There are many resonance phenomena in a nonlinear dynamical system subjected to forced excitation, especially the excitation with multiple frequencies. Duffing oscillator subjected to the excitation with multiple frequencies may exhibit some complex resonance phenomena, such as simultaneous resonance and combination resonance. In this paper, the simultaneous primary and super-harmonic resonance of Duffing oscillator is studied, and it is analyzed in periodic motion and chaotic motion. Firstly, the approximate analytical solution is obtained by the method of multiple scales, and the correctness and accuracy of the analytical solution are verified through numerical simulation. Furthermore, the amplitude-frequency equation and phase-frequency equation of the steady-state response are derived from the approximate solution, and the stability of the steady-state response is analyzed based on Lyapunov’s first method. It is found that there are at most two stable periodic solutions and one unstable periodic solution. The effects of nonlinear stiffness on steady-state response is also analyzed through numerical simulation. However, the approximate solution obtained by the singular perturbation method is not sufficient to describe the global characteristics of the system, therefore, the necessary condition for the chaos in the sense of Smale horseshoes is derived based on the Melnikov method. Finally, one-demonstrational system that meets the condition of simultaneous resonance is analyzed through numerical simulation, and the bifurcation diagram shows the two thresholds of the demonstration system. At the first threshold, the heteroclinic orbit of the system breaks, and the system goes to chaos in crisis way. At the second threshold, the crisis reappears and the new strange attractor appears. The variation of the first critical value under various frequency combinations is investigated based on the Melnikov method, and the results are compared with the results of numerical simulation. The analytical and numerical results are qualitatively the same although there is a quantitative difference between them.
- Duffing system /
- simultaneous resonance /
- nonlinear dynamical system /
- chaos
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图 3 定常解的幅频曲线 (a)
${\alpha _1} \!=\! - 0.4$ , 刚度软化; (b)${\alpha _1} \!=\! 0.4$ , 刚度硬化 (圆表示稳定解支, 星号表示不稳定解支)Figure 3. Amplitude-frequency curves of steady-state response: (a)
${\alpha _1} = - 0.4$ , stiffness softening; (b)${\alpha _1} = 0.4$ , stiffness hardening (the circles for stable solution and the asterisks for unstable one).图 4 定常解的相频曲线 (a)
${\alpha _1} \!=\! - 0.4$ , 刚度软化; (b)${\alpha _1} \!= 0.4$ , 刚度硬化(圆表示稳定解支, 星号表示不稳定解支)Figure 4. Phase-frequency curves of steady-state response: (a)
${\alpha _1} = - 0.4$ , stiffness softening; (b)${\alpha _1} = 0.4$ , stiffness hardening (the circles for stable solution and the asterisks for unstable one).图 11 临界激励幅值
${F_2}$ 的解析结果与数值仿真结果对比 (a)${\omega _1} = 3{\omega _2}$ ; (b)${\omega _1} = 1.1$ ; (c)${\omega _2} = 0.3667$ (星号代表解析结果, 圆代表数值仿真结果)Figure 11. Comparisons of analytical results and numerical simulation results of critical excitation amplitude
${F_2}$ : (a)${\omega _1} = 3{\omega _2}$ ; (b)${\omega _1} = 1.1$ ; (c)${\omega _2} = 0.3667$ (the asterisks for analytical results and the circles for numerical simulation results). -
[1] 孟光, 薛中擎 1989 航空动力学报 2 173
Meng G, Xue Z Q 1989 J. Aerosp. Power 2 173
[2] Ertas A, Chew E K 1990 Int. J. Non Linear Mech. 25 241
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[3] Pan R, Davies H G 1996 Nonlinear Dyn. 9 349
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Liu Y C 2019 J. Ship Mech. 23 135
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[5] Huan R H, Zhu W Q, Ma F, Ying Z G 2014 Nonlinear Dyn. 76 765
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[6] 宦荣华, 宋亚轻, 朱位秋 2014 浙江大学学报(工学版) 48 321
Huan R H, Song Y Q, Zhu W Q 2014 J. Zhejiang Univ. (Eng. Sci.) 48 321
[7] Hu N Q, Wen X S 2003 J. Sound Vibr. 268 917
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[8] 姚海洋, 王海燕, 张之琛, 申晓红 2017 66 124302
Google Scholar
Yao H Y, Wang H Y, Zhang Z C, Shen X H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 124302
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[9] 曹保锋, 李鹏, 李小强, 张雪芹, 宁王师, 梁睿, 李欣, 胡淼, 郑毅 2019 68 0805010
Cao B F, Li P, Li X Q, Zhang X Q, Ning W S, Liang R, Li X, Hu M, Zheng Y 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 0805010
[10] Erturk A, Inman D J 2011 J. Sound Vibr. 330 2339
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[11] Wang Y L, Yang Z B, Li P Y, Cao D Q, Huang W H, Inman D J 2020 Nano Energy 75 104853
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[12] Shen Y J, Yang S P, Xing H J, Gao G S 2012 Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 17 3092
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[15] 温少芳, 申永军, 杨绍普 2016 65 094502
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Wen S F, Shen Y J, Yang S P 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 094502
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Yang X L, Xu W, Sun Z K 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 1678
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Ma S J, Xu W, Li W 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 4013
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Wu C L, Ma S J, Sun Z K, Fang T 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 6253
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[19] Niu J C, Liu R Y, Shen Y J, Yang S P 2019 Chaos 29 123106
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[20] Liu X J, Li H, Jiang J, Tang D F, Yang L X 2016 Nonlinear Dyn. 83 1419
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[21] Shen Y J, Wen S F, Li X H, Yang S P, Xing H J 2016 Nonlinear Dyn. 85 1457
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[22] Niu J C, Shen Y J, Yang S P, Li S J 2018 J. Vib. Control 24 3744
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[23] Hassan A 1994 J. Sound Vibr. 172 513
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[24] Van K N, Chien T Q 2016 J. Comput. Nonlinear Dyn. 11 051018
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[25] Yang S P, Nayfeh A H, Mook D T 1998 Acta Mech. 131 235
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[26] 李航, 申永军, 李向红, 韩彦军, 彭孟菲 2020 力学学报 52 514
Google Scholar
Li H, Shen Y J, Li X H, Han Y J, Peng M F 2020 Chin. J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 52 514
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[27] Nayfeh A H, Mook D T 2008 Nonlinear oscillations (New York: John Wiley & Sons) pp162–192
[28] Szemplinska-Stupnicka W, Bajkowski J 1986 Int. J. Non Linear Mech. 21 401
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[29] Van Dooren R 1988 J. Sound Vibr. 123 327
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[30] 毕勤胜, 陈予恕, 吴志强 1998 应用数学和力学 19 113
Bi Q S, Chen Y S, Wu Z Q 1998 Appl. Math. Mech. 19 113
[31] 胡海岩 2000 应用非线性动力学 (北京: 航空工业出版社) 第25−30页
Hu H Y 2000 Applied Nonlinear Dynamics (Beijing: Aviation Industry Press) pp25−30(in Chinese)
[32] Hosea M E, Shampine L F 1996 Appl. Numer. Math. 20 21
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[33] Shampine L F, Reichelt M W, Kierzenka J A 1999 SIAM Rev. 41 538
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[34] Lai D, Chen G 1998 Math. Comput. Modell. 27 1
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