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Investgation of gas puffing and supersonic molecular beam injection density feedback expriments on EAST

Zheng Xing-Wei Li Jian-Gang Hu Jian-Sheng Li Jia-Hong Cao Bin Wu Jin-Hua


Investgation of gas puffing and supersonic molecular beam injection density feedback expriments on EAST

Zheng Xing-Wei, Li Jian-Gang, Hu Jian-Sheng, Li Jia-Hong, Cao Bin, Wu Jin-Hua
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  • To achieve desirable plasma density control, supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI) feedback control system has been developed on EAST tokamak recently. The performance of SMBI is compared with that of gas puffing feedback system. The performance of pulse width mode is better than that of pulse amplitude mode when gas puffing is used for density feedback control. In one-day experiment scenario, the variation of gas input and wall retention can be clarified into two stages. In the first stage the retention ratio is as high as 80%–90%, and the gas input is of about the order of 1022. However, in the second stage, the retention ratio is in a range of 50%–70%. The gas input of a single discharge is small and the net wall retention grows slowly. The result of SMBI feedback control experiment is also analyzed. The shorter delay time of SMBI makes it more quickly to feedback control the plasma density. Result shows that, compared with gas puffing, the gas input of SMBI decreaseds ~ 30% and the wall retention is reduced ~ 40%. This shows SMBI’s advantage for the long pulse high-density discharges in EAST.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11075185, 11021565), and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2010GB104002).

    Wu J H, Wang X M, Hu J S, Chen Y, Wang H Y, Li J H, Wang J, Bao L M 2009 The Vacuum Engineering Conference Proceedings p74 (in Chinese) [吴金华, 王小明, 胡建生, 陈跃, 王厚银, 李加宏, 王骥, 鲍立曼 2009 真空工程学术交流会论文集, 第74页]


    Gao X Y, Tian P H, Cui C H, Cai X 2012 Nucl. Fusion Plasma Phys. 32 158 (in Chinese) [高霄雁, 田培红, 崔成和, 蔡潇 2012 核聚变与等离子体物理 32 158]


    Yang Y, Maruyama S, Pitts R, Sugihara M, Li W, Jiang T, Li B 2010 Fusion Eng. Des. 85 2292


    Yao L H, Feng B B, Feng Z, Dong J F, Li W Z, Xu D M, Hong W Y 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 596 (in Chinese) [姚良骅, 冯北滨, 冯震, 董贾福, 郦文忠, 徐德明, 洪文玉 2002 51 596]


    Yao L H, Feng B B, Chen C Y, Feng Z, Li W, Jiao Y M 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 4159 (in Chinese) [姚良骅, 冯北滨, 陈程远, 冯震, 李伟, 焦一鸣 2008 57 4159]


    Jiao Y M, Yao L H, Feng B B, Chen C Y, Zhou Y, Shi Z B, Dong J Q, Duan X R 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7191 (in Chinese) [焦一鸣, 姚良骅, 冯北滨, 陈程远, 周艳, 石中兵, 董家齐, 段旭如 2010 59 7191]


    Lang P T, Neuhauser J, Bucalossi J, Chankin A, Coster D P, Drube R, Dux R, Haas G, Horton L D, Kalvin S, Kocsis G, Maraschek M, Mertens V, Rohde V, Rozhansky V, Schneider R, Senichenkov I, Veselova I, Wolfrum E 2005 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47 1495


    Tsitrone E, Bucalossi J, Loarer T, Pégourié B, Brosset C, Adamek A 2003 Proc. 30th EPS Conf. on Controlled Plasma Physics St. Petersburg, 7-11 July 2003 ECA Vol. 27A, O-2. 5A


    Luo J R, Ji Z S, Wang X M, Jie Y X 2001 Nucl. Fusion Plasma Phys. 21 237 (in Chinese) [罗家融, 季振山, 王小明, 揭银先 2001 核聚变与等离子体物理 21 237]


    Yuan Q P, Xiao B J 2010 Fusion Eng. Des. 85 474


    Shi Z B, Yao L H, Ding X T 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 4771 (in Chinese) [石中兵, 姚良骅, 丁玄同 2007 56 4771]


    Wang J, Wang L, Wu J H 2009 Vacuum 5 49 (in Chinese) [王骥, 王玲, 吴金华 2009 真空 5 49]


    Hu J S, Wang X M, Li J H, Wu J H, Chen Y, Wang H Y, Yang D W, Luo N C, Li S F, Li G Y, Wang L, Yu Y W, Dou R C, Hu Q S, Bao L M, Zhao Y P, Li J G 2009 Fusion Eng. Des. 84 2167


    Zuo G Z, Hu J S, Li J G 2010 Plasma Sci. Technol. 12 646


    Tang M, Hu J S, Zuo G Z 2011 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Sci. & Technol. 31 37 (in Chinese) [唐明, 胡建生, 左桂忠 2011 真空科学与技术学报 31 37]


    Bucalossi J, Tsitrone E 2002 Proc. 19th IAEA Conf. on Fusion Energy (Lyon, France, 2002) (Vienna: IAEA) EX/P4-04


    Mukhovatovl V, Shimadal M, Lackner K, Campbell D J, Uckan N A, Wesley J C, Hender T C, Lipschultz B, Loarte A, Stambaugh R D, Goldston R J, Shimomural Y, Fujiwara M, Nagami M, Pustovitov V D, Zohm H 2007 Nucl. Fusion 47 S404


    Sakamoto M, Itoh S, Nakamura K, Zushi H, Hanada K, Jotaki E, Pana Y D, Kawasaki S, Nakashima H 2002 Nucl. Fusion 42 165

  • [1]

    Wu J H, Wang X M, Hu J S, Chen Y, Wang H Y, Li J H, Wang J, Bao L M 2009 The Vacuum Engineering Conference Proceedings p74 (in Chinese) [吴金华, 王小明, 胡建生, 陈跃, 王厚银, 李加宏, 王骥, 鲍立曼 2009 真空工程学术交流会论文集, 第74页]


    Gao X Y, Tian P H, Cui C H, Cai X 2012 Nucl. Fusion Plasma Phys. 32 158 (in Chinese) [高霄雁, 田培红, 崔成和, 蔡潇 2012 核聚变与等离子体物理 32 158]


    Yang Y, Maruyama S, Pitts R, Sugihara M, Li W, Jiang T, Li B 2010 Fusion Eng. Des. 85 2292


    Yao L H, Feng B B, Feng Z, Dong J F, Li W Z, Xu D M, Hong W Y 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 596 (in Chinese) [姚良骅, 冯北滨, 冯震, 董贾福, 郦文忠, 徐德明, 洪文玉 2002 51 596]


    Yao L H, Feng B B, Chen C Y, Feng Z, Li W, Jiao Y M 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 4159 (in Chinese) [姚良骅, 冯北滨, 陈程远, 冯震, 李伟, 焦一鸣 2008 57 4159]


    Jiao Y M, Yao L H, Feng B B, Chen C Y, Zhou Y, Shi Z B, Dong J Q, Duan X R 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7191 (in Chinese) [焦一鸣, 姚良骅, 冯北滨, 陈程远, 周艳, 石中兵, 董家齐, 段旭如 2010 59 7191]


    Lang P T, Neuhauser J, Bucalossi J, Chankin A, Coster D P, Drube R, Dux R, Haas G, Horton L D, Kalvin S, Kocsis G, Maraschek M, Mertens V, Rohde V, Rozhansky V, Schneider R, Senichenkov I, Veselova I, Wolfrum E 2005 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 47 1495


    Tsitrone E, Bucalossi J, Loarer T, Pégourié B, Brosset C, Adamek A 2003 Proc. 30th EPS Conf. on Controlled Plasma Physics St. Petersburg, 7-11 July 2003 ECA Vol. 27A, O-2. 5A


    Luo J R, Ji Z S, Wang X M, Jie Y X 2001 Nucl. Fusion Plasma Phys. 21 237 (in Chinese) [罗家融, 季振山, 王小明, 揭银先 2001 核聚变与等离子体物理 21 237]


    Yuan Q P, Xiao B J 2010 Fusion Eng. Des. 85 474


    Shi Z B, Yao L H, Ding X T 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 4771 (in Chinese) [石中兵, 姚良骅, 丁玄同 2007 56 4771]


    Wang J, Wang L, Wu J H 2009 Vacuum 5 49 (in Chinese) [王骥, 王玲, 吴金华 2009 真空 5 49]


    Hu J S, Wang X M, Li J H, Wu J H, Chen Y, Wang H Y, Yang D W, Luo N C, Li S F, Li G Y, Wang L, Yu Y W, Dou R C, Hu Q S, Bao L M, Zhao Y P, Li J G 2009 Fusion Eng. Des. 84 2167


    Zuo G Z, Hu J S, Li J G 2010 Plasma Sci. Technol. 12 646


    Tang M, Hu J S, Zuo G Z 2011 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Sci. & Technol. 31 37 (in Chinese) [唐明, 胡建生, 左桂忠 2011 真空科学与技术学报 31 37]


    Bucalossi J, Tsitrone E 2002 Proc. 19th IAEA Conf. on Fusion Energy (Lyon, France, 2002) (Vienna: IAEA) EX/P4-04


    Mukhovatovl V, Shimadal M, Lackner K, Campbell D J, Uckan N A, Wesley J C, Hender T C, Lipschultz B, Loarte A, Stambaugh R D, Goldston R J, Shimomural Y, Fujiwara M, Nagami M, Pustovitov V D, Zohm H 2007 Nucl. Fusion 47 S404


    Sakamoto M, Itoh S, Nakamura K, Zushi H, Hanada K, Jotaki E, Pana Y D, Kawasaki S, Nakashima H 2002 Nucl. Fusion 42 165

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  • Received Date:  03 December 2012
  • Accepted Date:  18 March 2013
  • Published Online:  05 August 2013

