Measurement of audio signal plays a significant role in many applications, such as gravitational wave detection, bio-particle imaging and magnetometer. In this paper, low-frequency squeezed light is generated by a non-degenerate optical parametric amplifier. In order to avoid the effect of injected light on low-frequency squeezing, an auxiliary laser is used to lock the length of non-degenerate optical parametric amplifier and a method of locking quantum noise is employed to lock the phase between the local light and the squeezed light. By isolating the vibration noises at low-frequency and reducing back action of parasitic interference, the squeezing of (7.1±0.1) dB takes place at 19 kHz. Then the squeezed light is injected into the Mach-Zehnder interferometer to measure an audio signal which drives a piezoelectric transducer to generate a small phase variation between two arms of Mach-Zehnder interferometer. According to the low-frequency squeezing, we realize experimentally the measurement of phase signal at audio frequency which exceeds the shot-noise limit of (3.0±0.4) dB. The experiment provides technical supports for the generation of low-frequency squeezed light and the measurement of audio signal. Furthermore it can be extended to other quantum measurements, such as high-precision magnetometer and measurement of small-displacement.
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[1] Giovannetti V, Lloyd S, Maccone L 2011 Nat. Photon. 5 222
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[5] Sun H X, Liu Z L, Liu K, Yang R G, Zhang J X, Gao J R 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 084202
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[15] Bachor H A, Ralph T C 2004 A Guide to Experiment in Quantum Optics (2nd Ed.) (Berlin: Wiley-Vch) pp115-119
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[23] Zhang Y, Yu X D, Di K, Li W, Zhang J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 084204 (in Chinese) [张岩, 于旭东, 邸克, 李卫, 张靖 2013 62 084204]
[24] Kirk M K, Eugeniy E M, Keisuke G, Ping K L, Nicolai G, Malcolm B G, Nergis M, David E M 2005 J. Opt. B 7 421
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