In aero optics, the linking equation proposed by Sutton is an important equation which can link the fluid-mechanic statistical parameters to the statistical optical degradation parameters. However, in the application of simplified linking equation (SLE) to subsonic flowfields, the weighting function is often ignored. The supersonic mixing layer flowfield is generated in the supersonic wind tunnel. The nanoparticle-based planar laser scattering technology is used to obtain the density field of flowfield. The optics errors between supersonic mixing layer wave-front variances calculated from the SLE and the generalized linking equation are analyzed. The results indicate the validity of using the SLE to estimate the wave-front variance of supersonic mixing layer flowfield. Moreover, the SLE with weighting function has better fitting accuracy than the SLE without weighting function. The weighting function for the application of SLE to the high correlated regions in the supersonic mixing layer is necessary.
- aerooptics /
- linking equation /
- weighting function /
- wave front variance
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图 6 高斯型关联方程加入权重函数前后的积分核分布 (a)未加入权重函数; (b)加入权重函数; (c)积分核分布差
Figure 6. Integral kernel distribution calculated by Gaussian linking equation before and after adding weighting function: (a) Before adding the weighting function; (b) after adding the weighting function; (c) the integral kernel distribution differences.
[1] Gilbert K G, Otten L J 1982 AIAA Prog. Astronaut. Aeronaut. 80 1
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[2] Jumper E J, Fitzgerald E J 2001 Prog. Aero. Sp. 37 299
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[3] Havener G 1992 30th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Reno, United States, January 6−9, 1992 AIAA-92-0654
[4] Sutton 1985 AIAA J. 23 1525
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Google Scholar
Yu T, Xia H, Fan Z H, Xie W K, Zhang P, Liu J S, Chen X 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 134203
Google Scholar
[13] Zhu K C, Li S X, Tang Y, Yu Y, Tang H Q 2012 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 29 251
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[23] Ganapathisubramani B, Clemens N T, Dolling D S 2006 J. Fluid Mech. 556 271
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[24] Azmi A M, Zhou T M, Zhou Y, Wang H F, Cheng L 2018 Phys. Rev. Fluids 3 074702
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