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Optimization of thermal performance of cladding power stripper in fiber laser

Xia Qing-Gan Xiao Wen-Bo Li Jun-Hua Jin Xin Ye Guo-Ming Wu Hua-Ming Ma Guo-Hong


Optimization of thermal performance of cladding power stripper in fiber laser

Xia Qing-Gan, Xiao Wen-Bo, Li Jun-Hua, Jin Xin, Ye Guo-Ming, Wu Hua-Ming, Ma Guo-Hong
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  • In the process of eliminating the residual pump light and high-order laser light, the cladding power stripper (CPS) generates abundant heat, which can affect the performance of the fiber laser system due to the photothermal conversion. Hence the efficient dissipation of thermal energy becomes a current research focus. In this paper, the five kinds of existing CPSs are simulated and compared with the results in the literature. It is found that the surface-volume ratio between the heat source and the heat transfer medium can be effectively increased by changing the shape of the polymer filling hole when the CPS is made by the high refractive index polymer method, thus reducing the temperature peak and valley value of the CPS. Besides, the heat distribution uniformity of CPS can be improved by combining the high refractive index polymer method with the acid corrosion method to prepare the two-section fiber cladding structure with uneven thickness. According to the above results, a novel CPS structure is proposed and its thermal effect is studied. The results show that when the cladding light power is 150 W, the temperature peak value of the CPS is 298 K, the temperature valley value is 293 K, and the temperature difference is 5 K. Comparing with the above five CPSs, the peak temperature is reduced by up to 11.3%, and the valley temperature is reduced by up to 8.4%, the temperature difference is reduced by up to 87.5%, which proves that the novel CPS structure can effectively suppress the temperature rising and have excellent heat distribution uniformity.
      Corresponding author: Xiao Wen-Bo,
    • Funds: Project supported by Aeronautical Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 2017ZC56003), the Key Laboratory of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Foundation of the Jiangxi Province of China(Grant No.ET201908119), Advantage Science and Technology Innovation Team Foundation of the Jiangxi Province of China(Grant No.20181BCB24008), Graduate Innovation Foundation of Nanchang HangKong University of China(Grant No.YC2019-S348), the Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing of Ministry of Education of Nanchang HangKong University of China(Grant No.EW201980090)

    Nilsson J, Payne D N 2011 Science 332 921Google Scholar


    Richardson D J, Nilsson J, Clarkson W A 2010 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27 B63Google Scholar


    张志强 2012 博士学位论文 (北京: 北京邮电大学)

    Zhang Z Q 2012 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) (in Chinese)


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    Xiao Y, Brunet F, Kanskar M, Wetter A, Holehouse N 2012 Opt. Express 20 3296Google Scholar


    龚凯 2019 硕士学位论文 (广州: 广东工业大学)

    Gong K 2019 M. S. Dissertation (Guangzhou: Guangdong University of Technology) (in Chinese)


    邱禹力 2016 硕士学位论文 (武汉: 华中科技大学)

    Qiu Y L 2016 M. S. Dissertation (Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese)


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    Kliner A, Hou K C, Plötner M, Hupel C, Stelzner T, Schreiber T, Eberhardt R, Tünnermann A 2013 Proc. SPIE 8616 86160NGoogle Scholar


    Babazadeh A, Nasirabad R R, Norouzey A, Hejaz K, Poozesh R, Heidariazar A, Golshan A H, Roohforouz A, Jafari S N T, Lafouti M 2014 Appl. optics 53 2611Google Scholar


    孙静, 邹淑珍, 陈寒, 于海娟, 王旭葆, 林学春 2017 激光与光电子学进展 54 110001

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    Wang W L, Leng J Y, Cao J Q, Guo S F, Xu X J, Jiang Z F 2013 Opt. Commun. 287 187Google Scholar


    Zhang Y L, Zhao L, Liang X B, Li C, Zhou T D, Wang S W, Deng Y, Wei X F 2015 Proc. SPIE 9255 92550NGoogle Scholar


    Poozesh R, Norouzy A, Golshan A H, Roohforouz A, Babazadeh A, Nasirabad R R, Jafari N T, Heidariazar A, Hejaz K, Alavian A, Amidian A 2012 J. Lightwave Technol. 30 3199Google Scholar


    Yin L, Yan M J, Han Z G, Wang H L, Shen H, Zhu R H 2017 Opt. Express 25 8760Google Scholar


    胡志涛, 陈晓龙, 何兵, 周军, 张建华 2016 中国激光 43 0701004

    Hu Z T, Chen X L, He B, Zhou J, Zhang J H 2016 Chin. J. Lasers 43 0701004


    张国庆 2016 博士学位论文 (广州: 华南理工大学)

    Zhang G Q 2016 Ph. D. Dissertation (Guangzhou: South China University of Technology) (in Chinese)

  • 图 1  五种CPS的结构图 (a)剥离器1; (b)剥离器2; (c)剥离器3; (d)剥离器4; (e)剥离器5

    Figure 1.  Structural diagrams of five CPS: (a) CPS1; (b) CPS2; (c) CPS3; (d)CPS4; (e) CPS5.

    图 2  Pb = 150 W时五种CPS的切片热分布图 (a)剥离器1; (b)剥离器2; (c)剥离器3; (d)剥离器4; (e)剥离器5

    Figure 2.  The slice thermal profile of five CPS when Pb = 150 W: (a) CPS1; (b) CPS2; (c) CPS3; (d) CPS4; (e) CPS5.

    图 3  剥离器6, 7, 8的结构图及两段式光纤细节图 (a)剥离器6; (b)剥离器7; (c)剥离器8; (d)两段式光纤细节图

    Figure 3.  Structural diagrams of CPS 6, 7, 8 and Two-section optical fiber detail diagram: (a) CPS6; (b) CPS7; (c) CPS8; (d)Two-section optical fiber detail diagram.

    表 1  Pb = 150 W时五种CPS的整体热性能数据

    Table 1.  Overall thermal performance data of five CPS when Pb = 150 W.

    剥离器1321 K314 K7 K
    剥离器2313 K299 K14 K
    剥离器3316 K295 K21 K
    剥离器4336 K296 K40 K
    剥离器5325 K320 K5 K
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  Pb = 200 W时五种CPS的整体热性能数据

    Table 2.  Overall thermal performance data of five CPS when Pb = 200 W.

    剥离器1326 K318 K8 K
    剥离器2319 K301 K18 K
    剥离器3324 K295 K29 K
    剥离器4350 K296 K54 K
    剥离器5335 K328 K7 K
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  Pb = 150 W时剥离器6, 7, 8的整体整体热性能数据

    Table 3.  Overall thermal performance data of CPS 6, 7 and 8 when Pb = 150 W.

    剥离器6309 K293 K16 K
    剥离器7320 K315 K5 K
    剥离器8298 K293 K5 K
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  • [1]

    Nilsson J, Payne D N 2011 Science 332 921Google Scholar


    Richardson D J, Nilsson J, Clarkson W A 2010 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27 B63Google Scholar


    张志强 2012 博士学位论文 (北京: 北京邮电大学)

    Zhang Z Q 2012 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) (in Chinese)


    赵水, 段云锋, 王强, 张秀娟, 邓明发 2015 激光与红外 45 749

    Zhao S, Duan Y F, Wang Q, Zhang X J, Deng M F 2015 Laser & Infrared 45 749


    郭良, 谌鸿伟, 王泽锋, 侯静, 陈金宝 2014 激光与光电子学进展 51 020602

    Guo L, Chen H W, Wang Z F, Hou J, Chen J B 2014 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 51 020602


    Huang Z H, Liang X B, Li C Y, Lin H H, Li Q, Wang J J, Jing F 2016 Appl. Optics 55 297Google Scholar


    Xiao Y, Brunet F, Kanskar M, Wetter A, Holehouse N 2012 Opt. Express 20 3296Google Scholar


    龚凯 2019 硕士学位论文 (广州: 广东工业大学)

    Gong K 2019 M. S. Dissertation (Guangzhou: Guangdong University of Technology) (in Chinese)


    邱禹力 2016 硕士学位论文 (武汉: 华中科技大学)

    Qiu Y L 2016 M. S. Dissertation (Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology) (in Chinese)


    李杰雄, 李波, 朱广志, 岳建堡, 王智用 2017 激光技术 41 798

    Li J X, Li B, Zhu G Z, Yue J B, Wang Z Y 2017 Laser Technology 41 798


    Wetter A, Faucher M, Sevigny B 2008 Proc. SPIE 6873 687327Google Scholar


    Kliner A, Hou K C, Plötner M, Hupel C, Stelzner T, Schreiber T, Eberhardt R, Tünnermann A 2013 Proc. SPIE 8616 86160NGoogle Scholar


    Babazadeh A, Nasirabad R R, Norouzey A, Hejaz K, Poozesh R, Heidariazar A, Golshan A H, Roohforouz A, Jafari S N T, Lafouti M 2014 Appl. optics 53 2611Google Scholar


    孙静, 邹淑珍, 陈寒, 于海娟, 王旭葆, 林学春 2017 激光与光电子学进展 54 110001

    Sun J, Zou S Z, Chen H, Yu H J, Wang X B, Lin X C 2017 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 54 110001


    龚凯, 郝明明, 李京波 2017 科学通报 62 3768

    Gong K, Hao M M, Li J B 2017 Chin. Sci. Bull. 62 3768


    Wang W L, Leng J Y, Cao J Q, Guo S F, Xu X J, Jiang Z F 2013 Opt. Commun. 287 187Google Scholar


    Zhang Y L, Zhao L, Liang X B, Li C, Zhou T D, Wang S W, Deng Y, Wei X F 2015 Proc. SPIE 9255 92550NGoogle Scholar


    Poozesh R, Norouzy A, Golshan A H, Roohforouz A, Babazadeh A, Nasirabad R R, Jafari N T, Heidariazar A, Hejaz K, Alavian A, Amidian A 2012 J. Lightwave Technol. 30 3199Google Scholar


    Yin L, Yan M J, Han Z G, Wang H L, Shen H, Zhu R H 2017 Opt. Express 25 8760Google Scholar


    胡志涛, 陈晓龙, 何兵, 周军, 张建华 2016 中国激光 43 0701004

    Hu Z T, Chen X L, He B, Zhou J, Zhang J H 2016 Chin. J. Lasers 43 0701004


    张国庆 2016 博士学位论文 (广州: 华南理工大学)

    Zhang G Q 2016 Ph. D. Dissertation (Guangzhou: South China University of Technology) (in Chinese)

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  • Received Date:  16 July 2019
  • Accepted Date:  17 September 2019
  • Available Online:  13 December 2019
  • Published Online:  05 January 2020

