The transmission performance of the network depends to a certain extent on the topology of the network. This article analyzes the traffic dynamics of complex networks from the perspective of structural information, and looks for information structure measurement indicators that affect network traffic capacity. Existing research shows that the communicability sequence entropy of complex networks can effectively quantify the overall structure of the network. Based on this measurement, the difference between networks can be effectively quantified, and the connotation of sequence entropy of communicability can be explained. Communication sequence entropy can effectively quantify the overall structure information of the network. In order to characterize the overall traffic capacity of the network, the communication sequence entropy is introduced into the phenomenon of complex network congestion, the correlation between the network communication sequence entropy and the transmission performance is studied, and the internal mechanism of this correlation is analyzed. Simulations in BA scale-free network model and WS small-world network model show that the communication sequence entropy of the network is closely related to its traffic capacity. As the communication sequence entropy increases, the uniformity of the network topology will increase, and the traffic capacity will increase significantly. The traffic capacity of the network is a monotonically increasing function of the entropy of the communication sequence, and is positively correlated with the entropy of the communication sequence. The communication sequence entropy of the network can effectively evaluate the traffic capacity of the network. This conclusion can provide a theoretical basis for the design of a high traffic capacity network and help provide an effective strategy for the design of the high traffic capacity of the network, which can be optimized by increasing the communication sequence entropy.
- complex network /
- communication sequence entropy /
- traffic capacity /
- congestion
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图 2 (a)不同的通信序列熵的BA无标度网络下, 有序参数H(R)与数据包生成率R的关系; (b) BA无标度网络通信序列熵
$S_{\rm N}$ 与传输容量$R_{\rm c}$ 的关系. 采用的路由策略为有效路由策略Figure 2. (a) Relationship between the order parameter H(R) and the packet generation rate R under BA scale-free network with different communication sequence entropy; (b) relationship between BA scale-free network communication sequence entropy
$S_{\rm N}$ and traffic capacity$R_{\rm c}$ . The routing strategy adopted is an effective routing strategy.图 3 (a)不同的通信序列熵的WS小世界网络下, 有序参数H(R)与数据包生成率R的关系; (b) WS小世界网络通信序列熵
$S_{\rm N}$ 与传输容量$R_{\rm c}$ 的关系. 采用的路由策略为有效路由策略Figure 3. (a) Relationship between the order parameters
$H(R)$ and the packet generation rate R under the WS small world network with different communication sequence entropy; (b) relationship between WS small world network communication sequence entropy$S_{\rm N}$ and traffic capacity$R_{\rm c}$ . The routing strategy adopted is an effective routing strategy. -
[1] Wu G H, Yang H J, Pan J H 2018 Mod. Phys. Lett. B 9 1850137
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[2] Kumari S, Singh A 2019 Mod. Phys. Lett. B 1 13
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[3] Jiang L R, Jin X Y, Xia Y X, Ouyang B, Wu D P, Chen X 2014 Int. J. Distrib. Sens. Netw. 1155 764698
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[4] Tu H C, Xia Y X, Wu J J, Zhou X 2019 Physica A 9 17
[5] Bianchin G, Pasqualetti F 2020 IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. 3013 3024
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[7] Li H J, Wang H, Chen L N 2014 Europhys. Lett. 108 68009
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[9] Chen G, Kong R, Wang Y X 2020 Physica A 540 123002
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[13] 杨卓璇, 马源培, 李慧嘉 2020 聊城大学学报 (自然科学版) 12 26
Yang Z X, Ma Y P, Li H J 2020 Journal of Liaocheng University (Social Science Edition) 12 26
[14] 马源培, 杨卓璇, 李慧嘉 2020 聊城大学学报(自然科学版) 26 32
Ma Y P, Yang Z X, Li H J 2020 Journal of Liaocheng University (Social Science Edition) 26 32
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[35] 申弢, 黄树红, 韩守木, 杨叔子 2001 机械工程学报 94 98
Shen T, Huang S H, Han S M, Yang S Z 2001 Journal of Mechanical Engineering 94 98
[36] 赵荣珍, 张优云 2004 振动、测试与诊断 180 187
Zhao R Z, Zhang Y Y 2004 Journal of Vibration, Measurement and Diagnosis 180 187
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