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Mechanism of soil environmental regulation by aerated drip irrigation

Yang Hai-Jun Wu Feng Fang Hai-Ping Hu Jun Hou Zheng-Chi


Mechanism of soil environmental regulation by aerated drip irrigation

Yang Hai-Jun, Wu Feng, Fang Hai-Ping, Hu Jun, Hou Zheng-Chi
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  • Soil is the foundation of food security, water safety and wider ecosystem security. China's water resources is featured by its poverty and uneven distribution. Flood irrigation in traditional agriculture not only uses large amount of water, but also destroys soil aggregate structure, resulting in soil degradation, such as soil compaction and soil salinization. Underground drip irrigation have obvious water saving efficiency with the effective utilization rate of water larger than 95%, but it will also destroy the soil structure to a certain extent. It has been reported in many researches that using aerated water drip irrigation can not only increase crop yields, but also improve crop quality. The influence of several factors such as the burial depth of drop head, the frequency of dripping, the amount of irrigation, the growth period of plant, the mode of aerating and the equipment and so on, and the effects of the aerated drip irrigation on the water environment, the air environment, the microbial environment, the nutrient environment and the mineral environment of soil are summarized. And the regulation mechanism of soil environment by the aerated drip irrigation is put forward. The changes in water, gas, microorganism, nutrition and minerals are the result of the change of soil structure. The experimental results of in situ synchrotron radiation X-ray computed tomography confirmed that aerated drip irrigation can change the structure of soil.

    Zhang J 2015 World Journal of Forestry 4 13


    Sinobas L R, Rodríguez M G 2012 A Review of Subsurface Drip Irrigation and Its Management (InTech) p177


    Currie D R 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Adlaide: The University of Adelaide)


    Niu W, Guo Q, Zhou X, Helmers M J 2011 Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76 815


    Bhattarai S P, Pendergast L, Midmore D J 2006 Sci. Hortic-Amsterdam 108 278


    Bagatur T 2014 Arab J. Sci. Eng. 39 2525


    Niu W Q, Guo C, Shao H B, Wu P T 2011 Afr. J. Biotechnol. 10 949


    Wang F X, Kang Y H, Liu S P 2006 Agr Water Manage 79 248


    Kang Y H, Liu S H, Wan S Q, Wang R S 2013 Paddy Water Environ 11 87


    Liu S H, Kang Y H, Wan S Q, Wang Z C, Liang Z W, Jiang S F, Wang R S 2012 Agr Water Manage 109 127


    Hassanli A M, Javan M, Saadat Y 2008 Environ Monit Assess 144 151


    Tan J L, Kang Y H 2009 Agr Sci China 8 1228


    Niu W Q, Guo Q, Zhou X B, Helmers M J 2012 Soil Sci Soc Am J 76 815


    Phogat V K, Aylmore L A G 1989 Aust J Soil Res 27 313


    Grevers M C J, Dejong E 1994 Sssa Spec Publ 73


    Hu Y B, Feng J, Yang T, Wang C 2014 Hydrol Process 28 3419


    Zhang J M, Xu Z M, Li F, Hou R J, Ren Z 2017 J Mt Sci-Engl 14 474


    Heijs A W J, Delange J, Schoute J F T, Bouma J 1995 Geoderma 64 183


    Finizola A, Aubert M, Revil A, Schutze C, Sortino F 2009 J Volcanol Geoth Res 183 213


    Hainsworth J M, Aylmore L A G 1983 Aust J Soil Res 21 435


    Anderson S H, Gantzer C J, Boone J M, Tully R J 1988 Soil Sci Soc Am J 52 35


    Hopmans J W, Vogel T, Koblik P D 1992 Soil Sci Soc Am J 56 355


    Beraldo J M G, Scannavino F D A, Cruvinel P E 2014 Eng Agr-Jaboticabal 34 1162


    Katuwal S, Arthur E, Tuller M, Moldrup P, de Jonge L W 2015 Soil Sci Soc Am J 79 1577


    Katuwal S, Norgaard T, Moldrup P, Lamande M, Wildenschild D, de Jonge L W 2015 Geoderma 237 9


    Peyton R L, Anderson S H, Gantzer C J, Wigger J W, Heinze D J, Wang H 1994 Sssa Spec Publ 59


    Shi B, Murakami Y, Wu Z, Chen J, Inyang H 1999 Eng Geol 54 321


    Hanson J E, Binning L K, Drieslein R A, Stoltenberg D E, Gehring M A, Bonanno A M 1991 Preferential Flow 129


    Comina C, Cosentini R M, Della Vecchia G, Foti S, Musso G 2011 Acta Geotech 6 195


    Marchuk A, Rengasamy P, McNeill A, Kumar A 2012 Soil Res 50 638


    Tollner E W, Verma B P, Cheshire J M 1987 T Asae 30 1605


    Tollner E W 1991 Agr Ecosyst Environ 34 251


    Thieme J, Schneider G, Knochel C 2003 Micron 34 339


    Fischer D, Pagenkemper S, Nellesen J, Peth S, Horn R, Schloter M 2013 J Microbiol Meth 93 121


    Rabot E, Lacoste M, Henault C, Cousin I 2015 Vadose Zone J 14


    Baveye P, Rogasik H, Wendroth O, Onasch I, Crawford J W 2002 Meas Sci Technol 13 775


    Sleutel S, Cnudde V, Masschaele B, Vlassenbroek J, Dierick M, Van Hoorebeke L, Jacobs P, De Neve S 2008 Comput Geosci 34 931


    Taina I A, Heck R J, Elliot T R 2008 Can J Soil Sci 88 1


    Zhou H, Peng X, Peth S, Xiao T Q 2012 Soil Till Res 124 17


    Zhao D, Xu M X, Liu G B, Yao X, Tuo D F, Zhang R R, Xiao T Q, Peng G Y 2017 Soil Till Res 165 239


    Wang Y, Li C H, Hu Y Z 2018 Arab J Geosci 11199


    Yang Y H, Wu J C, Zhao S W, Han Q Y, Pan X Y, He F, Chen C 2018 Sci Rep 8695


    Zhou H, Mooney S J, Peng X H 2017 Soil Sci Soc Am J 81 1270


    Yu X, Fu Y, Lu S 2017 Eur J Soil Sci 68 66


    Yao X L, Fang L L, Qi J L, Yu F 2017 J Offshore Mech Arct 139021501


    Wang J M, Guo L L, Bai Z K 2017 Arch Agron Soil Sci 63 1685


    Rabot E, Wiesmeierc M, Schluter S, Vogel H J 2018 Geoderma 314 122

  • [1]

    Zhang J 2015 World Journal of Forestry 4 13


    Sinobas L R, Rodríguez M G 2012 A Review of Subsurface Drip Irrigation and Its Management (InTech) p177


    Currie D R 2006 Ph. D. Dissertation (Adlaide: The University of Adelaide)


    Niu W, Guo Q, Zhou X, Helmers M J 2011 Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76 815


    Bhattarai S P, Pendergast L, Midmore D J 2006 Sci. Hortic-Amsterdam 108 278


    Bagatur T 2014 Arab J. Sci. Eng. 39 2525


    Niu W Q, Guo C, Shao H B, Wu P T 2011 Afr. J. Biotechnol. 10 949


    Wang F X, Kang Y H, Liu S P 2006 Agr Water Manage 79 248


    Kang Y H, Liu S H, Wan S Q, Wang R S 2013 Paddy Water Environ 11 87


    Liu S H, Kang Y H, Wan S Q, Wang Z C, Liang Z W, Jiang S F, Wang R S 2012 Agr Water Manage 109 127


    Hassanli A M, Javan M, Saadat Y 2008 Environ Monit Assess 144 151


    Tan J L, Kang Y H 2009 Agr Sci China 8 1228


    Niu W Q, Guo Q, Zhou X B, Helmers M J 2012 Soil Sci Soc Am J 76 815


    Phogat V K, Aylmore L A G 1989 Aust J Soil Res 27 313


    Grevers M C J, Dejong E 1994 Sssa Spec Publ 73


    Hu Y B, Feng J, Yang T, Wang C 2014 Hydrol Process 28 3419


    Zhang J M, Xu Z M, Li F, Hou R J, Ren Z 2017 J Mt Sci-Engl 14 474


    Heijs A W J, Delange J, Schoute J F T, Bouma J 1995 Geoderma 64 183


    Finizola A, Aubert M, Revil A, Schutze C, Sortino F 2009 J Volcanol Geoth Res 183 213


    Hainsworth J M, Aylmore L A G 1983 Aust J Soil Res 21 435


    Anderson S H, Gantzer C J, Boone J M, Tully R J 1988 Soil Sci Soc Am J 52 35


    Hopmans J W, Vogel T, Koblik P D 1992 Soil Sci Soc Am J 56 355


    Beraldo J M G, Scannavino F D A, Cruvinel P E 2014 Eng Agr-Jaboticabal 34 1162


    Katuwal S, Arthur E, Tuller M, Moldrup P, de Jonge L W 2015 Soil Sci Soc Am J 79 1577


    Katuwal S, Norgaard T, Moldrup P, Lamande M, Wildenschild D, de Jonge L W 2015 Geoderma 237 9


    Peyton R L, Anderson S H, Gantzer C J, Wigger J W, Heinze D J, Wang H 1994 Sssa Spec Publ 59


    Shi B, Murakami Y, Wu Z, Chen J, Inyang H 1999 Eng Geol 54 321


    Hanson J E, Binning L K, Drieslein R A, Stoltenberg D E, Gehring M A, Bonanno A M 1991 Preferential Flow 129


    Comina C, Cosentini R M, Della Vecchia G, Foti S, Musso G 2011 Acta Geotech 6 195


    Marchuk A, Rengasamy P, McNeill A, Kumar A 2012 Soil Res 50 638


    Tollner E W, Verma B P, Cheshire J M 1987 T Asae 30 1605


    Tollner E W 1991 Agr Ecosyst Environ 34 251


    Thieme J, Schneider G, Knochel C 2003 Micron 34 339


    Fischer D, Pagenkemper S, Nellesen J, Peth S, Horn R, Schloter M 2013 J Microbiol Meth 93 121


    Rabot E, Lacoste M, Henault C, Cousin I 2015 Vadose Zone J 14


    Baveye P, Rogasik H, Wendroth O, Onasch I, Crawford J W 2002 Meas Sci Technol 13 775


    Sleutel S, Cnudde V, Masschaele B, Vlassenbroek J, Dierick M, Van Hoorebeke L, Jacobs P, De Neve S 2008 Comput Geosci 34 931


    Taina I A, Heck R J, Elliot T R 2008 Can J Soil Sci 88 1


    Zhou H, Peng X, Peth S, Xiao T Q 2012 Soil Till Res 124 17


    Zhao D, Xu M X, Liu G B, Yao X, Tuo D F, Zhang R R, Xiao T Q, Peng G Y 2017 Soil Till Res 165 239


    Wang Y, Li C H, Hu Y Z 2018 Arab J Geosci 11199


    Yang Y H, Wu J C, Zhao S W, Han Q Y, Pan X Y, He F, Chen C 2018 Sci Rep 8695


    Zhou H, Mooney S J, Peng X H 2017 Soil Sci Soc Am J 81 1270


    Yu X, Fu Y, Lu S 2017 Eur J Soil Sci 68 66


    Yao X L, Fang L L, Qi J L, Yu F 2017 J Offshore Mech Arct 139021501


    Wang J M, Guo L L, Bai Z K 2017 Arch Agron Soil Sci 63 1685


    Rabot E, Wiesmeierc M, Schluter S, Vogel H J 2018 Geoderma 314 122

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  • Received Date:  15 July 2018
  • Accepted Date:  26 December 2018
  • Published Online:  05 January 2019

