Compared with discrete variable quantum key distribution (DVQKD), continuous variable (CV) QKD has high security bit rate and other advantages, which, however, are slightly insufficient in secure transmission distance. In addition, the application of quantum catalysis has significantly improved the performance of Gaussian modulated (GM) CVQKD, especially in secure transmission distance. Recently, the application of quantum catalysis has significantly improved the performance of GM-CVQKD. However, whether it can be used to improve the performance of discrete modulated (DM) CVQKD protocol is still ambiguous. Therefore, a scheme of DM CVQKD protocol based on quantum catalysis is proposed in this paper to further improve the performance of the proposed protocol in terms of secure key rate, secure transmission distance and maximum tolerable noise. Our results show that under the same parameters, when the transmittance T introduced by quantum catalysis is optimized, the proposed scheme can effectively further improve the performance of QKD system compared with the original four-state modulation CVQKD scheme. In particular, when the tolerable excess noise is 0.002, the use of quantum catalysis can break the safe communication distance of 300 km with a key rate of 10–8 bits/pulse. However, if this noise is too large, the improvement in the effect of quantum catalysis on protocol performance will be restrained. In addition, in order to highlight the advantages of the use of quantum catalysis, the ultimate limit PLOB (Pirandola-Laurenza-Ottaviani-Banchi) bound of point-to-point quantum communication is given in this paper. The simulation results indicate that although neither the original scheme nor the proposed scheme can break the bound, compared with the former, the latter can be close to the boundary in long-distance transmission. These results provide theoretical basis for achieving the ultimate goal of global quantum security communication.
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图 3 对于不同的调制方差V下量子催化的成功概率
${P_{\rm{d}}}$ 随透射率T的变化(图中从上往下的虚线分别表示V = 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)Figure 3. Success probability of implementing such a zero-photon catalysis as a function of the transmittance T for several different V. The dashed lines from bottom to top correspond to V = 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, respectively.
图 4 离散调制量子密钥分发系统的性能比较 (a) 固定参数
$\beta = 0.95, \xi = 0.005$ 下, 当优化透射率T时, 密钥率在不同调制方差随传输距离的变化; (b) 对应 (a) 情况下, 透射率T随传输距离的变化Figure 4. Comparison of the performances between the original protocol and the ZPC-based four-state modulation protocol: (a) At a fixed
$\beta = 0.95, \xi = 0.005$ , the secret key rate as a function of the transmission distance with different V = 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, when optimized over the transmittance T; (b) the transmittance T as a function of the transmission distance corresponding to panel (a).图 5 离散调制量子密钥分发系统的性能比较 (a) 固定参数
$\beta = 0.95, V = 1.3$ 下, 当优化透射率T时, 密钥率在不同可容忍过噪声随传输距离的变化; (b) 对应 (a) 情况下, 透射率T随传输距离的变化曲线Figure 5. Comparison of the performances between the original protocol and the ZPC-based four-state modulation protocol: (a) At a fixed
$\beta = 0.95, V = 1.3$ , the secret key rate as a function of the transmission distance with different$\xi = 0.002, 0.005, 0.008$ , when optimized over the transmittance T; (b) the transmittance T as a function of the transmission distance corresponding to panel (a).图 6 离散调制量子密钥分发系统的性能比较 (a) 固定参数
$V = 1.3, \xi = 0.005$ 下, 当优化透射率T时, 密钥率在不同协商效率随传输距离的变化; (b) 对应 (a) 情况下, 透射率T随传输距离的变化曲线Figure 6. Comparison of the performances between the original protocol and the ZPC-based four-state modulation protocol: (a) At a fixed
$V = 1.3, \xi = 0.005$ , the secret key rate as a function of the transmission distance with different$\beta = 0.90, 0.95, 1.0$ , when optimized over the transmittance T; (b) the transmittance T as a function of the transmission distance corresponding to panel (a).图 7 在固定参数
$V = 1.3$ 下, 当优化透射率T时, 可容忍过噪声在不同协商效率随传输距离的变化Figure 7. At a fixed
$V = 1.3$ , the tolerable excess noise between the original protocol and the ZPC-based four-state modulation protocol as a function of a transmission distance for several different$\beta = 0.90, 0.95, 1.0$ , when optimized over T. -
[1] 李剑, 陈彦桦, 潘泽世, 孙风琪, 李娜, 黎蕾蕾 2016 3 030302
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Li J, Chen Y H, Pan Z S, Sun F Q, Li N, Li L L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 3 030302
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[2] 苗二龙, 莫小范, 桂有珍, 韩正甫, 郭光灿 2004 53 2123
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Miao E L, Mo X F, Gui Y Z, Han Z F, Guo G C 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 2123
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[3] 曹正文, 张爽浩, 冯晓毅, 赵光, 柴庚, 李东伟 2017 66 020301
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Cao Z W, Zhang S H, Peng X Y, Zhao G, Chai G, Li D W 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 020301
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[4] Braunstein S L, Loock P V 2005 Rev. Mod. Phys. 77 513
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[7] Lodewyck J, Bloch M, GarciaPatron R, Fossier S, Karpov E, Diamanti E, Debuisschert T, Cerf N J, Tualle-Brouri R, McLaughlin S W, Grangier P 2007 Phys. Rev. A 76 042305
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[8] Hu L Y, Liao Z Y, Zubairy M S 2017 Phys. Rev. A 95 012310
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[9] Hu L Y, Wu J N, Liao Z Y, Zubairy M S 2016 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys. 49 175504
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[10] 张欢, 叶炜, 周维东, 胡利云 2019 聊城大学学报 32 21
Zhang H, Ye W, Zhou W D, Hu L Y 2019 Journal of Liaocheng University 32 1672 (in Chinese)
[11] Leverrier A, Grangier P 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 180504
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[12] Leverrier A, Grangier P 2011 Phys. Rev. A 83 042312
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[13] Huang P, Fang J, Zeng G H 2014 Phys. Rev. A 89 042330
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[15] Huang P, He G Q, Fang J, Zeng G H 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 012317
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[16] Li Z Y, Zhang Y C, Wang X Y, Xu B J, Peng X, Guo H 2016 Phys. Rev. A 93 012310
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[17] Zhao Y J, Zhang Y C, Li Z Y, Yu S, Guo H 2017 Quantum Inf. Process. 16 184
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[19] Liao Q, Guo Y, Huang D, Huang P, Zeng G H 2018 New J. Phys. 20 023015
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[22] Lvovsky A I, Mlynek J 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 250401
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[25] Pirandola S, Laurenza R, Ottaviani C, Banchi L 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 15043
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[26] Ma H X, Huang P, Bai D Y, Wang T, Wang S Y, Bao W S, Zeng G H 2019 Phys. Rev. A 99 022322
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