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One-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic simulation of the magnetic drive isentropic compression experiments on primary test stand

Zhang Yang Xue Chuang Ding Ning Liu Hai-Feng Song Hai-Feng Zhang Zhao-Hui Wang Gui-Lin Sun Shun-Kai Ning Cheng Dai Zi-Huan Shu Xiao-Jian


One-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic simulation of the magnetic drive isentropic compression experiments on primary test stand

Zhang Yang, Xue Chuang, Ding Ning, Liu Hai-Feng, Song Hai-Feng, Zhang Zhao-Hui, Wang Gui-Lin, Sun Shun-Kai, Ning Cheng, Dai Zi-Huan, Shu Xiao-Jian
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  • The 10 MA primary test stand (PTS), the most powerful pulse power generator in China, is used to obtain isentropic compression of Al samples under a pressure of about 100 GPa. The high performance of laser-triggered gas switches enables the precise synchronization of the 24 modules according to the required timing sequence. This advantage makes the PTS a very good platform for dynamic material compression with fundamental capability of pulse shaping. Tens of isentropic compression experiments have been conducted on the PTS, among which two distinct loading profiles were designed and used to obtain distinct compression processes. The first current, which is used to obtain a shockless compression, has a relatively smooth rise, and the rise-rate keeps almost constant during the 400 ns-long compression. The second current shape has a mild rise but a sharp ends, which is designed to make an artificial turn-point in the velocity history, which is helpful for the numerical code verification. The current profile, as well as the sample thickness, is optimized by a one-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamic (1D MHD) code MADE1D coupled with a full circuit model for the PTS. The equation of state and conductivity model used here have a wide coverage in the density, temperature and pressure range. The strength of material and its constitution model are also taken into consideration to simulate the elastic and plastic flow of metal at relatively low pressure and temperature. Compared with the experimental results, the simulated velocity at the sample/window interface is found to agree well with the measurement for most of the cases. This suggests that the MHD simulations with the circuit model are able to reflect the main process of the loading history, and help to analyze and elucidate the phenomena contributing to the compression. It shows that the current waveform is one of the most important factors that affect the loading process. For the PTS and strip-line electrodes it uses, a current rise ratio less than 15 kA/ns helps to obtain a smooth off-Hugoniot pressure rise. The temperature rise due to the pdV work is very small, and most of the sample material, except those in the skin layer where current passes through, keeps solid during the compression. However, for a current rises at 40 kA/ns or more, the ramp loading wave could be sharpened into a shock within the sample thicker than 1.2 mm. Based on the PTS flexibility of pulse shaping, a wide range of desired load processes can be gained by designing and controlling the load current and sample thickness precisely.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Yang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11405012, 11675025, 91330107) and the Foundation of President of China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant No. 2014-1-042).

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    Seidel D B, Langston W L, Coats R S, Knudson M D, Lemke R W, Davis J, Pointon T D 2009 Proceeding of 17th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference Washington, DC, USA, June 28-July 2, 2009 1165


    Knudson M D 2012 AIP Conf. Proc. 1426 35


    Hall C A, Asay J R, Knudson M D, Stygar W A, Spielman R B, Pointon T D, Reisman D B, Toor A, Cauble R C 2001 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72 3587


    Hall C A 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 2069


    Rothman S D, Parker K W, Davis J, Palmer J, Maw J 2004 AIP Conf. Proc. 706 1235


    Reisman D B, Torr A, Cauble R C 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 89 1625


    Asay J R, Hall C A, Holland K G 2000 AIP Conf. Proc. 505 1151


    Davis J, Hayes D B, Asay J R, Watts P W, Flores P A, Reisman D B 2002 AIP Conf. Proc. 620 221


    Reisman D B, Forbes J W, Tarver C M, Garcia F, Cauble R C, Hall C A, Asay J R 2002 AIP Conf. Proc. 620 849


    Lemke R W, Knudson M D, Davis J 2011 Int. J. Impact Eng. 38 480


    Robinson A C, Brunner T A, Carrol S 2008 Proc. 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Reno, USA Janary 7-10, 2008 AIAA-2008-1235


    Waanders B G B, Eldred M S, Giunta A A, Reese G M, Bhardwaj M K, Fulcher C W 2001 Proc. 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference Seattle, USA April 16-19, 2001 AIAA-2001-1625


    Struve K W 2008 Proc. 2008 IEEE Int. Power Modulators and High Voltage Conference Las Vegas, USA, May 27-31, 2008 94


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    Cai J T, Wang G J, Zhao J H, Mo J J, Weng J D, Wu G, Zhao F 2010 Chin. J. High Pressure Phys. 6 455 (in Chinese) [蔡进涛, 王桂吉, 赵剑衡, 莫建军, 翁继东, 吴刚, 赵峰 2010 高压 6 455]


    Wang G J, Zhao J H, Sun C W, Liu C L, Tan F L, Luo B Q, Zhong T, Cai J T, Zhang X P, Chen X M, Wu G, Shui R J, Xu C, Ma X, Deng S Y, Tao Y H 2015 J. Exp. Mech. 30 252 (in Chinese) [王桂吉, 赵剑衡, 孙承纬, 刘仓理, 谭福利, 罗斌强, 种涛, 蔡进涛, 张旭平, 陈学秒, 吴刚, 税荣杰, 胥超, 马骁, 邓顺义, 陶彦辉 2015 力学实验 30 252]


    Deng J J, Xie W P, Feng S P, Wang M, Li H T, Song S Y, Xia M H, He A, Tian Q, Gu Y C, Guang Y C, Wei B, Zou W K, Huang X B, Wang L J, Zhang Z H, He Y, Yang L B 2013 IEEE Trans. Plamsa Sci. 41 2580


    Wang G L, Guo S, Shen Z W, Zhang Z H, Liu C L, Li J, Zhang Z W, Jia Y S, Zhao X M, Chen H, Feng S P, Ji C, Xia M H, Wei B, Tian Q, Li Y, Ding Y, Guo F 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 196201 (in Chinese) [王贵林, 郭帅, 沈兆武, 张朝辉, 刘仓理, 李军, 章征伟, 贾月松, 赵小明, 陈宏, 丰树平, 计策, 夏明鹤, 卫兵, 田青, 李勇, 丁瑜, 郭帆 2014 63 196201]


    Hayes D, Vorthman J, Fritz J 2001 Las Alamos National Laboratory Report No. LA-13830-MS


    Hayes D 2001 Sandia National Laboratory Report No. SAND 2001-1440


    Steinberg D J, Cochran S G, Guinan M W 1980 J. Appl. Phys. 51 1498


    Lindemann F A 1911 Phyisics Z 11 609


    Liu H F, Song H F, Zhang Q L, Zhang G M, Zhao Y H 2016 Matter and Radiation at Extremes 1 123


    Kemp A J, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 1999 MPQeos A New Equation of State Code for Hot, Dense Matter (short documentation, version 20)


    Lee Y T, More R M 1984 Phys. Fluids 27 1273


    Xue C, Ding N, Zhang Y, Xiao D L, Sun S K, Ning C, Shu X J 2016 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 28 015014 (in Chinese) [薛创, 丁宁, 张扬, 肖德龙, 孙顺凯, 宁成, 束小建 2016 强激光与粒子束 28 015014]


    Xue C, Ning C, Zhang Y, Xiao D L, Sun S K, Huang J, Ding N, Shu X J 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 2391 (in Chinese) [薛创, 宁成, 张扬, 肖德龙, 孙顺凯, 黄俊, 丁宁, 束小建 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 2391]

  • [1]

    Hua J S, Jing F Q, Gong Z Z, Tan H, Xu N X, Dong Y B, Chen D Q 2000 Chin. J. High Pressure Phys. 14 195 (in Chinese) [华劲松, 经福谦, 龚自正, 谭华, 徐南仙, 董玉斌, 陈栋泉 2000 高压 14 195]


    Sun C W 2005 Detonation Wave and Shock Wave 2 84 (in Chinese) [孙承纬 2005 爆轰波与冲击波 2 84]


    Barker L M, Hollenbach R E 1970 J. Appl. Phys. 41 4208


    Ding F, Huang S H, Jing F Q, Dong Y B, Li Z R 1990 Chin. J. High Pressure Phys. 4 150 (in Chinese) [丁峰, 黄士辉, 经福谦, 董玉斌, 李泽仁 1990 高压 4 150]


    Shen Q, Wang C B, Zhang L M, Hua J S, Tan H, Jing F Q 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 1759 (in Chinese) [沈强, 王传彬, 张联盟, 华劲松, 谭华, 经福谦 2002 51 1759]


    Shan L Q, Gao Y L, Xin J T, Wang F, Peng X S, Xu T, Zhou W M, Zhao Z Q, Cao L F, Wu Y C, Zhu B, Liu H J, Liu D X, Shui M, He Y L, Zhan X Y, Gu Y Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 135204 (in Chinese) [单连强, 高宇林, 辛建婷, 王峰, 彭晓世, 徐涛, 周维民, 赵宗清, 曹磊峰, 吴玉迟, 朱斌, 刘红杰, 刘东晓, 税敏, 何颖玲, 詹夏宇, 谷渝秋 2012 61 135204]


    Hayes D B, Hall C A, Asay J R, Knudson M D 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 96 5520


    Davis J, Deeney C, Knudson M D, Lemke R W, Pointon T D, Bliss D E 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 056310


    Seidel D B, Langston W L, Coats R S, Knudson M D, Lemke R W, Davis J, Pointon T D 2009 Proceeding of 17th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference Washington, DC, USA, June 28-July 2, 2009 1165


    Knudson M D 2012 AIP Conf. Proc. 1426 35


    Hall C A, Asay J R, Knudson M D, Stygar W A, Spielman R B, Pointon T D, Reisman D B, Toor A, Cauble R C 2001 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72 3587


    Hall C A 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 2069


    Rothman S D, Parker K W, Davis J, Palmer J, Maw J 2004 AIP Conf. Proc. 706 1235


    Reisman D B, Torr A, Cauble R C 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 89 1625


    Asay J R, Hall C A, Holland K G 2000 AIP Conf. Proc. 505 1151


    Davis J, Hayes D B, Asay J R, Watts P W, Flores P A, Reisman D B 2002 AIP Conf. Proc. 620 221


    Reisman D B, Forbes J W, Tarver C M, Garcia F, Cauble R C, Hall C A, Asay J R 2002 AIP Conf. Proc. 620 849


    Lemke R W, Knudson M D, Davis J 2011 Int. J. Impact Eng. 38 480


    Robinson A C, Brunner T A, Carrol S 2008 Proc. 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Reno, USA Janary 7-10, 2008 AIAA-2008-1235


    Waanders B G B, Eldred M S, Giunta A A, Reese G M, Bhardwaj M K, Fulcher C W 2001 Proc. 19th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference Seattle, USA April 16-19, 2001 AIAA-2001-1625


    Struve K W 2008 Proc. 2008 IEEE Int. Power Modulators and High Voltage Conference Las Vegas, USA, May 27-31, 2008 94


    Wang G J, Tan F L, Sun C W, Zhao J H, Wang G H, Mo J J, Zhang N, Wang X S, Wu G, Han M 2009 Chin. J. High Pressure Phys. 4 266 (in Chinese) [王桂吉, 谭福利, 孙承纬, 赵剑衡, 王刚华, 莫建军, 张宁, 汪小松, 吴刚, 韩梅 2009 高压 4 266]


    Cai J T, Wang G J, Zhao J H, Mo J J, Weng J D, Wu G, Zhao F 2010 Chin. J. High Pressure Phys. 6 455 (in Chinese) [蔡进涛, 王桂吉, 赵剑衡, 莫建军, 翁继东, 吴刚, 赵峰 2010 高压 6 455]


    Wang G J, Zhao J H, Sun C W, Liu C L, Tan F L, Luo B Q, Zhong T, Cai J T, Zhang X P, Chen X M, Wu G, Shui R J, Xu C, Ma X, Deng S Y, Tao Y H 2015 J. Exp. Mech. 30 252 (in Chinese) [王桂吉, 赵剑衡, 孙承纬, 刘仓理, 谭福利, 罗斌强, 种涛, 蔡进涛, 张旭平, 陈学秒, 吴刚, 税荣杰, 胥超, 马骁, 邓顺义, 陶彦辉 2015 力学实验 30 252]


    Deng J J, Xie W P, Feng S P, Wang M, Li H T, Song S Y, Xia M H, He A, Tian Q, Gu Y C, Guang Y C, Wei B, Zou W K, Huang X B, Wang L J, Zhang Z H, He Y, Yang L B 2013 IEEE Trans. Plamsa Sci. 41 2580


    Wang G L, Guo S, Shen Z W, Zhang Z H, Liu C L, Li J, Zhang Z W, Jia Y S, Zhao X M, Chen H, Feng S P, Ji C, Xia M H, Wei B, Tian Q, Li Y, Ding Y, Guo F 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 196201 (in Chinese) [王贵林, 郭帅, 沈兆武, 张朝辉, 刘仓理, 李军, 章征伟, 贾月松, 赵小明, 陈宏, 丰树平, 计策, 夏明鹤, 卫兵, 田青, 李勇, 丁瑜, 郭帆 2014 63 196201]


    Hayes D, Vorthman J, Fritz J 2001 Las Alamos National Laboratory Report No. LA-13830-MS


    Hayes D 2001 Sandia National Laboratory Report No. SAND 2001-1440


    Steinberg D J, Cochran S G, Guinan M W 1980 J. Appl. Phys. 51 1498


    Lindemann F A 1911 Phyisics Z 11 609


    Liu H F, Song H F, Zhang Q L, Zhang G M, Zhao Y H 2016 Matter and Radiation at Extremes 1 123


    Kemp A J, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 1999 MPQeos A New Equation of State Code for Hot, Dense Matter (short documentation, version 20)


    Lee Y T, More R M 1984 Phys. Fluids 27 1273


    Xue C, Ding N, Zhang Y, Xiao D L, Sun S K, Ning C, Shu X J 2016 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 28 015014 (in Chinese) [薛创, 丁宁, 张扬, 肖德龙, 孙顺凯, 宁成, 束小建 2016 强激光与粒子束 28 015014]


    Xue C, Ning C, Zhang Y, Xiao D L, Sun S K, Huang J, Ding N, Shu X J 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 2391 (in Chinese) [薛创, 宁成, 张扬, 肖德龙, 孙顺凯, 黄俊, 丁宁, 束小建 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 2391]

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  • Received Date:  29 August 2017
  • Accepted Date:  20 October 2017
  • Published Online:  05 February 2018

