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Vertical electrical field during decay stage of local thunderstorm near coastline in tropical island

Yu Hai Zhang Ting-Long Chen Yang Lü Wei-Tao Zhao Xiao-Ping Chen Jie


Vertical electrical field during decay stage of local thunderstorm near coastline in tropical island

Yu Hai, Zhang Ting-Long, Chen Yang, Lü Wei-Tao, Zhao Xiao-Ping, Chen Jie
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In order to directly observe the electric field characteristics and study the charge structure in thunderstorms occurring in tropical regions, a balloon-borne strong electric field sounding is used to measure the vertical component of the electric field, temperature within the cloud and real-time location information of the sounding. Based on the principle of corona discharge, two 1-m-long metal probes are used as the sensors to detect the vertical electric field. In the summer of 2019, a result of electric field sounding within a local thunderstorm was obtained in the northeastern coastal area of Hainan Island, China. With the combination of an S-band weather radar, atmospheric electric field instrument and lightning locating network, the charge structure of the thunderstorm is analyzed in detail. The results show that the thunderstorm is a small-scaled local thunderstorm occurring in the afternoon, the sounding starting to be observed at the decay stage of the thunderstorm. In this period, lightning activities is rare, and the variation of ground electric field is similar to that of conventional summer thunderstorms. The whole sounding process lasts 34 min, during which the vertical airflow in the cloud is relatively stable, basically keeping 4–6 m/s. It can be seen from the electric field profile that the charge distribution in the thunderstorm cloud shows a complex charge structure which is composed of six charge regions. A negative charge region is lowermost, and above this the polarity alternates successively from bottom to up, where all charge regions are located above the melting-layer. Due to data interruption, it is impossible to accurately judge the upper boundary of the upper negative charge region and the information about the positive charge region above. The remaining charge regions are located in an altitude range of 6.0–6.3 km, 6.3–6.6 km, 6.9–7.3 km and 7.3–8.3 km, respectively. The charge densities in these four regions are –1.84 nC/m3, 1.80 nC/m3, –1.46 nC/m3, and 1.04 nC/m3, respectively. According to the existing data, the charge density of the uppermost negative charge area should be greater than –0.51 nC/m3. Moreover, the upper positive charge region (the fourth from bottom up) has the largest strength, followed by the negative charge region above it, both of which are more than 1 km in thickness. The electric field intensities in the other charge regions are relatively small. The pairs of positive and negative charge regions at the bottom are slightly different in strength and thickness.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Ting-Long,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of the Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province, China (Grant No. 2017CXTD014), the Open Research Program of the State Key Laboratory for Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, China (Grant No. 2019LASW-B13), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41775011)

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  • 图 1  (a)探空观测设备分布图; (b) (a)图方框部分放大图. ▲: 探空点; ☆: ADTD定位子站; ★: 雷达站和ADTD定位子站

    Figure 1.  (a) Distribution of Sounding observation in Hainan Province; (b) enlarged view of the section in the square of picture (a). ▲: Sounding site; ☆: Substations of ADTD; ★: Radar site and ADTD substation

    图 2  8月12日08时850 hPa风场和相对湿度以及500 hPa等高线(北京时间, BJT)

    Figure 2.  The wind, relative humidity (850 hPa) and geopotential height field (500 hPa) at 8:00 (BJT) on August 12, 2019.

    图 3  雷暴不同阶段的回波强度(高度2 km). ▲: 探空点

    Figure 3.  Radar echo intensity of thunderstorm in different stages ▲: Sounding site

    图 4  探空气球路径 (a) 气球飞行高度随时间变化曲线; (b) 水平投影; (c) 东西方向的立体投影; (d) 南北方向的立体投影; (e) 空间飞行轨迹

    Figure 4.  The Sounding path: (a) Height-time plots; (b) plan view; (c) west-east ward vertical projection; (d) north-south ward vertical projection; (e) height-distance plots.

    图 5  探空路径及雷达回波特征(18:07) (a) 回波平面图, 直线AB为垂直剖面位置; (b) 探空路径与回波垂直剖面叠加. 其中▲为探空点位置

    Figure 5.  Sounding path and the corresponding Radar echo characters (18:07): (a) Radar echo characters during the sounding stage; (b) superposition image of radar echo vertical cross section of line AB in Fig. (a) and sounding path. ▲: Sounding site.

    图 6  8月12日探空分析结果 (a) 气球上升速度; (b) 电晕电流; (c) 空中电场(E)和温度(T); (d) 电荷密度

    Figure 6.  Sounding results in thunderstorm on August 12, 2019: (a) Ascending velocity; (b) corona current; (c) E-field (E) and temperature (T); (d) charge density.

    图 7  雷暴地面电场演变特征, 其中红色竖线之间区域为探空观测阶段

    Figure 7.  Evolution characteristics of ground E-field of thunderstorm, in which the duration between two red vertical lines was the sounding stage.

    图 8  18:18时刻雷达回波与其前后10 min地闪活动叠加图.+:正地闪, ×:负地闪

    Figure 8.  Superposition image of radar echo reflectivity at 18:18 and CGs flashes for 10 minutes before and after the moment. +: Positive CGs flashes, ×:Negative CGs flashes.

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  02 October 2020
  • Accepted Date:  26 November 2020
  • Available Online:  06 May 2021
  • Published Online:  20 May 2021

