L, Maruhn J A, Reinhard P-G 2007 Phys. Rev. C 76 034317Google Scholar


    Ødegård S W, Hagemann G B, Jensen D R, Bergström M, Herskind B, Sletten G, Törmänen S, Wilson J N, Tjøm P O, Hamamoto I, Spohr K, Hübel H, Görgen A, Schönwasser G, Bracco A, Leoni S, Maj A, Petrache C M, Bednarczyk P, Curien D 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 5866Google Scholar


    Schönwaßer G, Hübel H, Hagemann G B, Bednarczyk P, Benzoni G, Bracco A, Bringel P, Chapman R, Curien D, Domscheit J, Herskind B, Jensen D R, Leoni S, Bianco G Lo, Ma W C, Maj A, Neußer A, Ødegård S W, Petrache C M, Roßbach D, Ryde H, Spohr K H, Singh A K 2003 Phys. Lett. B 552 9Google Scholar


    Hartley D J, Janssens R V F, Riedinger L L, Riley M A, Aguilar A, Carpenter M P, Chiara C J, Chowdhury P, Darby I G, Garg U, Ijaz Q A, Kondev F G, Lakshmi S, Lauritsen T, Ludington A, Ma W C, McCutchan E A, Mukhopadhyay S, Pifer R, Seyfried E P, Stefanescu I, Tandel S K, Tandel U, Vanhoy J R, Wang X, Zhu S, Hamamoto I, Frauendorf S 2009 Phys. Rev. C 80 041304Google Scholar


    Ennis P J, Lister C J, Gelletly W, Price H G, Varley B J, Butler P A, Hoare T, Ćwiok S, Nazarewicz W 1991 Nucl. Phys. A 535 392Google Scholar


    Yamagami M, Matsuyanagi K, Matsuo M 2001 Nucl. Phys. A 693 579Google Scholar


    Skalski J 1991 Phys. Rev. C 43 140Google Scholar


    Bonche P, Flocard H, Heenen P H 1991 private communication


    Kaneko K, Hasegawa M, Mizusaki T 2002 Phys. Rev. C 66 051306Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  26 January 2021
  • Accepted Date:  21 May 2021
  • Available Online:  18 September 2021
  • Published Online:  05 October 2021

