Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy is a kind of nonlinear optical spectroscopy with both high time resolution and high frequency resolution. It can be used to observe the complex dynamics of a condensed molecular system. Meanwhile it is a very powerful tool to study the coherence between the electronic states or electronic and vibration states. In 2007, Flemming's group reported the long-lived quantum coherence observed in the energy transfer process in the light-harvesting antenna protein complex Fenna-Matthews-Olson at 77 K by means of two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy. Though it has been proved not to arise from the pure electronic coherence later, this discovery has greatly stimulated the exploration of the coherent energy transfer pathways possibly existing in the natural and artificial photosynthetic systems, and this is still a very active area nowadays. Here in this paper we briefly review the principle and set-up of the two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, and also some of its applications in investigating coherent energy transfer in the photosynthetic and artificial systems, aiming to bring this novel spectroscopic tool into a wider application.
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[1] Engel G S, Calhoun T R, Read E L, Ahn T K, Mancal T, Cheng Y C, Blankenship R E, Fleming G R 2007 Nature 446 782
[2] Panitchayangkoon G, Hayes D, Fransted K A, Caram J R, Harel E, Wen J Z, Blankenship R E, Engel G S 2010 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107 12766
[3] Collini E, Wong C Y, Wilk K E, Curmi P M G, Brumer P, Scholes G D 2010 Nature 463 644
[4] Weng Y X 2010 Physics 39 331 (in Chinese)[翁羽翔 2010 物理 39 331]
[5] Ball P (translated by Weng Y X) 2018 Physics 47 249 (in Chinese)[保尔 P (翁羽翔 编译) 2018 物理 47 249]
[6] Fuller F D, Pan J, Gelzinis A, Butkus V, Senlik S S, Wilcox D E, Yocum C F, Valkunas L, Abramavicius D, Ogilvie J P 2014 Nat. Chem. 6 706
[7] Halpin A, Johnson P J M, Tempelaar R, Murphy R S, Knoester J, Jansen T L C, Miller R J D 2014 Nat. Chem. 6 196
[8] Romero E, Augulis R, Novoderzhkin V I, Ferretti M, Thieme J, Zigmantas D, van Grondelle R 2014 Nat. Phys. 10 676
[9] Dean J C, Mirkovic T, Toa Z D, Oblinsky D G, Scholes G D 2016 Chem 1 858
[10] Weng Y X 2018 Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 31 135
[11] Mukamel S 1995 Principles of Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy (Oxford:Oxford University Press)
[12] Hybl J D, Albrecht A W, Faeder S M G, Jonas D M 1998 Chem. Phys. Lett. 297 307
[13] Oliver T A 2018 R. Soc. Open Sci. 5 171425
[14] Davis J A, Tollerud J O 2017 Prog. Quant. Electron. 55 1
[15] Brixner T, Hildner R, Kohler J, Lambert C, Wurthner F 2017 Adv. Energy Mater. 7 1700236
[16] Nuernberger P, Ruetzel S, Brixner T 2015 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54 11368
[17] Fuller F D, Ogilvie J P 2015 Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 66 667
[18] Schlau-Cohen G S, Dawlaty J M, Fleming G R 2012 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 18 283
[19] Zhang Z, Tan H S 2014 Multidimensional Optical Spectroscopy Using a Pump-probe Configuration:Some Implementation Details (Singapore:World Scientific Publishing) pp29-35
[20] Yue S, Wang Z, He X C, Zhu G B, Weng Y X 2015 Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 28 509
[21] Yue S, Wang Z, Leng X, Zhu R D, Chen H L, Weng Y X 2017 Chem. Phys. Lett. 683 591
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