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Low frequency band gaps of Helmholtz resonator coupled with membrane

Chen Xin Yao Hong Zhao Jing-Bo Zhang Shuai He Zi-Hou Jiang Juan-Na


Low frequency band gaps of Helmholtz resonator coupled with membrane

Chen Xin, Yao Hong, Zhao Jing-Bo, Zhang Shuai, He Zi-Hou, Jiang Juan-Na
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  • In this paper, a phononic crystal is designed using a Helmholtz resonator with a membrane wall, in which the coupled vibration of air and membrane is utilized. The structure of the Helmholtz resonator is a two-dimensional structure. On the basis of the square Helmholtz resonator, a " W”-type outlet is used as a cavity outlet to increase the air quality involved in resonance, and the cavity wall is replaced with a membrane with distribution mass to increase the number of resonance units. The finite element method is used to calculate the band gaps and transmission loss of sound below 1700 Hz. The results show that the starting frequency of the first band gap of the structure is further reduced. At the same time, it is lower than the starting frequency of ordinary Helmholtz structure and the natural frequency of membrane under the same conditions. Then, a new peak of transmission loss is obtained, and its value is greater than the original structure’s. And although the width of the first band gap is reduced, some new band gaps appear in the low-frequency range, so that the total band gap width is improved. By analyzing the vibration mode of the membrane and sound pressure distribution, it is found that the sum of the sound pressures of the outer cavity is zero at the starting frequencies of the band gaps, and the sound pressure of the inner and outer cavity are respectively positive and negative at the cut-off frequency. With the increase of frequency, the vibration mode of the membrane gradually turns from low-order to high-order, but no anti-symmetric-type mode participation is found at the starting and cut-off frequency. The components of the structure can be made equivalent to corresponding ones, respectively, i.e. air in the outlet is equivalent to uniform flexible rod, and the air in the inner and outer cavity are equivalent to a spring. So that the structure can be equivalent to a series system consisting of a rod, a spring and a membrane at starting frequency of the band gap, and a loop system consisting of a rod, two springs and a membrane at cut-off frequency. Thus, by the transfer matrix method and the Rayleigh-Ritz method considering the influence of tension and elastic modulus, it is possible to calculate the range of band gap which is extremely close to the result from the finite element method. Through the analysis of the formulas, it can be found that the new band gap is caused by the new vibration mode produced by the membrane or the air in the cavity outlet, and the lower starting frequency of the first band gap is due to the reduction of the equivalent extent of the system by the membrane. By adjusting the relevant parameters of the membrane and the cavity outlet respectively, it can be found that the band gaps of the structure correspond to the modes of different orders of the air in the cavity outlet and the membrane. In other words, the change of the natural frequency of a certain mode of air in the outlet or membrane only has a greater influence on the corresponding band gap but has less influence on other band gaps, also, the trends of change are the same, and the change values are very close to each other. But, changing the volume of the inner cavity and the outer cavity has a great influence on all the band gaps. Therefore, it is possible to adjust some band gaps through this method.
      Corresponding author: Zhao Jing-Bo,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11504429)

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    Abbad A, Rabenorosoa K, Ouisse M, Atalla N, Park G 2017 Proc. SPIE 10164 101640P


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    芮筱亭, 贠来峰, 陆毓琪, 何斌, 王国平 2008 多体系统的传递矩阵法及其应用 (北京: 科学出版社) 第425页

    Rui X T, Yuan L F, Lu Y Q, He B, Wang G P 2008 Transfer Matrix Method of Multibody System and Its Applications (Beijing: Science Press) p425 (in Chinese)


    倪振华 1989 振动力学 (西安: 西安交通大学出版社) 第410页

    Nie Z H 1989 Vibration Mechanics (Xi'an: Xi'an Jiaotong University Press) p410 (in Chinese)

  • 图 1  带薄膜壁的Helmholtz结构横截面

    Figure 1.  Cross section of Helmholtz resonator structure with a membrane wall.

    图 2  带薄膜壁的Helmholtz结构 (a) 带隙图; (b) 隔声曲线

    Figure 2.  Band diagram (a) and transmission spectrum (b) of the Helmholtz resonator structure with a membrane wall.

    图 3  普通Helmholtz结构的(a)带隙图和(b)隔声曲线

    Figure 3.  Band diagram (a) and transmission spectrum (b) of the ordinary Helmholtz resonator structure.

    图 4  (a) 模态A (88.40 Hz)、(b) 模态B (119.06 Hz)、(c) 模态C (302.09 Hz)、(d) 模态D (533.03 Hz)、(e) 模态E (772.31 Hz)、(f) 模态F (891.44 Hz) 的薄膜振型和声场压力图

    Figure 4.  Vibration mode of the membrane and sound pressure distribution diagrams of point A (88.40 Hz) (a), B (119.06 Hz) (b), C (302.09 Hz) (c), D (533.03 Hz) (d), E (772.31 Hz) (e), and F (891.44 Hz) (f).

    图 5  (a) 带隙下限系统示意图; (b) 带隙上限系统示意图

    Figure 5.  (a) System corresponding to starting frequency of band gaps; (b) system corresponding to cut-off frequency of band gaps.

    图 6  l1 = 295 mm时(a) 第三带隙下限和(b) 第三带隙上限的声场压力图

    Figure 6.  Sound pressure distribution diagrams at starting frequency (a) and cutoff frequency (b) of the 3th band gap when l1 = 295 mm.

    表 2  薄膜附加金属片长度l s对薄膜固有频率的影响

    Table 2.  Effect of the parameter l s on natural frequency of membrane.

    l s/10–3 m468101214
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 1  薄膜附加金属片长度l s对低频带隙的影响

    Table 1.  Effect of the parameter l s on low-frequency band gaps.

    ls/10–3 m第一带隙下限第一带隙上限第二带隙下限第二带隙上限第三带隙下限第三带隙上限
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  薄膜张力T对低频带隙的影响

    Table 3.  Effect of the parameter T on low-frequency band gaps.

    T/106 N·m–1第一带隙下限第一带隙上限第二带隙下限第二带隙上限第三带隙下限第三带隙上限
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  腔口空气通道长度l1对低频带隙的影响

    Table 4.  Effect of the parameter l1 on low-frequency band gaps.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 5  内腔体积V2对低频带隙的影响

    Table 5.  Effect of the parameter V2 on low-frequency band gaps.

    V2/10–4 m3第一带隙下限第一带隙上限第二带隙下限第二带隙上限第三带隙下限第三带隙上限
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Kushwaha M S, Halevi P, Dobrzynski L, Djafari-Rouhani B 1993 Phys. Rev. Lett. 71 2022Google Scholar


    王莎, 林书玉 2019 68 024303Google Scholar

    Wang S, Lin S Y 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 024303Google Scholar


    张振方, 郁殿龙, 刘江伟, 温激鸿 2018 67 074301Google Scholar

    Zhang Z F, Yu D L, Liu J W, Wen J H 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 074301Google Scholar


    廖涛, 孙小伟, 宋婷, 田俊红, 康太凤, 孙伟彬 2018 67 214208Google Scholar

    Liao T, Sun X W, Song T, Tian J H, Kang T F, Sun W B 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 214208Google Scholar


    Li S B, Dou Y H, Chen T N, Wan Z G, Guan Z R 2018 Mod. Phys. Lett. B 32 1850221


    Korozlu N, Kaya O A, Cicek A, Ulug B 2018 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 143 756Google Scholar


    Quan L, Ra Di Y, Sounas D L, Alù A 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 254301Google Scholar


    Zhao L X, Zhou S X 2019 Sensors-Basel 19 788Google Scholar


    Yuan M, Cao Z, Luo J, Pang Z 2018 AIP Adv. 8 85012Google Scholar


    Wang Y, Zhu X, Zhang T S, Bano S, Pan H Y, Qi L F, Zhang Z T, Yuan Y P 2018 Appl. Energ. 230 52Google Scholar


    Quan L, Qian F, Liu X Z, Gong X F, Johnson P A 2015 Phys. Rev. B 92 104105Google Scholar


    Quan L, Zhong X, Liu X, Gong X, Johnson P A 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 3188Google Scholar


    Hu X, Chan C T, Zi J 2005 Phys. Rev. E 71 55601Google Scholar


    Chalmers L, Elford D P, Kusmartsev F V, Swallowe G M 2009 Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 23 4234Google Scholar


    Guan D, Wu J H, Jing L, Gao N, Hou M 2015 Noise Control Eng. J. 63 20Google Scholar


    Jiang J, Yao H, Du J, Zhao J 2016 AIP Adv. 6 115024Google Scholar


    姜久龙, 姚宏, 杜军, 赵静波, 邓涛 2017 66 064301Google Scholar

    Jiang J L, Yao H, Du J, Zhao J B, Deng T 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 064301Google Scholar


    刘敏, 侯志林, 傅秀军 2012 61 104302Google Scholar

    Liu M, Hou Z L, Fu X J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 104302Google Scholar


    包凯, 陈天宁, 王小鹏, 王放, 张振华 2016 西安交通大学学报 50 124Google Scholar

    Bao K, Chen T N, Wang X P, Wang F, Zhang Z H 2016 J. Xi’an Jiaotong Univ. 50 124Google Scholar


    Liu C R, Wu J H, Chen X, Ma F Y 2019 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 52 105302Google Scholar


    Ang L Y L, Koh Y K, Lee H P 2017 Appl. Phys. Lett. 111 41903Google Scholar


    Wang X, Zhao H, Luo X, Huang Z 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 41905Google Scholar


    Langfeldt F, Gleine W, von Estorff O 2015 J. Sound Vib. 349 315Google Scholar


    周榕, 吴卫国, 闻轶凡 2017 声学技术 36 297

    Zhou R, Wu W G, Wen Y F 2017 Technical Acoustics 36 297


    Abbad A, Rabenorosoa K, Ouisse M, Atalla N, Park G 2017 Proc. SPIE 10164 101640P


    Langfeldt F, von Estorff O 2016 Inter-Noise and Noise-Con Congress and Conference Proceedings 253 3413


    Elayouch A, Addouche M, Herth E, Khelif A 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 83504Google Scholar


    Liu C R, Wu J H, Lu K, Zhao Z T, Huang Z 2019 Appl. Acoust. 148 1Google Scholar


    Zhu X, Chen Z, Jiao Y, Wang Y 2018 J.Vibr. Acoust. 140 31014Google Scholar


    陈鑫, 姚宏, 赵静波, 张帅, 贺子厚, 蒋娟娜 2019 68 084302Google Scholar

    Chen X, Yao H, Zhao J B, Zhang S, He Z H, Jiang J N 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 084302Google Scholar


    芮筱亭, 贠来峰, 陆毓琪, 何斌, 王国平 2008 多体系统的传递矩阵法及其应用 (北京: 科学出版社) 第425页

    Rui X T, Yuan L F, Lu Y Q, He B, Wang G P 2008 Transfer Matrix Method of Multibody System and Its Applications (Beijing: Science Press) p425 (in Chinese)


    倪振华 1989 振动力学 (西安: 西安交通大学出版社) 第410页

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  • Received Date:  05 May 2019
  • Accepted Date:  24 June 2019
  • Available Online:  01 November 2019
  • Published Online:  05 November 2019

