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Effect of electron temperature on the characteristics of plasma sheath in Hall thruster

Duan Ping Cao An-Ning Shen Hong-Juan Zhou Xin-Wei Qin Hai-Juan Liu Jin-Yuan Qing Shao-Wei


Effect of electron temperature on the characteristics of plasma sheath in Hall thruster

Duan Ping, Cao An-Ning, Shen Hong-Juan, Zhou Xin-Wei, Qin Hai-Juan, Liu Jin-Yuan, Qing Shao-Wei
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  • In this paper, the effect of electron temperature on the characteristics of plasma sheath in the channel of Hall thruster is studied by using two-dimensional (2D) particle-in-cell simulation method. The change laws of electron number density, sheath potential, electric field and secondary electron emission coefficient at different electron temperatures are discussed. The results show that when the electron temperature is low, electron number density decreases exponentially in the radial direction and reaches a minimum at the wall, the sheath potential drops and variation of electric field in the radial direction is larger, and the wall potential stays at a stable value, the stability of sheath is better. However, when the electron temperature is high, the electron number density inside the sheath region approximates to that at the sheath boundary, but in a narrow area near the wall it increases rapidly and reaches a maximum at the wall, sheath potential changes slowly, the sheath potential drops and variation of electric field in the radial direction is smaller, and the wall potential tends to maintain a persistent oscillation and the stability of sheath is reduced. The influence of electron temperature on electric field in the axial direction is small. With the increase of the electron temperature, wall secondary electron emission coefficient increases in the early stage, and reduces later.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11275034, 10975026, 11175052, 11005025) and the Key Program of Science and Technology of Liaoning Province, China (Grant No. 2011224007).

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    Duan P, Li X, Shen H J, Chen L, E P 2012 Plasma Sci. Technol. 14 1


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  • [1]

    Steven R O, John M S 2000 3rd International Spacecraft Propulsion Conference Cannes, France, October 10-13, 2000 NASA/TM-2001-210676


    Jankovsky R S, Jacobson D T, Sarmiento C J, Pinero L R, Sarmiento C J 2002 38th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit Indianapolis, Indiana, July 7-10, 2002 AIAA-2002-3675


    Mao G W, Fu X P, Chen M L 2008 Mech. Sci. Technol. Aerospace Engin. 27 853 (in Chinese) [毛根旺, 付西鹏, 陈茂林 2008 机械科学与技术 27 853]


    Brandhorst H W, O’Neill M J, Jones P A, Cassady R J 2002 Acta Astronautica 51 57


    Kang X L, Yu S L, Qiao C X, Zhao Z, Hang G R, Qiu G, Chen H H, Zhang Y 2012 Proceeding of the 8th Chinese Electric Propulsion Conference Beijing, China, November 16-18, 2012 180 (in Chinese) [康小录, 余水淋, 乔彩霞, 赵震, 杭观荣, 邱刚, 陈海辉, 张岩 2012 第八届中国电推进技术学术研讨会 北京, 中国, 11月16–18, 2012 180]


    Yu D R, Zhang F K, Li H, Liu H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1844 (in Chinese) [于达仁, 张凤奎, 李鸿, 刘辉 2009 58 1844]


    Geng S F, Tang D L, Zhao J, Qiu X M 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5520 (in Chinese) [耿少飞, 唐德礼, 赵杰, 邱孝明 2009 58 5520]


    E P, Yu D R, Wu Z W, Han K 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2535 (in Chinese) [鄂鹏, 于达仁, 武志文, 韩轲 2009 58 2535]


    Sydorenko D, Smolyakov A, Kaganovich I, Raitses Y 2006 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 34 815


    Sydorenko D, Smolyakov A, Kaganovich I 2008 Plasmas Phys. 15 053506


    Yu D R, Qing S W, Wang X G, Ding Y J, Duan P 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 025204 (in Chinese) [于达仁, 卿绍伟, 王晓钢, 丁永杰, 段萍 2011 60 025204]


    Qing S W, E P, Duan P 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 205202 (in Chinese) [卿绍伟, 鄂鹏, 段萍 2012 61 205202]


    Qing S W, Li H, Wang X G, Song M J, Yu D R 2012 Eur. Phys. Lett. 100 35002


    Duan P, Li X, E P, Qing S W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 125203 (in Chinese) [段萍, 李肸, 鄂鹏, 卿绍伟2011 60 125203]


    Duan P, Shen H J, Liu J Y, Li X, E P, Chen L 2011 J. Propuls. Technol. 31 185 (in Chinese) [段萍, 沈鸿娟, 刘金远, 李肸, 鄂鹏, 陈龙 2011 推进技术 31 185]


    Duan P, Li X, Shen H J, Chen L, E P 2012 Plasma Sci. Technol. 14 1


    Zhao X Y, Liu J Y, Duan P, Li S G 2012 Chin. J. Vacuum Sci. Technol. 32 279 (in Chinese) [赵晓云, 刘金远, 段萍, 李世刚 2012 真空科学与技术学报 32 279]


    Zhao J, Tang D L, Wang L S 2008 Aerosp. Shanghai 2 36 (in Chinese) [赵杰, 唐德礼, 汪礼胜 2008 上海航天 2 36]


    Qing S W, Yu D R, Wang X G, Duan P 2011 J. Propuls. Technol. 32 813 (in Chinese) [卿绍伟, 于达仁, 王晓钢, 段萍 2011 推进技术 32 813]


    Bugrova A I, Desyatskov A V, Morozov A I 1992 J. Plasma Phys. 18 501


    Guerrini G, Michaut C, Dudeck M, Vesselovzorov A N, Bacal M 25th International Electric Propulsion Conference Cleveland, OH, September, 1997 IEPC 97-053


    Shao F Q 2002 Plasma Particle Simulation (Beijing: Science Press) p12 (in Chinese) [邵福球 2002 等离子体粒子模拟 (北京: 科学出版社) 第12页]


    Xue Z H 2009 M. S. Dissertation (Dalian: Dalian University of Technology) (in Chinese) [薛中华2009 硕士学位论文 (大连:大连理工大学)]


    Fu Z F, Hu Y Q 1995 Space Plasma Numerical Simulation (Hefei: Anhui Science and Technology Publishing House) p446 (in Chinese) [傅竹风, 胡友秋 1995 空间等离子体数值模拟 (合肥: 安徽科学技术出版社) 第446页]

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  • Received Date:  08 March 2013
  • Accepted Date:  25 June 2013
  • Published Online:  05 October 2013

