This paper proposes a novel multiresolution level set algorithm to segment breast MR images, which have a large amount of information, intensity inhomogeneities, and weak boundary. The core of the algorithm is to get the coarse scale image by analyzing the image in multi-scale space with wavelet multiscale decomposition. Then, to segment the analysed results in terms of improved CV model. In order to deal with the effect of bias field on the global images, the algorithm introduces a local fitting term into the improved CV model and optimizes the coarse-scale segmentation result by using the Kernel function to further improve the CV model. Experimental results on both synthetic and real breast MR images demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can segment the images with intensity inhomogeneity effectively and efficiently, also it can segment the images far more accurately, computationally efficiently, and much less sensitively to the initial contour.
- breast MR images /
- intensity inhomogeneity /
- multiresolution level set /
- improved CV model
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[20] Olivier B, Denis F, Philippe T, Michael U 2009 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18 1179
[21] Li C M, Huan R, Ding Z H, Chris Gatenby J, Metaxas D N, Gorel J C 2011 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 20 2007
[1] Bao S L, Zhou C N, Guo Z G 2010 Biology Fundamental Theory of Medical Imaging (1st Ed.) (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p307 (in Chinese) [包尚联, 周传农, 郭占国 2010 医学影像生物学基础(第1版) (北京: 高等教育出版社) p307]
[2] Cui Y F, Tan Y Q, Zhao B S, Liberman L, Parbhu R, Kaplan J, Theodoulou M, Hudis C, Schwartz LH 2009 Med. Phys. 36 4359
[3] Seiko KS, Kuroki Y, Nasu K, Nawano S, Moriyama N, Okazaki M 2007 Magn. Reson. Ned Sci. 6 21
[4] Tang X, Hong L M, Zu D L 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 078702
[5] Xu Y, Wang W T, Wang W M 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 118704
[6] Zu Z L, Zhou K, Zhang S G, Gao S, Bao S L 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 328
[7] Bao S L, Du J, Gao S 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 088701 (in Chinese)[包尚联, 杜江, 高嵩 2013 62 088701]
[8] Zhang S Y, Bao S L, Kang X J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 208703 (in Chinese)[张首誉, 包尚联, 康孝俭, 高嵩 2013 62 208703]
[9] Fang S, Wu W C, Ying K, Guo H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 048702 (in Chinese)[方晟, 吴文川, 应葵, 郭华 2013 62 048702]
[10] Osher S, Sethian J 1988 A Journal of Computational Physics 79 12
[11] Qian Y, Zhang Y J 2008 Journal of Image and Graphic 13 7) (in Chinese) [钱芸, 张英杰 2008 中国图象图形学报 13 7]
[12] Chan F T, Vese L 2001 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10 266
[13] Klifa C, Carballido-Gamio J, Wilmes L, Laprieb A, Shepherda J, Gibbsa J, Fana B, Noworolskia S, Hyltona N 2010 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 28 8
[14] Gwo C Y, Wei C H, Li Y, Huang PJ 2013 European Journal of Radiology 82 e176
[15] Hayton P, Brady M, Tarassenko L, Moore N 1997 Med. Image Anal. 1 207
[16] Twellmann T, Lichte O, Nattkemper TW 2005 IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 24 1256
[17] Otsu N 1979 IEEE Trans. Syst. Man. Cybernet. 9 62
[18] Li C M, Kao C Y, John Gore C, Ding Z H 2008 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17 1940
[19] Liu H H, Chen Z H, Chen X H Chen Y G 2005 Proceeding of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference Shanghai, China, Septembei 1-4, 2005
[20] Olivier B, Denis F, Philippe T, Michael U 2009 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18 1179
[21] Li C M, Huan R, Ding Z H, Chris Gatenby J, Metaxas D N, Gorel J C 2011 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 20 2007
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