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Effects of surface groove micro-structure on ejection from shocked metal surface

Zhao Xin-Wen Li Xin-Zhu Wang Xue-Jun Song Ping Zhang Han-Zhao Wu Qiang


Effects of surface groove micro-structure on ejection from shocked metal surface

Zhao Xin-Wen, Li Xin-Zhu, Wang Xue-Jun, Song Ping, Zhang Han-Zhao, Wu Qiang
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  • When a shock wave releases from a metal-vacuum interface, some high velocity metal particles will be ejected from the metal surface which generally produce some tiny grooves on the metal surface. This phenomenon is often called the “micro-ejecta”. In this paper, we numerically investigate the effect of the micro-structures of these tiny grooves on the property of the micro-ejecta. To verify the numerical simulation model, a strict Pb micro-ejecta experiment is carried out, where the breakout pressure is about 40 GPa and the Pb target surface roughness is Ra1.6. The dynamic processes of the micro-ejection caused by the real surface groove of experimental target and simplified isosceles groove (both have a depth of 5 μm and wavelength of 75 μm), are respectively simulated by a two-dimensional smooth particle hydrodynamics method, and the effects of surface groove micro-structure on the micro-ejecta properties are examined. The simulation results of the tip velocity and accumulated mass, obtained from the real surface groove model, are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental results measured via DISAR and Asay foil, implying that the numerical result is exact. The tip velocity and accumulated mass caused by the real surface groove are much larger than those caused by the simplified isosceles groove, and a second ejection phenomenon is found in the micro-ejecta process from the real surface groove model. The process can produce some faster ejecta than a single ejecta process and influence the density distribution of the micro-ejection. It indicates that the micro-ejecta process can also be affected by the micro-structure of the metal surface groove, besides perturbation wavelength and surface groove depth.

    Dimonte G, Terrones G, Cherne F J, Ramaprabhu P 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 113 024905


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    Georgievskaya A, Raevsky V A 2012 AIP Conf. Proc. 1426 1007


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    Vogan W S, Anderson W W, Grover M, Hammerberg J E, King N S P, Lamoreaux S K, Macrum G, Morley K B, Rigg P A, Stevens G D, Turley W D, Veeser L R, Buttler W T 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 113508


    Buttler W T, Zellner M B, Olson R T, Rigg P A, Hixson R S, Hammerberg J E, Obst A W, Payton J R 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 101 063547


    Zellner M B, Grover M, Hammerberg J E, Hixson R S, Iverson A J, Macrum G S, Morley K B, Obst A W, Olson R T, Payton J R, Rigg P A, Routley N, Stevens G D, Turley W D, Veeser L, Buttler W T 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 102 013522


    Monfared S K, Oró D M, Grover M, Hammerberg J E, Lalone B M, Pack C L, Schauer M M, Stevens J B, Turley W D, Buttler W T 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 116 063504


    Zellner M B, Buttler W T 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 114102


    Zellner M B, Byers M, Dimonte G, Hammerberg J E, Germann T C, Rigg P A, Buttler P A 2009 9th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behavior of materials under Dynamic Loading Brussels, Belgium, September 7-11, 2009 p89


    Buttler W T, Hixson R S, King N S P, Olson R T, Rigg P A, Zellner M B, Routley N, Rimmer A 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 151921


    Zellner M B, Vogan McNeil W, Hammerberg J E, Hixson R S, Obst A W, Olson R T, Payton J R, Rigg P A, Routley N, Stenvens G D, Turley W D, Veeser L, Buttler W T 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 123502


    Zellner M B, Vogan McNeil W, Gray G T, Huerta D C, King N S P, Neal G E, Valentine S J, Payton J R, Rubin J, Stevens G D, Tyrley W D, Buttler W T 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 083521


    Dimonte G, Terrones G, Cherne F J, Germann T C, Dupont V, Kadau K, Buttler W T, Oro D M, Morris C, Preston D L 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 264502


    Wang P, Qin C S, Zhang S D, Liu C 2004 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 18 149 (in Chinese) [王裴, 秦承森, 张树道, 刘超 2004 高压 18 149]


    Wang P, Shao J L, Qin C S 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 234701 (in Chinese) [王裴, 邵建立, 秦承森 2012 61 234701]


    Liu C, Qin C S, Feng Q J, Wang P 2009 Chin. J. Comput. Phys. 26 275 (in Chinese) [刘超, 秦承森, 冯其京, 王裴 2009 计算物理 26 275]


    Durand O, Soulard L 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 114 194902


    Germann T C, Hammerberg J E, Holian B L 2004 AIP Conference Proceedings 706 285


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    Tan H 2007 Introduction to Experimental Shocked-Wave Physics (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp113, 114, 188-190 (in Chinese) [谭华 2007 实验冲击波物理导引 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第113, 114, 188-190页]


    Ma Y, Wang X S, Li X Z, Zhang H Z, Hu S L, Li J B, Chen H, Wen J D 2006 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 20 207 (in Chinese) [马云, 汪小松, 李欣竹, 张汉钊, 胡绍楼, 李加波, 陈宏, 翁继东 2006 高压 20 207]

  • [1]

    Dimonte G, Terrones G, Cherne F J, Ramaprabhu P 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 113 024905


    Meyer K A, Blewett P J 1972 Phys. Fluids 15 753


    Han C S 1989 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 3 234 (in Chinese) [韩长生 1989 高压 3 234]


    Georgievskaya A, Raevsky V A 2012 AIP Conf. Proc. 1426 1007


    Walsh J M, Shreffler R G, Willing F J 1953 J. Appl. Phys. 24 349


    Asay J R, Mix L P, Perry F C 1976 Appl. Phys. Lett. 29 284


    Asay J R 1978 J. Appl. Phys. 49 6173


    Vogan W S, Anderson W W, Grover M, Hammerberg J E, King N S P, Lamoreaux S K, Macrum G, Morley K B, Rigg P A, Stevens G D, Turley W D, Veeser L R, Buttler W T 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 113508


    Buttler W T, Zellner M B, Olson R T, Rigg P A, Hixson R S, Hammerberg J E, Obst A W, Payton J R 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 101 063547


    Zellner M B, Grover M, Hammerberg J E, Hixson R S, Iverson A J, Macrum G S, Morley K B, Obst A W, Olson R T, Payton J R, Rigg P A, Routley N, Stevens G D, Turley W D, Veeser L, Buttler W T 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 102 013522


    Monfared S K, Oró D M, Grover M, Hammerberg J E, Lalone B M, Pack C L, Schauer M M, Stevens J B, Turley W D, Buttler W T 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 116 063504


    Zellner M B, Buttler W T 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 114102


    Zellner M B, Byers M, Dimonte G, Hammerberg J E, Germann T C, Rigg P A, Buttler P A 2009 9th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behavior of materials under Dynamic Loading Brussels, Belgium, September 7-11, 2009 p89


    Buttler W T, Hixson R S, King N S P, Olson R T, Rigg P A, Zellner M B, Routley N, Rimmer A 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 151921


    Zellner M B, Vogan McNeil W, Hammerberg J E, Hixson R S, Obst A W, Olson R T, Payton J R, Rigg P A, Routley N, Stenvens G D, Turley W D, Veeser L, Buttler W T 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 123502


    Zellner M B, Vogan McNeil W, Gray G T, Huerta D C, King N S P, Neal G E, Valentine S J, Payton J R, Rubin J, Stevens G D, Tyrley W D, Buttler W T 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 083521


    Dimonte G, Terrones G, Cherne F J, Germann T C, Dupont V, Kadau K, Buttler W T, Oro D M, Morris C, Preston D L 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 264502


    Wang P, Qin C S, Zhang S D, Liu C 2004 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 18 149 (in Chinese) [王裴, 秦承森, 张树道, 刘超 2004 高压 18 149]


    Wang P, Shao J L, Qin C S 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 234701 (in Chinese) [王裴, 邵建立, 秦承森 2012 61 234701]


    Liu C, Qin C S, Feng Q J, Wang P 2009 Chin. J. Comput. Phys. 26 275 (in Chinese) [刘超, 秦承森, 冯其京, 王裴 2009 计算物理 26 275]


    Durand O, Soulard L 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 114 194902


    Germann T C, Hammerberg J E, Holian B L 2004 AIP Conference Proceedings 706 285


    Chen J, Jing F Q, Zhang J L, Chen D Q 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 2386 (in Chinese) [陈军, 经福谦, 张景林, 陈栋泉 2002 51 2386]


    Liu G R, Liu M B 2003 Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: a meshfree particle methods (Singapore: World Scientific) pp315-317


    Jing F Q 1999 Introduction to Experimental Equation of State (Beijing: Science Press) pp25-29 (in Chinese) [经福谦 1999 实验物态方程导引 (北京: 科学出版社) 第25-29页]


    Tan H 2007 Introduction to Experimental Shocked-Wave Physics (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) pp113, 114, 188-190 (in Chinese) [谭华 2007 实验冲击波物理导引 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第113, 114, 188-190页]


    Ma Y, Wang X S, Li X Z, Zhang H Z, Hu S L, Li J B, Chen H, Wen J D 2006 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 20 207 (in Chinese) [马云, 汪小松, 李欣竹, 张汉钊, 胡绍楼, 李加波, 陈宏, 翁继东 2006 高压 20 207]

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  • Received Date:  24 October 2014
  • Accepted Date:  11 December 2014
  • Published Online:  05 June 2015

