Laser proximity fuze is a kind of active detecting system which has been extensively equipped in both conventional and guided missile ammunitions. It uses a pulsed laser for detecting and ranging a target, accurately providing information about target angle and distance. The system emits a short pulse of laser beams which come into contact with the target and receives the light scattered back. After transducing light into electric signal, target range could be obtained with proper signal processing technique. The width and amplitude of the echo could vary if targets are of different characteristics, which leads to distributed target ranging results. Therefore, a better understanding of the relationship between target characteristic and ranging distribution can increase the precision of the pulsed laser proximity detecting system.In this paper, the emitted laser is modeled as a Gaussian pulse. The corresponding impulse response equation and echo equation of the pulsed laser for the planer target are derived. Considering the echo broadening effect, relative broadening ratio is determined from the echo equation. Then the relationships between the echo broadening coefficient and the parameters of tilt angle of planar target, laser divergence angle, and laser pulse width are analyzed. The results show that relative broadening ratio increases with the increase of the tilt angle of planar target or laser divergence angle, and decreases as the laser pulse width decreases. Based on the echo equation of pulsed laser and constant threshold leading edge detection, the probability density function of the planar target ranging is derived analytically. The influences of changing parameters of tilt angle of planar target, power of emitted laser, laser divergence angle, and threshold-to-noise ratio(TNR) on statistical ranging distribution are simulated.Monte Carlo simulation is performed for the whole waveform ranging experiment. The pulsed laser ranging platform is built and 20 m ranging experiment is conducted. The result shows that the ranging probability density distribution from Monte Carlo simulation is close to that from the experiment. As the tilting angle of target increases, ranging mean and variance both increase. When the tilting angles are 0, 20, 40 or 60, the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) is larger than the TNR, and the ranging distribution is Gaussian. When the tilting angle is 70, the SNR is smaller than the TNR, and the ranging distribution is distorted with a longer rising edge and a shorter falling edge from the original Gaussian profile. This study could provide theoretical basis for the research of the ranging distribution of pulsed laser detector with the consideration of target characteristic.
- pulsed laser detection /
- plane target echo characteristics /
- constant threshold value /
- probability density distribution of ranging
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[1] Gan L, Zhang H, Zhang X J 2013 Chin. J. Lasers 40 0702009(in Chinese)[甘霖, 张合, 张祥金2013中国激光40 0702009]
[2] Guo J, Zhang H, Wang X F 2012 Chin. J. Lasers 39 0113001(in Chinese)[郭婧, 张合, 王晓锋2012中国激光39 0113001]
[3] Buzzard G 2000 First Annual International Missile & Rocket Sympsium and Exhibition San Diego, USA, Feburay 22-24, 2000 p24
[4] Buzzard G 2010 54th Annual Fuze Conference Kansas City, USA, May 2-6, 2010 p67
[5] Liu P, Li P, Chen H M 2010 Laser J. 31 14(in Chinese)[刘鹏, 栗苹, 陈慧敏2010激光杂志31 14]
[6] Johnson S, Cain S 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 5147
[7] Cain S, Richmond R, Armstrong E 2006 Appl. Opt. 45 6154
[8] Zhao W, Han S K 2014 Trans. Beijing Inst. Technol. 34 501(in Chinese)[赵文, 韩绍坤2014北京理工大学学报34 501]
[9] Jiang H J, Lai J C, Yan W, Wang C Y, Li Z H 2013 Opt. Laser Technol. 45 278
[10] Lai J C, Jiang H J, Yan W, Wang C Y, Li Z H 2013 Optik 124 5202
[11] Steinvall O 2000 Appl. Opt. 39 4381
[12] Johnson S E 2009 J. Appl. Remote Sens. 3 033564
[13] GrÜnwall C, Steinvall O, Gustafsson F, Chevalier T 2007 Opt. Eng. 46 106201
[14] Steinvall O, Chevalier T, Larsson H 2006 Proc. SPIE 6214 62140B
[15] Kurtti S, Kostamovaara J 2011 IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 60 146
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