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A new magnetic field system for 3He polarization

Wang Wen-Zhao Hu Bi-Tao Zheng Hao Tu Xiao-Qing Gao Peng-Lin Yan Song Guo Wen-Chuan Yan Hai-Yang


A new magnetic field system for 3He polarization

Wang Wen-Zhao, Hu Bi-Tao, Zheng Hao, Tu Xiao-Qing, Gao Peng-Lin, Yan Song, Guo Wen-Chuan, Yan Hai-Yang
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  • The nuclear spin-polarized 3He gas has been in depth studied and widely used in various scientific experiments. The polarized 3He gas can be used as a polarized neutron target to study the reaction of neutrons with charged particles or photon beams. On the other hand, spin polarized 3He gas is a good probe for detecting the new interactions in the supernormal model, and has many other applications as follows:the spin-dependent interaction can be studied quantitatively by measuring the NMR frequency shift but the spin-dependent interaction can also be studied by measuring the relaxation time of polarized 3He gas; the polarized 3He gas can be applied to magnetometers and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); the highly polarized 3He gas can be used as a neutron spin filter for neutron polarization and polarization analysis because of the high correlation between the absorption cross section of the neutron in polarized 3He nucleus and the spin orientation. At present, the three major domestic sources of neutron, CMRR, CARR, and CSNS, are used to study the neutron polarization and polarization analysis techniques based on spin polarized 3He gas. The longitudinal (or spin-lattice) relaxation time (i.e., T1) of 3He is a key parameter that limits the polarizability of 3He gas. In order to reduce the effect of magnetic field gradient on the longitudinal relaxation time of polarized 3He gas, large-sized Helmholtz coils are usually constructed to provide the main magnetic field where the uniformity in the magnetic field central region reaches 10-4 cm-1. To obtain enough magnetic field uniformity, some magnetic field systems even exceed 1.5 m in size. However, it is expected to have a small magnetic field configuration from the view of practicality and convenience. For the common size (3He cells, Merritt coil and Saddle coil can effectively reduce the size of the magnetic field apparatus. However, for electron scattering experiments of 3He cells, the chamber length can be 40 cm. The system length exceeds 1 m even by using the Merritt coil. In this work, a new six-coil system for 3He polarization is obtained. Within the coils, the magnetic field gradient satisfies the requirement that √|▽Bx|2+|▽By|2/B0 -4 cm-1 in more than 30% area, which is better than all the existing coils used in polarized 3He experiments and can be applied to the future 3He instruments. For other experiments that require magnetic field to have a large uniform area, the new six-coil system is also a good option.
      Corresponding author: Hu Bi-Tao,; ; Yan Hai-Yang,;
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Program for Research and Development of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0401500) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11675152, 91636103, 11575073).

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    Laskaris G 2014 Phys. Rev. C 89 59


    Tullney K, Allmendinger F, Burghoff M, Heil W, Karpuk S, Kilian W, Knappe-Gruneberg S, Muller M, Schmidt U, Schnabel A, Seifert F, Sobolev Y, Trahms L 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 100801


    Yan H Y, Sun G A, Gong J, Pang B B, Wang Y, Yang Y W, Zhang J, Zhang Y 2014 Eur. Phys. J. C 74 1


    Chu P H, Dennis A, Fu C B, Gao H Y, Khaiwada R, Laskaris G, Li K, Smith E, Snow W M, Yan H Y, Zhang W 2013 Phys. Rev. D 87 011105


    Yan H Y, Sun G A, Peng S M, Zhang Y, Fu C B, Guo H, Liu B Q 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 182001


    Limes M E, Sheng D, Romalis M V 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 033401


    Nikiel A, Blmler P, Heil W, Hehn M, Karpuk S, Maul A, Otten E, Schreiber L M, Terekhov M 2014 Eur. Phys. J. D 68 1


    Couch M J, Blasiak B, Tomanek B, Ouriadov A V, Fox M S, Dowhos K M, Albert M S 2015 Mol. Imaging Biol. 17 149


    Jiang C Y, Tong X, Brown D R, Lee W T, Ambaye H, Craig J W, Crowa L, Culbertson H, Goyette R, Graves-Brook M K, Hagen M E, Kadron B, Lauter V, McCollum L W, Robertson J L, Winn B, Vandegrifta A E 2013 Phys. Procedia 42 191


    Zheng W, Gao H Y, Liu J G, Zhang Y, Ye Q, Swank C 2011 Phys. Rev. A 84 053411


    Guigue M, Pignol G, Golub R, Petukhov K A 2014 Phys. Rev. A 90 013407


    Maxwell J D, Epstein C S, Milner R G 2015 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A 777 194


    Babcock E D 2005 Ph. D. Dissertation (Madison:University of Wisconsin-Madison)


    Lu R C 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Lanzhou:Institute of Modern Physics) (in Chinese)[卢荣春 2009 博士学位论文 (兰州:中国近代物理研究所)]


    Zhang Y 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Lanzhou:Lanzhou University) (in Chinese)[张毅 2011 博士学位论文 (兰州:兰州大学)]


    Ding S Q 1985 CN Patent 85102592 (in Chinese)[丁守谦 1985 中国专利 CN85102592]


    Merrittt R, Purcell C, Stroink G 1983 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 54 879


    Gottardi G, Mesirca P, Agostini C, Remondini D, Bersani F 2003 Bioelectromagnetics 24 125


    Gentile T R, Nacher P J, Saam B, Walker T G 2017 Rev. Mod. Phys. 89 045004


    Mciver J W, Erwin R, Chen W C, Gentile T R 2009 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80 168

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  • Received Date:  30 March 2018
  • Accepted Date:  25 May 2018
  • Published Online:  05 September 2018

