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Quantum calculation of the influence of trivalent praseodymium ions doping on the magneto-optical properties of terbium gallium garnet crystal

Cai Wei Xu You-An Yang Zhi-Yong


Quantum calculation of the influence of trivalent praseodymium ions doping on the magneto-optical properties of terbium gallium garnet crystal

Cai Wei, Xu You-An, Yang Zhi-Yong
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Compared with those materials with superior magneto-optical properties, such as YIG, Ce:YIG and Ba3Tb(PO4)3, pure terbium gallium garnet (TGG) crystal has comparative low Verdet constant and cannot meet the requirements of some high-power devices. Doping Pr3+ ions in TGG crystal can remarkably enhance its magneto-optical properties and expand its application scope, but there are still lack of systematic theoretical calculations to clarify this phenomenon. Based on the quantum theory, this paper presents the influence of doping Pr3+ ions on the magneto-optical performance and the corresponding quantitative calculation results. Firstly, taking various effects on Tb3+ ions and Pr3+ ions in the crystal into consideration, the Hamiltonian is modeled and discussed in detail. The secular equations are solved by applying the perturbation method, and then the energy level shifts and wave functions of the Tb3+ ions and Pr3+ ions are worked out, where the spin-orbit coupling, crystal field, effective field and super-exchange interaction between the two types of ions are considered. Furthermore, the transition dipole moments of Tb3+ ions and Pr3+ ions from the 4f ground state to higher level 5d, together with the distribution probability at each energy level and the average magnetic moment, are resolved. Finally, the Verdet constants and magnetic susceptibilities of pure TGG crystal and Pr:TGG crystal are calculated and compared with each other. Moreover, the relationship between the Verdet constant of Pr:TGG crystal and the Pr3+-doping amount is derived. The results show that the Faraday rotation angle caused by Pr3+ ions is larger than that of Tb3+ ions, meanwhile, the strong super-exchange between Tb3+ ions and Pr3+ ions causes further splitting of the 4f energy level, resulting in a significant increasement of the Verdet constant of the Pr:TGG crystal, which reaches 313.4 rad/m·T, 191.2 rad/m·T and 60.4 rad/m·T at the wavelengths of 532 nm, 632.8 nm and 1064 nm, respectively. In addition, doping Pr3+ ions inside the crystal improves the internal effective magnetic moment, which can reach 9.92 μB at 10 K. At the same time, the magnetic susceptibility increases, while the temperature interdependency decreases. The linear relationship between the reciprocal of magnetic susceptibility and temperature reduces from 4.41/K to 3.92/K. The Verdet constant of the Pr:TGG crystal is linear with the amount of Pr3+ ions doping. When the contents of Tb3+ ions and Pr3+ ions inside the crystal are equal, the maximum value is reached, which is about 2913.4 rad/m·T. The calculation results in this paper are in good agreement with the existing experimental data.
      Corresponding author: Xu You-An,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61505254).

    Tian Y, Tan B Z, Yang J, Zhang Y, Gu S H 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 063302Google Scholar


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    Sugar J 1965 JOSA 55 1058Google Scholar


    杨翠红 2004 硕士学位论文(扬州: 扬州大学)

    Yang C H 2004 M. S. Thesis (Yangzhou: Yangzhou University) (in Chinese)


    Suits J 1972 IEEE Trans. Magn. 8 95Google Scholar


    Shen Y R 1964 Phys. Rev. B 133 A511Google Scholar


    蔡伟, 邢俊辉, 杨志勇 2017 66 187801Google Scholar

    Cai W, Xing J H, Yang Z Y 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 187801Google Scholar


    Villaverde A B, Donatti D A, Bozinis D G 1978 J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 11 L495Google Scholar


    Kiyoshi S 2010 Crystal Growth & Design 10 3466Google Scholar


    Löw U, Zvyagin S, Ozerov M, Schaufuss U, Kataev V, Wolf B, Lüthi B 2013 Eur. Phys. J. B 86 87Google Scholar

  • 图 1  维尔德常数的波长特性

    Figure 1.  Wavelength characteristics of the Verdet constant.

    图 2  磁化率的温度特性

    Figure 2.  Temperature characteristics of the magnetic susceptibility.

    图 3  维尔德常数随Pr3+离子含量(y)的变化情况

    Figure 3.  The variation of Verdet constant with Pr3+ ions content (y).

    表 1  作用于Tb3+, Pr3+离子的晶场参数(cm–1)

    Table 1.  Crystal field parameters acting on Tb3+ and Pr3+ ions (cm–1).

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  晶场及自旋轨道作用下的能级位移(cm–1)

    Table 2.  Energy level shift under the action of crystal field and spin orbit (cm–1).

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  有效场作用下的能级分裂(cm–1)

    Table 3.  Energy level splitting under the action of effective field (cm–1).

    Tb3+(± 2.342$\mp\; 0.9516 \nu \chi $)(± 0.463$\mp\; 0.1422 \nu \chi $)(± 0.897$\mp\; 0.3641 \nu \chi $)(± 1.499$\mp \;0.6561 \nu \chi $)
    Pr3+(± 1.641$\mp \;0.8244 \nu \chi $)(± 0.423$\mp\; 0.0893 \nu \chi $)(± 3.302$\mp\; 0.1176 \nu \chi $)
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 4  超交换作用下的能级位移(cm–1)

    Table 4.  Energy level shift under the action of super-exchange interaction (cm–1).

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 5  不同波长下的维尔德常数V (${\rm{rad/m}} \cdot {\rm{T}}$)

    Table 5.  Verdet constant at different wavelengths (${\rm{rad/m}} \cdot {\rm{T}}$).

    注: Vc为本文维尔德常数的计算值, Ve为实验值[16,23,24].
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 6  不同Pr3+离子含量(y)下的维尔德常数V(${\rm{rad/m}} \cdot {\rm{T}}$)

    Table 6.  Verdet constant under different Pr3+ ions content (${\rm{rad/m}} \cdot {\rm{T}}$).

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 7  不同温度下磁化率的倒数1/χ

    Table 7.  Inverse magnetic susceptibility at different temperatures.

    温度T /K10100150200250300
    注: 1/χc为本文计算值, 1/χe为实验值[16,25].
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  • [1]

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    Kaminskii A A, Eichler H J, Reiche P, Uecker R 2005 Laser Phys. Lett. 2 489Google Scholar


    Zhang F, Tian Y, Yi Z, Gu S H 2016 Chin. Phys. B 25 094206Google Scholar


    李长胜 2015 64 047801Google Scholar

    Li C S 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 047801Google Scholar


    Yasuhara R, Tokita S, Kawanaka J, Kawashima T 2007 Opt. Express 15 11264


    Yasuhara R, Furuse H 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 1751Google Scholar


    Yasuhara R, Tokita S, Kawanaka J 2007 Rev. Laser Eng. 35 806Google Scholar


    刘琳, 俞育德 1985 人工晶体学报 1 27

    Liu L, Yu Y D 1985 J. Synth. Cryst. 1 27


    Chani V I, Takeda H, Fukuda T 1999 J. Alloy. Compd. 60 212


    陈建斌, 林羽, 李国辉, 陈建珊, 滕硕, 姚元根 2014 人工晶体学报 43 8

    Chen J B, Lin Y, Li G H, Chen J S, Teng S, Yao Y G 2014 J. Synth. Cryst. 43 8


    徐嘉林, 董玮利, 彭海益, 刘旺, 金维召, 林海, 李春 2015 长春理工大学学报 3 20Google Scholar

    Xu J L, Dong W L, Peng H Y, Liu W, Jin W Z, Lin H, Li C 2015 J. Changchun Univ. Technol. 3 20Google Scholar


    龙勇, 徐扬, 石自彬, 丁雨憧, 王佳, 付昌禄 2015 压电与声光 37 277Google Scholar

    Long Y, Xu Y, Shi Z B, Ding Y T, Wang J, Fu C L 2015 Piezoelectric and Sound and Light 37 277Google Scholar


    裴广庆, 张艳, 柳祝平 2015 人工晶体学报 44 885Google Scholar

    Pei G Q, Zhang Y, Liu Z P 2015 J. Synth. Cryst. 44 885Google Scholar


    龙勇, 石自彬, 丁雨憧 2016 压电与声光 38 433

    Long Y, Shi Z B, Ding Y D 2016 Piezoelectr. Acoustoopt. 38 433


    Chen Z, Hang Y, Yang L, Wang J, Wang X Y, Zhang P X, Hong J Q, Shi C J, Wang Y Q 2015 Mater. Lett. 145 171Google Scholar


    Chen Z, Yang L, Wang X Y, Hang Y 2016 Opt. Mater. 62 475Google Scholar


    Zhu N F, Li Y X, Yu X F 2008 Mater. Lett. 62 2355Google Scholar


    Sugar J 1965 JOSA 55 1058Google Scholar


    杨翠红 2004 硕士学位论文(扬州: 扬州大学)

    Yang C H 2004 M. S. Thesis (Yangzhou: Yangzhou University) (in Chinese)


    Suits J 1972 IEEE Trans. Magn. 8 95Google Scholar


    Shen Y R 1964 Phys. Rev. B 133 A511Google Scholar


    蔡伟, 邢俊辉, 杨志勇 2017 66 187801Google Scholar

    Cai W, Xing J H, Yang Z Y 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 187801Google Scholar


    Villaverde A B, Donatti D A, Bozinis D G 1978 J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 11 L495Google Scholar


    Kiyoshi S 2010 Crystal Growth & Design 10 3466Google Scholar


    Löw U, Zvyagin S, Ozerov M, Schaufuss U, Kataev V, Wolf B, Lüthi B 2013 Eur. Phys. J. B 86 87Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  19 April 2019
  • Accepted Date:  14 May 2019
  • Available Online:  01 July 2019
  • Published Online:  05 July 2019

